Packages and Binaries:


American fuzzy lop is a fuzzer that employs compile-time instrumentation and genetic algorithms to automatically discover clean, interesting test cases that trigger new internal states in the targeted binary. This substantially improves the functional coverage for the fuzzed code. The compact synthesized corpora produced by the tool are also useful for seeding other, more labor- or resource-intensive testing regimes down the road.

afl++-fuzz is designed to be practical: it has modest performance overhead, uses a variety of highly effective fuzzing strategies, requires essentially no configuration, and seamlessly handles complex, real-world use cases - say, common image parsing or file compression libraries.

afl++ is a fork of the unmaintained afl.

Installed size: 2.60 MB
How to install: sudo apt install afl++

  • build-essential
  • clang
  • clang-17
  • libc6
  • libgcc-s1
  • libpython3.12t64
  • libstdc++6
  • procps

(unknown subject)

root@kali:~# afl-addseeds -h
Syntax: afl-addseeds -o afl-out-dir [-i seed_file_or_dir] seed_file_or_seed_dir seed_file_or_seed_dir ...

  -o afl-out-dir       the output directory being used in the fuzzing campaign
  -i seed_file_or_dir  file or directory of files to add

Adds new seeds to an existing AFL++ fuzzing campaign.


(unknown subject)

root@kali:~# afl-analyze -h
afl-analyze++4.21c by Michal Zalewski

afl-analyze [ options ] -- /path/to/target_app [ ... ]

Required parameters:
  -i file       - input test case to be analyzed by the tool

Execution control settings:
  -f file       - input file read by the tested program (stdin)
  -t msec       - timeout for each run (1000 ms)
  -m megs       - memory limit for child process (0 MB)
  -O            - use binary-only instrumentation (FRIDA mode)
  -Q            - use binary-only instrumentation (QEMU mode)
  -U            - use unicorn-based instrumentation (Unicorn mode)
  -W            - use qemu-based instrumentation with Wine (Wine mode)
  -X            - use Nyx mode

Analysis settings:
  -e            - look for edge coverage only, ignore hit counts

For additional tips, please consult docs/

Environment variables used:
TMPDIR: directory to use for temporary input files
ASAN_OPTIONS: custom settings for ASAN
              (must contain abort_on_error=1 and symbolize=0)
MSAN_OPTIONS: custom settings for MSAN
              (must contain exitcode=86 and symbolize=0)
AFL_ANALYZE_HEX: print file offsets in hexadecimal instead of decimal
AFL_KILL_SIGNAL: Signal ID delivered to child processes on timeout, etc.
                 (default: SIGKILL)
AFL_FORK_SERVER_KILL_SIGNAL: Kill signal for the fork server on termination
                             (default: SIGTERM). If unset and AFL_KILL_SIGNAL is
                             set, that value will be used.
AFL_MAP_SIZE: the shared memory size for that target. must be >= the size
              the target was compiled for
AFL_SKIP_BIN_CHECK: skip checking the location of and the target


Afl-c++ (8) - afl-cc++4.21c by Michal Zalewski, Laszlo Szekeres, Marc Heuse afl-cc

root@kali:~# afl-c++ --help
OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler

USAGE: clang [options] file...

  -###                    Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation
                          Tool used for detecting AMD GPU arch in the system.
  --analyzer-output <value>
                          Static analyzer report output format (html|plist|plist-multi-file|plist-html|sarif|sarif-html|text).
  --analyze               Run the static analyzer
                          Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them
  -arcmt-migrate-report-output <value>
                          Output path for the plist report
  -B <prefix>             Search $prefix$file for executables, libraries, and data files. If $prefix is a directory, search $prefix/$file
  -b <arg>                Pass -b <arg> to the linker on AIX
  -CC                     Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output
  -cl-denorms-are-zero    OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero.
  -cl-ext=<value>         OpenCL only. Enable or disable OpenCL extensions/optional features. The argument is a comma-separated sequence of one or more extension names, each prefixed by '+' or '-'.
  -cl-fast-relaxed-math   OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__.
  -cl-finite-math-only    OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf.
                          OpenCL only. Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded.
  -cl-kernel-arg-info     OpenCL only. Generate kernel argument metadata.
  -cl-mad-enable          OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise MAD computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-signed-zeros     OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise no signed zeros computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-stdinc           OpenCL only. Disables all standard includes containing non-native compiler types and functions.
  -cl-opt-disable         OpenCL only. This option disables all optimizations. By default optimizations are enabled.
                          OpenCL only. Treat double precision floating-point constant as single precision constant.
  -cl-std=<value>         OpenCL language standard to compile for.
  -cl-strict-aliasing     OpenCL only. This option is added for compatibility with OpenCL 1.0.
                          OpenCL only. Defines that the global work-size be a multiple of the work-group size specified to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
                          OpenCL only. Allow unsafe floating-point optimizations.  Also implies -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-mad-enable.
  --config=<file>         Specify configuration file
                          Compile CUDA code for both host and device (default). Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
  --cuda-device-only      Compile CUDA code for device only
  --cuda-feature=<value>  Manually specify the CUDA feature to use
  --cuda-host-only        Compile CUDA code for host only. Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
                          Include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
                          Enable device-side debug info generation. Disables ptxas optimizations.
  --cuda-path-ignore-env  Ignore environment variables to detect CUDA installation
  --cuda-path=<value>     CUDA installation path
  -cuid=<value>           An ID for compilation unit, which should be the same for the same compilation unit but different for different compilation units. It is used to externalize device-side static variables for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP so that they can be accessed by the host code of the same compilation unit.
  -cxx-isystem <directory>
                          Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path
  -C                      Include comments in preprocessed output
  -c                      Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps
  -darwin-target-variant-triple <value>
                          Specify the darwin target variant triple
  -darwin-target-variant <value>
                          Generate code for an additional runtime variant of the deployment target
  -dD                     Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dependency-dot <value> Filename to write DOT-formatted header dependencies to
  -dependency-file <value>
                          Filename (or -) to write dependency output to
  -dI                     Print include directives in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dM                     Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output
  -dsym-dir <dir>         Directory to output dSYM's (if any) to
  -dumpdir <dumppfx>      Use <dumpfpx> as a prefix to form auxiliary and dump file names
  -D <macro>=<value>      Define <macro> to <value> (or 1 if <value> omitted)
  -emit-ast               Emit Clang AST files for source inputs
  -emit-interface-stubs   Generate Interface Stub Files.
  -emit-llvm              Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files
  -emit-merged-ifs        Generate Interface Stub Files, emit merged text not binary.
  --emit-static-lib       Enable linker job to emit a static library.
  --emit-symbol-graph= <value>
                          Generate Extract API information as a side effect of compilation.
                          Start emitting warnings for unused driver arguments
                          Comma separated list of files containing a new line separated list of API symbols to ignore when extracting API information.
  -extract-api            Extract API information
  -E                      Only run the preprocessor
  -faapcs-bitfield-load   Follows the AAPCS standard that all volatile bit-field write generates at least one load. (ARM only).
  -faapcs-bitfield-width  Follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -faddrsig               Emit an address-significance table
  -falign-loops=<N>       N must be a power of two. Align loops to the boundary
  -faligned-allocation    Enable C++17 aligned allocation functions
                          Treat editor placeholders as valid source code
                          Source-level compatibility for Altivec vectors (for PowerPC targets). This includes results of vector comparison (scalar for 'xl', vector for 'gcc') as well as behavior when initializing with a scalar (splatting for 'xl', element zero only for 'gcc'). For 'mixed', the compatibility is as 'gcc' for 'vector bool/vector pixel' and as 'xl' for other types. Current default is 'mixed'.
  -fansi-escape-codes     Use ANSI escape codes for diagnostics
  -fapple-kext            Use Apple's kernel extensions ABI
  -fapple-link-rtlib      Force linking the clang builtins runtime library
  -fapple-pragma-pack     Enable Apple gcc-compatible #pragma pack handling
  -fapplication-extension Restrict code to those available for App Extensions
  -fapprox-func           Allow certain math function calls to be replaced with an approximately equivalent calculation
  -fasync-exceptions      Enable EH Asynchronous exceptions
                          Place each function's basic blocks in unique sections (ELF Only)
                          Produced object files can use all ELF features supported by this binutils version and newer. If -fno-integrated-as is specified, the generated assembly will consider GNU as support. 'none' means that all ELF features can be used, regardless of binutils support. Defaults to 2.26.
  -fblocks                Enable the 'blocks' language feature
  -fborland-extensions    Accept non-standard constructs supported by the Borland compiler
                          Use the last modification time of <file> as the build session timestamp
  -fbuild-session-timestamp=<time since Epoch in seconds>
                          Time when the current build session started
  -fbuiltin-module-map    Load the clang builtins module map file.
  -fc++-abi=<value>       C++ ABI to use. This will override the target C++ ABI.
  -fcall-saved-x10        Make the x10 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x11        Make the x11 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x12        Make the x12 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x13        Make the x13 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x14        Make the x14 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x15        Make the x15 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x18        Make the x18 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x8         Make the x8 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x9         Make the x9 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
                          Set the maximum number of source lines to show in a caret diagnostic (0 = no limit).
  -fcf-protection=<value> Instrument control-flow architecture protection
  -fcf-protection         Enable cf-protection in 'full' mode
  -fchar8_t               Enable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fcheck-new             Do not assume C++ operator new may not return NULL
                          Attempt to match the ABI of Clang <version>
  -fcolor-diagnostics     Enable colors in diagnostics
                          Treat each comma separated argument in <arg> as a documentation comment block command
  -fcommon                Place uninitialized global variables in a common block
                          Require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a constexpr evaluation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive constexpr function calls
                          Set the maximum number of steps in constexpr function evaluation
                          Prefer aligned allocation for C++ Coroutines
  -fcoroutines            Enable support for the C++ Coroutines
                          The compilation directory to embed in the coverage mapping.
  -fcoverage-mapping      Generate coverage mapping to enable code coverage analysis
                          remap file source paths <old> to <new> in coverage mapping. If there are multiple options, prefix replacement is applied in reverse order starting from the last one
                          Put crash-report files in <dir>
                          Set level of crash diagnostic reporting, (option: off, compiler, all)
  -fcrash-diagnostics     Enable crash diagnostic reporting (default)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fcs-profile-generate   Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use approximate transcendental functions
  -fcuda-short-ptr        Use 32-bit pointers for accessing const/local/shared address spaces
  -fcxx-exceptions        Enable C++ exceptions
  -fcxx-modules           Enable modules for C++
  -fdata-sections         Place each data in its own section
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info
                          Default DWARF version to use, if a -g option caused DWARF debug info to be produced
                          Emit extra debug info to make sample profile more accurate
  -fdebug-macro           Emit macro debug information
                          For paths in debug info, remap directory <old> to <new>. If multiple options match a path, the last option wins
                          Use DWARF base address selection entries in .debug_ranges
  -fdebug-types-section   Place debug types in their own section (ELF Only)
  -fdeclspec              Allow __declspec as a keyword
                          Parse templated function definitions at the end of the translation unit
                          Treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior (default)
                          Print absolute paths in diagnostics
                          Prevent optimization remarks from being output if they do not have at least this profile count. Use 'auto' to apply the threshold from profile summary
                          Prevent misexpect diagnostics from being output if the profile counts are within N% of the expected. 
                          Print fix-its in machine parseable form
                          Print source range spans in numeric form
                          Enable profile hotness information in diagnostic line
                          Display include stacks for diagnostic notes
                          Print option name with mappable diagnostics
                          Print a template comparison tree for differing templates
  -fdigraphs              Enable alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:' (default)
                          Don't use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
  -fdiscard-value-names   Discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Allow '$' in identifiers
  -fdriver-only           Only run the driver.
  -fdwarf-exceptions      Use DWARF style exceptions
                          Do not emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fembed-bitcode-marker  Embed placeholder LLVM IR data as a marker
                          Embed LLVM bitcode
  -fembed-bitcode         Embed LLVM IR bitcode as data
                          Embed Offloading device-side binary into host object file as a section.
  -femit-all-decls        Emit all declarations, even if unused
                          Try emitting Compact-Unwind for non-canonical entries. Maybe overriden by other constraints
                          When to emit DWARF unwind (EH frame) info
  -femulated-tls          Use emutls functions to access thread_local variables
  -fenable-matrix         Enable matrix data type and related builtin functions
  -fexceptions            Enable support for exception handling
                          Allows control over excess precision on targets where native support for the precision types is not available. By default, excess precision is used to calculate intermediate results following the rules specified in ISO C99.
  -fexperimental-library  Control whether unstable and experimental library features are enabled. This option enables various library features that are either experimental (also known as TSes), or have been but are not stable yet in the selected Standard Library implementation. It is not recommended to use this option in production code, since neither ABI nor API stability are guaranteed. This is intended to provide a preview of features that will ship in the future for experimentation purposes
                          Enable the experimental new constant interpreter
                          Use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable sanitizer metadata for modules and functions that match the provided special case list
                          Specify the type of metadata to emit for binary analysis sanitizers
                          Enables the use of non-default rounding modes and non-default exception handling on targets that are not currently ready.
                          Controls how scalar integer arguments are extended in calls to unprototyped and varargs functions
  -ffast-math             Allow aggressive, lossy floating-point optimizations
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info and coverage mapping.
                          remap file source paths in debug info, predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -ffile-reproducible     Use the target's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use separate accesses for consecutive bitfield runs with legal widths and alignments.
  -ffinite-loops          Assume all loops are finite.
  -ffinite-math-only      Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-inf. This defines the \_\_FINITE\_MATH\_ONLY\_\_ preprocessor macro.
  -ffixed-a0              Reserve the a0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a1              Reserve the a1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a2              Reserve the a2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a3              Reserve the a3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a4              Reserve the a4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a5              Reserve the a5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a6              Reserve the a6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d0              Reserve the d0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d1              Reserve the d1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d2              Reserve the d2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d3              Reserve the d3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d4              Reserve the d4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d5              Reserve the d5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d6              Reserve the d6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d7              Reserve the d7 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-point           Enable fixed point types
  -ffixed-r19             Reserve register r19 (Hexagon only)
  -ffixed-r9              Reserve the r9 register (ARM only)
  -ffixed-x10             Reserve the x10 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x11             Reserve the x11 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x12             Reserve the x12 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x13             Reserve the x13 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x14             Reserve the x14 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x15             Reserve the x15 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x16             Reserve the x16 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x17             Reserve the x17 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x18             Reserve the x18 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x19             Reserve the x19 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x1              Reserve the x1 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x20             Reserve the x20 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x21             Reserve the x21 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x22             Reserve the x22 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x23             Reserve the x23 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x24             Reserve the x24 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x25             Reserve the x25 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x26             Reserve the x26 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x27             Reserve the x27 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x28             Reserve the x28 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x29             Reserve the x29 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x2              Reserve the x2 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x30             Reserve the x30 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x31             Reserve the x31 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x3              Reserve the x3 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x4              Reserve the x4 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x5              Reserve the x5 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x6              Reserve the x6 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x7              Reserve the x7 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x8              Reserve the x8 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x9              Reserve the x9 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -fforce-dwarf-frame     Always emit a debug frame section
  -fforce-emit-vtables    Emits more virtual tables to improve devirtualization
  -fforce-enable-int128   Enable support for int128_t type
  -ffp-contract=<value>   Form fused FP ops (e.g. FMAs)
                          Specifies the evaluation method to use for floating-point arithmetic.
                          Specifies the exception behavior of floating-point operations.
  -ffp-model=<value>      Controls the semantics of floating-point calculations.
  -ffreestanding          Assert that the compilation takes place in a freestanding environment
                          Set Fuchsia API level
  -ffunction-sections     Place each function in its own section
  -fglobal-isel           Enables the global instruction selector
  -fgnu-keywords          Allow GNU-extension keywords regardless of language standard
  -fgnu-runtime           Generate output compatible with the standard GNU Objective-C runtime
  -fgnu89-inline          Use the gnu89 inline semantics
  -fgnuc-version=<value>  Sets various macros to claim compatibility with the given GCC version (default is 4.2.1)
  -fgpu-allow-device-init Allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
                          Specify default stream. The default value is 'legacy'. (HIP only)
  -fgpu-defer-diag        Defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Flush denormal floating point values to zero in CUDA/HIP device mode.
  -fgpu-rdc               Generate relocatable device code, also known as separate compilation mode
  -fgpu-sanitize          Enable sanitizer for AMDGPU target
  -fhip-emit-relocatable  Compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
  -fhip-kernel-arg-name   Specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fhip-new-launch-api    Use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fhonor-infinities      Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not +-inf.
  -fhonor-nans            Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not NANs.
  -fignore-exceptions     Enable support for ignoring exception handling constructs
  -fimplicit-module-maps  Implicitly search the file system for module map files.
                          Enable incremental processing extensions such as processingstatements on the global scope.
  -finline-functions      Inline suitable functions
  -finline-hint-functions Inline functions which are (explicitly or implicitly) marked inline
                          Suppress inlining of functions whose stack size exceeds the given value
  -finput-charset=<value> Specify the default character set for source files
                          Instrument function entry only, after inlining, without arguments to the instrumentation call
                          Like -finstrument-functions, but insert the calls after inlining
  -finstrument-functions  Generate calls to instrument function entry and exit
  -fintegrated-as         Enable the integrated assembler
  -fintegrated-cc1        Run cc1 in-process
  -fintegrated-objemitter Use internal machine object code emitter.
  -fjmc                   Enable just-my-code debugging
  -fjump-tables           Use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Enable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fkeep-static-consts    Keep static const variables even if unused
                          Enable implicit vector bit-casts
  -flto-jobs=<value>      Controls the backend parallelism of -flto=thin (default of 0 means the number of threads will be derived from the number of CPUs detected)
  -flto=auto              Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=jobserver         Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=<value>           Set LTO mode
  -flto                   Enable LTO in 'full' mode
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a macro expansion backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          remap file source paths in predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -fmath-errno            Require math functions to indicate errors by setting errno
  -fmax-tokens=<value>    Max total number of preprocessed tokens for -Wmax-tokens.
                          Specify the maximum alignment to enforce on pointers lacking an explicit alignment
                          Use memory profile for profile-guided memory optimization
                          Enable heap memory profiling and dump results into <directory>
  -fmemory-profile        Enable heap memory profiling
  -fmerge-all-constants   Allow merging of constants
                          Format message diagnostics so that they fit within N columns
  -fminimize-whitespace   Ignore the whitespace from the input file when emitting preprocessor output. It will only contain whitespace when necessary, e.g. to keep two minus signs from merging into to an increment operator. Useful with the -P option to normalize whitespace such that two files with only formatting changes are equal.

