Packages and Binaries:


Contains the header files and documentation for libnfsidmap for use in developing applications that use the libnfsidmap library.

libnfsidmap provides functions to map between NFSv4 names (which are of the form user@domain) and local uid’s and gid’s.

Installed size: 110 KB
How to install: sudo apt install libnfsidmap-dev

  • libnfsidmap1


libnfsidmap provides functions to map between NFSv4 names (which are of the form user@domain) and local uid’s and gid’s.

Installed size: 277 KB
How to install: sudo apt install libnfsidmap1

  • libc6
  • libldap-2.5-0


Use this package on any machine that uses NFS, either as client or server. Programs included: lockd, statd, showmount, nfsstat, gssd, idmapd and mount.nfs.

Installed size: 1.09 MB
How to install: sudo apt install nfs-common

  • adduser
  • init-system-helpers
  • keyutils
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libcom-err2
  • libdevmapper1.02.1
  • libevent-core-2.1-7t64
  • libgssapi-krb5-2
  • libkeyutils1
  • libkrb5-3
  • libmount1
  • libnfsidmap1
  • libtirpc3t64
  • libwrap0
  • python3
  • rpcbind
  • ucf

PNFS block layout mapping daemon

root@kali:~# blkmapd -h
Usage: blkmapd [-hdf]


Mount a Network File System

root@kali:~# mount.nfs -h
usage: mount.nfs remotetarget dir [-rvVwfnsh] [-o nfsoptions]
	-r		Mount file system readonly
	-v		Verbose
	-V		Print version
	-w		Mount file system read-write
	-f		Fake mount, do not actually mount
	-n		Do not update /etc/mtab
	-s		Tolerate sloppy mount options rather than fail
	-h		Print this help
	nfsoptions	Refer to mount.nfs(8) or nfs(5)


Mount.nfs (8) - mount a Network File System

root@kali:~# mount.nfs4 -h
usage: mount.nfs4 remotetarget dir [-rvVwfnsh] [-o nfsoptions]
	-r		Mount file system readonly
	-v		Verbose
	-V		Print version
	-w		Mount file system read-write
	-f		Fake mount, do not actually mount
	-n		Do not update /etc/mtab
	-s		Tolerate sloppy mount options rather than fail
	-h		Print this help
	nfsoptions	Refer to mount.nfs(8) or nfs(5)


Displays various NFS client per-mount statistics

root@kali:~# mountstats -h
usage: mountstats [-h] {mountstats,nfsstat,iostat} ...

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    mountstats          Display a combination of per-op RPC statistics, NFS
                        event counts, and NFS byte counts. This is the default
                        sub-command if no sub-command is given.
    nfsstat             Display nfsstat-like statistics.
    iostat              Display iostat-like statistics.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

For specific sub-command help, run 'mountstats SUB-COMMAND -h|--help'


Query various NFS configuration settings

root@kali:~# nfsconf -h
nfsconf: invalid option -- 'h'
Usage: nfsconf [-v] [--file filename.conf] ...
 -v			Increase Verbosity
 --file filename.conf	Load this config file
     (Default config file: /etc/nfs.conf
 --modified "info"	Use "info" in file modified header
  --dump [outputfile]
      Outputs the configuration to the named file
  --get [--arg subsection] {section} {tag}
      Output one specific config value
  --entry [--arg subsection] {section} {tag}
      Output the uninterpreted config entry
  --isset [--arg subsection] {section} {tag}
      Return code indicates if config value is present
  --set [--arg subsection] {section} {tag} {value}
      Set and Write a config value
  --unset [--arg subsection] {section} {tag}
      Remove an existing config value


The NFS idmapper upcall program

root@kali:~# nfsidmap -h
nfsidmap: Usage: nfsidmap [-vh] [-c || [-u|-g|-r key] || -d || -l || [-t timeout] key desc]


Emulate iostat for NFS mount points using /proc/self/mountstats

root@kali:~# nfsiostat -h
Usage: nfsiostat [ <interval> [ <count> ] ] [ <options> ] [ <mount point> ]

 Sample iostat-like program to display NFS client per-mount' statistics.  The
<interval> parameter specifies the amount of time in seconds between each
report.  The first report contains statistics for the time since each file
system was mounted.  Each subsequent report contains statistics collected
during the interval since the previous report.  If the <count> parameter is
specified, the value of <count> determines the number of reports generated at
<interval> seconds apart.  If the interval parameter is specified without the
<count> parameter, the command generates reports continuously. If one or more
<mount point> names are specified, statistics for only these mount points will
be displayed.  Otherwise, all NFS mount points on the client are listed.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  Statistics Options:
    File I/O is displayed unless one of the following is specified:

