Packages and Binaries:


TeamSploit makes group-based penetration testing fun and easy, providing real-time collaboration and automation. TeamSploit is a suite of tools for the Metasploit Framework. TeamSploit should work with any MSF product (including OpenSource, Express, or Pro).

Features include:

  • Exploitation Automation
  • Automated Post-Exploitation
  • Information and Data Gathering
  • Session Sharing
  • Trojans and Trollware

TeamSploit’s primary goal is to automate common penetration testing tasks, and provide access and information to fellow team members.

Installed size: 2.26 MB
How to install: sudo apt install teamsploit

  • gnome-terminal
  • metasploit-framework
  • ruby
root@kali:~# teamsploit -h
___________                     _________      .__         .__  __   
\__    ___/___ _____    _____  /   _____/_____ |  |   ____ |__|/  |_ 
  |    |_/ __ \\__  \  /     \ \_____  \\____ \|  |  /  _ \|  \   __\
  |    |\  ___/ / __ \|  Y Y  \/        \  |_> >  |_(  <_> )  ||  |  
  |____| \___  >____  /__|_|  /_______  /   __/|____/\____/|__||__|  
             \/     \/      \/        \/|__|  By:  Justin M. Wray    

You may need to authenticate, as MSF typical requires administrative rights
Error, No Config...Wait...WHAT ARE YOU DOING? (Go Edit /usr/share/teamsploit/teasmploit.conf)

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14