Only valid with -E on C-like inputs and incompatible with -traditional-cpp.
                          Specify the mapping of module name to precompiled module file, or load a module file if name is omitted.
  -fmodule-header=<kind>  Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header that should be found in the user (fmodule-header=user) or system (fmodule-header=system) search path.
  -fmodule-header         Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header.
                          Load this module map file
  -fmodule-name=<name>    Specify the name of the module to build
  -fmodule-output=<value> Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
  -fmodule-output         Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
                          Specify the module cache path
  -fmodules-decluse       Require declaration of modules used within a module
                          Disable validation of the diagnostic options when loading the module
                          Ignore the definition of the given macro when building and loading modules
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) after which a module file will be considered unused
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) between attempts to prune the module cache
  -fmodules-search-all    Search even non-imported modules to resolve references
                          Like -fmodules-decluse but requires all headers to be in modules
  -fmodules-user-build-path <directory>
                          Specify the module user build path
                          Validate PCM input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Don't verify input files for the modules if the module has been successfully validated or loaded during this build session
                          Validate the system headers that a module depends on when loading the module
  -fmodules               Enable the 'modules' language feature
                          Dot-separated value representing the Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fms-compatibility      Enable full Microsoft Visual C++ compatibility
  -fms-extensions         Accept some non-standard constructs supported by the Microsoft compiler
  -fms-hotpatch           Ensure that all functions can be hotpatched at runtime
                          Select Windows run-time library
  -fmsc-version=<value>   Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fnew-alignment=<align> Specifies the largest alignment guaranteed by '::operator new(size_t)'
  -fnew-infallible        Enable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          Do not follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -fno-access-control     Disable C++ access control
  -fno-addrsig            Don't emit an address-significance table
                          Don't assume that C++'s global operator new can't alias any pointer
                          Disable optimizations based on vtable pointer identity
  -fno-autolink           Disable generation of linker directives for automatic library linking
  -fno-builtin-<value>    Disable implicit builtin knowledge of a specific function
  -fno-builtin            Disable implicit builtin knowledge of functions
                          Disable C++ static destructor registration
  -fno-char8_t            Disable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fno-color-diagnostics  Disable colors in diagnostics
  -fno-common             Compile common globals like normal definitions
                          Do not require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
  -fno-constant-cfstrings Disable creation of CodeFoundation-type constant strings
                          Assume all functions may be convergent.
  -fno-coverage-mapping   Disable code coverage analysis
  -fno-crash-diagnostics  Disable auto-generation of preprocessed source files and a script for reproduction during a clang crash
                          Don't use approximate transcendental functions
  -fno-cxx-modules        Disable modules for C++
  -fno-debug-macro        Do not emit macro debug information
  -fno-declspec           Disallow __declspec as a keyword
                          Disable delayed template parsing
                          Do not treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior
                          Do not include fixit information in diagnostics
                          Show line numbers in diagnostic code snippets
  -fno-digraphs           Disallow alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:'
                          Use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
                          Do not discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Disallow '$' in identifiers
  -fno-elide-constructors Disable C++ copy constructor elision
  -fno-elide-type         Do not elide types when printing diagnostics
                          Emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fno-exceptions         Disable support for exception handling
                          Do not use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable emitting metadata for binary analysis sanitizers
  -fno-file-reproducible  Use the host's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use large-integer access for consecutive bitfield runs.
  -fno-finite-loops       Do not assume that any loop is finite.
  -fno-fixed-point        Disable fixed point types
                          Disable support for int128_t type
  -fno-global-isel        Disables the global instruction selector
  -fno-gnu-inline-asm     Disable GNU style inline asm
                          Don't allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
  -fno-gpu-defer-diag     Don't defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Do not override toolchain to compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Don't specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
                          Don't specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fno-hip-new-launch-api Don't use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fno-integrated-as      Disable the integrated assembler
  -fno-integrated-cc1     Spawn a separate process for each cc1
                          Use external machine object code emitter.
  -fno-jump-tables        Do not use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Disable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fno-keep-static-consts Don't keep static const variables even if unused
  -fno-knr-functions      Disable support for K&R C function declarations
  -fno-lto                Disable LTO mode (default)
  -fno-memory-profile     Disable heap memory profiling
                          Disallow merging of constants
                          Skip checks for relocated modules when loading PCM files
                          Do not enforce -fmodules-decluse and private header restrictions for textual headers. This flag will be removed in a future Clang release.
  -fno-new-infallible     Disable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          do not infer Objective-C related result type based on method family
  -fno-offload-lto        Disable LTO mode (default) for offload compilation
  -fno-openmp-extensions  Disable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
  -fno-operator-names     Do not treat C++ operator name keywords as synonyms for operators
                          Disable tail call optimization, keeping the call stack accurate
  -fno-pch-codegen        Do not generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fno-pch-debuginfo      Do not generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
  -fno-plt                Use GOT indirection instead of PLT to make external function calls (x86 only)
                          Do not preserve comments in inline assembly
  -fno-profile-generate   Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
                          Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
  -fno-profile-instr-use  Disable using instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
                          Do not emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          Don't use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
  -fno-rtlib-add-rpath    Do not add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, do not add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -fno-rtti-data          Disable generation of RTTI data
  -fno-rtti               Disable generation of rtti information
                          Disable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Use default code inlining logic for the address sanitizer
                          Disable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable ODR indicator globals
                          Do not make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Disable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Disable features of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Disable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Don't use ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Disable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Disable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable recovery for specified sanitizers
                          Conventional ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fno-sanitize-stats     Disable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Disable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fno-sanitize-trap      Disable trapping for all sanitizers
  -fno-short-wchar        Force wchar_t to be an unsigned int
  -fno-show-column        Do not include column number on diagnostics
                          Do not include source location information with diagnostics
  -fno-signed-char        char is unsigned
  -fno-signed-zeros       Allow optimizations that ignore the sign of floating point zeros
  -fno-spell-checking     Disable spell-checking
                          Disable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fno-split-stack        Wouldn't use segmented stack
                          Disable stack clash protection
  -fno-stack-protector    Disable the use of stack protectors
  -fno-standalone-debug   Limit debug information produced to reduce size of debug binary
                          Relax language rules and try to match the behavior of the target's native float-to-int conversion instructions
  -fno-strict-return      Don't treat control flow paths that fall off the end of a non-void function as unreachable
  -fno-sycl               Disables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fno-temp-file          Directly create compilation output files. This may lead to incorrect incremental builds if the compiler crashes
  -fno-threadsafe-statics Do not emit code to make initialization of local statics thread safe
  -fno-trigraphs          Do not process trigraph sequences
  -fno-unified-lto        Use distinct LTO pipelines
                          Don't use unique names for text and data sections
  -fno-unroll-loops       Turn off loop unroller
  -fno-use-cxa-atexit     Don't use __cxa_atexit for calling destructors
  -fno-use-init-array     Use .ctors/.dtors instead of .init_array/.fini_array
                          Disables -fvisibility-inlines-hidden-static-local-var (this is the default on non-darwin targets)
                          Omit function index section at the expense of single-function patching performance
                          Don't place zero initialized data in BSS
  -fobjc-arc-exceptions   Use EH-safe code when synthesizing retains and releases in -fobjc-arc
  -fobjc-arc              Synthesize retain and release calls for Objective-C pointers
                          Ignore attribute objc_direct so that direct methods can be tested
                          Fully encode c++ class template specialization
  -fobjc-exceptions       Enable Objective-C exceptions
  -fobjc-runtime=<value>  Specify the target Objective-C runtime kind and version
  -fobjc-weak             Enable ARC-style weak references in Objective-C
  -foffload-lto=<value>   Set LTO mode for offload compilation
  -foffload-lto           Enable LTO in 'full' mode for offload compilation
  -fomit-frame-pointer    Omit the frame pointer from functions that don't need it. Some stack unwinding cases, such as profilers and sanitizers, may prefer specifying -fno-omit-frame-pointer. On many targets, -O1 and higher omit the frame pointer by default. -m[no-]omit-leaf-frame-pointer takes precedence for leaf functions
  -fopenmp-extensions     Enable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
                          Do not create a host fallback if offloading to the device fails.
  -fopenmp-simd           Emit OpenMP code only for SIMD-based constructs.
  -fopenmp-target-debug   Enable debugging in the OpenMP offloading device RTL
  -fopenmp-target-jit     Emit code that can be JIT compiled for OpenMP offloading. Implies -foffload-lto=full
                          Specify comma-separated list of triples OpenMP offloading targets to be supported
                          Set OpenMP version (e.g. 45 for OpenMP 4.5, 50 for OpenMP 5.0). Default value is 50 for Clang and 11 for Flang
  -fopenmp                Parse OpenMP pragmas and generate parallel code.
                          Maximum number of 'operator->'s to call for a member access
                          Specify the output name of the file containing the optimization remarks. Implies -fsave-optimization-record. On Darwin platforms, this cannot be used with multiple -arch <arch> options.
                          Only include passes which match a specified regular expression in the generated optimization record (by default, include all passes)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect order file into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fpack-struct=<value>   Specify the default maximum struct packing alignment
  -fpascal-strings        Recognize and construct Pascal-style string literals
  -fpass-plugin=<dsopath> Load pass plugin from a dynamic shared object file (only with new pass manager).
                          Generate M NOPs before function entry and N-M NOPs after function entry
  -fpcc-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return all structs on the stack
  -fpch-codegen           Generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fpch-debuginfo         Generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
                          Instantiate templates already while building a PCH
                          Validate PCH input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Pass <arg> to plugin <name>
  -fplugin=<dsopath>      Load the named plugin (dynamic shared object)
                          Look up implicit modules in the prebuilt module path
                          Specify the prebuilt module path
                          Save subprocess statistics to the given file
                          Print subprocess statistics
  -fprofile-arcs          Instrument code to produce gcov data files (*.gcda)
                          Instrument only functions from files where names don't match all the regexes separated by a semi-colon
                          Instrument only functions from files where names match any regex separated by a semi-colon
                          Partition functions into N groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented using -fprofile-selected-function-group
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fprofile-generate      Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <file> (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
  -fprofile-list=<value>  Filename defining the list of functions/files to instrument. The file uses the sanitizer special case list format.
                          Use the remappings described in <file> to match the profile data against names in the program
                          Specifies that the sample profile is accurate
                          Enable sample-based profile guided optimizations
                          Partition functions into N groups using -fprofile-function-groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented. The valid range is 0 to N-1 inclusive
                          Set update method of profile counters
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization. If pathname is a directory, it reads from <pathname>/default.profdata. Otherwise, it reads from file <pathname>.
  -fprotect-parens        Determines whether the optimizer honors parentheses when floating-point expressions are evaluated
                          Emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          File holding the seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
                          The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
  -freciprocal-math       Allow division operations to be reassociated
  -freg-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return small structs in registers
                          Use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
                          Enable C++17 relaxed template template argument matching
  -freroll-loops          Turn on loop reroller
  -fropi                  Generate read-only position independent code (ARM only)
  -frtlib-add-rpath       Add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, also add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -frwpi                  Generate read-write position independent code (ARM only)
                          Display suggestions to update code associated with -Wunsafe-buffer-usage warnings
                          Use profi to infer block and edge counts
                          Set the kind of module destructors emitted by AddressSanitizer instrumentation. These destructors are emitted to unregister instrumented global variables when code is unloaded (e.g. via `dlclose()`).
                          Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer
                          Enable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Always generate function calls for address sanitizer instrumentation
                          Enable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Select the mode of detecting stack use-after-return in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable ODR indicator globals to avoid false ODR violation reports in partially sanitized programs at the cost of an increase in binary size
                          Alias for -fsanitize-ignorelist=
                          Make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Enable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Normalize integers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Generalize pointers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Restrict sanitizer coverage instrumentation exclusively to modules and functions that match the provided special case list, except the blocked ones
                          Disable sanitizer coverage instrumentation for modules and functions that match the provided special case list, even the allowed ones
                          Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Select the HWAddressSanitizer ABI to target (interceptor or platform, default interceptor). This option is currently unused.
                          Enable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Path to ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Set default MTE mode to 'sync' (default) or 'async'
                          Enable recovery for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-stable-abi   Stable  ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fsanitize-stats        Enable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Path to system ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
  -fsanitize-trap=<value> Enable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-trap         Enable trapping for all sanitizers
                          Strip (or keep only, if negative) a given number of path components when emitting check metadata.
  -fsanitize=<check>      Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious behavior. See user manual for available checks
                          Generate an optimization record file in a specific format
                          Generate a YAML optimization record file
  -fseh-exceptions        Use SEH style exceptions
  -fshort-enums           Allocate to an enum type only as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of possible values
  -fshort-wchar           Force wchar_t to be a short unsigned int
                          Which overload candidates to show when overload resolution fails. Defaults to 'all'
  -fshow-skipped-includes Show skipped includes in -H output.
  -fsigned-char           char is signed
  -fsized-deallocation    Enable C++14 sized global deallocation functions
  -fsjlj-exceptions       Use SjLj style exceptions
  -fslp-vectorize         Enable the superword-level parallelism vectorization passes
                          Set the maximum number of times to perform spell checking on unrecognized identifiers (0 = no limit)
  -fsplit-dwarf-inlining  Provide minimal debug info in the object/executable to facilitate online symbolication/stack traces in the absence of .dwo/.dwp files when using Split DWARF
  -fsplit-lto-unit        Enables splitting of the LTO unit
                          Enable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fsplit-stack           Use segmented stack
                          Enable stack clash protection
  -fstack-protector-all   Enable stack protectors for all functions
                          Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. Compared to -fstack-protector, this uses a stronger heuristic that includes functions containing arrays of any size (and any type), as well as any calls to alloca or the taking of an address from a local variable
  -fstack-protector       Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. This uses a loose heuristic which considers functions vulnerable if they contain a char (or 8bit integer) array or constant sized calls to alloca , which are of greater size than ssp-buffer-size (default: 8 bytes). All variable sized calls to alloca are considered vulnerable. A function with a stack protector has a guard value added to the stack frame that is checked on function exit. The guard value must be positioned in the stack frame such that a buffer overflow from a vulnerable variable will overwrite the guard value before overwriting the function's return address. The reference stack guard value is stored in a global variable.
  -fstack-size-section    Emit section containing metadata on function stack sizes
  -fstack-usage           Emit .su file containing information on function stack sizes
  -fstandalone-debug      Emit full debug info for all types used by the program
  -fstrict-enums          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's value range
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of flexible arrays
                          Assume that overflowing float-to-int casts are undefined (default)
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict rules for overwriting polymorphic C++ objects
                          Control emission of Swift async extended frame info
  -fsycl                  Enables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fsyntax-only           Run the preprocessor, parser and semantic analysis stages
  -fsystem-module         Build this module as a system module. Only used with -emit-module
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a template instantiation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive template instantiation
  -ftest-coverage         Produce gcov notes files (*.gcno)
                          Write minimized bitcode to <file> for the ThinLTO thin link only
  -fthinlto-index=<value> Perform ThinLTO importing using provided function summary index
  -ftime-report=<value>   (For new pass manager) 'per-pass': one report for each pass; 'per-pass-run': one report for each pass invocation
                          Minimum time granularity (in microseconds) traced by time profiler
  -ftime-trace=<value>    Similar to -ftime-trace. Specify the JSON file or a directory which will contain the JSON file
  -ftime-trace            Turn on time profiler. Generates JSON file based on output filename.
  -ftrap-function=<value> Issue call to specified function rather than a trap instruction
  -ftrapv-handler=<function name>
                          Specify the function to be called on overflow
  -ftrapv                 Trap on integer overflow
  -ftrigraphs             Process trigraph sequences
                          Stop initializing trivial automatic stack variables after the specified number of instances
                          Initialize trivial automatic stack variables. Defaults to 'uninitialized'
  -funified-lto           Use the unified LTO pipeline
                          Use unique names for basic block sections (ELF Only)
                          Uniqueify Internal Linkage Symbol Names by appending the MD5 hash of the module path
  -funroll-loops          Turn on loop unroller
                          Allow unsafe floating-point math optimizations which may decrease precision
  -fuse-cuid=<value>      Method to generate ID's for compilation units for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP: 'hash' (ID's generated by hashing file path and command line options) | 'random' (ID's generated as random numbers) | 'none' (disabled). Default is 'hash'. This option will be overridden by option '-cuid=[ID]' if it is specified.
  -fuse-line-directives   Use #line in preprocessed output
                          Compute and store the hash of input files used to build an AST. Files with mismatching mtime's are considered valid if both contents is identical
  -fveclib=<value>        Use the given vector functions library
  -fvectorize             Enable the loop vectorization passes
  -fverbose-asm           Generate verbose assembly output
                          Enables dead virtual function elimination optimization. Requires -flto=full
                          The visibility for dllexport definitions [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for dllimport external declarations [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for external declarations without an explicit DLL dllstorageclass [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          Set the visibility of symbols in the generated code from their DLL storage class
                          Give global C++ operator new and delete declarations hidden visibility
                          When -fvisibility-inlines-hidden is enabled, static variables in inline C++ member functions will also be given hidden visibility by default
                          Give inline C++ member functions hidden visibility by default
  -fvisibility-ms-compat  Give global types 'default' visibility and global functions and variables 'hidden' visibility by default
                          The visibility for definitions without an explicit DLL export class [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
  -fvisibility=<value>    Set the default symbol visibility for all global definitions
  -fwasm-exceptions       Use WebAssembly style exceptions
  -fwhole-program-vtables Enables whole-program vtable optimization. Requires -flto
  -fwrapv                 Treat signed integer overflow as two's complement
  -fwritable-strings      Store string literals as writable data
  -fxl-pragma-pack        Enable IBM XL #pragma pack handling
                          Always emit __xray_customevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          Always emit __xray_typedevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'always instrument' XRay attribute.
                          Filename defining the list of functions/types for imbuing XRay attributes.
                          Only instrument 1 of N groups
  -fxray-ignore-loops     Don't instrument functions with loops unless they also meet the minimum function size
                          Sets the minimum function size to instrument with XRay
                          Select which XRay instrumentation points to emit. Options: all, none, function-entry, function-exit, function, custom. Default is 'all'.  'function' includes both 'function-entry' and 'function-exit'.
  -fxray-instrument       Generate XRay instrumentation sleds on function entry and exit
  -fxray-link-deps        Link XRay runtime library when -fxray-instrument is specified (default)
  -fxray-modes=<value>    List of modes to link in by default into XRay instrumented binaries.
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'never instrument' XRay attribute.
                          When using -fxray-function-groups, select which group of functions to instrument. Valid range is 0 to fxray-function-groups - 1
                          Clear call-used registers upon function return (AArch64/x86 only)
  -fzvector               Enable System z vector language extension
  -F <value>              Add directory to framework include search path
                          Use GCC installation in the specified directory. The directory ends with path components like 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Note: executables (e.g. ld) used by the compiler are not overridden by the selected GCC installation
  --gcc-toolchain=<value> Specify a directory where Clang can find 'include' and 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Clang will use the GCC installation with the largest version
  -gcodeview-command-line Emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gcodeview-ghash        Emit type record hashes in a .debug$H section
  -gcodeview              Generate CodeView debug information
  -gdwarf-2               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 2
  -gdwarf-3               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 3
  -gdwarf-4               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 4
  -gdwarf-5               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 5
  -gdwarf32               Enables DWARF32 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf64               Enables DWARF64 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf                 Generate source-level debug information with the default dwarf version
  -gembed-source          Embed source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gen-reproducer=<value> Emit reproducer on (option: off, crash (default), error, always)
  -gline-directives-only  Emit debug line info directives only
  -gline-tables-only      Emit debug line number tables only
  -gmodules               Generate debug info with external references to clang modules or precompiled headers
                          Don't emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gno-embed-source       Restore the default behavior of not embedding source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gno-inline-line-tables Don't emit inline line tables.
  --gpu-bundle-output     Bundle output files of HIP device compilation
                          Instrument device library for HIP, which is a LLVM bitcode containing __cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit
                          Default max threads per block for kernel launch bounds for HIP
  -gsplit-dwarf=<value>   Set DWARF fission mode
  -gstrict-dwarf          Restrict DWARF features to those defined in the specified version, avoiding features from later versions.
  -gz=<value>             DWARF debug sections compression type
  -G <size>               Put objects of at most <size> bytes into small data section (MIPS / Hexagon)
  -g                      Generate source-level debug information
  --help-hidden           Display help for hidden options
  -help                   Display available options
                          HIP device library
  --hip-link              Link clang-offload-bundler bundles for HIP
  --hip-path=<value>      HIP runtime installation path, used for finding HIP version and adding HIP include path.
  --hip-version=<value>   HIP version in the format of major.minor.patch
                          path to a pass plugin for HIP to SPIR-V passes.
  -H                      Show header includes and nesting depth
  -I-                     Restrict all prior -I flags to double-quoted inclusion and remove current directory from include path
  -ibuiltininc            Enable builtin #include directories even when -nostdinc is used before or after -ibuiltininc. Using -nobuiltininc after the option disables it
  -idirafter <value>      Add directory to AFTER include search path
  -iframeworkwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -iframework <value>     Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path
  -imacros <file>         Include macros from file before parsing
  -include-pch <file>     Include precompiled header file
  -include <file>         Include file before parsing
  -index-header-map       Make the next included directory (-I or -F) an indexer header map
  -iprefix <dir>          Set the -iwithprefix/-iwithprefixbefore prefix
  -iquote <directory>     Add directory to QUOTE include search path
  -isysroot <dir>         Set the system root directory (usually /)
  -isystem-after <directory>
                          Add directory to end of the SYSTEM include search path
  -isystem <directory>    Add directory to SYSTEM include search path
  -ivfsoverlay <value>    Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system
  -iwithprefixbefore <dir>
                          Set directory to include search path with prefix
  -iwithprefix <dir>      Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix
  -iwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM include search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -I <dir>                Add directory to the end of the list of include search paths
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-nvptx bitcode library
  -L <dir>                Add directory to library search path
  -mabi=quadword-atomics  Enable quadword atomics ABI on AIX (AIX PPC64 only). Uses lqarx/stqcx. instructions.
  -mabicalls              Enable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
  -maix-struct-return     Return all structs in memory (PPC32 only)
                          Specify the boundary's size to align branches
  -malign-branch=<value>  Specify types of branches to align
  -malign-double          Align doubles to two words in structs (x86 only)
  -maltivec               Enable AltiVec vector initializer syntax
  -mamdgpu-ieee           Sets the IEEE bit in the expected default floating point  mode register. Floating point opcodes that support exception flag gathering quiet and propagate signaling NaN inputs per IEEE 754-2008. This option changes the ABI. (AMDGPU only)
  -march=<value>          For a list of available architectures for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mbackchain             Link stack frames through backchain on System Z
                          Enforce targets of indirect branches and function returns
                          Align selected branches (fused, jcc, jmp) within 32-byte boundary
  -mcabac                 Enable CABAC instructions
  -mcmodel=medany         Equivalent to -mcmodel=medium, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmodel=medlow         Equivalent to -mcmodel=small, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmse                  Allow use of CMSE (Armv8-M Security Extensions)
                          Specify code object ABI version. Defaults to 4. (AMDGPU only)
  -mcpu=<value>           For a list of available CPUs for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mcrbits                Control the CR-bit tracking feature on PowerPC. ``-mcrbits`` (the enablement of CR-bit tracking support) is the default for POWER8 and above, as well as for all other CPUs when optimization is applied (-O2 and above).
  -mcrc                   Allow use of CRC instructions (ARM/Mips only)
  -mcumode                Specify CU wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Mapping between default visibility and export
  -mdouble=<n             Force double to be <n> bits
  -MD                     Write a depfile containing user and system headers
  -meabi <value>          Set EABI type. Default depends on triple)
  -membedded-data         Place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata section even if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Enable use of experimental RISC-V extensions.
  -mexec-model=<value>    Execution model (WebAssembly only)
  -mexecute-only          Disallow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mextern-sdata          Assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mfentry                Insert calls to fentry at function entry (x86/SystemZ only)
                          Work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
  -mfix-cortex-a53-835769 Workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mfp32                  Use 32-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mfp64                  Use 64-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mframe-chain=<value>   Select the frame chain model used to emit frame records (Arm only).
                          Replace returns with jumps to ``__x86_return_thunk`` (x86 only, error otherwise)
  -MF <file>              Write depfile output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to <file>
  -mgeneral-regs-only     Generate code which only uses the general purpose registers (AArch64/x86 only)
  -mglobal-merge          Enable merging of globals
  -mgpopt                 Use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mguard=<value>         Enable or disable Control Flow Guard checks and guard tables emission
  -MG                     Add missing headers to depfile
  -mharden-sls=<value>    Select straight-line speculation hardening scope (ARM/AArch64/X86 only). <arg> must be: all, none, retbr(ARM/AArch64), blr(ARM/AArch64), comdat(ARM/AArch64), nocomdat(ARM/AArch64), return(X86), indirect-jmp(X86)
  -mhvx-ieee-fp           Enable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mhvx-length=<value>    Set Hexagon Vector Length
  -mhvx-qfloat            Enable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mhvx=<value>           Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mhvx                   Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -miamcu                 Use Intel MCU ABI
                          Not emit the visibility attribute for asm in AIX OS or give all symbols 'unspecified' visibility in XCOFF object file
  --migrate               Run the migrator
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which can be used with an incremental linker
                          Add cs prefix to call and jmp to indirect thunk
  -mindirect-jump=<value> Change indirect jump instructions to inhibit speculation
                          Set iOS deployment target
  -MJ <value>             Write a compilation database entry per input
  -mllvm=<arg>            Alias for -mllvm
  -mllvm <value>          Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing
  -mlocal-sdata           Extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mlong-calls            Generate branches with extended addressability, usually via indirect jumps.
  -mlong-double-128       Force long double to be 128 bits
  -mlong-double-64        Force long double to be 64 bits
  -mlong-double-80        Force long double to be 80 bits, padded to 128 bits for storage
  -mlvi-cfi               Enable only control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mlvi-hardening         Enable all mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
                          Set macOS deployment target
  -mmadd4                 Enable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mmark-bti-property     Add with BTI to assembly files (AArch64 only)
  -MMD                    Write a depfile containing user headers
  -mmemops                Enable generation of memop instructions
  -mmlir <value>          Additional arguments to forward to MLIR's option processing
  -mms-bitfields          Set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mmsa                   Enable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mmt                    Enable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -MM                     Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
  -mno-abicalls           Disable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
                          Do not add a BTI instruction after a setjmp or other return-twice construct (Arm/AArch64 only)
  -mno-crc                Disallow use of CRC instructions (Mips only)
  -mno-cumode             Specify WGP wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mno-embedded-data      Do not place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mno-execute-only       Allow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mno-extern-sdata       Do not assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Don't work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
                          Don't workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mno-fmv                Disable function multiversioning
  -mno-gather             Disable generation of gather instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-global-merge       Disable merging of globals
  -mno-gpopt              Do not use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mno-hvx-ieee-fp        Disable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mno-hvx-qfloat         Disable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mno-hvx                Disable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mno-implicit-float     Don't generate implicit floating point or vector instructions
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which cannot be used with an incremental linker
  -mno-local-sdata        Do not extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mno-long-calls         Restore the default behaviour of not generating long calls
  -mno-lvi-cfi            Disable control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-lvi-hardening      Disable mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-madd4              Disable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mno-memops             Disable generation of memop instructions
  -mno-movt               Disallow use of movt/movw pairs (ARM only)
  -mno-ms-bitfields       Do not set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mno-msa                Disable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-mt                 Disable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-neg-immediates     Disallow converting instructions with negative immediates to their negation or inversion.
  -mno-nvj                Disable generation of new-value jumps
  -mno-nvs                Disable generation of new-value stores
  -mno-outline-atomics    Don't generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -mno-outline            Disable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mno-packets            Disable generation of instruction packets
                          Don't assume data segments are relative to text segment
  -mno-relax              Disable linker relaxation
  -mno-restrict-it        Allow generation of complex IT blocks.
  -mno-save-restore       Disable using library calls for save and restore
  -mno-scatter            Disable generation of scatter instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-seses              Disable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES)
  -mno-stack-arg-probe    Disable stack probes which are enabled by default
  -mno-tgsplit            Disable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Disable direct TLS access through segment registers
  -mno-unaligned-access   Force all memory accesses to be aligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -mno-wavefrontsize64    Specify wavefront size 32 mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mnocrc                 Disallow use of CRC instructions (ARM only)
  -mnop-mcount            Generate mcount/__fentry__ calls as nops. To activate they need to be patched in.
  -mnvj                   Enable generation of new-value jumps
  -mnvs                   Enable generation of new-value stores
  -module-dependency-dir <value>
                          Directory to dump module dependencies to
  -module-file-info       Provide information about a particular module file
                          Omit frame pointer setup for leaf functions
  -moutline-atomics       Generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -moutline               Enable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mpacked-stack          Use packed stack layout (SystemZ only).
  -mpackets               Enable generation of instruction packets
                          Specify maximum number of prefixes to use for padding
                          Assume data segments are relative to text segment
                          Specifies preferred vector width for auto-vectorization. Defaults to 'none' which allows target specific decisions.
  -mprintf-kind=<value>   Specify the printf lowering scheme (AMDGPU only), allowed values are "hostcall"(printing happens during kernel execution, this scheme relies on hostcalls which require system to support pcie atomics) and "buffered"(printing happens after all kernel threads exit, this uses a printf buffer and does not rely on pcie atomic support)
  -MP                     Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)
  -mqdsp6-compat          Enable hexagon-qdsp6 backward compatibility
  -MQ <value>             Specify name of main file output to quote in depfile
  -mrecip=<value>         Control use of approximate reciprocal and reciprocal square root instructions followed by <n> iterations of Newton-Raphson refinement. <value> = ( ['!'] ['vec-'] ('rcp'|'sqrt') [('h'|'s'|'d')] [':'<n>] ) | 'all' | 'default' | 'none'
  -mrecip                 Equivalent to '-mrecip=all'
  -mrecord-mcount         Generate a __mcount_loc section entry for each __fentry__ call.
  -mrelax-all             (integrated-as) Relax all machine instructions
  -mrelax                 Enable linker relaxation
  -mrestrict-it           Disallow generation of complex IT blocks. It is off by default.
  -mrtd                   Make StdCall calling convention the default
                          Specify the size in bits of an RVV vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". Accepts power of 2 values between 64 and 65536. Also accepts "zvl" to use the value implied by -march/-mcpu. Value will be reflected in __riscv_v_fixed_vlen preprocessor define (RISC-V only)
  -msave-restore          Enable using library calls for save and restore
  -mseses                 Enable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES). Includes LVI control flow integrity mitigations
                          Select return address signing scope
  -mskip-rax-setup        Skip setting up RAX register when passing variable arguments (x86 only)
                          Put global and static data smaller than the limit into a special section
  -msoft-float            Use software floating point
                          Set the stack alignment
  -mstack-arg-probe       Enable stack probes
                          Set the stack probe size
                          Use the given offset for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given reg for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given symbol for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given guard (global, tls) for addressing the stack-protector guard
  -mstackrealign          Force realign the stack at entry to every function
                          Specify the size in bits of an SVE vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". (AArch64 only)
  -msvr4-struct-return    Return small structs in registers (PPC32 only)
  -mtargetos=<value>      Set the deployment target to be the specified OS and OS version
  -mtgsplit               Enable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mthread-model <value>  The thread model to use. Defaults to 'posix')
  -mtls-direct-seg-refs   Enable direct TLS access through segment registers (default)
  -mtls-size=<value>      Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets (AArch64 ELF only): 12 (for 4KB) | 24 (for 16MB, default) | 32 (for 4GB) | 48 (for 256TB, needs -mcmodel=large)
  -mtp=<value>            Thread pointer access method. For AArch32: 'soft' uses a function call, or 'tpidrurw', 'tpidruro' or 'tpidrprw' use the three CP15 registers. 'cp15' is an alias for 'tpidruro'. For AArch64: 'tpidr_el0', 'tpidr_el1', 'tpidr_el2', 'tpidr_el3' or 'tpidrro_el0' use the five system registers. 'elN' is an alias for 'tpidr_elN'.
  -mtune=<value>          Only supported on AArch64, PowerPC, RISC-V, SystemZ, and X86
  -MT <value>             Specify name of main file output in depfile
  -munaligned-access      Allow memory accesses to be unaligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -munsafe-fp-atomics     Enable generation of unsafe floating point atomic instructions. May generate more efficient code, but may not respect rounding and denormal modes, and may give incorrect results for certain memory destinations. (AMDGPU only)
  -mvscale-max=<value>    Specify the vscale maximum. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "0". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -mvscale-min=<value>    Specify the vscale minimum. Defaults to "1". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -MV                     Use NMake/Jom format for the depfile
  -mwavefrontsize64       Specify wavefront size 64 mode (AMDGPU only)
                          On AIX, request creation of a build-id string, "0xHEXSTRING", in the string table of the loader section inside the linked binary
  -mxcoff-roptr           Place constant objects with relocatable address values in the RO data section and add -bforceimprw to the linker flags (AIX only)
                          High level qualifier for z/OS C++RT side deck datasets
                          High level qualifier for z/OS CSSLIB dataset
  -mzos-hlq-le=<LeHLQ>    High level qualifier for z/OS Language Environment datasets
                          Path to system headers on z/OS
  -M                      Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
                          Do not include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
  --no-cuda-version-check Don't error out if the detected version of the CUDA install is too low for the requested CUDA gpu architecture.
  --no-default-config     Disable loading default configuration files
  --no-gpu-bundle-output  Do not bundle output files of HIP device compilation
  -no-hip-rt              Do not link against HIP runtime libraries
                          Remove CUDA/HIP offloading device architecture (e.g. sm_35, gfx906) from the list of devices to compile for. 'all' resets the list to its default value.
  --no-offload-new-driver Don't Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as not including a system header.
  -nobuiltininc           Disable builtin #include directories
  -nogpuinc               Do not add include paths for CUDA/HIP and do not include the default CUDA/HIP wrapper headers
  -nogpulib               Do not link device library for CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -nohipwrapperinc        Do not include the default HIP wrapper headers and include paths
  -nostdinc++             Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library
                          Tool used for detecting NVIDIA GPU arch in the system.
  -ObjC++                 Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs
                          Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path
  -objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties
  -objcmt-migrate-all     Enable migration to modern ObjC
                          Enable migration to property and method annotations
                          Enable migration to infer NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for initializer methods
                          Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC literals
                          Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros
                          Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC property
                          Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting
                          Enable migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' attribute
                          Enable migration to annotate property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER
                          Alias for -objcmt-allowlist-dir-path
  -ObjC                   Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs
                          Set the output <file> for debug infos
  --offload-arch=<value>  Specify an offloading device architecture for CUDA, HIP, or OpenMP. (e.g. sm_35). If 'native' is used the compiler will detect locally installed architectures. For HIP offloading, the device architecture can be followed by target ID features delimited by a colon (e.g. gfx908:xnack+:sramecc-). May be specified more than once.
  --offload-device-only   Only compile for the offloading device.
  --offload-host-device   Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-host-only     Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-link          Use the new offloading linker to perform the link job.
  --offload-new-driver    Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
  --offload=<value>       Specify comma-separated list of offloading target triples (CUDA and HIP only)
  -o <file>               Write output to <file>
  -pedantic               Warn on language extensions
  -pg                     Enable mcount instrumentation
  -pipe                   Use pipes between commands, when possible
  --precompile            Only precompile the input
                          Print all of Clang's warning options
  -print-effective-triple Print the effective target triple
  -print-file-name=<file> Print the full library path of <file>
  -print-ivar-layout      Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace
  -print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for the currently used compiler runtime library ("libgcc.a" or "libclang_rt.builtins.*.a")
                          Print the flags used for selecting multilibs (experimental)
  -print-prog-name=<name> Print the full program path of <name>
  -print-resource-dir     Print the resource directory pathname
  -print-rocm-search-dirs Print the paths used for finding ROCm installation
  -print-runtime-dir      Print the directory pathname containing clangs runtime libraries
  -print-search-dirs      Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs
  -print-supported-cpus   Print supported cpu models for the given target (if target is not specified, it will print the supported cpus for the default target)
  -print-target-triple    Print the normalized target triple
  -print-targets          Print the registered targets
  -pthread                Support POSIX threads in generated code
  --ptxas-path=<value>    Path to ptxas (used for compiling CUDA code)
  -P                      Disable linemarker output in -E mode
  -p                      Enable mcount instrumentation with prof
  -Qn                     Do not emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -Qunused-arguments      Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments
  -Qy                     Emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -relocatable-pch        Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header
  -rewrite-legacy-objc    Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++
  -rewrite-objc           Rewrite Objective-C source to C++
                          ROCm device library path. Alternative to rocm-path.
  --rocm-path=<value>     ROCm installation path, used for finding and automatically linking required bitcode libraries.
  -Rpass-analysis=<value> Report transformation analysis from optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass-missed=<value>   Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass=<value>          Report transformations performed by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -rtlib=<value>          Compiler runtime library to use
  -R<remark>              Enable the specified remark
  -save-stats=<value>     Save llvm statistics.
  -save-stats             Save llvm statistics.
  -save-temps=<value>     Save intermediate compilation results.
  -save-temps             Save intermediate compilation results
  -serialize-diagnostics <value>
                          Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file
  -shared-libsan          Dynamically link the sanitizer runtime
                          Don't emit warnings about unused arguments for the following arguments
  -static-libsan          Statically link the sanitizer runtime (Not supported for ASan, TSan or UBSan on darwin)
  -static-openmp          Use the static host OpenMP runtime while linking.
  -std=<value>            Language standard to compile for
  -stdlib++-isystem <directory>
                          Use directory as the C++ standard library include path
  -stdlib=<value>         C++ standard library to use
  -sycl-std=<value>       SYCL language standard to compile for.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as including a system header.
  -S                      Only run preprocess and compilation steps
  --target=<value>        Generate code for the given target
  -time                   Time individual commands
  -traditional-cpp        Enable some traditional CPP emulation
  -trigraphs              Process trigraph sequences
  -T <script>             Specify <script> as linker script
  -undef                  undef all system defines
  -unwindlib=<value>      Unwind library to use
  -U <macro>              Undefine macro <macro>
  --verify-debug-info     Verify the binary representation of debug output
  -verify-pch             Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is not stale
  --version               Print version information
  -vfsoverlay <value>     Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system. Additionally, pass this overlay file to the linker if it supports it
  -v                      Show commands to run and use verbose output
  -Wa,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the assembler
  -Wdeprecated            Enable warnings for deprecated constructs and define __DEPRECATED
  -Wl,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the linker
  -working-directory <value>
                          Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory
  -Wp,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the preprocessor
  -W<warning>             Enable the specified warning
  -w                      Suppress all warnings
  -Xanalyzer <arg>        Pass <arg> to the static analyzer
  -Xarch_device <arg>     Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -Xarch_host <arg>       Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP host compilation
  -Xassembler <arg>       Pass <arg> to the assembler
  -Xclang=<arg>           Alias for -Xclang
  -Xclang <arg>           Pass <arg> to clang -cc1
  -Xcuda-fatbinary <arg>  Pass <arg> to fatbinary invocation
  -Xcuda-ptxas <arg>      Pass <arg> to the ptxas assembler
  -Xlinker <arg>          Pass <arg> to the linker
  -Xoffload-linker<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the offload linkers or the ones idenfied by -<triple>
  -Xopenmp-target=<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain identified by <triple>.
  -Xopenmp-target <arg>   Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>    Pass <arg> to the preprocessor
  -x <language>           Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>
  -z <arg>                Pass -z <arg> to the linker


Afl-cc++4.21c by Michal Zalewski, Laszlo Szekeres, Marc Heuse afl-cc

root@kali:~# afl-cc --help
OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler

USAGE: clang [options] file...