    -a, --attr          displays statistics related to the attribute cache
    -d, --dir           displays statistics related to directory operations
    -p, --page          displays statistics related to the page cache

  Display Options:
    Options affecting display format:

    -s, --sort          Sort NFS mount points by ops/second
    -l LIST, --list=LIST
                        only print stats for first LIST mount points


List NFS statistics

root@kali:~# nfsstat --help
Usage: nfsstat [OPTION]...

  -m, --mounts		Show statistics on mounted NFS filesystems
  -c, --client		Show NFS client statistics
  -s, --server		Show NFS server statistics
  -2			Show NFS version 2 statistics
  -3			Show NFS version 3 statistics
  -4			Show NFS version 4 statistics
  -o [facility]		Show statistics on particular facilities.
     nfs		NFS protocol information
     rpc		General RPC information
     net		Network layer statistics
     fh			Usage information on the server's file handle cache
     io			Usage information on the server's io statistics
     ra			Usage information on the server's read ahead cache
     rc			Usage information on the server's request reply cache
     all		Select all of the above
  -v, --verbose, --all	Same as '-o all'
  -r, --rpc		Show RPC statistics
  -n, --nfs		Show NFS statistics
  -Z[#], --sleep[=#]	Collects stats until interrupted.
			    Cumulative stats are then printed
          		    If # is provided, stats will be output every
			    # seconds.
  -S, --since file	Shows difference between current stats and those in 'file'
  -l, --list		Prints stats in list format
  --version		Show program version
  --help		What you just did



root@kali:~# rpc.gssd -h
rpc.gssd: invalid option -- 'h'
usage: rpc.gssd [-f] [-l] [-M] [-n] [-v] [-r] [-p pipefsdir] [-k keytab] [-d ccachedir] [-t timeout] [-R preferred realm] [-D] [-H] [-U upcall timeout] [-C]


NFSv4 ID <-> Name Mapper

root@kali:~# rpc.idmapd -h
Usage: rpc.idmapd [-hfvCS] [-p path] [-c path]


NSM service daemon

root@kali:~# rpc.statd -h
usage: rpc.statd [options]
      -h, -?, --help       Print this help screen.
      -F, --foreground     Foreground (no-daemon mode)
      -d, --no-syslog      Verbose logging to stderr.  Foreground mode only.
      -p, --port           Port to listen on
      -o, --outgoing-port  Port for outgoing connections
      -V, -v, --version    Display version information and exit.
      -n, --name           Specify a local hostname.
      -P                   State directory path.
      -N                   Run in notify only mode.
      -L, --no-notify      Do not perform any notification.
      -H                   Specify a high-availability callout program.


Server-side rpcsec_gss daemon

root@kali:~# rpc.svcgssd -h
rpc.svcgssd: invalid option -- 'h'
usage: rpc.svcgssd [-n] [-f] [-v] [-r] [-i] [-p principal]


Displays SunRPC connection information

root@kali:~# rpcctl -h
usage: rpcctl [-h] {client,switch,xprt} ...

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    client              Commands for rpc clients
    switch              Commands for xprt switches
    xprt                Commands for individual xprts


Set and clear NFS and RPC kernel debug flags

root@kali:~# rpcdebug -h
usage: rpcdebug [-v] [-h] [-m module] [-s flags...|-c flags...]
       set or cancel debug flags.
       (use rpcdebug -vh to get a list of modules and valid flags)


Show mount information for an NFS server

root@kali:~# showmount -h
Usage: showmount [-adehv]
       [--all] [--directories] [--exports]
       [--no-headers] [--help] [--version] [host]


Send reboot notifications to NFS peers

root@kali:~# sm-notify -h
sm-notify: invalid option -- 'h'
Usage: sm-notify -notify [-dfq] [-m max-retry-minutes] [-p srcport]
            [-P /path/to/state/directory] [-v my_host_name]



Unmount a Network File System

root@kali:~# umount.nfs -h
usage: umount.nfs dir [-fvnrlh]
	-f	force unmount
	-v	verbose
	-n	Do not update /etc/mtab
	-r	remount
	-l	lazy unmount
	-h	print this help


