Packages and Binaries:


Steghide is steganography program which hides bits of a data file in some of the least significant bits of another file in such a way that the existence of the data file is not visible and cannot be proven.

Steghide is designed to be portable and configurable and features hiding data in bmp, jpeg, wav and au files, blowfish encryption, MD5 hashing of passphrases to blowfish keys, and pseudo-random distribution of hidden bits in the container data.

Steghide is useful in digital forensics investigations.

Installed size: 477 KB
How to install: sudo apt install steghide

  • libc6
  • libgcc-s1
  • libjpeg62-turbo
  • libmcrypt4
  • libmhash2
  • libstdc++6
  • zlib1g

A steganography program

root@kali:~# steghide --help
steghide version 0.5.1

the first argument must be one of the following:
 embed, --embed          embed data
 extract, --extract      extract data
 info, --info            display information about a cover- or stego-file
   info <filename>       display information about <filename>
 encinfo, --encinfo      display a list of supported encryption algorithms
 version, --version      display version information
 license, --license      display steghide's license
 help, --help            display this usage information

embedding options:
 -ef, --embedfile        select file to be embedded
   -ef <filename>        embed the file <filename>
 -cf, --coverfile        select cover-file
   -cf <filename>        embed into the file <filename>
 -p, --passphrase        specify passphrase
   -p <passphrase>       use <passphrase> to embed data
 -sf, --stegofile        select stego file
   -sf <filename>        write result to <filename> instead of cover-file
 -e, --encryption        select encryption parameters
   -e <a>[<m>]|<m>[<a>]  specify an encryption algorithm and/or mode
   -e none               do not encrypt data before embedding
 -z, --compress          compress data before embedding (default)
   -z <l>                 using level <l> (1 best speed...9 best compression)
 -Z, --dontcompress      do not compress data before embedding
 -K, --nochecksum        do not embed crc32 checksum of embedded data
 -N, --dontembedname     do not embed the name of the original file
 -f, --force             overwrite existing files
 -q, --quiet             suppress information messages
 -v, --verbose           display detailed information

extracting options:
 -sf, --stegofile        select stego file
   -sf <filename>        extract data from <filename>
 -p, --passphrase        specify passphrase
   -p <passphrase>       use <passphrase> to extract data
 -xf, --extractfile      select file name for extracted data
   -xf <filename>        write the extracted data to <filename>
 -f, --force             overwrite existing files
 -q, --quiet             suppress information messages
 -v, --verbose           display detailed information

options for the info command:
 -p, --passphrase        specify passphrase
   -p <passphrase>       use <passphrase> to get info about embedded data

To embed emb.txt in cvr.jpg: steghide embed -cf cvr.jpg -ef emb.txt
To extract embedded data from stg.jpg: steghide extract -sf stg.jpg


Steghide is steganography program which hides bits of a data file in some of the least significant bits of another file in such a way that the existence of the data file is not visible and cannot be proven.

Steghide is designed to be portable and configurable and features hiding data in bmp, jpeg, wav and au files, blowfish encryption, MD5 hashing of passphrases to blowfish keys, and pseudo-random distribution of hidden bits in the container data.

These packages contains the common documentation files.

Installed size: 7.45 MB
How to install: sudo apt install steghide-doc

  • libjs-jquery

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14