  -###                    Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation
                          Tool used for detecting AMD GPU arch in the system.
  --analyzer-output <value>
                          Static analyzer report output format (html|plist|plist-multi-file|plist-html|sarif|sarif-html|text).
  --analyze               Run the static analyzer
                          Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them
  -arcmt-migrate-report-output <value>
                          Output path for the plist report
  -B <prefix>             Search $prefix$file for executables, libraries, and data files. If $prefix is a directory, search $prefix/$file
  -b <arg>                Pass -b <arg> to the linker on AIX
  -CC                     Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output
  -cl-denorms-are-zero    OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero.
  -cl-ext=<value>         OpenCL only. Enable or disable OpenCL extensions/optional features. The argument is a comma-separated sequence of one or more extension names, each prefixed by '+' or '-'.
  -cl-fast-relaxed-math   OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__.
  -cl-finite-math-only    OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf.
                          OpenCL only. Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded.
  -cl-kernel-arg-info     OpenCL only. Generate kernel argument metadata.
  -cl-mad-enable          OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise MAD computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-signed-zeros     OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise no signed zeros computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-stdinc           OpenCL only. Disables all standard includes containing non-native compiler types and functions.
  -cl-opt-disable         OpenCL only. This option disables all optimizations. By default optimizations are enabled.
                          OpenCL only. Treat double precision floating-point constant as single precision constant.
  -cl-std=<value>         OpenCL language standard to compile for.
  -cl-strict-aliasing     OpenCL only. This option is added for compatibility with OpenCL 1.0.
                          OpenCL only. Defines that the global work-size be a multiple of the work-group size specified to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
                          OpenCL only. Allow unsafe floating-point optimizations.  Also implies -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-mad-enable.
  --config=<file>         Specify configuration file
                          Compile CUDA code for both host and device (default). Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
  --cuda-device-only      Compile CUDA code for device only
  --cuda-feature=<value>  Manually specify the CUDA feature to use
  --cuda-host-only        Compile CUDA code for host only. Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
                          Include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
                          Enable device-side debug info generation. Disables ptxas optimizations.
  --cuda-path-ignore-env  Ignore environment variables to detect CUDA installation
  --cuda-path=<value>     CUDA installation path
  -cuid=<value>           An ID for compilation unit, which should be the same for the same compilation unit but different for different compilation units. It is used to externalize device-side static variables for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP so that they can be accessed by the host code of the same compilation unit.
  -cxx-isystem <directory>
                          Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path
  -C                      Include comments in preprocessed output
  -c                      Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps
  -darwin-target-variant-triple <value>
                          Specify the darwin target variant triple
  -darwin-target-variant <value>
                          Generate code for an additional runtime variant of the deployment target
  -dD                     Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dependency-dot <value> Filename to write DOT-formatted header dependencies to
  -dependency-file <value>
                          Filename (or -) to write dependency output to
  -dI                     Print include directives in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dM                     Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output
  -dsym-dir <dir>         Directory to output dSYM's (if any) to
  -dumpdir <dumppfx>      Use <dumpfpx> as a prefix to form auxiliary and dump file names
  -D <macro>=<value>      Define <macro> to <value> (or 1 if <value> omitted)
  -emit-ast               Emit Clang AST files for source inputs
  -emit-interface-stubs   Generate Interface Stub Files.
  -emit-llvm              Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files
  -emit-merged-ifs        Generate Interface Stub Files, emit merged text not binary.
  --emit-static-lib       Enable linker job to emit a static library.
  --emit-symbol-graph= <value>
                          Generate Extract API information as a side effect of compilation.
                          Start emitting warnings for unused driver arguments
                          Comma separated list of files containing a new line separated list of API symbols to ignore when extracting API information.
  -extract-api            Extract API information
  -E                      Only run the preprocessor
  -faapcs-bitfield-load   Follows the AAPCS standard that all volatile bit-field write generates at least one load. (ARM only).
  -faapcs-bitfield-width  Follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -faddrsig               Emit an address-significance table
  -falign-loops=<N>       N must be a power of two. Align loops to the boundary
  -faligned-allocation    Enable C++17 aligned allocation functions
                          Treat editor placeholders as valid source code
                          Source-level compatibility for Altivec vectors (for PowerPC targets). This includes results of vector comparison (scalar for 'xl', vector for 'gcc') as well as behavior when initializing with a scalar (splatting for 'xl', element zero only for 'gcc'). For 'mixed', the compatibility is as 'gcc' for 'vector bool/vector pixel' and as 'xl' for other types. Current default is 'mixed'.
  -fansi-escape-codes     Use ANSI escape codes for diagnostics
  -fapple-kext            Use Apple's kernel extensions ABI
  -fapple-link-rtlib      Force linking the clang builtins runtime library
  -fapple-pragma-pack     Enable Apple gcc-compatible #pragma pack handling
  -fapplication-extension Restrict code to those available for App Extensions
  -fapprox-func           Allow certain math function calls to be replaced with an approximately equivalent calculation
  -fasync-exceptions      Enable EH Asynchronous exceptions
                          Place each function's basic blocks in unique sections (ELF Only)
                          Produced object files can use all ELF features supported by this binutils version and newer. If -fno-integrated-as is specified, the generated assembly will consider GNU as support. 'none' means that all ELF features can be used, regardless of binutils support. Defaults to 2.26.
  -fblocks                Enable the 'blocks' language feature
  -fborland-extensions    Accept non-standard constructs supported by the Borland compiler
                          Use the last modification time of <file> as the build session timestamp
  -fbuild-session-timestamp=<time since Epoch in seconds>
                          Time when the current build session started
  -fbuiltin-module-map    Load the clang builtins module map file.
  -fc++-abi=<value>       C++ ABI to use. This will override the target C++ ABI.
  -fcall-saved-x10        Make the x10 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x11        Make the x11 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x12        Make the x12 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x13        Make the x13 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x14        Make the x14 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x15        Make the x15 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x18        Make the x18 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x8         Make the x8 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x9         Make the x9 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
                          Set the maximum number of source lines to show in a caret diagnostic (0 = no limit).
  -fcf-protection=<value> Instrument control-flow architecture protection
  -fcf-protection         Enable cf-protection in 'full' mode
  -fchar8_t               Enable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fcheck-new             Do not assume C++ operator new may not return NULL
                          Attempt to match the ABI of Clang <version>
  -fcolor-diagnostics     Enable colors in diagnostics
                          Treat each comma separated argument in <arg> as a documentation comment block command
  -fcommon                Place uninitialized global variables in a common block
                          Require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a constexpr evaluation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive constexpr function calls
                          Set the maximum number of steps in constexpr function evaluation
                          Prefer aligned allocation for C++ Coroutines
  -fcoroutines            Enable support for the C++ Coroutines
                          The compilation directory to embed in the coverage mapping.
  -fcoverage-mapping      Generate coverage mapping to enable code coverage analysis
                          remap file source paths <old> to <new> in coverage mapping. If there are multiple options, prefix replacement is applied in reverse order starting from the last one
                          Put crash-report files in <dir>
                          Set level of crash diagnostic reporting, (option: off, compiler, all)
  -fcrash-diagnostics     Enable crash diagnostic reporting (default)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fcs-profile-generate   Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use approximate transcendental functions
  -fcuda-short-ptr        Use 32-bit pointers for accessing const/local/shared address spaces
  -fcxx-exceptions        Enable C++ exceptions
  -fcxx-modules           Enable modules for C++
  -fdata-sections         Place each data in its own section
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info
                          Default DWARF version to use, if a -g option caused DWARF debug info to be produced
                          Emit extra debug info to make sample profile more accurate
  -fdebug-macro           Emit macro debug information
                          For paths in debug info, remap directory <old> to <new>. If multiple options match a path, the last option wins
                          Use DWARF base address selection entries in .debug_ranges
  -fdebug-types-section   Place debug types in their own section (ELF Only)
  -fdeclspec              Allow __declspec as a keyword
                          Parse templated function definitions at the end of the translation unit
                          Treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior (default)
                          Print absolute paths in diagnostics
                          Prevent optimization remarks from being output if they do not have at least this profile count. Use 'auto' to apply the threshold from profile summary
                          Prevent misexpect diagnostics from being output if the profile counts are within N% of the expected. 
                          Print fix-its in machine parseable form
                          Print source range spans in numeric form
                          Enable profile hotness information in diagnostic line
                          Display include stacks for diagnostic notes
                          Print option name with mappable diagnostics
                          Print a template comparison tree for differing templates
  -fdigraphs              Enable alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:' (default)
                          Don't use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
  -fdiscard-value-names   Discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Allow '$' in identifiers
  -fdriver-only           Only run the driver.
  -fdwarf-exceptions      Use DWARF style exceptions
                          Do not emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fembed-bitcode-marker  Embed placeholder LLVM IR data as a marker
                          Embed LLVM bitcode
  -fembed-bitcode         Embed LLVM IR bitcode as data
                          Embed Offloading device-side binary into host object file as a section.
  -femit-all-decls        Emit all declarations, even if unused
                          Try emitting Compact-Unwind for non-canonical entries. Maybe overriden by other constraints
                          When to emit DWARF unwind (EH frame) info
  -femulated-tls          Use emutls functions to access thread_local variables
  -fenable-matrix         Enable matrix data type and related builtin functions
  -fexceptions            Enable support for exception handling
                          Allows control over excess precision on targets where native support for the precision types is not available. By default, excess precision is used to calculate intermediate results following the rules specified in ISO C99.
  -fexperimental-library  Control whether unstable and experimental library features are enabled. This option enables various library features that are either experimental (also known as TSes), or have been but are not stable yet in the selected Standard Library implementation. It is not recommended to use this option in production code, since neither ABI nor API stability are guaranteed. This is intended to provide a preview of features that will ship in the future for experimentation purposes
                          Enable the experimental new constant interpreter
                          Use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable sanitizer metadata for modules and functions that match the provided special case list
                          Specify the type of metadata to emit for binary analysis sanitizers
                          Enables the use of non-default rounding modes and non-default exception handling on targets that are not currently ready.
                          Controls how scalar integer arguments are extended in calls to unprototyped and varargs functions
  -ffast-math             Allow aggressive, lossy floating-point optimizations
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info and coverage mapping.
                          remap file source paths in debug info, predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -ffile-reproducible     Use the target's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use separate accesses for consecutive bitfield runs with legal widths and alignments.
  -ffinite-loops          Assume all loops are finite.
  -ffinite-math-only      Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-inf. This defines the \_\_FINITE\_MATH\_ONLY\_\_ preprocessor macro.
  -ffixed-a0              Reserve the a0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a1              Reserve the a1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a2              Reserve the a2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a3              Reserve the a3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a4              Reserve the a4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a5              Reserve the a5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a6              Reserve the a6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d0              Reserve the d0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d1              Reserve the d1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d2              Reserve the d2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d3              Reserve the d3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d4              Reserve the d4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d5              Reserve the d5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d6              Reserve the d6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d7              Reserve the d7 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-point           Enable fixed point types
  -ffixed-r19             Reserve register r19 (Hexagon only)
  -ffixed-r9              Reserve the r9 register (ARM only)
  -ffixed-x10             Reserve the x10 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x11             Reserve the x11 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x12             Reserve the x12 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x13             Reserve the x13 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x14             Reserve the x14 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x15             Reserve the x15 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x16             Reserve the x16 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x17             Reserve the x17 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x18             Reserve the x18 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x19             Reserve the x19 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x1              Reserve the x1 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x20             Reserve the x20 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x21             Reserve the x21 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x22             Reserve the x22 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x23             Reserve the x23 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x24             Reserve the x24 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x25             Reserve the x25 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x26             Reserve the x26 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x27             Reserve the x27 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x28             Reserve the x28 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x29             Reserve the x29 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x2              Reserve the x2 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x30             Reserve the x30 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x31             Reserve the x31 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x3              Reserve the x3 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x4              Reserve the x4 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x5              Reserve the x5 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x6              Reserve the x6 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x7              Reserve the x7 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x8              Reserve the x8 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x9              Reserve the x9 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -fforce-dwarf-frame     Always emit a debug frame section
  -fforce-emit-vtables    Emits more virtual tables to improve devirtualization
  -fforce-enable-int128   Enable support for int128_t type
  -ffp-contract=<value>   Form fused FP ops (e.g. FMAs)
                          Specifies the evaluation method to use for floating-point arithmetic.
                          Specifies the exception behavior of floating-point operations.
  -ffp-model=<value>      Controls the semantics of floating-point calculations.
  -ffreestanding          Assert that the compilation takes place in a freestanding environment
                          Set Fuchsia API level
  -ffunction-sections     Place each function in its own section
  -fglobal-isel           Enables the global instruction selector
  -fgnu-keywords          Allow GNU-extension keywords regardless of language standard
  -fgnu-runtime           Generate output compatible with the standard GNU Objective-C runtime
  -fgnu89-inline          Use the gnu89 inline semantics
  -fgnuc-version=<value>  Sets various macros to claim compatibility with the given GCC version (default is 4.2.1)
  -fgpu-allow-device-init Allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
                          Specify default stream. The default value is 'legacy'. (HIP only)
  -fgpu-defer-diag        Defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Flush denormal floating point values to zero in CUDA/HIP device mode.
  -fgpu-rdc               Generate relocatable device code, also known as separate compilation mode
  -fgpu-sanitize          Enable sanitizer for AMDGPU target
  -fhip-emit-relocatable  Compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
  -fhip-kernel-arg-name   Specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fhip-new-launch-api    Use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fhonor-infinities      Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not +-inf.
  -fhonor-nans            Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not NANs.
  -fignore-exceptions     Enable support for ignoring exception handling constructs
  -fimplicit-module-maps  Implicitly search the file system for module map files.
                          Enable incremental processing extensions such as processingstatements on the global scope.
  -finline-functions      Inline suitable functions
  -finline-hint-functions Inline functions which are (explicitly or implicitly) marked inline
                          Suppress inlining of functions whose stack size exceeds the given value
  -finput-charset=<value> Specify the default character set for source files
                          Instrument function entry only, after inlining, without arguments to the instrumentation call
                          Like -finstrument-functions, but insert the calls after inlining
  -finstrument-functions  Generate calls to instrument function entry and exit
  -fintegrated-as         Enable the integrated assembler
  -fintegrated-cc1        Run cc1 in-process
  -fintegrated-objemitter Use internal machine object code emitter.
  -fjmc                   Enable just-my-code debugging
  -fjump-tables           Use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Enable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fkeep-static-consts    Keep static const variables even if unused
                          Enable implicit vector bit-casts
  -flto-jobs=<value>      Controls the backend parallelism of -flto=thin (default of 0 means the number of threads will be derived from the number of CPUs detected)
  -flto=auto              Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=jobserver         Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=<value>           Set LTO mode
  -flto                   Enable LTO in 'full' mode
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a macro expansion backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          remap file source paths in predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -fmath-errno            Require math functions to indicate errors by setting errno
  -fmax-tokens=<value>    Max total number of preprocessed tokens for -Wmax-tokens.
                          Specify the maximum alignment to enforce on pointers lacking an explicit alignment
                          Use memory profile for profile-guided memory optimization
                          Enable heap memory profiling and dump results into <directory>
  -fmemory-profile        Enable heap memory profiling
  -fmerge-all-constants   Allow merging of constants
                          Format message diagnostics so that they fit within N columns
  -fminimize-whitespace   Ignore the whitespace from the input file when emitting preprocessor output. It will only contain whitespace when necessary, e.g. to keep two minus signs from merging into to an increment operator. Useful with the -P option to normalize whitespace such that two files with only formatting changes are equal.

