Packages and Binaries:


WATOBO is intended to enable security professionals to perform highly efficient (semi-automated) web application security audits. It works like a local web proxy.

Installed size: 3.28 MB
How to install: sudo apt install watobo

  • bundler
  • pry
  • ruby
  • ruby-fxruby
  • ruby-jwt
  • ruby-mechanize
  • ruby-net-http-pipeline
  • ruby-selenium-webdriver
root@kali:~# watobo -h

     W A T O B O - THE Web Application Toolbox
     brought to you by siberas

+ looking for DEV_ENV environment variable ...[N/A]
uninitialized constant Watobo::Modules::Active::Ror

            class_constant = Watobo::Modules::Active.const_get(group_class).const_get(module_class)
when loading module file /usr/share/watobo/modules/active/RoR/cve_2013_015x.rb
uninitialized constant Watobo::Modules::Active::Sap

            class_constant = Watobo::Modules::Active.const_get(group_class).const_get(module_class)
when loading module file /usr/share/watobo/modules/active/sap/business_objects.rb

Loading FXRuby ... this may take some time ... [OK]

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14