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Packages and Binaries:


This package contains is a tool for testing and promoting user awareness by simulating real world phishing attacks. It features an easy to use, yet very flexible architecture allowing full control over both emails and server content. King Phisher can be used to run campaigns ranging from simple awareness training to more complicated scenarios in which user aware content is served for harvesting credentials.

Installed size: 66.04 MB
How to install: sudo apt install king-phisher

  • adduser
  • fonts-font-awesome
  • fonts-lato
  • gir1.2-gtk-3.0
  • gir1.2-gtksource-3.0
  • gir1.2-vte-2.91
  • gir1.2-webkit2-4.0
  • gobject-introspection
  • libjs-jquery
  • libjs-underscore
  • postgresql
  • pwgen
  • python3
  • python3-advancedhttpserver
  • python3-alembic
  • python3-asn1crypto
  • python3-blinker
  • python3-boltons
  • python3-cairo-dev
  • python3-cryptography
  • python3-dateutil
  • python3-dnspython
  • python3-ecdsa
  • python3-email-validator
  • python3-geoip2
  • python3-geojson
  • python3-gi
  • python3-gi-cairo
  • python3-graphene
  • python3-graphene-sqlalchemy
  • python3-graphql-core
  • python3-graphql-relay
  • python3-icalendar
  • python3-jinja2
  • python3-jsonschema
  • python3-markdown
  • python3-markupsafe
  • python3-matplotlib
  • python3-msgpack
  • python3-numpy
  • python3-pampy
  • python3-paramiko
  • python3-pluginbase
  • python3-psycopg2
  • python3-pyotp
  • python3-requests
  • python3-requests-file
  • python3-rule-engine
  • python3-six
  • python3-smoke-zephyr
  • python3-sqlalchemy
  • python3-termcolor
  • python3-tz
  • python3-tzlocal
  • python3-websocket
  • python3-xlsxwriter
  • python3-yaml
root@kali:~# king-phisher-client -h
usage: KingPhisher [-h] [-v] [-L {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,FATAL}]
                   [--logger LOGGER] [--gc-debug-leak] [--gc-debug-stats]
                   [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--no-plugins] [--no-style]

King Phisher Client GUI

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

logging options:
                        set the logging level
  --logger LOGGER       specify the root logger

garbage collector options:
  --gc-debug-leak       set the DEBUG_LEAK flag
  --gc-debug-stats      set the DEBUG_STATS flag

client specific options:
                        specify a configuration file to use
  --no-plugins          disable all plugins
  --no-style            disable interface styling

root@kali:~# king-phisher-server -h
usage: KingPhisherServer [-h] [-v] [-L {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,FATAL}]
                         [--logger LOGGER] [--gc-debug-leak]
                         [--gc-debug-stats] [-f] [--verify-config]

King Phisher Server

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

logging options:
                        set the logging level
  --logger LOGGER       specify the root logger

garbage collector options:
  --gc-debug-leak       set the DEBUG_LEAK flag
  --gc-debug-stats      set the DEBUG_STATS flag

server specific options:
  -f, --foreground      run in the foreground (do not fork)
  --verify-config       verify the configuration and exit
  config_file           configuration file to use

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14