Only valid with -E on C-like inputs and incompatible with -traditional-cpp.
                          Specify the mapping of module name to precompiled module file, or load a module file if name is omitted.
  -fmodule-header=<kind>  Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header that should be found in the user (fmodule-header=user) or system (fmodule-header=system) search path.
  -fmodule-header         Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header.
                          Load this module map file
  -fmodule-name=<name>    Specify the name of the module to build
  -fmodule-output=<value> Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
  -fmodule-output         Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
                          Specify the module cache path
  -fmodules-decluse       Require declaration of modules used within a module
                          Disable validation of the diagnostic options when loading the module
                          Ignore the definition of the given macro when building and loading modules
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) after which a module file will be considered unused
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) between attempts to prune the module cache
  -fmodules-search-all    Search even non-imported modules to resolve references
                          Like -fmodules-decluse but requires all headers to be in modules
  -fmodules-user-build-path <directory>
                          Specify the module user build path
                          Validate PCM input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Don't verify input files for the modules if the module has been successfully validated or loaded during this build session
                          Validate the system headers that a module depends on when loading the module
  -fmodules               Enable the 'modules' language feature
                          Dot-separated value representing the Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fms-compatibility      Enable full Microsoft Visual C++ compatibility
  -fms-extensions         Accept some non-standard constructs supported by the Microsoft compiler
  -fms-hotpatch           Ensure that all functions can be hotpatched at runtime
                          Select Windows run-time library
  -fmsc-version=<value>   Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fnew-alignment=<align> Specifies the largest alignment guaranteed by '::operator new(size_t)'
  -fnew-infallible        Enable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          Do not follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -fno-access-control     Disable C++ access control
  -fno-addrsig            Don't emit an address-significance table
                          Don't assume that C++'s global operator new can't alias any pointer
                          Disable optimizations based on vtable pointer identity
  -fno-autolink           Disable generation of linker directives for automatic library linking
  -fno-builtin-<value>    Disable implicit builtin knowledge of a specific function
  -fno-builtin            Disable implicit builtin knowledge of functions
                          Disable C++ static destructor registration
  -fno-char8_t            Disable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fno-color-diagnostics  Disable colors in diagnostics
  -fno-common             Compile common globals like normal definitions
                          Do not require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
  -fno-constant-cfstrings Disable creation of CodeFoundation-type constant strings
                          Assume all functions may be convergent.
  -fno-coverage-mapping   Disable code coverage analysis
  -fno-crash-diagnostics  Disable auto-generation of preprocessed source files and a script for reproduction during a clang crash
                          Don't use approximate transcendental functions
  -fno-cxx-modules        Disable modules for C++
  -fno-debug-macro        Do not emit macro debug information
  -fno-declspec           Disallow __declspec as a keyword
                          Disable delayed template parsing
                          Do not treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior
                          Do not include fixit information in diagnostics
                          Show line numbers in diagnostic code snippets
  -fno-digraphs           Disallow alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:'
                          Use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
                          Do not discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Disallow '$' in identifiers
  -fno-elide-constructors Disable C++ copy constructor elision
  -fno-elide-type         Do not elide types when printing diagnostics
                          Emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fno-exceptions         Disable support for exception handling
                          Do not use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable emitting metadata for binary analysis sanitizers
  -fno-file-reproducible  Use the host's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use large-integer access for consecutive bitfield runs.
  -fno-finite-loops       Do not assume that any loop is finite.
  -fno-fixed-point        Disable fixed point types
                          Disable support for int128_t type
  -fno-global-isel        Disables the global instruction selector
  -fno-gnu-inline-asm     Disable GNU style inline asm
                          Don't allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
  -fno-gpu-defer-diag     Don't defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Do not override toolchain to compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Don't specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
                          Don't specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fno-hip-new-launch-api Don't use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fno-integrated-as      Disable the integrated assembler
  -fno-integrated-cc1     Spawn a separate process for each cc1
                          Use external machine object code emitter.
  -fno-jump-tables        Do not use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Disable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fno-keep-static-consts Don't keep static const variables even if unused
  -fno-knr-functions      Disable support for K&R C function declarations
  -fno-lto                Disable LTO mode (default)
  -fno-memory-profile     Disable heap memory profiling
                          Disallow merging of constants
                          Skip checks for relocated modules when loading PCM files
                          Do not enforce -fmodules-decluse and private header restrictions for textual headers. This flag will be removed in a future Clang release.
  -fno-new-infallible     Disable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          do not infer Objective-C related result type based on method family
  -fno-offload-lto        Disable LTO mode (default) for offload compilation
  -fno-openmp-extensions  Disable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
  -fno-operator-names     Do not treat C++ operator name keywords as synonyms for operators
                          Disable tail call optimization, keeping the call stack accurate
  -fno-pch-codegen        Do not generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fno-pch-debuginfo      Do not generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
  -fno-plt                Use GOT indirection instead of PLT to make external function calls (x86 only)
                          Do not preserve comments in inline assembly
  -fno-profile-generate   Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
                          Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
  -fno-profile-instr-use  Disable using instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
                          Do not emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          Don't use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
  -fno-rtlib-add-rpath    Do not add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, do not add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -fno-rtti-data          Disable generation of RTTI data
  -fno-rtti               Disable generation of rtti information
                          Disable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Use default code inlining logic for the address sanitizer
                          Disable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable ODR indicator globals
                          Do not make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Disable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Disable features of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Disable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Don't use ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Disable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Disable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable recovery for specified sanitizers
                          Conventional ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fno-sanitize-stats     Disable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Disable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fno-sanitize-trap      Disable trapping for all sanitizers
  -fno-short-wchar        Force wchar_t to be an unsigned int
  -fno-show-column        Do not include column number on diagnostics
                          Do not include source location information with diagnostics
  -fno-signed-char        char is unsigned
  -fno-signed-zeros       Allow optimizations that ignore the sign of floating point zeros
  -fno-spell-checking     Disable spell-checking
                          Disable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fno-split-stack        Wouldn't use segmented stack
                          Disable stack clash protection
  -fno-stack-protector    Disable the use of stack protectors
  -fno-standalone-debug   Limit debug information produced to reduce size of debug binary
                          Relax language rules and try to match the behavior of the target's native float-to-int conversion instructions
  -fno-strict-return      Don't treat control flow paths that fall off the end of a non-void function as unreachable
  -fno-sycl               Disables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fno-temp-file          Directly create compilation output files. This may lead to incorrect incremental builds if the compiler crashes
  -fno-threadsafe-statics Do not emit code to make initialization of local statics thread safe
  -fno-trigraphs          Do not process trigraph sequences
  -fno-unified-lto        Use distinct LTO pipelines
                          Don't use unique names for text and data sections
  -fno-unroll-loops       Turn off loop unroller
  -fno-use-cxa-atexit     Don't use __cxa_atexit for calling destructors
  -fno-use-init-array     Use .ctors/.dtors instead of .init_array/.fini_array
                          Disables -fvisibility-inlines-hidden-static-local-var (this is the default on non-darwin targets)
                          Omit function index section at the expense of single-function patching performance
                          Don't place zero initialized data in BSS
  -fobjc-arc-exceptions   Use EH-safe code when synthesizing retains and releases in -fobjc-arc
  -fobjc-arc              Synthesize retain and release calls for Objective-C pointers
                          Ignore attribute objc_direct so that direct methods can be tested
                          Fully encode c++ class template specialization
  -fobjc-exceptions       Enable Objective-C exceptions
  -fobjc-runtime=<value>  Specify the target Objective-C runtime kind and version
  -fobjc-weak             Enable ARC-style weak references in Objective-C
  -foffload-lto=<value>   Set LTO mode for offload compilation
  -foffload-lto           Enable LTO in 'full' mode for offload compilation
  -fomit-frame-pointer    Omit the frame pointer from functions that don't need it. Some stack unwinding cases, such as profilers and sanitizers, may prefer specifying -fno-omit-frame-pointer. On many targets, -O1 and higher omit the frame pointer by default. -m[no-]omit-leaf-frame-pointer takes precedence for leaf functions
  -fopenmp-extensions     Enable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
                          Do not create a host fallback if offloading to the device fails.
  -fopenmp-simd           Emit OpenMP code only for SIMD-based constructs.
  -fopenmp-target-debug   Enable debugging in the OpenMP offloading device RTL
  -fopenmp-target-jit     Emit code that can be JIT compiled for OpenMP offloading. Implies -foffload-lto=full
                          Specify comma-separated list of triples OpenMP offloading targets to be supported
                          Set OpenMP version (e.g. 45 for OpenMP 4.5, 50 for OpenMP 5.0). Default value is 50 for Clang and 11 for Flang
  -fopenmp                Parse OpenMP pragmas and generate parallel code.
                          Maximum number of 'operator->'s to call for a member access
                          Specify the output name of the file containing the optimization remarks. Implies -fsave-optimization-record. On Darwin platforms, this cannot be used with multiple -arch <arch> options.
                          Only include passes which match a specified regular expression in the generated optimization record (by default, include all passes)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect order file into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fpack-struct=<value>   Specify the default maximum struct packing alignment
  -fpascal-strings        Recognize and construct Pascal-style string literals
  -fpass-plugin=<dsopath> Load pass plugin from a dynamic shared object file (only with new pass manager).
                          Generate M NOPs before function entry and N-M NOPs after function entry
  -fpcc-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return all structs on the stack
  -fpch-codegen           Generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fpch-debuginfo         Generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
                          Instantiate templates already while building a PCH
                          Validate PCH input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Pass <arg> to plugin <name>
  -fplugin=<dsopath>      Load the named plugin (dynamic shared object)
                          Look up implicit modules in the prebuilt module path
                          Specify the prebuilt module path
                          Save subprocess statistics to the given file
                          Print subprocess statistics
  -fprofile-arcs          Instrument code to produce gcov data files (*.gcda)
                          Instrument only functions from files where names don't match all the regexes separated by a semi-colon
                          Instrument only functions from files where names match any regex separated by a semi-colon
                          Partition functions into N groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented using -fprofile-selected-function-group
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fprofile-generate      Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <file> (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
  -fprofile-list=<value>  Filename defining the list of functions/files to instrument. The file uses the sanitizer special case list format.
                          Use the remappings described in <file> to match the profile data against names in the program
                          Specifies that the sample profile is accurate
                          Enable sample-based profile guided optimizations
                          Partition functions into N groups using -fprofile-function-groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented. The valid range is 0 to N-1 inclusive
                          Set update method of profile counters
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization. If pathname is a directory, it reads from <pathname>/default.profdata. Otherwise, it reads from file <pathname>.
  -fprotect-parens        Determines whether the optimizer honors parentheses when floating-point expressions are evaluated
                          Emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          File holding the seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
                          The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
  -freciprocal-math       Allow division operations to be reassociated
  -freg-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return small structs in registers
                          Use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
                          Enable C++17 relaxed template template argument matching
  -freroll-loops          Turn on loop reroller
  -fropi                  Generate read-only position independent code (ARM only)
  -frtlib-add-rpath       Add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, also add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -frwpi                  Generate read-write position independent code (ARM only)
                          Display suggestions to update code associated with -Wunsafe-buffer-usage warnings
                          Use profi to infer block and edge counts
                          Set the kind of module destructors emitted by AddressSanitizer instrumentation. These destructors are emitted to unregister instrumented global variables when code is unloaded (e.g. via `dlclose()`).
                          Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer
                          Enable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Always generate function calls for address sanitizer instrumentation
                          Enable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Select the mode of detecting stack use-after-return in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable ODR indicator globals to avoid false ODR violation reports in partially sanitized programs at the cost of an increase in binary size
                          Alias for -fsanitize-ignorelist=
                          Make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Enable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Normalize integers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Generalize pointers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Restrict sanitizer coverage instrumentation exclusively to modules and functions that match the provided special case list, except the blocked ones
                          Disable sanitizer coverage instrumentation for modules and functions that match the provided special case list, even the allowed ones
                          Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Select the HWAddressSanitizer ABI to target (interceptor or platform, default interceptor). This option is currently unused.
                          Enable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Path to ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Set default MTE mode to 'sync' (default) or 'async'
                          Enable recovery for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-stable-abi   Stable  ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fsanitize-stats        Enable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Path to system ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
  -fsanitize-trap=<value> Enable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-trap         Enable trapping for all sanitizers
                          Strip (or keep only, if negative) a given number of path components when emitting check metadata.
  -fsanitize=<check>      Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious behavior. See user manual for available checks
                          Generate an optimization record file in a specific format
                          Generate a YAML optimization record file
  -fseh-exceptions        Use SEH style exceptions
  -fshort-enums           Allocate to an enum type only as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of possible values
  -fshort-wchar           Force wchar_t to be a short unsigned int
                          Which overload candidates to show when overload resolution fails. Defaults to 'all'
  -fshow-skipped-includes Show skipped includes in -H output.
  -fsigned-char           char is signed
  -fsized-deallocation    Enable C++14 sized global deallocation functions
  -fsjlj-exceptions       Use SjLj style exceptions
  -fslp-vectorize         Enable the superword-level parallelism vectorization passes
                          Set the maximum number of times to perform spell checking on unrecognized identifiers (0 = no limit)
  -fsplit-dwarf-inlining  Provide minimal debug info in the object/executable to facilitate online symbolication/stack traces in the absence of .dwo/.dwp files when using Split DWARF
  -fsplit-lto-unit        Enables splitting of the LTO unit
                          Enable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fsplit-stack           Use segmented stack
                          Enable stack clash protection
  -fstack-protector-all   Enable stack protectors for all functions
                          Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. Compared to -fstack-protector, this uses a stronger heuristic that includes functions containing arrays of any size (and any type), as well as any calls to alloca or the taking of an address from a local variable
  -fstack-protector       Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. This uses a loose heuristic which considers functions vulnerable if they contain a char (or 8bit integer) array or constant sized calls to alloca , which are of greater size than ssp-buffer-size (default: 8 bytes). All variable sized calls to alloca are considered vulnerable. A function with a stack protector has a guard value added to the stack frame that is checked on function exit. The guard value must be positioned in the stack frame such that a buffer overflow from a vulnerable variable will overwrite the guard value before overwriting the function's return address. The reference stack guard value is stored in a global variable.
  -fstack-size-section    Emit section containing metadata on function stack sizes
  -fstack-usage           Emit .su file containing information on function stack sizes
  -fstandalone-debug      Emit full debug info for all types used by the program
  -fstrict-enums          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's value range
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of flexible arrays
                          Assume that overflowing float-to-int casts are undefined (default)
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict rules for overwriting polymorphic C++ objects
                          Control emission of Swift async extended frame info
  -fsycl                  Enables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fsyntax-only           Run the preprocessor, parser and semantic analysis stages
  -fsystem-module         Build this module as a system module. Only used with -emit-module
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a template instantiation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive template instantiation
  -ftest-coverage         Produce gcov notes files (*.gcno)
                          Write minimized bitcode to <file> for the ThinLTO thin link only
  -fthinlto-index=<value> Perform ThinLTO importing using provided function summary index
  -ftime-report=<value>   (For new pass manager) 'per-pass': one report for each pass; 'per-pass-run': one report for each pass invocation
                          Minimum time granularity (in microseconds) traced by time profiler
  -ftime-trace=<value>    Similar to -ftime-trace. Specify the JSON file or a directory which will contain the JSON file
  -ftime-trace            Turn on time profiler. Generates JSON file based on output filename.
  -ftrap-function=<value> Issue call to specified function rather than a trap instruction
  -ftrapv-handler=<function name>
                          Specify the function to be called on overflow
  -ftrapv                 Trap on integer overflow
  -ftrigraphs             Process trigraph sequences
                          Stop initializing trivial automatic stack variables after the specified number of instances
                          Initialize trivial automatic stack variables. Defaults to 'uninitialized'
  -funified-lto           Use the unified LTO pipeline
                          Use unique names for basic block sections (ELF Only)
                          Uniqueify Internal Linkage Symbol Names by appending the MD5 hash of the module path
  -funroll-loops          Turn on loop unroller
                          Allow unsafe floating-point math optimizations which may decrease precision
  -fuse-cuid=<value>      Method to generate ID's for compilation units for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP: 'hash' (ID's generated by hashing file path and command line options) | 'random' (ID's generated as random numbers) | 'none' (disabled). Default is 'hash'. This option will be overridden by option '-cuid=[ID]' if it is specified.
  -fuse-line-directives   Use #line in preprocessed output
                          Compute and store the hash of input files used to build an AST. Files with mismatching mtime's are considered valid if both contents is identical
  -fveclib=<value>        Use the given vector functions library
  -fvectorize             Enable the loop vectorization passes
  -fverbose-asm           Generate verbose assembly output
                          Enables dead virtual function elimination optimization. Requires -flto=full
                          The visibility for dllexport definitions [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for dllimport external declarations [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for external declarations without an explicit DLL dllstorageclass [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          Set the visibility of symbols in the generated code from their DLL storage class
                          Give global C++ operator new and delete declarations hidden visibility
                          When -fvisibility-inlines-hidden is enabled, static variables in inline C++ member functions will also be given hidden visibility by default
                          Give inline C++ member functions hidden visibility by default
  -fvisibility-ms-compat  Give global types 'default' visibility and global functions and variables 'hidden' visibility by default
                          The visibility for definitions without an explicit DLL export class [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
  -fvisibility=<value>    Set the default symbol visibility for all global definitions
  -fwasm-exceptions       Use WebAssembly style exceptions
  -fwhole-program-vtables Enables whole-program vtable optimization. Requires -flto
  -fwrapv                 Treat signed integer overflow as two's complement
  -fwritable-strings      Store string literals as writable data
  -fxl-pragma-pack        Enable IBM XL #pragma pack handling
                          Always emit __xray_customevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          Always emit __xray_typedevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'always instrument' XRay attribute.
                          Filename defining the list of functions/types for imbuing XRay attributes.
                          Only instrument 1 of N groups
  -fxray-ignore-loops     Don't instrument functions with loops unless they also meet the minimum function size
                          Sets the minimum function size to instrument with XRay
                          Select which XRay instrumentation points to emit. Options: all, none, function-entry, function-exit, function, custom. Default is 'all'.  'function' includes both 'function-entry' and 'function-exit'.
  -fxray-instrument       Generate XRay instrumentation sleds on function entry and exit
  -fxray-link-deps        Link XRay runtime library when -fxray-instrument is specified (default)
  -fxray-modes=<value>    List of modes to link in by default into XRay instrumented binaries.
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'never instrument' XRay attribute.
                          When using -fxray-function-groups, select which group of functions to instrument. Valid range is 0 to fxray-function-groups - 1
                          Clear call-used registers upon function return (AArch64/x86 only)
  -fzvector               Enable System z vector language extension
  -F <value>              Add directory to framework include search path
                          Use GCC installation in the specified directory. The directory ends with path components like 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Note: executables (e.g. ld) used by the compiler are not overridden by the selected GCC installation
  --gcc-toolchain=<value> Specify a directory where Clang can find 'include' and 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Clang will use the GCC installation with the largest version
  -gcodeview-command-line Emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gcodeview-ghash        Emit type record hashes in a .debug$H section
  -gcodeview              Generate CodeView debug information
  -gdwarf-2               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 2
  -gdwarf-3               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 3
  -gdwarf-4               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 4
  -gdwarf-5               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 5
  -gdwarf32               Enables DWARF32 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf64               Enables DWARF64 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf                 Generate source-level debug information with the default dwarf version
  -gembed-source          Embed source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gen-reproducer=<value> Emit reproducer on (option: off, crash (default), error, always)
  -gline-directives-only  Emit debug line info directives only
  -gline-tables-only      Emit debug line number tables only
  -gmodules               Generate debug info with external references to clang modules or precompiled headers
                          Don't emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gno-embed-source       Restore the default behavior of not embedding source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gno-inline-line-tables Don't emit inline line tables.
  --gpu-bundle-output     Bundle output files of HIP device compilation
                          Instrument device library for HIP, which is a LLVM bitcode containing __cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit
                          Default max threads per block for kernel launch bounds for HIP
  -gsplit-dwarf=<value>   Set DWARF fission mode
  -gstrict-dwarf          Restrict DWARF features to those defined in the specified version, avoiding features from later versions.
  -gz=<value>             DWARF debug sections compression type
  -G <size>               Put objects of at most <size> bytes into small data section (MIPS / Hexagon)
  -g                      Generate source-level debug information
  --help-hidden           Display help for hidden options
  -help                   Display available options
                          HIP device library
  --hip-link              Link clang-offload-bundler bundles for HIP
  --hip-path=<value>      HIP runtime installation path, used for finding HIP version and adding HIP include path.
  --hip-version=<value>   HIP version in the format of major.minor.patch
                          path to a pass plugin for HIP to SPIR-V passes.
  -H                      Show header includes and nesting depth
  -I-                     Restrict all prior -I flags to double-quoted inclusion and remove current directory from include path
  -ibuiltininc            Enable builtin #include directories even when -nostdinc is used before or after -ibuiltininc. Using -nobuiltininc after the option disables it
  -idirafter <value>      Add directory to AFTER include search path
  -iframeworkwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -iframework <value>     Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path
  -imacros <file>         Include macros from file before parsing
  -include-pch <file>     Include precompiled header file
  -include <file>         Include file before parsing
  -index-header-map       Make the next included directory (-I or -F) an indexer header map
  -iprefix <dir>          Set the -iwithprefix/-iwithprefixbefore prefix
  -iquote <directory>     Add directory to QUOTE include search path
  -isysroot <dir>         Set the system root directory (usually /)
  -isystem-after <directory>
                          Add directory to end of the SYSTEM include search path
  -isystem <directory>    Add directory to SYSTEM include search path
  -ivfsoverlay <value>    Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system
  -iwithprefixbefore <dir>
                          Set directory to include search path with prefix
  -iwithprefix <dir>      Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix
  -iwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM include search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -I <dir>                Add directory to the end of the list of include search paths
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-nvptx bitcode library
  -L <dir>                Add directory to library search path
  -mabi=quadword-atomics  Enable quadword atomics ABI on AIX (AIX PPC64 only). Uses lqarx/stqcx. instructions.
  -mabicalls              Enable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
  -maix-struct-return     Return all structs in memory (PPC32 only)
                          Specify the boundary's size to align branches
  -malign-branch=<value>  Specify types of branches to align
  -malign-double          Align doubles to two words in structs (x86 only)
  -maltivec               Enable AltiVec vector initializer syntax
  -mamdgpu-ieee           Sets the IEEE bit in the expected default floating point  mode register. Floating point opcodes that support exception flag gathering quiet and propagate signaling NaN inputs per IEEE 754-2008. This option changes the ABI. (AMDGPU only)
  -march=<value>          For a list of available architectures for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mbackchain             Link stack frames through backchain on System Z
                          Enforce targets of indirect branches and function returns
                          Align selected branches (fused, jcc, jmp) within 32-byte boundary
  -mcabac                 Enable CABAC instructions
  -mcmodel=medany         Equivalent to -mcmodel=medium, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmodel=medlow         Equivalent to -mcmodel=small, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmse                  Allow use of CMSE (Armv8-M Security Extensions)
                          Specify code object ABI version. Defaults to 4. (AMDGPU only)
  -mcpu=<value>           For a list of available CPUs for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mcrbits                Control the CR-bit tracking feature on PowerPC. ``-mcrbits`` (the enablement of CR-bit tracking support) is the default for POWER8 and above, as well as for all other CPUs when optimization is applied (-O2 and above).
  -mcrc                   Allow use of CRC instructions (ARM/Mips only)
  -mcumode                Specify CU wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Mapping between default visibility and export
  -mdouble=<n             Force double to be <n> bits
  -MD                     Write a depfile containing user and system headers
  -meabi <value>          Set EABI type. Default depends on triple)
  -membedded-data         Place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata section even if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Enable use of experimental RISC-V extensions.
  -mexec-model=<value>    Execution model (WebAssembly only)
  -mexecute-only          Disallow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mextern-sdata          Assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mfentry                Insert calls to fentry at function entry (x86/SystemZ only)
                          Work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
  -mfix-cortex-a53-835769 Workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mfp32                  Use 32-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mfp64                  Use 64-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mframe-chain=<value>   Select the frame chain model used to emit frame records (Arm only).
                          Replace returns with jumps to ``__x86_return_thunk`` (x86 only, error otherwise)
  -MF <file>              Write depfile output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to <file>
  -mgeneral-regs-only     Generate code which only uses the general purpose registers (AArch64/x86 only)
  -mglobal-merge          Enable merging of globals
  -mgpopt                 Use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mguard=<value>         Enable or disable Control Flow Guard checks and guard tables emission
  -MG                     Add missing headers to depfile
  -mharden-sls=<value>    Select straight-line speculation hardening scope (ARM/AArch64/X86 only). <arg> must be: all, none, retbr(ARM/AArch64), blr(ARM/AArch64), comdat(ARM/AArch64), nocomdat(ARM/AArch64), return(X86), indirect-jmp(X86)
  -mhvx-ieee-fp           Enable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mhvx-length=<value>    Set Hexagon Vector Length
  -mhvx-qfloat            Enable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mhvx=<value>           Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mhvx                   Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -miamcu                 Use Intel MCU ABI
                          Not emit the visibility attribute for asm in AIX OS or give all symbols 'unspecified' visibility in XCOFF object file
  --migrate               Run the migrator
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which can be used with an incremental linker
                          Add cs prefix to call and jmp to indirect thunk
  -mindirect-jump=<value> Change indirect jump instructions to inhibit speculation
                          Set iOS deployment target
  -MJ <value>             Write a compilation database entry per input
  -mllvm=<arg>            Alias for -mllvm
  -mllvm <value>          Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing
  -mlocal-sdata           Extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mlong-calls            Generate branches with extended addressability, usually via indirect jumps.
  -mlong-double-128       Force long double to be 128 bits
  -mlong-double-64        Force long double to be 64 bits
  -mlong-double-80        Force long double to be 80 bits, padded to 128 bits for storage
  -mlvi-cfi               Enable only control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mlvi-hardening         Enable all mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
                          Set macOS deployment target
  -mmadd4                 Enable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mmark-bti-property     Add with BTI to assembly files (AArch64 only)
  -MMD                    Write a depfile containing user headers
  -mmemops                Enable generation of memop instructions
  -mmlir <value>          Additional arguments to forward to MLIR's option processing
  -mms-bitfields          Set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mmsa                   Enable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mmt                    Enable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -MM                     Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
  -mno-abicalls           Disable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
                          Do not add a BTI instruction after a setjmp or other return-twice construct (Arm/AArch64 only)
  -mno-crc                Disallow use of CRC instructions (Mips only)
  -mno-cumode             Specify WGP wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mno-embedded-data      Do not place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mno-execute-only       Allow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mno-extern-sdata       Do not assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Don't work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
                          Don't workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mno-fmv                Disable function multiversioning
  -mno-gather             Disable generation of gather instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-global-merge       Disable merging of globals
  -mno-gpopt              Do not use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mno-hvx-ieee-fp        Disable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mno-hvx-qfloat         Disable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mno-hvx                Disable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mno-implicit-float     Don't generate implicit floating point or vector instructions
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which cannot be used with an incremental linker
  -mno-local-sdata        Do not extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mno-long-calls         Restore the default behaviour of not generating long calls
  -mno-lvi-cfi            Disable control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-lvi-hardening      Disable mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-madd4              Disable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mno-memops             Disable generation of memop instructions
  -mno-movt               Disallow use of movt/movw pairs (ARM only)
  -mno-ms-bitfields       Do not set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mno-msa                Disable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-mt                 Disable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-neg-immediates     Disallow converting instructions with negative immediates to their negation or inversion.
  -mno-nvj                Disable generation of new-value jumps
  -mno-nvs                Disable generation of new-value stores
  -mno-outline-atomics    Don't generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -mno-outline            Disable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mno-packets            Disable generation of instruction packets
                          Don't assume data segments are relative to text segment
  -mno-relax              Disable linker relaxation
  -mno-restrict-it        Allow generation of complex IT blocks.
  -mno-save-restore       Disable using library calls for save and restore
  -mno-scatter            Disable generation of scatter instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-seses              Disable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES)
  -mno-stack-arg-probe    Disable stack probes which are enabled by default
  -mno-tgsplit            Disable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Disable direct TLS access through segment registers
  -mno-unaligned-access   Force all memory accesses to be aligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -mno-wavefrontsize64    Specify wavefront size 32 mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mnocrc                 Disallow use of CRC instructions (ARM only)
  -mnop-mcount            Generate mcount/__fentry__ calls as nops. To activate they need to be patched in.
  -mnvj                   Enable generation of new-value jumps
  -mnvs                   Enable generation of new-value stores
  -module-dependency-dir <value>
                          Directory to dump module dependencies to
  -module-file-info       Provide information about a particular module file
                          Omit frame pointer setup for leaf functions
  -moutline-atomics       Generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -moutline               Enable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mpacked-stack          Use packed stack layout (SystemZ only).
  -mpackets               Enable generation of instruction packets
                          Specify maximum number of prefixes to use for padding
                          Assume data segments are relative to text segment
                          Specifies preferred vector width for auto-vectorization. Defaults to 'none' which allows target specific decisions.
  -mprintf-kind=<value>   Specify the printf lowering scheme (AMDGPU only), allowed values are "hostcall"(printing happens during kernel execution, this scheme relies on hostcalls which require system to support pcie atomics) and "buffered"(printing happens after all kernel threads exit, this uses a printf buffer and does not rely on pcie atomic support)
  -MP                     Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)
  -mqdsp6-compat          Enable hexagon-qdsp6 backward compatibility
  -MQ <value>             Specify name of main file output to quote in depfile
  -mrecip=<value>         Control use of approximate reciprocal and reciprocal square root instructions followed by <n> iterations of Newton-Raphson refinement. <value> = ( ['!'] ['vec-'] ('rcp'|'sqrt') [('h'|'s'|'d')] [':'<n>] ) | 'all' | 'default' | 'none'
  -mrecip                 Equivalent to '-mrecip=all'
  -mrecord-mcount         Generate a __mcount_loc section entry for each __fentry__ call.
  -mrelax-all             (integrated-as) Relax all machine instructions
  -mrelax                 Enable linker relaxation
  -mrestrict-it           Disallow generation of complex IT blocks. It is off by default.
  -mrtd                   Make StdCall calling convention the default
                          Specify the size in bits of an RVV vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". Accepts power of 2 values between 64 and 65536. Also accepts "zvl" to use the value implied by -march/-mcpu. Value will be reflected in __riscv_v_fixed_vlen preprocessor define (RISC-V only)
  -msave-restore          Enable using library calls for save and restore
  -mseses                 Enable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES). Includes LVI control flow integrity mitigations
                          Select return address signing scope
  -mskip-rax-setup        Skip setting up RAX register when passing variable arguments (x86 only)
                          Put global and static data smaller than the limit into a special section
  -msoft-float            Use software floating point
                          Set the stack alignment
  -mstack-arg-probe       Enable stack probes
                          Set the stack probe size
                          Use the given offset for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given reg for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given symbol for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given guard (global, tls) for addressing the stack-protector guard
  -mstackrealign          Force realign the stack at entry to every function
                          Specify the size in bits of an SVE vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". (AArch64 only)
  -msvr4-struct-return    Return small structs in registers (PPC32 only)
  -mtargetos=<value>      Set the deployment target to be the specified OS and OS version
  -mtgsplit               Enable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mthread-model <value>  The thread model to use. Defaults to 'posix')
  -mtls-direct-seg-refs   Enable direct TLS access through segment registers (default)
  -mtls-size=<value>      Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets (AArch64 ELF only): 12 (for 4KB) | 24 (for 16MB, default) | 32 (for 4GB) | 48 (for 256TB, needs -mcmodel=large)
  -mtp=<value>            Thread pointer access method. For AArch32: 'soft' uses a function call, or 'tpidrurw', 'tpidruro' or 'tpidrprw' use the three CP15 registers. 'cp15' is an alias for 'tpidruro'. For AArch64: 'tpidr_el0', 'tpidr_el1', 'tpidr_el2', 'tpidr_el3' or 'tpidrro_el0' use the five system registers. 'elN' is an alias for 'tpidr_elN'.
  -mtune=<value>          Only supported on AArch64, PowerPC, RISC-V, SystemZ, and X86
  -MT <value>             Specify name of main file output in depfile
  -munaligned-access      Allow memory accesses to be unaligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -munsafe-fp-atomics     Enable generation of unsafe floating point atomic instructions. May generate more efficient code, but may not respect rounding and denormal modes, and may give incorrect results for certain memory destinations. (AMDGPU only)
  -mvscale-max=<value>    Specify the vscale maximum. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "0". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -mvscale-min=<value>    Specify the vscale minimum. Defaults to "1". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -MV                     Use NMake/Jom format for the depfile
  -mwavefrontsize64       Specify wavefront size 64 mode (AMDGPU only)
                          On AIX, request creation of a build-id string, "0xHEXSTRING", in the string table of the loader section inside the linked binary
  -mxcoff-roptr           Place constant objects with relocatable address values in the RO data section and add -bforceimprw to the linker flags (AIX only)
                          High level qualifier for z/OS C++RT side deck datasets
                          High level qualifier for z/OS CSSLIB dataset
  -mzos-hlq-le=<LeHLQ>    High level qualifier for z/OS Language Environment datasets
                          Path to system headers on z/OS
  -M                      Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
                          Do not include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
  --no-cuda-version-check Don't error out if the detected version of the CUDA install is too low for the requested CUDA gpu architecture.
  --no-default-config     Disable loading default configuration files
  --no-gpu-bundle-output  Do not bundle output files of HIP device compilation
  -no-hip-rt              Do not link against HIP runtime libraries
                          Remove CUDA/HIP offloading device architecture (e.g. sm_35, gfx906) from the list of devices to compile for. 'all' resets the list to its default value.
  --no-offload-new-driver Don't Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as not including a system header.
  -nobuiltininc           Disable builtin #include directories
  -nogpuinc               Do not add include paths for CUDA/HIP and do not include the default CUDA/HIP wrapper headers
  -nogpulib               Do not link device library for CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -nohipwrapperinc        Do not include the default HIP wrapper headers and include paths
  -nostdinc++             Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library
                          Tool used for detecting NVIDIA GPU arch in the system.
  -ObjC++                 Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs
                          Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path
  -objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties
  -objcmt-migrate-all     Enable migration to modern ObjC
                          Enable migration to property and method annotations
                          Enable migration to infer NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for initializer methods
                          Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC literals
                          Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros
                          Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC property
                          Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting
                          Enable migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' attribute
                          Enable migration to annotate property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER
                          Alias for -objcmt-allowlist-dir-path
  -ObjC                   Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs
                          Set the output <file> for debug infos
  --offload-arch=<value>  Specify an offloading device architecture for CUDA, HIP, or OpenMP. (e.g. sm_35). If 'native' is used the compiler will detect locally installed architectures. For HIP offloading, the device architecture can be followed by target ID features delimited by a colon (e.g. gfx908:xnack+:sramecc-). May be specified more than once.
  --offload-device-only   Only compile for the offloading device.
  --offload-host-device   Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-host-only     Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-link          Use the new offloading linker to perform the link job.
  --offload-new-driver    Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
  --offload=<value>       Specify comma-separated list of offloading target triples (CUDA and HIP only)
  -o <file>               Write output to <file>
  -pedantic               Warn on language extensions
  -pg                     Enable mcount instrumentation
  -pipe                   Use pipes between commands, when possible
  --precompile            Only precompile the input
                          Print all of Clang's warning options
  -print-effective-triple Print the effective target triple
  -print-file-name=<file> Print the full library path of <file>
  -print-ivar-layout      Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace
  -print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for the currently used compiler runtime library ("libgcc.a" or "libclang_rt.builtins.*.a")
                          Print the flags used for selecting multilibs (experimental)
  -print-prog-name=<name> Print the full program path of <name>
  -print-resource-dir     Print the resource directory pathname
  -print-rocm-search-dirs Print the paths used for finding ROCm installation
  -print-runtime-dir      Print the directory pathname containing clangs runtime libraries
  -print-search-dirs      Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs
  -print-supported-cpus   Print supported cpu models for the given target (if target is not specified, it will print the supported cpus for the default target)
  -print-target-triple    Print the normalized target triple
  -print-targets          Print the registered targets
  -pthread                Support POSIX threads in generated code
  --ptxas-path=<value>    Path to ptxas (used for compiling CUDA code)
  -P                      Disable linemarker output in -E mode
  -p                      Enable mcount instrumentation with prof
  -Qn                     Do not emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -Qunused-arguments      Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments
  -Qy                     Emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -relocatable-pch        Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header
  -rewrite-legacy-objc    Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++
  -rewrite-objc           Rewrite Objective-C source to C++
                          ROCm device library path. Alternative to rocm-path.
  --rocm-path=<value>     ROCm installation path, used for finding and automatically linking required bitcode libraries.
  -Rpass-analysis=<value> Report transformation analysis from optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass-missed=<value>   Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass=<value>          Report transformations performed by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -rtlib=<value>          Compiler runtime library to use
  -R<remark>              Enable the specified remark
  -save-stats=<value>     Save llvm statistics.
  -save-stats             Save llvm statistics.
  -save-temps=<value>     Save intermediate compilation results.
  -save-temps             Save intermediate compilation results
  -serialize-diagnostics <value>
                          Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file
  -shared-libsan          Dynamically link the sanitizer runtime
                          Don't emit warnings about unused arguments for the following arguments
  -static-libsan          Statically link the sanitizer runtime (Not supported for ASan, TSan or UBSan on darwin)
  -static-openmp          Use the static host OpenMP runtime while linking.
  -std=<value>            Language standard to compile for
  -stdlib++-isystem <directory>
                          Use directory as the C++ standard library include path
  -stdlib=<value>         C++ standard library to use
  -sycl-std=<value>       SYCL language standard to compile for.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as including a system header.
  -S                      Only run preprocess and compilation steps
  --target=<value>        Generate code for the given target
  -time                   Time individual commands
  -traditional-cpp        Enable some traditional CPP emulation
  -trigraphs              Process trigraph sequences
  -T <script>             Specify <script> as linker script
  -undef                  undef all system defines
  -unwindlib=<value>      Unwind library to use
  -U <macro>              Undefine macro <macro>
  --verify-debug-info     Verify the binary representation of debug output
  -verify-pch             Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is not stale
  --version               Print version information
  -vfsoverlay <value>     Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system. Additionally, pass this overlay file to the linker if it supports it
  -v                      Show commands to run and use verbose output
  -Wa,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the assembler
  -Wdeprecated            Enable warnings for deprecated constructs and define __DEPRECATED
  -Wl,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the linker
  -working-directory <value>
                          Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory
  -Wp,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the preprocessor
  -W<warning>             Enable the specified warning
  -w                      Suppress all warnings
  -Xanalyzer <arg>        Pass <arg> to the static analyzer
  -Xarch_device <arg>     Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -Xarch_host <arg>       Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP host compilation
  -Xassembler <arg>       Pass <arg> to the assembler
  -Xclang=<arg>           Alias for -Xclang
  -Xclang <arg>           Pass <arg> to clang -cc1
  -Xcuda-fatbinary <arg>  Pass <arg> to fatbinary invocation
  -Xcuda-ptxas <arg>      Pass <arg> to the ptxas assembler
  -Xlinker <arg>          Pass <arg> to the linker
  -Xoffload-linker<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the offload linkers or the ones idenfied by -<triple>
  -Xopenmp-target=<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain identified by <triple>.
  -Xopenmp-target <arg>   Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>    Pass <arg> to the preprocessor
  -x <language>           Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>
  -z <arg>                Pass -z <arg> to the linker

root@kali:~# afl-clang --help
OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler

USAGE: clang [options] file...

  -###                    Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation
                          Tool used for detecting AMD GPU arch in the system.
  --analyzer-output <value>
                          Static analyzer report output format (html|plist|plist-multi-file|plist-html|sarif|sarif-html|text).
  --analyze               Run the static analyzer
                          Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them
  -arcmt-migrate-report-output <value>
                          Output path for the plist report
  -B <prefix>             Search $prefix$file for executables, libraries, and data files. If $prefix is a directory, search $prefix/$file
  -b <arg>                Pass -b <arg> to the linker on AIX
  -CC                     Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output
  -cl-denorms-are-zero    OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero.
  -cl-ext=<value>         OpenCL only. Enable or disable OpenCL extensions/optional features. The argument is a comma-separated sequence of one or more extension names, each prefixed by '+' or '-'.
  -cl-fast-relaxed-math   OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__.
  -cl-finite-math-only    OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf.
                          OpenCL only. Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded.
  -cl-kernel-arg-info     OpenCL only. Generate kernel argument metadata.
  -cl-mad-enable          OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise MAD computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-signed-zeros     OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise no signed zeros computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-stdinc           OpenCL only. Disables all standard includes containing non-native compiler types and functions.
  -cl-opt-disable         OpenCL only. This option disables all optimizations. By default optimizations are enabled.
                          OpenCL only. Treat double precision floating-point constant as single precision constant.
  -cl-std=<value>         OpenCL language standard to compile for.
  -cl-strict-aliasing     OpenCL only. This option is added for compatibility with OpenCL 1.0.
                          OpenCL only. Defines that the global work-size be a multiple of the work-group size specified to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
                          OpenCL only. Allow unsafe floating-point optimizations.  Also implies -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-mad-enable.
  --config=<file>         Specify configuration file
                          Compile CUDA code for both host and device (default). Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
  --cuda-device-only      Compile CUDA code for device only
  --cuda-feature=<value>  Manually specify the CUDA feature to use
  --cuda-host-only        Compile CUDA code for host only. Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
                          Include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
                          Enable device-side debug info generation. Disables ptxas optimizations.
  --cuda-path-ignore-env  Ignore environment variables to detect CUDA installation
  --cuda-path=<value>     CUDA installation path
  -cuid=<value>           An ID for compilation unit, which should be the same for the same compilation unit but different for different compilation units. It is used to externalize device-side static variables for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP so that they can be accessed by the host code of the same compilation unit.
  -cxx-isystem <directory>
                          Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path
  -C                      Include comments in preprocessed output
  -c                      Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps
  -darwin-target-variant-triple <value>
                          Specify the darwin target variant triple
  -darwin-target-variant <value>
                          Generate code for an additional runtime variant of the deployment target
  -dD                     Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dependency-dot <value> Filename to write DOT-formatted header dependencies to
  -dependency-file <value>
                          Filename (or -) to write dependency output to
  -dI                     Print include directives in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dM                     Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output
  -dsym-dir <dir>         Directory to output dSYM's (if any) to
  -dumpdir <dumppfx>      Use <dumpfpx> as a prefix to form auxiliary and dump file names
  -D <macro>=<value>      Define <macro> to <value> (or 1 if <value> omitted)
  -emit-ast               Emit Clang AST files for source inputs
  -emit-interface-stubs   Generate Interface Stub Files.
  -emit-llvm              Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files
  -emit-merged-ifs        Generate Interface Stub Files, emit merged text not binary.
  --emit-static-lib       Enable linker job to emit a static library.
  --emit-symbol-graph= <value>
                          Generate Extract API information as a side effect of compilation.
                          Start emitting warnings for unused driver arguments
                          Comma separated list of files containing a new line separated list of API symbols to ignore when extracting API information.
  -extract-api            Extract API information
  -E                      Only run the preprocessor
  -faapcs-bitfield-load   Follows the AAPCS standard that all volatile bit-field write generates at least one load. (ARM only).
  -faapcs-bitfield-width  Follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -faddrsig               Emit an address-significance table
  -falign-loops=<N>       N must be a power of two. Align loops to the boundary
  -faligned-allocation    Enable C++17 aligned allocation functions
                          Treat editor placeholders as valid source code
                          Source-level compatibility for Altivec vectors (for PowerPC targets). This includes results of vector comparison (scalar for 'xl', vector for 'gcc') as well as behavior when initializing with a scalar (splatting for 'xl', element zero only for 'gcc'). For 'mixed', the compatibility is as 'gcc' for 'vector bool/vector pixel' and as 'xl' for other types. Current default is 'mixed'.
  -fansi-escape-codes     Use ANSI escape codes for diagnostics
  -fapple-kext            Use Apple's kernel extensions ABI
  -fapple-link-rtlib      Force linking the clang builtins runtime library
  -fapple-pragma-pack     Enable Apple gcc-compatible #pragma pack handling
  -fapplication-extension Restrict code to those available for App Extensions
  -fapprox-func           Allow certain math function calls to be replaced with an approximately equivalent calculation
  -fasync-exceptions      Enable EH Asynchronous exceptions
                          Place each function's basic blocks in unique sections (ELF Only)
                          Produced object files can use all ELF features supported by this binutils version and newer. If -fno-integrated-as is specified, the generated assembly will consider GNU as support. 'none' means that all ELF features can be used, regardless of binutils support. Defaults to 2.26.
  -fblocks                Enable the 'blocks' language feature
  -fborland-extensions    Accept non-standard constructs supported by the Borland compiler
                          Use the last modification time of <file> as the build session timestamp
  -fbuild-session-timestamp=<time since Epoch in seconds>
                          Time when the current build session started
  -fbuiltin-module-map    Load the clang builtins module map file.
  -fc++-abi=<value>       C++ ABI to use. This will override the target C++ ABI.
  -fcall-saved-x10        Make the x10 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x11        Make the x11 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x12        Make the x12 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x13        Make the x13 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x14        Make the x14 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x15        Make the x15 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x18        Make the x18 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x8         Make the x8 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x9         Make the x9 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
                          Set the maximum number of source lines to show in a caret diagnostic (0 = no limit).
  -fcf-protection=<value> Instrument control-flow architecture protection
  -fcf-protection         Enable cf-protection in 'full' mode
  -fchar8_t               Enable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fcheck-new             Do not assume C++ operator new may not return NULL
                          Attempt to match the ABI of Clang <version>
  -fcolor-diagnostics     Enable colors in diagnostics
                          Treat each comma separated argument in <arg> as a documentation comment block command
  -fcommon                Place uninitialized global variables in a common block
                          Require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a constexpr evaluation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive constexpr function calls
                          Set the maximum number of steps in constexpr function evaluation
                          Prefer aligned allocation for C++ Coroutines
  -fcoroutines            Enable support for the C++ Coroutines
                          The compilation directory to embed in the coverage mapping.
  -fcoverage-mapping      Generate coverage mapping to enable code coverage analysis
                          remap file source paths <old> to <new> in coverage mapping. If there are multiple options, prefix replacement is applied in reverse order starting from the last one
                          Put crash-report files in <dir>
                          Set level of crash diagnostic reporting, (option: off, compiler, all)
  -fcrash-diagnostics     Enable crash diagnostic reporting (default)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fcs-profile-generate   Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use approximate transcendental functions
  -fcuda-short-ptr        Use 32-bit pointers for accessing const/local/shared address spaces
  -fcxx-exceptions        Enable C++ exceptions
  -fcxx-modules           Enable modules for C++
  -fdata-sections         Place each data in its own section
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info
                          Default DWARF version to use, if a -g option caused DWARF debug info to be produced
                          Emit extra debug info to make sample profile more accurate
  -fdebug-macro           Emit macro debug information
                          For paths in debug info, remap directory <old> to <new>. If multiple options match a path, the last option wins
                          Use DWARF base address selection entries in .debug_ranges
  -fdebug-types-section   Place debug types in their own section (ELF Only)
  -fdeclspec              Allow __declspec as a keyword
                          Parse templated function definitions at the end of the translation unit
                          Treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior (default)
                          Print absolute paths in diagnostics
                          Prevent optimization remarks from being output if they do not have at least this profile count. Use 'auto' to apply the threshold from profile summary
                          Prevent misexpect diagnostics from being output if the profile counts are within N% of the expected. 
                          Print fix-its in machine parseable form
                          Print source range spans in numeric form
                          Enable profile hotness information in diagnostic line
                          Display include stacks for diagnostic notes
                          Print option name with mappable diagnostics
                          Print a template comparison tree for differing templates
  -fdigraphs              Enable alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:' (default)
                          Don't use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
  -fdiscard-value-names   Discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Allow '$' in identifiers
  -fdriver-only           Only run the driver.
  -fdwarf-exceptions      Use DWARF style exceptions
                          Do not emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fembed-bitcode-marker  Embed placeholder LLVM IR data as a marker
                          Embed LLVM bitcode
  -fembed-bitcode         Embed LLVM IR bitcode as data
                          Embed Offloading device-side binary into host object file as a section.
  -femit-all-decls        Emit all declarations, even if unused
                          Try emitting Compact-Unwind for non-canonical entries. Maybe overriden by other constraints
                          When to emit DWARF unwind (EH frame) info
  -femulated-tls          Use emutls functions to access thread_local variables
  -fenable-matrix         Enable matrix data type and related builtin functions
  -fexceptions            Enable support for exception handling
                          Allows control over excess precision on targets where native support for the precision types is not available. By default, excess precision is used to calculate intermediate results following the rules specified in ISO C99.
  -fexperimental-library  Control whether unstable and experimental library features are enabled. This option enables various library features that are either experimental (also known as TSes), or have been but are not stable yet in the selected Standard Library implementation. It is not recommended to use this option in production code, since neither ABI nor API stability are guaranteed. This is intended to provide a preview of features that will ship in the future for experimentation purposes
                          Enable the experimental new constant interpreter
                          Use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable sanitizer metadata for modules and functions that match the provided special case list
                          Specify the type of metadata to emit for binary analysis sanitizers
                          Enables the use of non-default rounding modes and non-default exception handling on targets that are not currently ready.
                          Controls how scalar integer arguments are extended in calls to unprototyped and varargs functions
  -ffast-math             Allow aggressive, lossy floating-point optimizations
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info and coverage mapping.
                          remap file source paths in debug info, predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -ffile-reproducible     Use the target's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use separate accesses for consecutive bitfield runs with legal widths and alignments.
  -ffinite-loops          Assume all loops are finite.
  -ffinite-math-only      Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-inf. This defines the \_\_FINITE\_MATH\_ONLY\_\_ preprocessor macro.
  -ffixed-a0              Reserve the a0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a1              Reserve the a1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a2              Reserve the a2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a3              Reserve the a3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a4              Reserve the a4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a5              Reserve the a5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a6              Reserve the a6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d0              Reserve the d0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d1              Reserve the d1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d2              Reserve the d2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d3              Reserve the d3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d4              Reserve the d4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d5              Reserve the d5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d6              Reserve the d6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d7              Reserve the d7 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-point           Enable fixed point types
  -ffixed-r19             Reserve register r19 (Hexagon only)
  -ffixed-r9              Reserve the r9 register (ARM only)
  -ffixed-x10             Reserve the x10 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x11             Reserve the x11 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x12             Reserve the x12 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x13             Reserve the x13 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x14             Reserve the x14 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x15             Reserve the x15 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x16             Reserve the x16 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x17             Reserve the x17 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x18             Reserve the x18 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x19             Reserve the x19 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x1              Reserve the x1 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x20             Reserve the x20 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x21             Reserve the x21 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x22             Reserve the x22 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x23             Reserve the x23 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x24             Reserve the x24 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x25             Reserve the x25 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x26             Reserve the x26 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x27             Reserve the x27 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x28             Reserve the x28 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x29             Reserve the x29 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x2              Reserve the x2 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x30             Reserve the x30 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x31             Reserve the x31 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x3              Reserve the x3 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x4              Reserve the x4 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x5              Reserve the x5 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x6              Reserve the x6 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x7              Reserve the x7 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x8              Reserve the x8 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x9              Reserve the x9 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -fforce-dwarf-frame     Always emit a debug frame section
  -fforce-emit-vtables    Emits more virtual tables to improve devirtualization
  -fforce-enable-int128   Enable support for int128_t type
  -ffp-contract=<value>   Form fused FP ops (e.g. FMAs)
                          Specifies the evaluation method to use for floating-point arithmetic.
                          Specifies the exception behavior of floating-point operations.
  -ffp-model=<value>      Controls the semantics of floating-point calculations.
  -ffreestanding          Assert that the compilation takes place in a freestanding environment
                          Set Fuchsia API level
  -ffunction-sections     Place each function in its own section
  -fglobal-isel           Enables the global instruction selector
  -fgnu-keywords          Allow GNU-extension keywords regardless of language standard
  -fgnu-runtime           Generate output compatible with the standard GNU Objective-C runtime
  -fgnu89-inline          Use the gnu89 inline semantics
  -fgnuc-version=<value>  Sets various macros to claim compatibility with the given GCC version (default is 4.2.1)
  -fgpu-allow-device-init Allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
                          Specify default stream. The default value is 'legacy'. (HIP only)
  -fgpu-defer-diag        Defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Flush denormal floating point values to zero in CUDA/HIP device mode.
  -fgpu-rdc               Generate relocatable device code, also known as separate compilation mode
  -fgpu-sanitize          Enable sanitizer for AMDGPU target
  -fhip-emit-relocatable  Compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
  -fhip-kernel-arg-name   Specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fhip-new-launch-api    Use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fhonor-infinities      Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not +-inf.
  -fhonor-nans            Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not NANs.
  -fignore-exceptions     Enable support for ignoring exception handling constructs
  -fimplicit-module-maps  Implicitly search the file system for module map files.
                          Enable incremental processing extensions such as processingstatements on the global scope.
  -finline-functions      Inline suitable functions
  -finline-hint-functions Inline functions which are (explicitly or implicitly) marked inline
                          Suppress inlining of functions whose stack size exceeds the given value
  -finput-charset=<value> Specify the default character set for source files
                          Instrument function entry only, after inlining, without arguments to the instrumentation call
                          Like -finstrument-functions, but insert the calls after inlining
  -finstrument-functions  Generate calls to instrument function entry and exit
  -fintegrated-as         Enable the integrated assembler
  -fintegrated-cc1        Run cc1 in-process
  -fintegrated-objemitter Use internal machine object code emitter.
  -fjmc                   Enable just-my-code debugging
  -fjump-tables           Use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Enable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fkeep-static-consts    Keep static const variables even if unused
                          Enable implicit vector bit-casts
  -flto-jobs=<value>      Controls the backend parallelism of -flto=thin (default of 0 means the number of threads will be derived from the number of CPUs detected)
  -flto=auto              Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=jobserver         Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=<value>           Set LTO mode
  -flto                   Enable LTO in 'full' mode
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a macro expansion backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          remap file source paths in predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -fmath-errno            Require math functions to indicate errors by setting errno
  -fmax-tokens=<value>    Max total number of preprocessed tokens for -Wmax-tokens.
                          Specify the maximum alignment to enforce on pointers lacking an explicit alignment
                          Use memory profile for profile-guided memory optimization
                          Enable heap memory profiling and dump results into <directory>
  -fmemory-profile        Enable heap memory profiling
  -fmerge-all-constants   Allow merging of constants
                          Format message diagnostics so that they fit within N columns
  -fminimize-whitespace   Ignore the whitespace from the input file when emitting preprocessor output. It will only contain whitespace when necessary, e.g. to keep two minus signs from merging into to an increment operator. Useful with the -P option to normalize whitespace such that two files with only formatting changes are equal.