Umount.nfs (8) - unmount a Network File System

root@kali:~# umount.nfs4 -h
usage: umount.nfs4 dir [-fvnrlh]
	-f	force unmount
	-v	verbose
	-n	Do not update /etc/mtab
	-r	remount
	-l	lazy unmount
	-h	print this help


The NFS kernel server is currently the recommended NFS server for use with Linux, featuring features such as NFSv3 and NFSv4, Kerberos support via GSS, and much more. It is also significantly faster and usually more reliable than the user-space NFS servers (from the unfs3 and nfs-user-server packages). However, it is more difficult to debug than the user-space servers, and has a slightly different feature set.

This package contains the user-space support needed to use the NFS kernel server. Most administrators wishing to set up an NFS server would want to install this package.

Installed size: 773 KB
How to install: sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server

  • keyutils
  • libblkid1
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libevent-core-2.1-7t64
  • libsqlite3-0
  • libtirpc3t64
  • libuuid1
  • libwrap0
  • libxml2
  • netbase
  • nfs-common
  • ucf

Maintain table of exported NFS file systems

root@kali:~# exportfs -h
usage: exportfs [-adfhioruvs] [host:/path]



NFSv4 Client Tracking Daemon

root@kali:~# nfsdcld -h
nfsdcld [ -hFd ] [ -p pipefsdir ] [ -s storagedir ]


Tool for manipulating the nfsdcld sqlite database

root@kali:~# nfsdclddb -h
usage: nfsdclddb [-h] [-p PATH] {fix-table-names,downgrade-schema,print} ...

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    fix-table-names     fix invalid table names
    downgrade-schema    downgrade database schema
    print               print database info

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PATH, --path PATH  path to the database (default:


Print various nfs client information for knfsd server.

root@kali:~# nfsdclnts -h
usage: nfsdclnts [-h] [-t type] [--clientinfo] [--hostname] [-v] [-f  [...]]

Parse the nfsd states and clientinfo files.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t type, --type type  Input the type that you want to be printed: open,
                        lock, deleg, layout, all
  --clientinfo          output clients information, --hostname is implied.
  --hostname            print hostname of client instead of its ip address.
                        Longer hostnames are truncated.
  -v, --verbose         Verbose operation, show debug messages.
  -f  [ ...], --file  [ ...]
                        pass client states file, provided that info file
                        resides in the same directory.
  -q, --quiet           don't print the header information


NFSv4 Client Tracking Callout Program

root@kali:~# nfsdcltrack -h
Usage: nfsdcltrack [ -hfd ] [ -s dir ] < cmd > < arg >
Where < cmd > is one of the following and takes the following < arg >:
    create <nfs_client_id4>
    remove <nfs_client_id4>
    check  <nfs_client_id4>
    gracedone <epoch time>


Manage NFS referrals

root@kali:~# nfsref -h
nfsref: invalid option -- 'h'
Usage: nfsref [ -t type ] SUBCOMMAND [ ARGUMENTS ]

SUBCOMMAND is one of:
	add        Add a new junction
	remove     Remove an existing junction
	lookup     Enumerate a junction

Use "nfsref SUBCOMMAND -?" for details.


NFS mount daemon

root@kali:~# rpc.mountd -h
Usage: rpc.mountd [-F|--foreground] [-h|--help] [-v|--version] [-d kind|--debug kind]
	[-l|--log-auth] [-i|--cache-use-ipaddr] [-T|--ttl ttl]
	[-o num|--descriptors num]
	[-p|--port port] [-V version|--nfs-version version]
	[-N version|--no-nfs-version version] [-n|--no-tcp]
	[-H prog |--ha-callout prog] [-r |--reverse-lookup]
	[-s|--state-directory-path path] [-g|--manage-gids]
	[-t num|--num-threads=num] [-u|--no-udp]


NFS server process

root@kali:~# rpc.nfsd -h
rpc.nfsd [-d|--debug] [-H hostname] [-p|-P|--port port]
   [-N|--no-nfs-version version] [-V|--nfs-version version]
   [-s|--syslog] [-t|--tcp] [-T|--no-tcp] [-u|--udp] [-U|--no-udp]
   [-r|--rdma=] [-G|--grace-time secs] [-L|--leasetime secs] nrservs

Updated on: 2024-Aug-06