Only valid with -E on C-like inputs and incompatible with -traditional-cpp.
                          Specify the mapping of module name to precompiled module file, or load a module file if name is omitted.
  -fmodule-header=<kind>  Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header that should be found in the user (fmodule-header=user) or system (fmodule-header=system) search path.
  -fmodule-header         Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header.
                          Load this module map file
  -fmodule-name=<name>    Specify the name of the module to build
  -fmodule-output=<value> Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
  -fmodule-output         Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
                          Specify the module cache path
  -fmodules-decluse       Require declaration of modules used within a module
                          Disable validation of the diagnostic options when loading the module
                          Ignore the definition of the given macro when building and loading modules
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) after which a module file will be considered unused
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) between attempts to prune the module cache
  -fmodules-search-all    Search even non-imported modules to resolve references
                          Like -fmodules-decluse but requires all headers to be in modules
  -fmodules-user-build-path <directory>
                          Specify the module user build path
                          Validate PCM input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Don't verify input files for the modules if the module has been successfully validated or loaded during this build session
                          Validate the system headers that a module depends on when loading the module
  -fmodules               Enable the 'modules' language feature
                          Dot-separated value representing the Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fms-compatibility      Enable full Microsoft Visual C++ compatibility
  -fms-extensions         Accept some non-standard constructs supported by the Microsoft compiler
  -fms-hotpatch           Ensure that all functions can be hotpatched at runtime
                          Select Windows run-time library
  -fmsc-version=<value>   Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fnew-alignment=<align> Specifies the largest alignment guaranteed by '::operator new(size_t)'
  -fnew-infallible        Enable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          Do not follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -fno-access-control     Disable C++ access control
  -fno-addrsig            Don't emit an address-significance table
                          Don't assume that C++'s global operator new can't alias any pointer
                          Disable optimizations based on vtable pointer identity
  -fno-autolink           Disable generation of linker directives for automatic library linking
  -fno-builtin-<value>    Disable implicit builtin knowledge of a specific function
  -fno-builtin            Disable implicit builtin knowledge of functions
                          Disable C++ static destructor registration
  -fno-char8_t            Disable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fno-color-diagnostics  Disable colors in diagnostics
  -fno-common             Compile common globals like normal definitions
                          Do not require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
  -fno-constant-cfstrings Disable creation of CodeFoundation-type constant strings
                          Assume all functions may be convergent.
  -fno-coverage-mapping   Disable code coverage analysis
  -fno-crash-diagnostics  Disable auto-generation of preprocessed source files and a script for reproduction during a clang crash
                          Don't use approximate transcendental functions
  -fno-cxx-modules        Disable modules for C++
  -fno-debug-macro        Do not emit macro debug information
  -fno-declspec           Disallow __declspec as a keyword
                          Disable delayed template parsing
                          Do not treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior
                          Do not include fixit information in diagnostics
                          Show line numbers in diagnostic code snippets
  -fno-digraphs           Disallow alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:'
                          Use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
                          Do not discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Disallow '$' in identifiers
  -fno-elide-constructors Disable C++ copy constructor elision
  -fno-elide-type         Do not elide types when printing diagnostics
                          Emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fno-exceptions         Disable support for exception handling
                          Do not use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable emitting metadata for binary analysis sanitizers
  -fno-file-reproducible  Use the host's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use large-integer access for consecutive bitfield runs.
  -fno-finite-loops       Do not assume that any loop is finite.
  -fno-fixed-point        Disable fixed point types
                          Disable support for int128_t type
  -fno-global-isel        Disables the global instruction selector
  -fno-gnu-inline-asm     Disable GNU style inline asm
                          Don't allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
  -fno-gpu-defer-diag     Don't defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Do not override toolchain to compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Don't specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
                          Don't specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fno-hip-new-launch-api Don't use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fno-integrated-as      Disable the integrated assembler
  -fno-integrated-cc1     Spawn a separate process for each cc1
                          Use external machine object code emitter.
  -fno-jump-tables        Do not use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Disable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fno-keep-static-consts Don't keep static const variables even if unused
  -fno-knr-functions      Disable support for K&R C function declarations
  -fno-lto                Disable LTO mode (default)
  -fno-memory-profile     Disable heap memory profiling
                          Disallow merging of constants
                          Skip checks for relocated modules when loading PCM files
                          Do not enforce -fmodules-decluse and private header restrictions for textual headers. This flag will be removed in a future Clang release.
  -fno-new-infallible     Disable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          do not infer Objective-C related result type based on method family
  -fno-offload-lto        Disable LTO mode (default) for offload compilation
  -fno-openmp-extensions  Disable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
  -fno-operator-names     Do not treat C++ operator name keywords as synonyms for operators
                          Disable tail call optimization, keeping the call stack accurate
  -fno-pch-codegen        Do not generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fno-pch-debuginfo      Do not generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
  -fno-plt                Use GOT indirection instead of PLT to make external function calls (x86 only)
                          Do not preserve comments in inline assembly
  -fno-profile-generate   Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
                          Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
  -fno-profile-instr-use  Disable using instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
                          Do not emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          Don't use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
  -fno-rtlib-add-rpath    Do not add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, do not add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -fno-rtti-data          Disable generation of RTTI data
  -fno-rtti               Disable generation of rtti information
                          Disable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Use default code inlining logic for the address sanitizer
                          Disable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable ODR indicator globals
                          Do not make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Disable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Disable features of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Disable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Don't use ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Disable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Disable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable recovery for specified sanitizers
                          Conventional ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fno-sanitize-stats     Disable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Disable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fno-sanitize-trap      Disable trapping for all sanitizers
  -fno-short-wchar        Force wchar_t to be an unsigned int
  -fno-show-column        Do not include column number on diagnostics
                          Do not include source location information with diagnostics
  -fno-signed-char        char is unsigned
  -fno-signed-zeros       Allow optimizations that ignore the sign of floating point zeros
  -fno-spell-checking     Disable spell-checking
                          Disable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fno-split-stack        Wouldn't use segmented stack
                          Disable stack clash protection
  -fno-stack-protector    Disable the use of stack protectors
  -fno-standalone-debug   Limit debug information produced to reduce size of debug binary
                          Relax language rules and try to match the behavior of the target's native float-to-int conversion instructions
  -fno-strict-return      Don't treat control flow paths that fall off the end of a non-void function as unreachable
  -fno-sycl               Disables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fno-temp-file          Directly create compilation output files. This may lead to incorrect incremental builds if the compiler crashes
  -fno-threadsafe-statics Do not emit code to make initialization of local statics thread safe
  -fno-trigraphs          Do not process trigraph sequences
  -fno-unified-lto        Use distinct LTO pipelines
                          Don't use unique names for text and data sections
  -fno-unroll-loops       Turn off loop unroller
  -fno-use-cxa-atexit     Don't use __cxa_atexit for calling destructors
  -fno-use-init-array     Use .ctors/.dtors instead of .init_array/.fini_array
                          Disables -fvisibility-inlines-hidden-static-local-var (this is the default on non-darwin targets)
                          Omit function index section at the expense of single-function patching performance
                          Don't place zero initialized data in BSS
  -fobjc-arc-exceptions   Use EH-safe code when synthesizing retains and releases in -fobjc-arc
  -fobjc-arc              Synthesize retain and release calls for Objective-C pointers
                          Ignore attribute objc_direct so that direct methods can be tested
                          Fully encode c++ class template specialization
  -fobjc-exceptions       Enable Objective-C exceptions
  -fobjc-runtime=<value>  Specify the target Objective-C runtime kind and version
  -fobjc-weak             Enable ARC-style weak references in Objective-C
  -foffload-lto=<value>   Set LTO mode for offload compilation
  -foffload-lto           Enable LTO in 'full' mode for offload compilation
  -fomit-frame-pointer    Omit the frame pointer from functions that don't need it. Some stack unwinding cases, such as profilers and sanitizers, may prefer specifying -fno-omit-frame-pointer. On many targets, -O1 and higher omit the frame pointer by default. -m[no-]omit-leaf-frame-pointer takes precedence for leaf functions
  -fopenmp-extensions     Enable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
                          Do not create a host fallback if offloading to the device fails.
  -fopenmp-simd           Emit OpenMP code only for SIMD-based constructs.
  -fopenmp-target-debug   Enable debugging in the OpenMP offloading device RTL
  -fopenmp-target-jit     Emit code that can be JIT compiled for OpenMP offloading. Implies -foffload-lto=full
                          Specify comma-separated list of triples OpenMP offloading targets to be supported
                          Set OpenMP version (e.g. 45 for OpenMP 4.5, 50 for OpenMP 5.0). Default value is 50 for Clang and 11 for Flang
  -fopenmp                Parse OpenMP pragmas and generate parallel code.
                          Maximum number of 'operator->'s to call for a member access
                          Specify the output name of the file containing the optimization remarks. Implies -fsave-optimization-record. On Darwin platforms, this cannot be used with multiple -arch <arch> options.
                          Only include passes which match a specified regular expression in the generated optimization record (by default, include all passes)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect order file into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fpack-struct=<value>   Specify the default maximum struct packing alignment
  -fpascal-strings        Recognize and construct Pascal-style string literals
  -fpass-plugin=<dsopath> Load pass plugin from a dynamic shared object file (only with new pass manager).
                          Generate M NOPs before function entry and N-M NOPs after function entry
  -fpcc-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return all structs on the stack
  -fpch-codegen           Generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fpch-debuginfo         Generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
                          Instantiate templates already while building a PCH
                          Validate PCH input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Pass <arg> to plugin <name>
  -fplugin=<dsopath>      Load the named plugin (dynamic shared object)
                          Look up implicit modules in the prebuilt module path
                          Specify the prebuilt module path
                          Save subprocess statistics to the given file
                          Print subprocess statistics
  -fprofile-arcs          Instrument code to produce gcov data files (*.gcda)
                          Instrument only functions from files where names don't match all the regexes separated by a semi-colon
                          Instrument only functions from files where names match any regex separated by a semi-colon
                          Partition functions into N groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented using -fprofile-selected-function-group
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fprofile-generate      Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <file> (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
  -fprofile-list=<value>  Filename defining the list of functions/files to instrument. The file uses the sanitizer special case list format.
                          Use the remappings described in <file> to match the profile data against names in the program
                          Specifies that the sample profile is accurate
                          Enable sample-based profile guided optimizations
                          Partition functions into N groups using -fprofile-function-groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented. The valid range is 0 to N-1 inclusive
                          Set update method of profile counters
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization. If pathname is a directory, it reads from <pathname>/default.profdata. Otherwise, it reads from file <pathname>.
  -fprotect-parens        Determines whether the optimizer honors parentheses when floating-point expressions are evaluated
                          Emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          File holding the seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
                          The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
  -freciprocal-math       Allow division operations to be reassociated
  -freg-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return small structs in registers
                          Use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
                          Enable C++17 relaxed template template argument matching
  -freroll-loops          Turn on loop reroller
  -fropi                  Generate read-only position independent code (ARM only)
  -frtlib-add-rpath       Add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, also add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -frwpi                  Generate read-write position independent code (ARM only)
                          Display suggestions to update code associated with -Wunsafe-buffer-usage warnings
                          Use profi to infer block and edge counts
                          Set the kind of module destructors emitted by AddressSanitizer instrumentation. These destructors are emitted to unregister instrumented global variables when code is unloaded (e.g. via `dlclose()`).
                          Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer
                          Enable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Always generate function calls for address sanitizer instrumentation
                          Enable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Select the mode of detecting stack use-after-return in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable ODR indicator globals to avoid false ODR violation reports in partially sanitized programs at the cost of an increase in binary size
                          Alias for -fsanitize-ignorelist=
                          Make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Enable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Normalize integers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Generalize pointers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Restrict sanitizer coverage instrumentation exclusively to modules and functions that match the provided special case list, except the blocked ones
                          Disable sanitizer coverage instrumentation for modules and functions that match the provided special case list, even the allowed ones
                          Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Select the HWAddressSanitizer ABI to target (interceptor or platform, default interceptor). This option is currently unused.
                          Enable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Path to ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Set default MTE mode to 'sync' (default) or 'async'
                          Enable recovery for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-stable-abi   Stable  ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fsanitize-stats        Enable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Path to system ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
  -fsanitize-trap=<value> Enable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-trap         Enable trapping for all sanitizers
                          Strip (or keep only, if negative) a given number of path components when emitting check metadata.
  -fsanitize=<check>      Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious behavior. See user manual for available checks
                          Generate an optimization record file in a specific format
                          Generate a YAML optimization record file
  -fseh-exceptions        Use SEH style exceptions
  -fshort-enums           Allocate to an enum type only as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of possible values
  -fshort-wchar           Force wchar_t to be a short unsigned int
                          Which overload candidates to show when overload resolution fails. Defaults to 'all'
  -fshow-skipped-includes Show skipped includes in -H output.
  -fsigned-char           char is signed
  -fsized-deallocation    Enable C++14 sized global deallocation functions
  -fsjlj-exceptions       Use SjLj style exceptions
  -fslp-vectorize         Enable the superword-level parallelism vectorization passes
                          Set the maximum number of times to perform spell checking on unrecognized identifiers (0 = no limit)
  -fsplit-dwarf-inlining  Provide minimal debug info in the object/executable to facilitate online symbolication/stack traces in the absence of .dwo/.dwp files when using Split DWARF
  -fsplit-lto-unit        Enables splitting of the LTO unit
                          Enable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fsplit-stack           Use segmented stack
                          Enable stack clash protection
  -fstack-protector-all   Enable stack protectors for all functions
                          Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. Compared to -fstack-protector, this uses a stronger heuristic that includes functions containing arrays of any size (and any type), as well as any calls to alloca or the taking of an address from a local variable
  -fstack-protector       Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. This uses a loose heuristic which considers functions vulnerable if they contain a char (or 8bit integer) array or constant sized calls to alloca , which are of greater size than ssp-buffer-size (default: 8 bytes). All variable sized calls to alloca are considered vulnerable. A function with a stack protector has a guard value added to the stack frame that is checked on function exit. The guard value must be positioned in the stack frame such that a buffer overflow from a vulnerable variable will overwrite the guard value before overwriting the function's return address. The reference stack guard value is stored in a global variable.
  -fstack-size-section    Emit section containing metadata on function stack sizes
  -fstack-usage           Emit .su file containing information on function stack sizes
  -fstandalone-debug      Emit full debug info for all types used by the program
  -fstrict-enums          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's value range
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of flexible arrays
                          Assume that overflowing float-to-int casts are undefined (default)
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict rules for overwriting polymorphic C++ objects
                          Control emission of Swift async extended frame info
  -fsycl                  Enables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fsyntax-only           Run the preprocessor, parser and semantic analysis stages
  -fsystem-module         Build this module as a system module. Only used with -emit-module
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a template instantiation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive template instantiation
  -ftest-coverage         Produce gcov notes files (*.gcno)
                          Write minimized bitcode to <file> for the ThinLTO thin link only
  -fthinlto-index=<value> Perform ThinLTO importing using provided function summary index
  -ftime-report=<value>   (For new pass manager) 'per-pass': one report for each pass; 'per-pass-run': one report for each pass invocation
                          Minimum time granularity (in microseconds) traced by time profiler
  -ftime-trace=<value>    Similar to -ftime-trace. Specify the JSON file or a directory which will contain the JSON file
  -ftime-trace            Turn on time profiler. Generates JSON file based on output filename.
  -ftrap-function=<value> Issue call to specified function rather than a trap instruction
  -ftrapv-handler=<function name>
                          Specify the function to be called on overflow
  -ftrapv                 Trap on integer overflow
  -ftrigraphs             Process trigraph sequences
                          Stop initializing trivial automatic stack variables after the specified number of instances
                          Initialize trivial automatic stack variables. Defaults to 'uninitialized'
  -funified-lto           Use the unified LTO pipeline
                          Use unique names for basic block sections (ELF Only)
                          Uniqueify Internal Linkage Symbol Names by appending the MD5 hash of the module path
  -funroll-loops          Turn on loop unroller
                          Allow unsafe floating-point math optimizations which may decrease precision
  -fuse-cuid=<value>      Method to generate ID's for compilation units for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP: 'hash' (ID's generated by hashing file path and command line options) | 'random' (ID's generated as random numbers) | 'none' (disabled). Default is 'hash'. This option will be overridden by option '-cuid=[ID]' if it is specified.
  -fuse-line-directives   Use #line in preprocessed output
                          Compute and store the hash of input files used to build an AST. Files with mismatching mtime's are considered valid if both contents is identical
  -fveclib=<value>        Use the given vector functions library
  -fvectorize             Enable the loop vectorization passes
  -fverbose-asm           Generate verbose assembly output
                          Enables dead virtual function elimination optimization. Requires -flto=full
                          The visibility for dllexport definitions [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for dllimport external declarations [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for external declarations without an explicit DLL dllstorageclass [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          Set the visibility of symbols in the generated code from their DLL storage class
                          Give global C++ operator new and delete declarations hidden visibility
                          When -fvisibility-inlines-hidden is enabled, static variables in inline C++ member functions will also be given hidden visibility by default
                          Give inline C++ member functions hidden visibility by default
  -fvisibility-ms-compat  Give global types 'default' visibility and global functions and variables 'hidden' visibility by default
                          The visibility for definitions without an explicit DLL export class [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
  -fvisibility=<value>    Set the default symbol visibility for all global definitions
  -fwasm-exceptions       Use WebAssembly style exceptions
  -fwhole-program-vtables Enables whole-program vtable optimization. Requires -flto
  -fwrapv                 Treat signed integer overflow as two's complement
  -fwritable-strings      Store string literals as writable data
  -fxl-pragma-pack        Enable IBM XL #pragma pack handling
                          Always emit __xray_customevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          Always emit __xray_typedevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'always instrument' XRay attribute.
                          Filename defining the list of functions/types for imbuing XRay attributes.
                          Only instrument 1 of N groups
  -fxray-ignore-loops     Don't instrument functions with loops unless they also meet the minimum function size
                          Sets the minimum function size to instrument with XRay
                          Select which XRay instrumentation points to emit. Options: all, none, function-entry, function-exit, function, custom. Default is 'all'.  'function' includes both 'function-entry' and 'function-exit'.
  -fxray-instrument       Generate XRay instrumentation sleds on function entry and exit
  -fxray-link-deps        Link XRay runtime library when -fxray-instrument is specified (default)
  -fxray-modes=<value>    List of modes to link in by default into XRay instrumented binaries.
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'never instrument' XRay attribute.
                          When using -fxray-function-groups, select which group of functions to instrument. Valid range is 0 to fxray-function-groups - 1
                          Clear call-used registers upon function return (AArch64/x86 only)
  -fzvector               Enable System z vector language extension
  -F <value>              Add directory to framework include search path
                          Use GCC installation in the specified directory. The directory ends with path components like 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Note: executables (e.g. ld) used by the compiler are not overridden by the selected GCC installation
  --gcc-toolchain=<value> Specify a directory where Clang can find 'include' and 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Clang will use the GCC installation with the largest version
  -gcodeview-command-line Emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gcodeview-ghash        Emit type record hashes in a .debug$H section
  -gcodeview              Generate CodeView debug information
  -gdwarf-2               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 2
  -gdwarf-3               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 3
  -gdwarf-4               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 4
  -gdwarf-5               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 5
  -gdwarf32               Enables DWARF32 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf64               Enables DWARF64 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf                 Generate source-level debug information with the default dwarf version
  -gembed-source          Embed source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gen-reproducer=<value> Emit reproducer on (option: off, crash (default), error, always)
  -gline-directives-only  Emit debug line info directives only
  -gline-tables-only      Emit debug line number tables only
  -gmodules               Generate debug info with external references to clang modules or precompiled headers
                          Don't emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gno-embed-source       Restore the default behavior of not embedding source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gno-inline-line-tables Don't emit inline line tables.
  --gpu-bundle-output     Bundle output files of HIP device compilation
                          Instrument device library for HIP, which is a LLVM bitcode containing __cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit
                          Default max threads per block for kernel launch bounds for HIP
  -gsplit-dwarf=<value>   Set DWARF fission mode
  -gstrict-dwarf          Restrict DWARF features to those defined in the specified version, avoiding features from later versions.
  -gz=<value>             DWARF debug sections compression type
  -G <size>               Put objects of at most <size> bytes into small data section (MIPS / Hexagon)
  -g                      Generate source-level debug information
  --help-hidden           Display help for hidden options
  -help                   Display available options
                          HIP device library
  --hip-link              Link clang-offload-bundler bundles for HIP
  --hip-path=<value>      HIP runtime installation path, used for finding HIP version and adding HIP include path.
  --hip-version=<value>   HIP version in the format of major.minor.patch
                          path to a pass plugin for HIP to SPIR-V passes.
  -H                      Show header includes and nesting depth
  -I-                     Restrict all prior -I flags to double-quoted inclusion and remove current directory from include path
  -ibuiltininc            Enable builtin #include directories even when -nostdinc is used before or after -ibuiltininc. Using -nobuiltininc after the option disables it
  -idirafter <value>      Add directory to AFTER include search path
  -iframeworkwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -iframework <value>     Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path
  -imacros <file>         Include macros from file before parsing
  -include-pch <file>     Include precompiled header file
  -include <file>         Include file before parsing
  -index-header-map       Make the next included directory (-I or -F) an indexer header map
  -iprefix <dir>          Set the -iwithprefix/-iwithprefixbefore prefix
  -iquote <directory>     Add directory to QUOTE include search path
  -isysroot <dir>         Set the system root directory (usually /)
  -isystem-after <directory>
                          Add directory to end of the SYSTEM include search path
  -isystem <directory>    Add directory to SYSTEM include search path
  -ivfsoverlay <value>    Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system
  -iwithprefixbefore <dir>
                          Set directory to include search path with prefix
  -iwithprefix <dir>      Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix
  -iwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM include search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -I <dir>                Add directory to the end of the list of include search paths
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-nvptx bitcode library
  -L <dir>                Add directory to library search path
  -mabi=quadword-atomics  Enable quadword atomics ABI on AIX (AIX PPC64 only). Uses lqarx/stqcx. instructions.
  -mabicalls              Enable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
  -maix-struct-return     Return all structs in memory (PPC32 only)
                          Specify the boundary's size to align branches
  -malign-branch=<value>  Specify types of branches to align
  -malign-double          Align doubles to two words in structs (x86 only)
  -maltivec               Enable AltiVec vector initializer syntax
  -mamdgpu-ieee           Sets the IEEE bit in the expected default floating point  mode register. Floating point opcodes that support exception flag gathering quiet and propagate signaling NaN inputs per IEEE 754-2008. This option changes the ABI. (AMDGPU only)
  -march=<value>          For a list of available architectures for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mbackchain             Link stack frames through backchain on System Z
                          Enforce targets of indirect branches and function returns
                          Align selected branches (fused, jcc, jmp) within 32-byte boundary
  -mcabac                 Enable CABAC instructions
  -mcmodel=medany         Equivalent to -mcmodel=medium, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmodel=medlow         Equivalent to -mcmodel=small, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmse                  Allow use of CMSE (Armv8-M Security Extensions)
                          Specify code object ABI version. Defaults to 4. (AMDGPU only)
  -mcpu=<value>           For a list of available CPUs for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mcrbits                Control the CR-bit tracking feature on PowerPC. ``-mcrbits`` (the enablement of CR-bit tracking support) is the default for POWER8 and above, as well as for all other CPUs when optimization is applied (-O2 and above).
  -mcrc                   Allow use of CRC instructions (ARM/Mips only)
  -mcumode                Specify CU wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Mapping between default visibility and export
  -mdouble=<n             Force double to be <n> bits
  -MD                     Write a depfile containing user and system headers
  -meabi <value>          Set EABI type. Default depends on triple)
  -membedded-data         Place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata section even if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Enable use of experimental RISC-V extensions.
  -mexec-model=<value>    Execution model (WebAssembly only)
  -mexecute-only          Disallow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mextern-sdata          Assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mfentry                Insert calls to fentry at function entry (x86/SystemZ only)
                          Work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
  -mfix-cortex-a53-835769 Workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mfp32                  Use 32-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mfp64                  Use 64-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mframe-chain=<value>   Select the frame chain model used to emit frame records (Arm only).
                          Replace returns with jumps to ``__x86_return_thunk`` (x86 only, error otherwise)
  -MF <file>              Write depfile output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to <file>
  -mgeneral-regs-only     Generate code which only uses the general purpose registers (AArch64/x86 only)
  -mglobal-merge          Enable merging of globals
  -mgpopt                 Use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mguard=<value>         Enable or disable Control Flow Guard checks and guard tables emission
  -MG                     Add missing headers to depfile
  -mharden-sls=<value>    Select straight-line speculation hardening scope (ARM/AArch64/X86 only). <arg> must be: all, none, retbr(ARM/AArch64), blr(ARM/AArch64), comdat(ARM/AArch64), nocomdat(ARM/AArch64), return(X86), indirect-jmp(X86)
  -mhvx-ieee-fp           Enable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mhvx-length=<value>    Set Hexagon Vector Length
  -mhvx-qfloat            Enable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mhvx=<value>           Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mhvx                   Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -miamcu                 Use Intel MCU ABI
                          Not emit the visibility attribute for asm in AIX OS or give all symbols 'unspecified' visibility in XCOFF object file
  --migrate               Run the migrator
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which can be used with an incremental linker
                          Add cs prefix to call and jmp to indirect thunk
  -mindirect-jump=<value> Change indirect jump instructions to inhibit speculation
                          Set iOS deployment target
  -MJ <value>             Write a compilation database entry per input
  -mllvm=<arg>            Alias for -mllvm
  -mllvm <value>          Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing
  -mlocal-sdata           Extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mlong-calls            Generate branches with extended addressability, usually via indirect jumps.
  -mlong-double-128       Force long double to be 128 bits
  -mlong-double-64        Force long double to be 64 bits
  -mlong-double-80        Force long double to be 80 bits, padded to 128 bits for storage
  -mlvi-cfi               Enable only control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mlvi-hardening         Enable all mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
                          Set macOS deployment target
  -mmadd4                 Enable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mmark-bti-property     Add with BTI to assembly files (AArch64 only)
  -MMD                    Write a depfile containing user headers
  -mmemops                Enable generation of memop instructions
  -mmlir <value>          Additional arguments to forward to MLIR's option processing
  -mms-bitfields          Set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mmsa                   Enable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mmt                    Enable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -MM                     Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
  -mno-abicalls           Disable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
                          Do not add a BTI instruction after a setjmp or other return-twice construct (Arm/AArch64 only)
  -mno-crc                Disallow use of CRC instructions (Mips only)
  -mno-cumode             Specify WGP wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mno-embedded-data      Do not place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mno-execute-only       Allow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mno-extern-sdata       Do not assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Don't work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
                          Don't workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mno-fmv                Disable function multiversioning
  -mno-gather             Disable generation of gather instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-global-merge       Disable merging of globals
  -mno-gpopt              Do not use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mno-hvx-ieee-fp        Disable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mno-hvx-qfloat         Disable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mno-hvx                Disable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mno-implicit-float     Don't generate implicit floating point or vector instructions
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which cannot be used with an incremental linker
  -mno-local-sdata        Do not extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mno-long-calls         Restore the default behaviour of not generating long calls
  -mno-lvi-cfi            Disable control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-lvi-hardening      Disable mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-madd4              Disable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mno-memops             Disable generation of memop instructions
  -mno-movt               Disallow use of movt/movw pairs (ARM only)
  -mno-ms-bitfields       Do not set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mno-msa                Disable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-mt                 Disable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-neg-immediates     Disallow converting instructions with negative immediates to their negation or inversion.
  -mno-nvj                Disable generation of new-value jumps
  -mno-nvs                Disable generation of new-value stores
  -mno-outline-atomics    Don't generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -mno-outline            Disable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mno-packets            Disable generation of instruction packets
                          Don't assume data segments are relative to text segment
  -mno-relax              Disable linker relaxation
  -mno-restrict-it        Allow generation of complex IT blocks.
  -mno-save-restore       Disable using library calls for save and restore
  -mno-scatter            Disable generation of scatter instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-seses              Disable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES)
  -mno-stack-arg-probe    Disable stack probes which are enabled by default
  -mno-tgsplit            Disable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Disable direct TLS access through segment registers
  -mno-unaligned-access   Force all memory accesses to be aligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -mno-wavefrontsize64    Specify wavefront size 32 mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mnocrc                 Disallow use of CRC instructions (ARM only)
  -mnop-mcount            Generate mcount/__fentry__ calls as nops. To activate they need to be patched in.
  -mnvj                   Enable generation of new-value jumps
  -mnvs                   Enable generation of new-value stores
  -module-dependency-dir <value>
                          Directory to dump module dependencies to
  -module-file-info       Provide information about a particular module file
                          Omit frame pointer setup for leaf functions
  -moutline-atomics       Generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -moutline               Enable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mpacked-stack          Use packed stack layout (SystemZ only).
  -mpackets               Enable generation of instruction packets
                          Specify maximum number of prefixes to use for padding
                          Assume data segments are relative to text segment
                          Specifies preferred vector width for auto-vectorization. Defaults to 'none' which allows target specific decisions.
  -mprintf-kind=<value>   Specify the printf lowering scheme (AMDGPU only), allowed values are "hostcall"(printing happens during kernel execution, this scheme relies on hostcalls which require system to support pcie atomics) and "buffered"(printing happens after all kernel threads exit, this uses a printf buffer and does not rely on pcie atomic support)
  -MP                     Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)
  -mqdsp6-compat          Enable hexagon-qdsp6 backward compatibility
  -MQ <value>             Specify name of main file output to quote in depfile
  -mrecip=<value>         Control use of approximate reciprocal and reciprocal square root instructions followed by <n> iterations of Newton-Raphson refinement. <value> = ( ['!'] ['vec-'] ('rcp'|'sqrt') [('h'|'s'|'d')] [':'<n>] ) | 'all' | 'default' | 'none'
  -mrecip                 Equivalent to '-mrecip=all'
  -mrecord-mcount         Generate a __mcount_loc section entry for each __fentry__ call.
  -mrelax-all             (integrated-as) Relax all machine instructions
  -mrelax                 Enable linker relaxation
  -mrestrict-it           Disallow generation of complex IT blocks. It is off by default.
  -mrtd                   Make StdCall calling convention the default
                          Specify the size in bits of an RVV vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". Accepts power of 2 values between 64 and 65536. Also accepts "zvl" to use the value implied by -march/-mcpu. Value will be reflected in __riscv_v_fixed_vlen preprocessor define (RISC-V only)
  -msave-restore          Enable using library calls for save and restore
  -mseses                 Enable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES). Includes LVI control flow integrity mitigations
                          Select return address signing scope
  -mskip-rax-setup        Skip setting up RAX register when passing variable arguments (x86 only)
                          Put global and static data smaller than the limit into a special section
  -msoft-float            Use software floating point
                          Set the stack alignment
  -mstack-arg-probe       Enable stack probes
                          Set the stack probe size
                          Use the given offset for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given reg for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given symbol for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given guard (global, tls) for addressing the stack-protector guard
  -mstackrealign          Force realign the stack at entry to every function
                          Specify the size in bits of an SVE vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". (AArch64 only)
  -msvr4-struct-return    Return small structs in registers (PPC32 only)
  -mtargetos=<value>      Set the deployment target to be the specified OS and OS version
  -mtgsplit               Enable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mthread-model <value>  The thread model to use. Defaults to 'posix')
  -mtls-direct-seg-refs   Enable direct TLS access through segment registers (default)
  -mtls-size=<value>      Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets (AArch64 ELF only): 12 (for 4KB) | 24 (for 16MB, default) | 32 (for 4GB) | 48 (for 256TB, needs -mcmodel=large)
  -mtp=<value>            Thread pointer access method. For AArch32: 'soft' uses a function call, or 'tpidrurw', 'tpidruro' or 'tpidrprw' use the three CP15 registers. 'cp15' is an alias for 'tpidruro'. For AArch64: 'tpidr_el0', 'tpidr_el1', 'tpidr_el2', 'tpidr_el3' or 'tpidrro_el0' use the five system registers. 'elN' is an alias for 'tpidr_elN'.
  -mtune=<value>          Only supported on AArch64, PowerPC, RISC-V, SystemZ, and X86
  -MT <value>             Specify name of main file output in depfile
  -munaligned-access      Allow memory accesses to be unaligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -munsafe-fp-atomics     Enable generation of unsafe floating point atomic instructions. May generate more efficient code, but may not respect rounding and denormal modes, and may give incorrect results for certain memory destinations. (AMDGPU only)
  -mvscale-max=<value>    Specify the vscale maximum. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "0". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -mvscale-min=<value>    Specify the vscale minimum. Defaults to "1". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -MV                     Use NMake/Jom format for the depfile
  -mwavefrontsize64       Specify wavefront size 64 mode (AMDGPU only)
                          On AIX, request creation of a build-id string, "0xHEXSTRING", in the string table of the loader section inside the linked binary
  -mxcoff-roptr           Place constant objects with relocatable address values in the RO data section and add -bforceimprw to the linker flags (AIX only)
                          High level qualifier for z/OS C++RT side deck datasets
                          High level qualifier for z/OS CSSLIB dataset
  -mzos-hlq-le=<LeHLQ>    High level qualifier for z/OS Language Environment datasets
                          Path to system headers on z/OS
  -M                      Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
                          Do not include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
  --no-cuda-version-check Don't error out if the detected version of the CUDA install is too low for the requested CUDA gpu architecture.
  --no-default-config     Disable loading default configuration files
  --no-gpu-bundle-output  Do not bundle output files of HIP device compilation
  -no-hip-rt              Do not link against HIP runtime libraries
                          Remove CUDA/HIP offloading device architecture (e.g. sm_35, gfx906) from the list of devices to compile for. 'all' resets the list to its default value.
  --no-offload-new-driver Don't Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as not including a system header.
  -nobuiltininc           Disable builtin #include directories
  -nogpuinc               Do not add include paths for CUDA/HIP and do not include the default CUDA/HIP wrapper headers
  -nogpulib               Do not link device library for CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -nohipwrapperinc        Do not include the default HIP wrapper headers and include paths
  -nostdinc++             Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library
                          Tool used for detecting NVIDIA GPU arch in the system.
  -ObjC++                 Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs
                          Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path
  -objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties
  -objcmt-migrate-all     Enable migration to modern ObjC
                          Enable migration to property and method annotations
                          Enable migration to infer NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for initializer methods
                          Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC literals
                          Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros
                          Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC property
                          Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting
                          Enable migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' attribute
                          Enable migration to annotate property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER
                          Alias for -objcmt-allowlist-dir-path
  -ObjC                   Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs
                          Set the output <file> for debug infos
  --offload-arch=<value>  Specify an offloading device architecture for CUDA, HIP, or OpenMP. (e.g. sm_35). If 'native' is used the compiler will detect locally installed architectures. For HIP offloading, the device architecture can be followed by target ID features delimited by a colon (e.g. gfx908:xnack+:sramecc-). May be specified more than once.
  --offload-device-only   Only compile for the offloading device.
  --offload-host-device   Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-host-only     Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-link          Use the new offloading linker to perform the link job.
  --offload-new-driver    Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
  --offload=<value>       Specify comma-separated list of offloading target triples (CUDA and HIP only)
  -o <file>               Write output to <file>
  -pedantic               Warn on language extensions
  -pg                     Enable mcount instrumentation
  -pipe                   Use pipes between commands, when possible
  --precompile            Only precompile the input
                          Print all of Clang's warning options
  -print-effective-triple Print the effective target triple
  -print-file-name=<file> Print the full library path of <file>
  -print-ivar-layout      Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace
  -print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for the currently used compiler runtime library ("libgcc.a" or "libclang_rt.builtins.*.a")
                          Print the flags used for selecting multilibs (experimental)
  -print-prog-name=<name> Print the full program path of <name>
  -print-resource-dir     Print the resource directory pathname
  -print-rocm-search-dirs Print the paths used for finding ROCm installation
  -print-runtime-dir      Print the directory pathname containing clangs runtime libraries
  -print-search-dirs      Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs
  -print-supported-cpus   Print supported cpu models for the given target (if target is not specified, it will print the supported cpus for the default target)
  -print-target-triple    Print the normalized target triple
  -print-targets          Print the registered targets
  -pthread                Support POSIX threads in generated code
  --ptxas-path=<value>    Path to ptxas (used for compiling CUDA code)
  -P                      Disable linemarker output in -E mode
  -p                      Enable mcount instrumentation with prof
  -Qn                     Do not emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -Qunused-arguments      Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments
  -Qy                     Emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -relocatable-pch        Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header
  -rewrite-legacy-objc    Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++
  -rewrite-objc           Rewrite Objective-C source to C++
                          ROCm device library path. Alternative to rocm-path.
  --rocm-path=<value>     ROCm installation path, used for finding and automatically linking required bitcode libraries.
  -Rpass-analysis=<value> Report transformation analysis from optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass-missed=<value>   Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass=<value>          Report transformations performed by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -rtlib=<value>          Compiler runtime library to use
  -R<remark>              Enable the specified remark
  -save-stats=<value>     Save llvm statistics.
  -save-stats             Save llvm statistics.
  -save-temps=<value>     Save intermediate compilation results.
  -save-temps             Save intermediate compilation results
  -serialize-diagnostics <value>
                          Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file
  -shared-libsan          Dynamically link the sanitizer runtime
                          Don't emit warnings about unused arguments for the following arguments
  -static-libsan          Statically link the sanitizer runtime (Not supported for ASan, TSan or UBSan on darwin)
  -static-openmp          Use the static host OpenMP runtime while linking.
  -std=<value>            Language standard to compile for
  -stdlib++-isystem <directory>
                          Use directory as the C++ standard library include path
  -stdlib=<value>         C++ standard library to use
  -sycl-std=<value>       SYCL language standard to compile for.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as including a system header.
  -S                      Only run preprocess and compilation steps
  --target=<value>        Generate code for the given target
  -time                   Time individual commands
  -traditional-cpp        Enable some traditional CPP emulation
  -trigraphs              Process trigraph sequences
  -T <script>             Specify <script> as linker script
  -undef                  undef all system defines
  -unwindlib=<value>      Unwind library to use
  -U <macro>              Undefine macro <macro>
  --verify-debug-info     Verify the binary representation of debug output
  -verify-pch             Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is not stale
  --version               Print version information
  -vfsoverlay <value>     Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system. Additionally, pass this overlay file to the linker if it supports it
  -v                      Show commands to run and use verbose output
  -Wa,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the assembler
  -Wdeprecated            Enable warnings for deprecated constructs and define __DEPRECATED
  -Wl,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the linker
  -working-directory <value>
                          Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory
  -Wp,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the preprocessor
  -W<warning>             Enable the specified warning
  -w                      Suppress all warnings
  -Xanalyzer <arg>        Pass <arg> to the static analyzer
  -Xarch_device <arg>     Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -Xarch_host <arg>       Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP host compilation
  -Xassembler <arg>       Pass <arg> to the assembler
  -Xclang=<arg>           Alias for -Xclang
  -Xclang <arg>           Pass <arg> to clang -cc1
  -Xcuda-fatbinary <arg>  Pass <arg> to fatbinary invocation
  -Xcuda-ptxas <arg>      Pass <arg> to the ptxas assembler
  -Xlinker <arg>          Pass <arg> to the linker
  -Xoffload-linker<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the offload linkers or the ones idenfied by -<triple>
  -Xopenmp-target=<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain identified by <triple>.
  -Xopenmp-target <arg>   Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>    Pass <arg> to the preprocessor
  -x <language>           Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>
  -z <arg>                Pass -z <arg> to the linker

root@kali:~# afl-clang++ --help
OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler

USAGE: clang [options] file...

  -###                    Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation
                          Tool used for detecting AMD GPU arch in the system.
  --analyzer-output <value>
                          Static analyzer report output format (html|plist|plist-multi-file|plist-html|sarif|sarif-html|text).
  --analyze               Run the static analyzer
                          Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them
  -arcmt-migrate-report-output <value>
                          Output path for the plist report
  -B <prefix>             Search $prefix$file for executables, libraries, and data files. If $prefix is a directory, search $prefix/$file
  -b <arg>                Pass -b <arg> to the linker on AIX
  -CC                     Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output
  -cl-denorms-are-zero    OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero.
  -cl-ext=<value>         OpenCL only. Enable or disable OpenCL extensions/optional features. The argument is a comma-separated sequence of one or more extension names, each prefixed by '+' or '-'.
  -cl-fast-relaxed-math   OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__.
  -cl-finite-math-only    OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf.
                          OpenCL only. Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded.
  -cl-kernel-arg-info     OpenCL only. Generate kernel argument metadata.
  -cl-mad-enable          OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise MAD computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-signed-zeros     OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise no signed zeros computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-stdinc           OpenCL only. Disables all standard includes containing non-native compiler types and functions.
  -cl-opt-disable         OpenCL only. This option disables all optimizations. By default optimizations are enabled.
                          OpenCL only. Treat double precision floating-point constant as single precision constant.
  -cl-std=<value>         OpenCL language standard to compile for.
  -cl-strict-aliasing     OpenCL only. This option is added for compatibility with OpenCL 1.0.
                          OpenCL only. Defines that the global work-size be a multiple of the work-group size specified to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
                          OpenCL only. Allow unsafe floating-point optimizations.  Also implies -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-mad-enable.
  --config=<file>         Specify configuration file
                          Compile CUDA code for both host and device (default). Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
  --cuda-device-only      Compile CUDA code for device only
  --cuda-feature=<value>  Manually specify the CUDA feature to use
  --cuda-host-only        Compile CUDA code for host only. Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
                          Include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
                          Enable device-side debug info generation. Disables ptxas optimizations.
  --cuda-path-ignore-env  Ignore environment variables to detect CUDA installation
  --cuda-path=<value>     CUDA installation path
  -cuid=<value>           An ID for compilation unit, which should be the same for the same compilation unit but different for different compilation units. It is used to externalize device-side static variables for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP so that they can be accessed by the host code of the same compilation unit.
  -cxx-isystem <directory>
                          Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path
  -C                      Include comments in preprocessed output
  -c                      Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps
  -darwin-target-variant-triple <value>
                          Specify the darwin target variant triple
  -darwin-target-variant <value>
                          Generate code for an additional runtime variant of the deployment target
  -dD                     Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dependency-dot <value> Filename to write DOT-formatted header dependencies to
  -dependency-file <value>
                          Filename (or -) to write dependency output to
  -dI                     Print include directives in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dM                     Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output
  -dsym-dir <dir>         Directory to output dSYM's (if any) to
  -dumpdir <dumppfx>      Use <dumpfpx> as a prefix to form auxiliary and dump file names
  -D <macro>=<value>      Define <macro> to <value> (or 1 if <value> omitted)
  -emit-ast               Emit Clang AST files for source inputs
  -emit-interface-stubs   Generate Interface Stub Files.
  -emit-llvm              Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files
  -emit-merged-ifs        Generate Interface Stub Files, emit merged text not binary.
  --emit-static-lib       Enable linker job to emit a static library.
  --emit-symbol-graph= <value>
                          Generate Extract API information as a side effect of compilation.
                          Start emitting warnings for unused driver arguments
                          Comma separated list of files containing a new line separated list of API symbols to ignore when extracting API information.
  -extract-api            Extract API information
  -E                      Only run the preprocessor
  -faapcs-bitfield-load   Follows the AAPCS standard that all volatile bit-field write generates at least one load. (ARM only).
  -faapcs-bitfield-width  Follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -faddrsig               Emit an address-significance table
  -falign-loops=<N>       N must be a power of two. Align loops to the boundary
  -faligned-allocation    Enable C++17 aligned allocation functions
                          Treat editor placeholders as valid source code
                          Source-level compatibility for Altivec vectors (for PowerPC targets). This includes results of vector comparison (scalar for 'xl', vector for 'gcc') as well as behavior when initializing with a scalar (splatting for 'xl', element zero only for 'gcc'). For 'mixed', the compatibility is as 'gcc' for 'vector bool/vector pixel' and as 'xl' for other types. Current default is 'mixed'.
  -fansi-escape-codes     Use ANSI escape codes for diagnostics
  -fapple-kext            Use Apple's kernel extensions ABI
  -fapple-link-rtlib      Force linking the clang builtins runtime library
  -fapple-pragma-pack     Enable Apple gcc-compatible #pragma pack handling
  -fapplication-extension Restrict code to those available for App Extensions
  -fapprox-func           Allow certain math function calls to be replaced with an approximately equivalent calculation
  -fasync-exceptions      Enable EH Asynchronous exceptions
                          Place each function's basic blocks in unique sections (ELF Only)
                          Produced object files can use all ELF features supported by this binutils version and newer. If -fno-integrated-as is specified, the generated assembly will consider GNU as support. 'none' means that all ELF features can be used, regardless of binutils support. Defaults to 2.26.
  -fblocks                Enable the 'blocks' language feature
  -fborland-extensions    Accept non-standard constructs supported by the Borland compiler
                          Use the last modification time of <file> as the build session timestamp
  -fbuild-session-timestamp=<time since Epoch in seconds>
                          Time when the current build session started
  -fbuiltin-module-map    Load the clang builtins module map file.
  -fc++-abi=<value>       C++ ABI to use. This will override the target C++ ABI.
  -fcall-saved-x10        Make the x10 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x11        Make the x11 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x12        Make the x12 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x13        Make the x13 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x14        Make the x14 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x15        Make the x15 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x18        Make the x18 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x8         Make the x8 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x9         Make the x9 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
                          Set the maximum number of source lines to show in a caret diagnostic (0 = no limit).
  -fcf-protection=<value> Instrument control-flow architecture protection
  -fcf-protection         Enable cf-protection in 'full' mode
  -fchar8_t               Enable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fcheck-new             Do not assume C++ operator new may not return NULL
                          Attempt to match the ABI of Clang <version>
  -fcolor-diagnostics     Enable colors in diagnostics
                          Treat each comma separated argument in <arg> as a documentation comment block command
  -fcommon                Place uninitialized global variables in a common block
                          Require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a constexpr evaluation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive constexpr function calls
                          Set the maximum number of steps in constexpr function evaluation
                          Prefer aligned allocation for C++ Coroutines
  -fcoroutines            Enable support for the C++ Coroutines
                          The compilation directory to embed in the coverage mapping.
  -fcoverage-mapping      Generate coverage mapping to enable code coverage analysis
                          remap file source paths <old> to <new> in coverage mapping. If there are multiple options, prefix replacement is applied in reverse order starting from the last one
                          Put crash-report files in <dir>
                          Set level of crash diagnostic reporting, (option: off, compiler, all)
  -fcrash-diagnostics     Enable crash diagnostic reporting (default)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fcs-profile-generate   Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use approximate transcendental functions
  -fcuda-short-ptr        Use 32-bit pointers for accessing const/local/shared address spaces
  -fcxx-exceptions        Enable C++ exceptions
  -fcxx-modules           Enable modules for C++
  -fdata-sections         Place each data in its own section
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info
                          Default DWARF version to use, if a -g option caused DWARF debug info to be produced
                          Emit extra debug info to make sample profile more accurate
  -fdebug-macro           Emit macro debug information
                          For paths in debug info, remap directory <old> to <new>. If multiple options match a path, the last option wins
                          Use DWARF base address selection entries in .debug_ranges
  -fdebug-types-section   Place debug types in their own section (ELF Only)
  -fdeclspec              Allow __declspec as a keyword
                          Parse templated function definitions at the end of the translation unit
                          Treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior (default)
                          Print absolute paths in diagnostics
                          Prevent optimization remarks from being output if they do not have at least this profile count. Use 'auto' to apply the threshold from profile summary
                          Prevent misexpect diagnostics from being output if the profile counts are within N% of the expected. 
                          Print fix-its in machine parseable form
                          Print source range spans in numeric form
                          Enable profile hotness information in diagnostic line
                          Display include stacks for diagnostic notes
                          Print option name with mappable diagnostics
                          Print a template comparison tree for differing templates
  -fdigraphs              Enable alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:' (default)
                          Don't use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
  -fdiscard-value-names   Discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Allow '$' in identifiers
  -fdriver-only           Only run the driver.
  -fdwarf-exceptions      Use DWARF style exceptions
                          Do not emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fembed-bitcode-marker  Embed placeholder LLVM IR data as a marker
                          Embed LLVM bitcode
  -fembed-bitcode         Embed LLVM IR bitcode as data
                          Embed Offloading device-side binary into host object file as a section.
  -femit-all-decls        Emit all declarations, even if unused
                          Try emitting Compact-Unwind for non-canonical entries. Maybe overriden by other constraints
                          When to emit DWARF unwind (EH frame) info
  -femulated-tls          Use emutls functions to access thread_local variables
  -fenable-matrix         Enable matrix data type and related builtin functions
  -fexceptions            Enable support for exception handling
                          Allows control over excess precision on targets where native support for the precision types is not available. By default, excess precision is used to calculate intermediate results following the rules specified in ISO C99.
  -fexperimental-library  Control whether unstable and experimental library features are enabled. This option enables various library features that are either experimental (also known as TSes), or have been but are not stable yet in the selected Standard Library implementation. It is not recommended to use this option in production code, since neither ABI nor API stability are guaranteed. This is intended to provide a preview of features that will ship in the future for experimentation purposes
                          Enable the experimental new constant interpreter
                          Use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable sanitizer metadata for modules and functions that match the provided special case list
                          Specify the type of metadata to emit for binary analysis sanitizers
                          Enables the use of non-default rounding modes and non-default exception handling on targets that are not currently ready.
                          Controls how scalar integer arguments are extended in calls to unprototyped and varargs functions
  -ffast-math             Allow aggressive, lossy floating-point optimizations
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info and coverage mapping.
                          remap file source paths in debug info, predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -ffile-reproducible     Use the target's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use separate accesses for consecutive bitfield runs with legal widths and alignments.
  -ffinite-loops          Assume all loops are finite.
  -ffinite-math-only      Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-inf. This defines the \_\_FINITE\_MATH\_ONLY\_\_ preprocessor macro.
  -ffixed-a0              Reserve the a0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a1              Reserve the a1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a2              Reserve the a2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a3              Reserve the a3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a4              Reserve the a4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a5              Reserve the a5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a6              Reserve the a6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d0              Reserve the d0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d1              Reserve the d1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d2              Reserve the d2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d3              Reserve the d3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d4              Reserve the d4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d5              Reserve the d5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d6              Reserve the d6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d7              Reserve the d7 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-point           Enable fixed point types
  -ffixed-r19             Reserve register r19 (Hexagon only)
  -ffixed-r9              Reserve the r9 register (ARM only)
  -ffixed-x10             Reserve the x10 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x11             Reserve the x11 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x12             Reserve the x12 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x13             Reserve the x13 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x14             Reserve the x14 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x15             Reserve the x15 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x16             Reserve the x16 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x17             Reserve the x17 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x18             Reserve the x18 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x19             Reserve the x19 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x1              Reserve the x1 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x20             Reserve the x20 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x21             Reserve the x21 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x22             Reserve the x22 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x23             Reserve the x23 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x24             Reserve the x24 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x25             Reserve the x25 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x26             Reserve the x26 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x27             Reserve the x27 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x28             Reserve the x28 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x29             Reserve the x29 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x2              Reserve the x2 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x30             Reserve the x30 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x31             Reserve the x31 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x3              Reserve the x3 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x4              Reserve the x4 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x5              Reserve the x5 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x6              Reserve the x6 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x7              Reserve the x7 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x8              Reserve the x8 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x9              Reserve the x9 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -fforce-dwarf-frame     Always emit a debug frame section
  -fforce-emit-vtables    Emits more virtual tables to improve devirtualization
  -fforce-enable-int128   Enable support for int128_t type
  -ffp-contract=<value>   Form fused FP ops (e.g. FMAs)
                          Specifies the evaluation method to use for floating-point arithmetic.
                          Specifies the exception behavior of floating-point operations.
  -ffp-model=<value>      Controls the semantics of floating-point calculations.
  -ffreestanding          Assert that the compilation takes place in a freestanding environment
                          Set Fuchsia API level
  -ffunction-sections     Place each function in its own section
  -fglobal-isel           Enables the global instruction selector
  -fgnu-keywords          Allow GNU-extension keywords regardless of language standard
  -fgnu-runtime           Generate output compatible with the standard GNU Objective-C runtime
  -fgnu89-inline          Use the gnu89 inline semantics
  -fgnuc-version=<value>  Sets various macros to claim compatibility with the given GCC version (default is 4.2.1)
  -fgpu-allow-device-init Allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
                          Specify default stream. The default value is 'legacy'. (HIP only)
  -fgpu-defer-diag        Defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Flush denormal floating point values to zero in CUDA/HIP device mode.
  -fgpu-rdc               Generate relocatable device code, also known as separate compilation mode
  -fgpu-sanitize          Enable sanitizer for AMDGPU target
  -fhip-emit-relocatable  Compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
  -fhip-kernel-arg-name   Specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fhip-new-launch-api    Use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fhonor-infinities      Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not +-inf.
  -fhonor-nans            Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not NANs.
  -fignore-exceptions     Enable support for ignoring exception handling constructs
  -fimplicit-module-maps  Implicitly search the file system for module map files.
                          Enable incremental processing extensions such as processingstatements on the global scope.
  -finline-functions      Inline suitable functions
  -finline-hint-functions Inline functions which are (explicitly or implicitly) marked inline
                          Suppress inlining of functions whose stack size exceeds the given value
  -finput-charset=<value> Specify the default character set for source files
                          Instrument function entry only, after inlining, without arguments to the instrumentation call
                          Like -finstrument-functions, but insert the calls after inlining
  -finstrument-functions  Generate calls to instrument function entry and exit
  -fintegrated-as         Enable the integrated assembler
  -fintegrated-cc1        Run cc1 in-process
  -fintegrated-objemitter Use internal machine object code emitter.
  -fjmc                   Enable just-my-code debugging
  -fjump-tables           Use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Enable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fkeep-static-consts    Keep static const variables even if unused
                          Enable implicit vector bit-casts
  -flto-jobs=<value>      Controls the backend parallelism of -flto=thin (default of 0 means the number of threads will be derived from the number of CPUs detected)
  -flto=auto              Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=jobserver         Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=<value>           Set LTO mode
  -flto                   Enable LTO in 'full' mode
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a macro expansion backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          remap file source paths in predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -fmath-errno            Require math functions to indicate errors by setting errno
  -fmax-tokens=<value>    Max total number of preprocessed tokens for -Wmax-tokens.
                          Specify the maximum alignment to enforce on pointers lacking an explicit alignment
                          Use memory profile for profile-guided memory optimization
                          Enable heap memory profiling and dump results into <directory>
  -fmemory-profile        Enable heap memory profiling
  -fmerge-all-constants   Allow merging of constants
                          Format message diagnostics so that they fit within N columns
  -fminimize-whitespace   Ignore the whitespace from the input file when emitting preprocessor output. It will only contain whitespace when necessary, e.g. to keep two minus signs from merging into to an increment operator. Useful with the -P option to normalize whitespace such that two files with only formatting changes are equal.

Only valid with -E on C-like inputs and incompatible with -traditional-cpp.
                          Specify the mapping of module name to precompiled module file, or load a module file if name is omitted.
  -fmodule-header=<kind>  Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header that should be found in the user (fmodule-header=user) or system (fmodule-header=system) search path.
  -fmodule-header         Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header.
                          Load this module map file
  -fmodule-name=<name>    Specify the name of the module to build
  -fmodule-output=<value> Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
  -fmodule-output         Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
                          Specify the module cache path
  -fmodules-decluse       Require declaration of modules used within a module
                          Disable validation of the diagnostic options when loading the module
                          Ignore the definition of the given macro when building and loading modules
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) after which a module file will be considered unused
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) between attempts to prune the module cache
  -fmodules-search-all    Search even non-imported modules to resolve references
                          Like -fmodules-decluse but requires all headers to be in modules
  -fmodules-user-build-path <directory>
                          Specify the module user build path
                          Validate PCM input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Don't verify input files for the modules if the module has been successfully validated or loaded during this build session
                          Validate the system headers that a module depends on when loading the module
  -fmodules               Enable the 'modules' language feature
                          Dot-separated value representing the Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fms-compatibility      Enable full Microsoft Visual C++ compatibility
  -fms-extensions         Accept some non-standard constructs supported by the Microsoft compiler
  -fms-hotpatch           Ensure that all functions can be hotpatched at runtime
                          Select Windows run-time library
  -fmsc-version=<value>   Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fnew-alignment=<align> Specifies the largest alignment guaranteed by '::operator new(size_t)'
  -fnew-infallible        Enable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          Do not follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -fno-access-control     Disable C++ access control
  -fno-addrsig            Don't emit an address-significance table
                          Don't assume that C++'s global operator new can't alias any pointer
                          Disable optimizations based on vtable pointer identity
  -fno-autolink           Disable generation of linker directives for automatic library linking
  -fno-builtin-<value>    Disable implicit builtin knowledge of a specific function
  -fno-builtin            Disable implicit builtin knowledge of functions
                          Disable C++ static destructor registration
  -fno-char8_t            Disable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fno-color-diagnostics  Disable colors in diagnostics
  -fno-common             Compile common globals like normal definitions
                          Do not require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
  -fno-constant-cfstrings Disable creation of CodeFoundation-type constant strings
                          Assume all functions may be convergent.
  -fno-coverage-mapping   Disable code coverage analysis
  -fno-crash-diagnostics  Disable auto-generation of preprocessed source files and a script for reproduction during a clang crash
                          Don't use approximate transcendental functions
  -fno-cxx-modules        Disable modules for C++
  -fno-debug-macro        Do not emit macro debug information
  -fno-declspec           Disallow __declspec as a keyword
                          Disable delayed template parsing
                          Do not treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior
                          Do not include fixit information in diagnostics
                          Show line numbers in diagnostic code snippets
  -fno-digraphs           Disallow alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:'
                          Use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
                          Do not discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Disallow '$' in identifiers
  -fno-elide-constructors Disable C++ copy constructor elision
  -fno-elide-type         Do not elide types when printing diagnostics
                          Emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fno-exceptions         Disable support for exception handling
                          Do not use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable emitting metadata for binary analysis sanitizers
  -fno-file-reproducible  Use the host's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use large-integer access for consecutive bitfield runs.
  -fno-finite-loops       Do not assume that any loop is finite.
  -fno-fixed-point        Disable fixed point types
                          Disable support for int128_t type
  -fno-global-isel        Disables the global instruction selector
  -fno-gnu-inline-asm     Disable GNU style inline asm
                          Don't allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
  -fno-gpu-defer-diag     Don't defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Do not override toolchain to compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Don't specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
                          Don't specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fno-hip-new-launch-api Don't use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fno-integrated-as      Disable the integrated assembler
  -fno-integrated-cc1     Spawn a separate process for each cc1
                          Use external machine object code emitter.
  -fno-jump-tables        Do not use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Disable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fno-keep-static-consts Don't keep static const variables even if unused
  -fno-knr-functions      Disable support for K&R C function declarations
  -fno-lto                Disable LTO mode (default)
  -fno-memory-profile     Disable heap memory profiling
                          Disallow merging of constants
                          Skip checks for relocated modules when loading PCM files
                          Do not enforce -fmodules-decluse and private header restrictions for textual headers. This flag will be removed in a future Clang release.
  -fno-new-infallible     Disable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          do not infer Objective-C related result type based on method family
  -fno-offload-lto        Disable LTO mode (default) for offload compilation
  -fno-openmp-extensions  Disable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
  -fno-operator-names     Do not treat C++ operator name keywords as synonyms for operators
                          Disable tail call optimization, keeping the call stack accurate
  -fno-pch-codegen        Do not generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fno-pch-debuginfo      Do not generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
  -fno-plt                Use GOT indirection instead of PLT to make external function calls (x86 only)
                          Do not preserve comments in inline assembly
  -fno-profile-generate   Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
                          Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
  -fno-profile-instr-use  Disable using instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
                          Do not emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          Don't use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
  -fno-rtlib-add-rpath    Do not add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, do not add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -fno-rtti-data          Disable generation of RTTI data
  -fno-rtti               Disable generation of rtti information
                          Disable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Use default code inlining logic for the address sanitizer
                          Disable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable ODR indicator globals
                          Do not make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Disable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Disable features of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Disable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Don't use ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Disable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Disable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable recovery for specified sanitizers
                          Conventional ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fno-sanitize-stats     Disable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Disable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fno-sanitize-trap      Disable trapping for all sanitizers
  -fno-short-wchar        Force wchar_t to be an unsigned int
  -fno-show-column        Do not include column number on diagnostics
                          Do not include source location information with diagnostics
  -fno-signed-char        char is unsigned
  -fno-signed-zeros       Allow optimizations that ignore the sign of floating point zeros
  -fno-spell-checking     Disable spell-checking
                          Disable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fno-split-stack        Wouldn't use segmented stack
                          Disable stack clash protection
  -fno-stack-protector    Disable the use of stack protectors
  -fno-standalone-debug   Limit debug information produced to reduce size of debug binary
                          Relax language rules and try to match the behavior of the target's native float-to-int conversion instructions
  -fno-strict-return      Don't treat control flow paths that fall off the end of a non-void function as unreachable
  -fno-sycl               Disables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fno-temp-file          Directly create compilation output files. This may lead to incorrect incremental builds if the compiler crashes
  -fno-threadsafe-statics Do not emit code to make initialization of local statics thread safe
  -fno-trigraphs          Do not process trigraph sequences
  -fno-unified-lto        Use distinct LTO pipelines
                          Don't use unique names for text and data sections
  -fno-unroll-loops       Turn off loop unroller
  -fno-use-cxa-atexit     Don't use __cxa_atexit for calling destructors
  -fno-use-init-array     Use .ctors/.dtors instead of .init_array/.fini_array
                          Disables -fvisibility-inlines-hidden-static-local-var (this is the default on non-darwin targets)
                          Omit function index section at the expense of single-function patching performance
                          Don't place zero initialized data in BSS
  -fobjc-arc-exceptions   Use EH-safe code when synthesizing retains and releases in -fobjc-arc
  -fobjc-arc              Synthesize retain and release calls for Objective-C pointers
                          Ignore attribute objc_direct so that direct methods can be tested
                          Fully encode c++ class template specialization
  -fobjc-exceptions       Enable Objective-C exceptions
  -fobjc-runtime=<value>  Specify the target Objective-C runtime kind and version
  -fobjc-weak             Enable ARC-style weak references in Objective-C
  -foffload-lto=<value>   Set LTO mode for offload compilation
  -foffload-lto           Enable LTO in 'full' mode for offload compilation
  -fomit-frame-pointer    Omit the frame pointer from functions that don't need it. Some stack unwinding cases, such as profilers and sanitizers, may prefer specifying -fno-omit-frame-pointer. On many targets, -O1 and higher omit the frame pointer by default. -m[no-]omit-leaf-frame-pointer takes precedence for leaf functions
  -fopenmp-extensions     Enable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
                          Do not create a host fallback if offloading to the device fails.
  -fopenmp-simd           Emit OpenMP code only for SIMD-based constructs.
  -fopenmp-target-debug   Enable debugging in the OpenMP offloading device RTL
  -fopenmp-target-jit     Emit code that can be JIT compiled for OpenMP offloading. Implies -foffload-lto=full
                          Specify comma-separated list of triples OpenMP offloading targets to be supported
                          Set OpenMP version (e.g. 45 for OpenMP 4.5, 50 for OpenMP 5.0). Default value is 50 for Clang and 11 for Flang
  -fopenmp                Parse OpenMP pragmas and generate parallel code.
                          Maximum number of 'operator->'s to call for a member access
                          Specify the output name of the file containing the optimization remarks. Implies -fsave-optimization-record. On Darwin platforms, this cannot be used with multiple -arch <arch> options.
                          Only include passes which match a specified regular expression in the generated optimization record (by default, include all passes)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect order file into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fpack-struct=<value>   Specify the default maximum struct packing alignment
  -fpascal-strings        Recognize and construct Pascal-style string literals
  -fpass-plugin=<dsopath> Load pass plugin from a dynamic shared object file (only with new pass manager).
                          Generate M NOPs before function entry and N-M NOPs after function entry
  -fpcc-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return all structs on the stack
  -fpch-codegen           Generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fpch-debuginfo         Generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
                          Instantiate templates already while building a PCH
                          Validate PCH input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Pass <arg> to plugin <name>
  -fplugin=<dsopath>      Load the named plugin (dynamic shared object)
                          Look up implicit modules in the prebuilt module path
                          Specify the prebuilt module path
                          Save subprocess statistics to the given file
                          Print subprocess statistics
  -fprofile-arcs          Instrument code to produce gcov data files (*.gcda)
                          Instrument only functions from files where names don't match all the regexes separated by a semi-colon
                          Instrument only functions from files where names match any regex separated by a semi-colon
                          Partition functions into N groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented using -fprofile-selected-function-group
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fprofile-generate      Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <file> (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
  -fprofile-list=<value>  Filename defining the list of functions/files to instrument. The file uses the sanitizer special case list format.
                          Use the remappings described in <file> to match the profile data against names in the program
                          Specifies that the sample profile is accurate
                          Enable sample-based profile guided optimizations
                          Partition functions into N groups using -fprofile-function-groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented. The valid range is 0 to N-1 inclusive
                          Set update method of profile counters
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization. If pathname is a directory, it reads from <pathname>/default.profdata. Otherwise, it reads from file <pathname>.
  -fprotect-parens        Determines whether the optimizer honors parentheses when floating-point expressions are evaluated
                          Emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          File holding the seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
                          The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
  -freciprocal-math       Allow division operations to be reassociated
  -freg-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return small structs in registers
                          Use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
                          Enable C++17 relaxed template template argument matching
  -freroll-loops          Turn on loop reroller
  -fropi                  Generate read-only position independent code (ARM only)
  -frtlib-add-rpath       Add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, also add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -frwpi                  Generate read-write position independent code (ARM only)
                          Display suggestions to update code associated with -Wunsafe-buffer-usage warnings
                          Use profi to infer block and edge counts
                          Set the kind of module destructors emitted by AddressSanitizer instrumentation. These destructors are emitted to unregister instrumented global variables when code is unloaded (e.g. via `dlclose()`).
                          Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer
                          Enable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Always generate function calls for address sanitizer instrumentation
                          Enable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Select the mode of detecting stack use-after-return in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable ODR indicator globals to avoid false ODR violation reports in partially sanitized programs at the cost of an increase in binary size
                          Alias for -fsanitize-ignorelist=
                          Make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Enable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Normalize integers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Generalize pointers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Restrict sanitizer coverage instrumentation exclusively to modules and functions that match the provided special case list, except the blocked ones
                          Disable sanitizer coverage instrumentation for modules and functions that match the provided special case list, even the allowed ones
                          Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Select the HWAddressSanitizer ABI to target (interceptor or platform, default interceptor). This option is currently unused.
                          Enable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Path to ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Set default MTE mode to 'sync' (default) or 'async'
                          Enable recovery for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-stable-abi   Stable  ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fsanitize-stats        Enable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Path to system ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
  -fsanitize-trap=<value> Enable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-trap         Enable trapping for all sanitizers
                          Strip (or keep only, if negative) a given number of path components when emitting check metadata.
  -fsanitize=<check>      Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious behavior. See user manual for available checks
                          Generate an optimization record file in a specific format
                          Generate a YAML optimization record file
  -fseh-exceptions        Use SEH style exceptions
  -fshort-enums           Allocate to an enum type only as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of possible values
  -fshort-wchar           Force wchar_t to be a short unsigned int
                          Which overload candidates to show when overload resolution fails. Defaults to 'all'
  -fshow-skipped-includes Show skipped includes in -H output.
  -fsigned-char           char is signed
  -fsized-deallocation    Enable C++14 sized global deallocation functions
  -fsjlj-exceptions       Use SjLj style exceptions
  -fslp-vectorize         Enable the superword-level parallelism vectorization passes
                          Set the maximum number of times to perform spell checking on unrecognized identifiers (0 = no limit)
  -fsplit-dwarf-inlining  Provide minimal debug info in the object/executable to facilitate online symbolication/stack traces in the absence of .dwo/.dwp files when using Split DWARF
  -fsplit-lto-unit        Enables splitting of the LTO unit
                          Enable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fsplit-stack           Use segmented stack
                          Enable stack clash protection
  -fstack-protector-all   Enable stack protectors for all functions
                          Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. Compared to -fstack-protector, this uses a stronger heuristic that includes functions containing arrays of any size (and any type), as well as any calls to alloca or the taking of an address from a local variable
  -fstack-protector       Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. This uses a loose heuristic which considers functions vulnerable if they contain a char (or 8bit integer) array or constant sized calls to alloca , which are of greater size than ssp-buffer-size (default: 8 bytes). All variable sized calls to alloca are considered vulnerable. A function with a stack protector has a guard value added to the stack frame that is checked on function exit. The guard value must be positioned in the stack frame such that a buffer overflow from a vulnerable variable will overwrite the guard value before overwriting the function's return address. The reference stack guard value is stored in a global variable.
  -fstack-size-section    Emit section containing metadata on function stack sizes
  -fstack-usage           Emit .su file containing information on function stack sizes
  -fstandalone-debug      Emit full debug info for all types used by the program
  -fstrict-enums          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's value range
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of flexible arrays
                          Assume that overflowing float-to-int casts are undefined (default)
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict rules for overwriting polymorphic C++ objects
                          Control emission of Swift async extended frame info
  -fsycl                  Enables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fsyntax-only           Run the preprocessor, parser and semantic analysis stages
  -fsystem-module         Build this module as a system module. Only used with -emit-module
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a template instantiation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive template instantiation
  -ftest-coverage         Produce gcov notes files (*.gcno)
                          Write minimized bitcode to <file> for the ThinLTO thin link only
  -fthinlto-index=<value> Perform ThinLTO importing using provided function summary index
  -ftime-report=<value>   (For new pass manager) 'per-pass': one report for each pass; 'per-pass-run': one report for each pass invocation
                          Minimum time granularity (in microseconds) traced by time profiler
  -ftime-trace=<value>    Similar to -ftime-trace. Specify the JSON file or a directory which will contain the JSON file
  -ftime-trace            Turn on time profiler. Generates JSON file based on output filename.
  -ftrap-function=<value> Issue call to specified function rather than a trap instruction
  -ftrapv-handler=<function name>
                          Specify the function to be called on overflow
  -ftrapv                 Trap on integer overflow
  -ftrigraphs             Process trigraph sequences
                          Stop initializing trivial automatic stack variables after the specified number of instances
                          Initialize trivial automatic stack variables. Defaults to 'uninitialized'
  -funified-lto           Use the unified LTO pipeline
                          Use unique names for basic block sections (ELF Only)
                          Uniqueify Internal Linkage Symbol Names by appending the MD5 hash of the module path
  -funroll-loops          Turn on loop unroller
                          Allow unsafe floating-point math optimizations which may decrease precision
  -fuse-cuid=<value>      Method to generate ID's for compilation units for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP: 'hash' (ID's generated by hashing file path and command line options) | 'random' (ID's generated as random numbers) | 'none' (disabled). Default is 'hash'. This option will be overridden by option '-cuid=[ID]' if it is specified.
  -fuse-line-directives   Use #line in preprocessed output
                          Compute and store the hash of input files used to build an AST. Files with mismatching mtime's are considered valid if both contents is identical
  -fveclib=<value>        Use the given vector functions library
  -fvectorize             Enable the loop vectorization passes
  -fverbose-asm           Generate verbose assembly output
                          Enables dead virtual function elimination optimization. Requires -flto=full
                          The visibility for dllexport definitions [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for dllimport external declarations [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for external declarations without an explicit DLL dllstorageclass [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          Set the visibility of symbols in the generated code from their DLL storage class
                          Give global C++ operator new and delete declarations hidden visibility
                          When -fvisibility-inlines-hidden is enabled, static variables in inline C++ member functions will also be given hidden visibility by default
                          Give inline C++ member functions hidden visibility by default
  -fvisibility-ms-compat  Give global types 'default' visibility and global functions and variables 'hidden' visibility by default
                          The visibility for definitions without an explicit DLL export class [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
  -fvisibility=<value>    Set the default symbol visibility for all global definitions
  -fwasm-exceptions       Use WebAssembly style exceptions
  -fwhole-program-vtables Enables whole-program vtable optimization. Requires -flto
  -fwrapv                 Treat signed integer overflow as two's complement
  -fwritable-strings      Store string literals as writable data
  -fxl-pragma-pack        Enable IBM XL #pragma pack handling
                          Always emit __xray_customevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          Always emit __xray_typedevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'always instrument' XRay attribute.
                          Filename defining the list of functions/types for imbuing XRay attributes.
                          Only instrument 1 of N groups
  -fxray-ignore-loops     Don't instrument functions with loops unless they also meet the minimum function size
                          Sets the minimum function size to instrument with XRay
                          Select which XRay instrumentation points to emit. Options: all, none, function-entry, function-exit, function, custom. Default is 'all'.  'function' includes both 'function-entry' and 'function-exit'.
  -fxray-instrument       Generate XRay instrumentation sleds on function entry and exit
  -fxray-link-deps        Link XRay runtime library when -fxray-instrument is specified (default)
  -fxray-modes=<value>    List of modes to link in by default into XRay instrumented binaries.
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'never instrument' XRay attribute.
                          When using -fxray-function-groups, select which group of functions to instrument. Valid range is 0 to fxray-function-groups - 1
                          Clear call-used registers upon function return (AArch64/x86 only)
  -fzvector               Enable System z vector language extension
  -F <value>              Add directory to framework include search path
                          Use GCC installation in the specified directory. The directory ends with path components like 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Note: executables (e.g. ld) used by the compiler are not overridden by the selected GCC installation
  --gcc-toolchain=<value> Specify a directory where Clang can find 'include' and 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Clang will use the GCC installation with the largest version
  -gcodeview-command-line Emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gcodeview-ghash        Emit type record hashes in a .debug$H section
  -gcodeview              Generate CodeView debug information
  -gdwarf-2               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 2
  -gdwarf-3               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 3
  -gdwarf-4               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 4
  -gdwarf-5               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 5
  -gdwarf32               Enables DWARF32 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf64               Enables DWARF64 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf                 Generate source-level debug information with the default dwarf version
  -gembed-source          Embed source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gen-reproducer=<value> Emit reproducer on (option: off, crash (default), error, always)
  -gline-directives-only  Emit debug line info directives only
  -gline-tables-only      Emit debug line number tables only
  -gmodules               Generate debug info with external references to clang modules or precompiled headers
                          Don't emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gno-embed-source       Restore the default behavior of not embedding source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gno-inline-line-tables Don't emit inline line tables.
  --gpu-bundle-output     Bundle output files of HIP device compilation
                          Instrument device library for HIP, which is a LLVM bitcode containing __cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit
                          Default max threads per block for kernel launch bounds for HIP
  -gsplit-dwarf=<value>   Set DWARF fission mode
  -gstrict-dwarf          Restrict DWARF features to those defined in the specified version, avoiding features from later versions.
  -gz=<value>             DWARF debug sections compression type
  -G <size>               Put objects of at most <size> bytes into small data section (MIPS / Hexagon)
  -g                      Generate source-level debug information
  --help-hidden           Display help for hidden options
  -help                   Display available options
                          HIP device library
  --hip-link              Link clang-offload-bundler bundles for HIP
  --hip-path=<value>      HIP runtime installation path, used for finding HIP version and adding HIP include path.
  --hip-version=<value>   HIP version in the format of major.minor.patch
                          path to a pass plugin for HIP to SPIR-V passes.
  -H                      Show header includes and nesting depth
  -I-                     Restrict all prior -I flags to double-quoted inclusion and remove current directory from include path
  -ibuiltininc            Enable builtin #include directories even when -nostdinc is used before or after -ibuiltininc. Using -nobuiltininc after the option disables it
  -idirafter <value>      Add directory to AFTER include search path
  -iframeworkwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -iframework <value>     Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path
  -imacros <file>         Include macros from file before parsing
  -include-pch <file>     Include precompiled header file
  -include <file>         Include file before parsing
  -index-header-map       Make the next included directory (-I or -F) an indexer header map
  -iprefix <dir>          Set the -iwithprefix/-iwithprefixbefore prefix
  -iquote <directory>     Add directory to QUOTE include search path
  -isysroot <dir>         Set the system root directory (usually /)
  -isystem-after <directory>
                          Add directory to end of the SYSTEM include search path
  -isystem <directory>    Add directory to SYSTEM include search path
  -ivfsoverlay <value>    Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system
  -iwithprefixbefore <dir>
                          Set directory to include search path with prefix
  -iwithprefix <dir>      Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix
  -iwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM include search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -I <dir>                Add directory to the end of the list of include search paths
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-nvptx bitcode library
  -L <dir>                Add directory to library search path
  -mabi=quadword-atomics  Enable quadword atomics ABI on AIX (AIX PPC64 only). Uses lqarx/stqcx. instructions.
  -mabicalls              Enable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
  -maix-struct-return     Return all structs in memory (PPC32 only)
                          Specify the boundary's size to align branches
  -malign-branch=<value>  Specify types of branches to align
  -malign-double          Align doubles to two words in structs (x86 only)
  -maltivec               Enable AltiVec vector initializer syntax
  -mamdgpu-ieee           Sets the IEEE bit in the expected default floating point  mode register. Floating point opcodes that support exception flag gathering quiet and propagate signaling NaN inputs per IEEE 754-2008. This option changes the ABI. (AMDGPU only)
  -march=<value>          For a list of available architectures for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mbackchain             Link stack frames through backchain on System Z
                          Enforce targets of indirect branches and function returns
                          Align selected branches (fused, jcc, jmp) within 32-byte boundary
  -mcabac                 Enable CABAC instructions
  -mcmodel=medany         Equivalent to -mcmodel=medium, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmodel=medlow         Equivalent to -mcmodel=small, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmse                  Allow use of CMSE (Armv8-M Security Extensions)
                          Specify code object ABI version. Defaults to 4. (AMDGPU only)
  -mcpu=<value>           For a list of available CPUs for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mcrbits                Control the CR-bit tracking feature on PowerPC. ``-mcrbits`` (the enablement of CR-bit tracking support) is the default for POWER8 and above, as well as for all other CPUs when optimization is applied (-O2 and above).
  -mcrc                   Allow use of CRC instructions (ARM/Mips only)
  -mcumode                Specify CU wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Mapping between default visibility and export
  -mdouble=<n             Force double to be <n> bits
  -MD                     Write a depfile containing user and system headers
  -meabi <value>          Set EABI type. Default depends on triple)
  -membedded-data         Place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata section even if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Enable use of experimental RISC-V extensions.
  -mexec-model=<value>    Execution model (WebAssembly only)
  -mexecute-only          Disallow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mextern-sdata          Assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mfentry                Insert calls to fentry at function entry (x86/SystemZ only)
                          Work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
  -mfix-cortex-a53-835769 Workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mfp32                  Use 32-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mfp64                  Use 64-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mframe-chain=<value>   Select the frame chain model used to emit frame records (Arm only).
                          Replace returns with jumps to ``__x86_return_thunk`` (x86 only, error otherwise)
  -MF <file>              Write depfile output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to <file>
  -mgeneral-regs-only     Generate code which only uses the general purpose registers (AArch64/x86 only)
  -mglobal-merge          Enable merging of globals
  -mgpopt                 Use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mguard=<value>         Enable or disable Control Flow Guard checks and guard tables emission
  -MG                     Add missing headers to depfile
  -mharden-sls=<value>    Select straight-line speculation hardening scope (ARM/AArch64/X86 only). <arg> must be: all, none, retbr(ARM/AArch64), blr(ARM/AArch64), comdat(ARM/AArch64), nocomdat(ARM/AArch64), return(X86), indirect-jmp(X86)
  -mhvx-ieee-fp           Enable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mhvx-length=<value>    Set Hexagon Vector Length
  -mhvx-qfloat            Enable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mhvx=<value>           Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mhvx                   Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -miamcu                 Use Intel MCU ABI
                          Not emit the visibility attribute for asm in AIX OS or give all symbols 'unspecified' visibility in XCOFF object file
  --migrate               Run the migrator
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which can be used with an incremental linker
                          Add cs prefix to call and jmp to indirect thunk
  -mindirect-jump=<value> Change indirect jump instructions to inhibit speculation
                          Set iOS deployment target
  -MJ <value>             Write a compilation database entry per input
  -mllvm=<arg>            Alias for -mllvm
  -mllvm <value>          Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing
  -mlocal-sdata           Extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mlong-calls            Generate branches with extended addressability, usually via indirect jumps.
  -mlong-double-128       Force long double to be 128 bits
  -mlong-double-64        Force long double to be 64 bits
  -mlong-double-80        Force long double to be 80 bits, padded to 128 bits for storage
  -mlvi-cfi               Enable only control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mlvi-hardening         Enable all mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
                          Set macOS deployment target
  -mmadd4                 Enable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mmark-bti-property     Add with BTI to assembly files (AArch64 only)
  -MMD                    Write a depfile containing user headers
  -mmemops                Enable generation of memop instructions
  -mmlir <value>          Additional arguments to forward to MLIR's option processing
  -mms-bitfields          Set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mmsa                   Enable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mmt                    Enable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -MM                     Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
  -mno-abicalls           Disable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
                          Do not add a BTI instruction after a setjmp or other return-twice construct (Arm/AArch64 only)
  -mno-crc                Disallow use of CRC instructions (Mips only)
  -mno-cumode             Specify WGP wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mno-embedded-data      Do not place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mno-execute-only       Allow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mno-extern-sdata       Do not assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Don't work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
                          Don't workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mno-fmv                Disable function multiversioning
  -mno-gather             Disable generation of gather instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-global-merge       Disable merging of globals
  -mno-gpopt              Do not use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mno-hvx-ieee-fp        Disable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mno-hvx-qfloat         Disable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mno-hvx                Disable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mno-implicit-float     Don't generate implicit floating point or vector instructions
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which cannot be used with an incremental linker
  -mno-local-sdata        Do not extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mno-long-calls         Restore the default behaviour of not generating long calls
  -mno-lvi-cfi            Disable control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-lvi-hardening      Disable mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-madd4              Disable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mno-memops             Disable generation of memop instructions
  -mno-movt               Disallow use of movt/movw pairs (ARM only)
  -mno-ms-bitfields       Do not set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mno-msa                Disable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-mt                 Disable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-neg-immediates     Disallow converting instructions with negative immediates to their negation or inversion.
  -mno-nvj                Disable generation of new-value jumps
  -mno-nvs                Disable generation of new-value stores
  -mno-outline-atomics    Don't generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -mno-outline            Disable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mno-packets            Disable generation of instruction packets
                          Don't assume data segments are relative to text segment
  -mno-relax              Disable linker relaxation
  -mno-restrict-it        Allow generation of complex IT blocks.
  -mno-save-restore       Disable using library calls for save and restore
  -mno-scatter            Disable generation of scatter instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-seses              Disable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES)
  -mno-stack-arg-probe    Disable stack probes which are enabled by default
  -mno-tgsplit            Disable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Disable direct TLS access through segment registers
  -mno-unaligned-access   Force all memory accesses to be aligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -mno-wavefrontsize64    Specify wavefront size 32 mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mnocrc                 Disallow use of CRC instructions (ARM only)
  -mnop-mcount            Generate mcount/__fentry__ calls as nops. To activate they need to be patched in.
  -mnvj                   Enable generation of new-value jumps
  -mnvs                   Enable generation of new-value stores
  -module-dependency-dir <value>
                          Directory to dump module dependencies to
  -module-file-info       Provide information about a particular module file
                          Omit frame pointer setup for leaf functions
  -moutline-atomics       Generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -moutline               Enable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mpacked-stack          Use packed stack layout (SystemZ only).
  -mpackets               Enable generation of instruction packets
                          Specify maximum number of prefixes to use for padding
                          Assume data segments are relative to text segment
                          Specifies preferred vector width for auto-vectorization. Defaults to 'none' which allows target specific decisions.
  -mprintf-kind=<value>   Specify the printf lowering scheme (AMDGPU only), allowed values are "hostcall"(printing happens during kernel execution, this scheme relies on hostcalls which require system to support pcie atomics) and "buffered"(printing happens after all kernel threads exit, this uses a printf buffer and does not rely on pcie atomic support)
  -MP                     Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)
  -mqdsp6-compat          Enable hexagon-qdsp6 backward compatibility
  -MQ <value>             Specify name of main file output to quote in depfile
  -mrecip=<value>         Control use of approximate reciprocal and reciprocal square root instructions followed by <n> iterations of Newton-Raphson refinement. <value> = ( ['!'] ['vec-'] ('rcp'|'sqrt') [('h'|'s'|'d')] [':'<n>] ) | 'all' | 'default' | 'none'
  -mrecip                 Equivalent to '-mrecip=all'
  -mrecord-mcount         Generate a __mcount_loc section entry for each __fentry__ call.
  -mrelax-all             (integrated-as) Relax all machine instructions
  -mrelax                 Enable linker relaxation
  -mrestrict-it           Disallow generation of complex IT blocks. It is off by default.
  -mrtd                   Make StdCall calling convention the default
                          Specify the size in bits of an RVV vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". Accepts power of 2 values between 64 and 65536. Also accepts "zvl" to use the value implied by -march/-mcpu. Value will be reflected in __riscv_v_fixed_vlen preprocessor define (RISC-V only)
  -msave-restore          Enable using library calls for save and restore
  -mseses                 Enable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES). Includes LVI control flow integrity mitigations
                          Select return address signing scope
  -mskip-rax-setup        Skip setting up RAX register when passing variable arguments (x86 only)
                          Put global and static data smaller than the limit into a special section
  -msoft-float            Use software floating point
                          Set the stack alignment
  -mstack-arg-probe       Enable stack probes
                          Set the stack probe size
                          Use the given offset for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given reg for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given symbol for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given guard (global, tls) for addressing the stack-protector guard
  -mstackrealign          Force realign the stack at entry to every function
                          Specify the size in bits of an SVE vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". (AArch64 only)
  -msvr4-struct-return    Return small structs in registers (PPC32 only)
  -mtargetos=<value>      Set the deployment target to be the specified OS and OS version
  -mtgsplit               Enable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mthread-model <value>  The thread model to use. Defaults to 'posix')
  -mtls-direct-seg-refs   Enable direct TLS access through segment registers (default)
  -mtls-size=<value>      Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets (AArch64 ELF only): 12 (for 4KB) | 24 (for 16MB, default) | 32 (for 4GB) | 48 (for 256TB, needs -mcmodel=large)
  -mtp=<value>            Thread pointer access method. For AArch32: 'soft' uses a function call, or 'tpidrurw', 'tpidruro' or 'tpidrprw' use the three CP15 registers. 'cp15' is an alias for 'tpidruro'. For AArch64: 'tpidr_el0', 'tpidr_el1', 'tpidr_el2', 'tpidr_el3' or 'tpidrro_el0' use the five system registers. 'elN' is an alias for 'tpidr_elN'.
  -mtune=<value>          Only supported on AArch64, PowerPC, RISC-V, SystemZ, and X86
  -MT <value>             Specify name of main file output in depfile
  -munaligned-access      Allow memory accesses to be unaligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -munsafe-fp-atomics     Enable generation of unsafe floating point atomic instructions. May generate more efficient code, but may not respect rounding and denormal modes, and may give incorrect results for certain memory destinations. (AMDGPU only)
  -mvscale-max=<value>    Specify the vscale maximum. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "0". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -mvscale-min=<value>    Specify the vscale minimum. Defaults to "1". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -MV                     Use NMake/Jom format for the depfile
  -mwavefrontsize64       Specify wavefront size 64 mode (AMDGPU only)
                          On AIX, request creation of a build-id string, "0xHEXSTRING", in the string table of the loader section inside the linked binary
  -mxcoff-roptr           Place constant objects with relocatable address values in the RO data section and add -bforceimprw to the linker flags (AIX only)
                          High level qualifier for z/OS C++RT side deck datasets
                          High level qualifier for z/OS CSSLIB dataset
  -mzos-hlq-le=<LeHLQ>    High level qualifier for z/OS Language Environment datasets
                          Path to system headers on z/OS
  -M                      Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
                          Do not include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
  --no-cuda-version-check Don't error out if the detected version of the CUDA install is too low for the requested CUDA gpu architecture.
  --no-default-config     Disable loading default configuration files
  --no-gpu-bundle-output  Do not bundle output files of HIP device compilation
  -no-hip-rt              Do not link against HIP runtime libraries
                          Remove CUDA/HIP offloading device architecture (e.g. sm_35, gfx906) from the list of devices to compile for. 'all' resets the list to its default value.
  --no-offload-new-driver Don't Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as not including a system header.
  -nobuiltininc           Disable builtin #include directories
  -nogpuinc               Do not add include paths for CUDA/HIP and do not include the default CUDA/HIP wrapper headers
  -nogpulib               Do not link device library for CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -nohipwrapperinc        Do not include the default HIP wrapper headers and include paths
  -nostdinc++             Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library
                          Tool used for detecting NVIDIA GPU arch in the system.
  -ObjC++                 Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs
                          Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path
  -objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties
  -objcmt-migrate-all     Enable migration to modern ObjC
                          Enable migration to property and method annotations
                          Enable migration to infer NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for initializer methods
                          Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC literals
                          Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros
                          Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC property
                          Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting
                          Enable migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' attribute
                          Enable migration to annotate property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER
                          Alias for -objcmt-allowlist-dir-path
  -ObjC                   Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs
                          Set the output <file> for debug infos
  --offload-arch=<value>  Specify an offloading device architecture for CUDA, HIP, or OpenMP. (e.g. sm_35). If 'native' is used the compiler will detect locally installed architectures. For HIP offloading, the device architecture can be followed by target ID features delimited by a colon (e.g. gfx908:xnack+:sramecc-). May be specified more than once.
  --offload-device-only   Only compile for the offloading device.
  --offload-host-device   Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-host-only     Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-link          Use the new offloading linker to perform the link job.
  --offload-new-driver    Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
  --offload=<value>       Specify comma-separated list of offloading target triples (CUDA and HIP only)
  -o <file>               Write output to <file>
  -pedantic               Warn on language extensions
  -pg                     Enable mcount instrumentation
  -pipe                   Use pipes between commands, when possible
  --precompile            Only precompile the input
                          Print all of Clang's warning options
  -print-effective-triple Print the effective target triple
  -print-file-name=<file> Print the full library path of <file>
  -print-ivar-layout      Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace
  -print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for the currently used compiler runtime library ("libgcc.a" or "libclang_rt.builtins.*.a")
                          Print the flags used for selecting multilibs (experimental)
  -print-prog-name=<name> Print the full program path of <name>
  -print-resource-dir     Print the resource directory pathname
  -print-rocm-search-dirs Print the paths used for finding ROCm installation
  -print-runtime-dir      Print the directory pathname containing clangs runtime libraries
  -print-search-dirs      Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs
  -print-supported-cpus   Print supported cpu models for the given target (if target is not specified, it will print the supported cpus for the default target)
  -print-target-triple    Print the normalized target triple
  -print-targets          Print the registered targets
  -pthread                Support POSIX threads in generated code
  --ptxas-path=<value>    Path to ptxas (used for compiling CUDA code)
  -P                      Disable linemarker output in -E mode
  -p                      Enable mcount instrumentation with prof
  -Qn                     Do not emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -Qunused-arguments      Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments
  -Qy                     Emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -relocatable-pch        Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header
  -rewrite-legacy-objc    Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++
  -rewrite-objc           Rewrite Objective-C source to C++
                          ROCm device library path. Alternative to rocm-path.
  --rocm-path=<value>     ROCm installation path, used for finding and automatically linking required bitcode libraries.
  -Rpass-analysis=<value> Report transformation analysis from optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass-missed=<value>   Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass=<value>          Report transformations performed by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -rtlib=<value>          Compiler runtime library to use
  -R<remark>              Enable the specified remark
  -save-stats=<value>     Save llvm statistics.
  -save-stats             Save llvm statistics.
  -save-temps=<value>     Save intermediate compilation results.
  -save-temps             Save intermediate compilation results
  -serialize-diagnostics <value>
                          Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file
  -shared-libsan          Dynamically link the sanitizer runtime
                          Don't emit warnings about unused arguments for the following arguments
  -static-libsan          Statically link the sanitizer runtime (Not supported for ASan, TSan or UBSan on darwin)
  -static-openmp          Use the static host OpenMP runtime while linking.
  -std=<value>            Language standard to compile for
  -stdlib++-isystem <directory>
                          Use directory as the C++ standard library include path
  -stdlib=<value>         C++ standard library to use
  -sycl-std=<value>       SYCL language standard to compile for.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as including a system header.
  -S                      Only run preprocess and compilation steps
  --target=<value>        Generate code for the given target
  -time                   Time individual commands
  -traditional-cpp        Enable some traditional CPP emulation
  -trigraphs              Process trigraph sequences
  -T <script>             Specify <script> as linker script
  -undef                  undef all system defines
  -unwindlib=<value>      Unwind library to use
  -U <macro>              Undefine macro <macro>
  --verify-debug-info     Verify the binary representation of debug output
  -verify-pch             Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is not stale
  --version               Print version information
  -vfsoverlay <value>     Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system. Additionally, pass this overlay file to the linker if it supports it
  -v                      Show commands to run and use verbose output
  -Wa,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the assembler
  -Wdeprecated            Enable warnings for deprecated constructs and define __DEPRECATED
  -Wl,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the linker
  -working-directory <value>
                          Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory
  -Wp,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the preprocessor
  -W<warning>             Enable the specified warning
  -w                      Suppress all warnings
  -Xanalyzer <arg>        Pass <arg> to the static analyzer
  -Xarch_device <arg>     Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -Xarch_host <arg>       Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP host compilation
  -Xassembler <arg>       Pass <arg> to the assembler
  -Xclang=<arg>           Alias for -Xclang
  -Xclang <arg>           Pass <arg> to clang -cc1
  -Xcuda-fatbinary <arg>  Pass <arg> to fatbinary invocation
  -Xcuda-ptxas <arg>      Pass <arg> to the ptxas assembler
  -Xlinker <arg>          Pass <arg> to the linker
  -Xoffload-linker<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the offload linkers or the ones idenfied by -<triple>
  -Xopenmp-target=<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain identified by <triple>.
  -Xopenmp-target <arg>   Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>    Pass <arg> to the preprocessor
  -x <language>           Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>
  -z <arg>                Pass -z <arg> to the linker


Afl-cc++4.21c by Michal Zalewski, Laszlo Szekeres, Marc Heuse afl-cc

root@kali:~# afl-clang-fast --help
OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler

USAGE: clang [options] file...

  -###                    Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation
                          Tool used for detecting AMD GPU arch in the system.
  --analyzer-output <value>
                          Static analyzer report output format (html|plist|plist-multi-file|plist-html|sarif|sarif-html|text).
  --analyze               Run the static analyzer
                          Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them
  -arcmt-migrate-report-output <value>
                          Output path for the plist report
  -B <prefix>             Search $prefix$file for executables, libraries, and data files. If $prefix is a directory, search $prefix/$file
  -b <arg>                Pass -b <arg> to the linker on AIX
  -CC                     Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output
  -cl-denorms-are-zero    OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero.
  -cl-ext=<value>         OpenCL only. Enable or disable OpenCL extensions/optional features. The argument is a comma-separated sequence of one or more extension names, each prefixed by '+' or '-'.
  -cl-fast-relaxed-math   OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__.
  -cl-finite-math-only    OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf.
                          OpenCL only. Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded.
  -cl-kernel-arg-info     OpenCL only. Generate kernel argument metadata.
  -cl-mad-enable          OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise MAD computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-signed-zeros     OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise no signed zeros computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-stdinc           OpenCL only. Disables all standard includes containing non-native compiler types and functions.
  -cl-opt-disable         OpenCL only. This option disables all optimizations. By default optimizations are enabled.
                          OpenCL only. Treat double precision floating-point constant as single precision constant.
  -cl-std=<value>         OpenCL language standard to compile for.
  -cl-strict-aliasing     OpenCL only. This option is added for compatibility with OpenCL 1.0.
                          OpenCL only. Defines that the global work-size be a multiple of the work-group size specified to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
                          OpenCL only. Allow unsafe floating-point optimizations.  Also implies -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-mad-enable.
  --config=<file>         Specify configuration file
                          Compile CUDA code for both host and device (default). Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
  --cuda-device-only      Compile CUDA code for device only
  --cuda-feature=<value>  Manually specify the CUDA feature to use
  --cuda-host-only        Compile CUDA code for host only. Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
                          Include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
                          Enable device-side debug info generation. Disables ptxas optimizations.
  --cuda-path-ignore-env  Ignore environment variables to detect CUDA installation
  --cuda-path=<value>     CUDA installation path
  -cuid=<value>           An ID for compilation unit, which should be the same for the same compilation unit but different for different compilation units. It is used to externalize device-side static variables for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP so that they can be accessed by the host code of the same compilation unit.
  -cxx-isystem <directory>
                          Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path
  -C                      Include comments in preprocessed output
  -c                      Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps
  -darwin-target-variant-triple <value>
                          Specify the darwin target variant triple
  -darwin-target-variant <value>
                          Generate code for an additional runtime variant of the deployment target
  -dD                     Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dependency-dot <value> Filename to write DOT-formatted header dependencies to
  -dependency-file <value>
                          Filename (or -) to write dependency output to
  -dI                     Print include directives in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dM                     Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output
  -dsym-dir <dir>         Directory to output dSYM's (if any) to
  -dumpdir <dumppfx>      Use <dumpfpx> as a prefix to form auxiliary and dump file names
  -D <macro>=<value>      Define <macro> to <value> (or 1 if <value> omitted)
  -emit-ast               Emit Clang AST files for source inputs
  -emit-interface-stubs   Generate Interface Stub Files.
  -emit-llvm              Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files
  -emit-merged-ifs        Generate Interface Stub Files, emit merged text not binary.
  --emit-static-lib       Enable linker job to emit a static library.
  --emit-symbol-graph= <value>
                          Generate Extract API information as a side effect of compilation.
                          Start emitting warnings for unused driver arguments
                          Comma separated list of files containing a new line separated list of API symbols to ignore when extracting API information.
  -extract-api            Extract API information
  -E                      Only run the preprocessor
  -faapcs-bitfield-load   Follows the AAPCS standard that all volatile bit-field write generates at least one load. (ARM only).
  -faapcs-bitfield-width  Follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -faddrsig               Emit an address-significance table
  -falign-loops=<N>       N must be a power of two. Align loops to the boundary
  -faligned-allocation    Enable C++17 aligned allocation functions
                          Treat editor placeholders as valid source code
                          Source-level compatibility for Altivec vectors (for PowerPC targets). This includes results of vector comparison (scalar for 'xl', vector for 'gcc') as well as behavior when initializing with a scalar (splatting for 'xl', element zero only for 'gcc'). For 'mixed', the compatibility is as 'gcc' for 'vector bool/vector pixel' and as 'xl' for other types. Current default is 'mixed'.
  -fansi-escape-codes     Use ANSI escape codes for diagnostics
  -fapple-kext            Use Apple's kernel extensions ABI
  -fapple-link-rtlib      Force linking the clang builtins runtime library
  -fapple-pragma-pack     Enable Apple gcc-compatible #pragma pack handling
  -fapplication-extension Restrict code to those available for App Extensions
  -fapprox-func           Allow certain math function calls to be replaced with an approximately equivalent calculation
  -fasync-exceptions      Enable EH Asynchronous exceptions
                          Place each function's basic blocks in unique sections (ELF Only)
                          Produced object files can use all ELF features supported by this binutils version and newer. If -fno-integrated-as is specified, the generated assembly will consider GNU as support. 'none' means that all ELF features can be used, regardless of binutils support. Defaults to 2.26.
  -fblocks                Enable the 'blocks' language feature
  -fborland-extensions    Accept non-standard constructs supported by the Borland compiler
                          Use the last modification time of <file> as the build session timestamp
  -fbuild-session-timestamp=<time since Epoch in seconds>
                          Time when the current build session started
  -fbuiltin-module-map    Load the clang builtins module map file.
  -fc++-abi=<value>       C++ ABI to use. This will override the target C++ ABI.
  -fcall-saved-x10        Make the x10 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x11        Make the x11 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x12        Make the x12 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x13        Make the x13 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x14        Make the x14 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x15        Make the x15 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x18        Make the x18 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x8         Make the x8 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x9         Make the x9 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
                          Set the maximum number of source lines to show in a caret diagnostic (0 = no limit).
  -fcf-protection=<value> Instrument control-flow architecture protection
  -fcf-protection         Enable cf-protection in 'full' mode
  -fchar8_t               Enable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fcheck-new             Do not assume C++ operator new may not return NULL
                          Attempt to match the ABI of Clang <version>
  -fcolor-diagnostics     Enable colors in diagnostics
                          Treat each comma separated argument in <arg> as a documentation comment block command
  -fcommon                Place uninitialized global variables in a common block
                          Require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a constexpr evaluation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive constexpr function calls
                          Set the maximum number of steps in constexpr function evaluation
                          Prefer aligned allocation for C++ Coroutines
  -fcoroutines            Enable support for the C++ Coroutines
                          The compilation directory to embed in the coverage mapping.
  -fcoverage-mapping      Generate coverage mapping to enable code coverage analysis
                          remap file source paths <old> to <new> in coverage mapping. If there are multiple options, prefix replacement is applied in reverse order starting from the last one
                          Put crash-report files in <dir>
                          Set level of crash diagnostic reporting, (option: off, compiler, all)
  -fcrash-diagnostics     Enable crash diagnostic reporting (default)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fcs-profile-generate   Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use approximate transcendental functions
  -fcuda-short-ptr        Use 32-bit pointers for accessing const/local/shared address spaces
  -fcxx-exceptions        Enable C++ exceptions
  -fcxx-modules           Enable modules for C++
  -fdata-sections         Place each data in its own section
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info
                          Default DWARF version to use, if a -g option caused DWARF debug info to be produced
                          Emit extra debug info to make sample profile more accurate
  -fdebug-macro           Emit macro debug information
                          For paths in debug info, remap directory <old> to <new>. If multiple options match a path, the last option wins
                          Use DWARF base address selection entries in .debug_ranges
  -fdebug-types-section   Place debug types in their own section (ELF Only)
  -fdeclspec              Allow __declspec as a keyword
                          Parse templated function definitions at the end of the translation unit
                          Treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior (default)
                          Print absolute paths in diagnostics
                          Prevent optimization remarks from being output if they do not have at least this profile count. Use 'auto' to apply the threshold from profile summary
                          Prevent misexpect diagnostics from being output if the profile counts are within N% of the expected. 
                          Print fix-its in machine parseable form
                          Print source range spans in numeric form
                          Enable profile hotness information in diagnostic line
                          Display include stacks for diagnostic notes
                          Print option name with mappable diagnostics
                          Print a template comparison tree for differing templates
  -fdigraphs              Enable alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:' (default)
                          Don't use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
  -fdiscard-value-names   Discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Allow '$' in identifiers
  -fdriver-only           Only run the driver.
  -fdwarf-exceptions      Use DWARF style exceptions
                          Do not emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fembed-bitcode-marker  Embed placeholder LLVM IR data as a marker
                          Embed LLVM bitcode
  -fembed-bitcode         Embed LLVM IR bitcode as data
                          Embed Offloading device-side binary into host object file as a section.
  -femit-all-decls        Emit all declarations, even if unused
                          Try emitting Compact-Unwind for non-canonical entries. Maybe overriden by other constraints
                          When to emit DWARF unwind (EH frame) info
  -femulated-tls          Use emutls functions to access thread_local variables
  -fenable-matrix         Enable matrix data type and related builtin functions
  -fexceptions            Enable support for exception handling
                          Allows control over excess precision on targets where native support for the precision types is not available. By default, excess precision is used to calculate intermediate results following the rules specified in ISO C99.
  -fexperimental-library  Control whether unstable and experimental library features are enabled. This option enables various library features that are either experimental (also known as TSes), or have been but are not stable yet in the selected Standard Library implementation. It is not recommended to use this option in production code, since neither ABI nor API stability are guaranteed. This is intended to provide a preview of features that will ship in the future for experimentation purposes
                          Enable the experimental new constant interpreter
                          Use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable sanitizer metadata for modules and functions that match the provided special case list
                          Specify the type of metadata to emit for binary analysis sanitizers
                          Enables the use of non-default rounding modes and non-default exception handling on targets that are not currently ready.
                          Controls how scalar integer arguments are extended in calls to unprototyped and varargs functions
  -ffast-math             Allow aggressive, lossy floating-point optimizations
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info and coverage mapping.
                          remap file source paths in debug info, predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -ffile-reproducible     Use the target's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use separate accesses for consecutive bitfield runs with legal widths and alignments.
  -ffinite-loops          Assume all loops are finite.
  -ffinite-math-only      Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-inf. This defines the \_\_FINITE\_MATH\_ONLY\_\_ preprocessor macro.
  -ffixed-a0              Reserve the a0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a1              Reserve the a1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a2              Reserve the a2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a3              Reserve the a3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a4              Reserve the a4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a5              Reserve the a5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a6              Reserve the a6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d0              Reserve the d0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d1              Reserve the d1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d2              Reserve the d2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d3              Reserve the d3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d4              Reserve the d4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d5              Reserve the d5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d6              Reserve the d6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d7              Reserve the d7 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-point           Enable fixed point types
  -ffixed-r19             Reserve register r19 (Hexagon only)
  -ffixed-r9              Reserve the r9 register (ARM only)
  -ffixed-x10             Reserve the x10 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x11             Reserve the x11 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x12             Reserve the x12 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x13             Reserve the x13 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x14             Reserve the x14 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x15             Reserve the x15 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x16             Reserve the x16 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x17             Reserve the x17 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x18             Reserve the x18 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x19             Reserve the x19 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x1              Reserve the x1 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x20             Reserve the x20 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x21             Reserve the x21 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x22             Reserve the x22 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x23             Reserve the x23 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x24             Reserve the x24 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x25             Reserve the x25 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x26             Reserve the x26 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x27             Reserve the x27 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x28             Reserve the x28 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x29             Reserve the x29 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x2              Reserve the x2 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x30             Reserve the x30 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x31             Reserve the x31 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x3              Reserve the x3 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x4              Reserve the x4 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x5              Reserve the x5 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x6              Reserve the x6 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x7              Reserve the x7 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x8              Reserve the x8 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x9              Reserve the x9 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -fforce-dwarf-frame     Always emit a debug frame section
  -fforce-emit-vtables    Emits more virtual tables to improve devirtualization
  -fforce-enable-int128   Enable support for int128_t type
  -ffp-contract=<value>   Form fused FP ops (e.g. FMAs)
                          Specifies the evaluation method to use for floating-point arithmetic.
                          Specifies the exception behavior of floating-point operations.
  -ffp-model=<value>      Controls the semantics of floating-point calculations.
  -ffreestanding          Assert that the compilation takes place in a freestanding environment
                          Set Fuchsia API level
  -ffunction-sections     Place each function in its own section
  -fglobal-isel           Enables the global instruction selector
  -fgnu-keywords          Allow GNU-extension keywords regardless of language standard
  -fgnu-runtime           Generate output compatible with the standard GNU Objective-C runtime
  -fgnu89-inline          Use the gnu89 inline semantics
  -fgnuc-version=<value>  Sets various macros to claim compatibility with the given GCC version (default is 4.2.1)
  -fgpu-allow-device-init Allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
                          Specify default stream. The default value is 'legacy'. (HIP only)
  -fgpu-defer-diag        Defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Flush denormal floating point values to zero in CUDA/HIP device mode.
  -fgpu-rdc               Generate relocatable device code, also known as separate compilation mode
  -fgpu-sanitize          Enable sanitizer for AMDGPU target
  -fhip-emit-relocatable  Compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
  -fhip-kernel-arg-name   Specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fhip-new-launch-api    Use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fhonor-infinities      Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not +-inf.
  -fhonor-nans            Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not NANs.
  -fignore-exceptions     Enable support for ignoring exception handling constructs
  -fimplicit-module-maps  Implicitly search the file system for module map files.
                          Enable incremental processing extensions such as processingstatements on the global scope.
  -finline-functions      Inline suitable functions
  -finline-hint-functions Inline functions which are (explicitly or implicitly) marked inline
                          Suppress inlining of functions whose stack size exceeds the given value
  -finput-charset=<value> Specify the default character set for source files
                          Instrument function entry only, after inlining, without arguments to the instrumentation call
                          Like -finstrument-functions, but insert the calls after inlining
  -finstrument-functions  Generate calls to instrument function entry and exit
  -fintegrated-as         Enable the integrated assembler
  -fintegrated-cc1        Run cc1 in-process
  -fintegrated-objemitter Use internal machine object code emitter.
  -fjmc                   Enable just-my-code debugging
  -fjump-tables           Use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Enable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fkeep-static-consts    Keep static const variables even if unused
                          Enable implicit vector bit-casts
  -flto-jobs=<value>      Controls the backend parallelism of -flto=thin (default of 0 means the number of threads will be derived from the number of CPUs detected)
  -flto=auto              Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=jobserver         Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=<value>           Set LTO mode
  -flto                   Enable LTO in 'full' mode
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a macro expansion backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          remap file source paths in predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -fmath-errno            Require math functions to indicate errors by setting errno
  -fmax-tokens=<value>    Max total number of preprocessed tokens for -Wmax-tokens.
                          Specify the maximum alignment to enforce on pointers lacking an explicit alignment
                          Use memory profile for profile-guided memory optimization
                          Enable heap memory profiling and dump results into <directory>
  -fmemory-profile        Enable heap memory profiling
  -fmerge-all-constants   Allow merging of constants
                          Format message diagnostics so that they fit within N columns
  -fminimize-whitespace   Ignore the whitespace from the input file when emitting preprocessor output. It will only contain whitespace when necessary, e.g. to keep two minus signs from merging into to an increment operator. Useful with the -P option to normalize whitespace such that two files with only formatting changes are equal.

Only valid with -E on C-like inputs and incompatible with -traditional-cpp.
                          Specify the mapping of module name to precompiled module file, or load a module file if name is omitted.
  -fmodule-header=<kind>  Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header that should be found in the user (fmodule-header=user) or system (fmodule-header=system) search path.
  -fmodule-header         Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header.
                          Load this module map file
  -fmodule-name=<name>    Specify the name of the module to build
  -fmodule-output=<value> Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
  -fmodule-output         Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
                          Specify the module cache path
  -fmodules-decluse       Require declaration of modules used within a module
                          Disable validation of the diagnostic options when loading the module
                          Ignore the definition of the given macro when building and loading modules
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) after which a module file will be considered unused
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) between attempts to prune the module cache
  -fmodules-search-all    Search even non-imported modules to resolve references
                          Like -fmodules-decluse but requires all headers to be in modules
  -fmodules-user-build-path <directory>
                          Specify the module user build path
                          Validate PCM input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Don't verify input files for the modules if the module has been successfully validated or loaded during this build session
                          Validate the system headers that a module depends on when loading the module
  -fmodules               Enable the 'modules' language feature
                          Dot-separated value representing the Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fms-compatibility      Enable full Microsoft Visual C++ compatibility
  -fms-extensions         Accept some non-standard constructs supported by the Microsoft compiler
  -fms-hotpatch           Ensure that all functions can be hotpatched at runtime
                          Select Windows run-time library
  -fmsc-version=<value>   Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fnew-alignment=<align> Specifies the largest alignment guaranteed by '::operator new(size_t)'
  -fnew-infallible        Enable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          Do not follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -fno-access-control     Disable C++ access control
  -fno-addrsig            Don't emit an address-significance table
                          Don't assume that C++'s global operator new can't alias any pointer
                          Disable optimizations based on vtable pointer identity
  -fno-autolink           Disable generation of linker directives for automatic library linking
  -fno-builtin-<value>    Disable implicit builtin knowledge of a specific function
  -fno-builtin            Disable implicit builtin knowledge of functions
                          Disable C++ static destructor registration
  -fno-char8_t            Disable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fno-color-diagnostics  Disable colors in diagnostics
  -fno-common             Compile common globals like normal definitions
                          Do not require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
  -fno-constant-cfstrings Disable creation of CodeFoundation-type constant strings
                          Assume all functions may be convergent.
  -fno-coverage-mapping   Disable code coverage analysis
  -fno-crash-diagnostics  Disable auto-generation of preprocessed source files and a script for reproduction during a clang crash
                          Don't use approximate transcendental functions
  -fno-cxx-modules        Disable modules for C++
  -fno-debug-macro        Do not emit macro debug information
  -fno-declspec           Disallow __declspec as a keyword
                          Disable delayed template parsing
                          Do not treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior
                          Do not include fixit information in diagnostics
                          Show line numbers in diagnostic code snippets
  -fno-digraphs           Disallow alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:'
                          Use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
                          Do not discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Disallow '$' in identifiers
  -fno-elide-constructors Disable C++ copy constructor elision
  -fno-elide-type         Do not elide types when printing diagnostics
                          Emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fno-exceptions         Disable support for exception handling
                          Do not use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable emitting metadata for binary analysis sanitizers
  -fno-file-reproducible  Use the host's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use large-integer access for consecutive bitfield runs.
  -fno-finite-loops       Do not assume that any loop is finite.
  -fno-fixed-point        Disable fixed point types
                          Disable support for int128_t type
  -fno-global-isel        Disables the global instruction selector
  -fno-gnu-inline-asm     Disable GNU style inline asm
                          Don't allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
  -fno-gpu-defer-diag     Don't defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Do not override toolchain to compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Don't specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
                          Don't specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fno-hip-new-launch-api Don't use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fno-integrated-as      Disable the integrated assembler
  -fno-integrated-cc1     Spawn a separate process for each cc1
                          Use external machine object code emitter.
  -fno-jump-tables        Do not use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Disable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fno-keep-static-consts Don't keep static const variables even if unused
  -fno-knr-functions      Disable support for K&R C function declarations
  -fno-lto                Disable LTO mode (default)
  -fno-memory-profile     Disable heap memory profiling
                          Disallow merging of constants
                          Skip checks for relocated modules when loading PCM files
                          Do not enforce -fmodules-decluse and private header restrictions for textual headers. This flag will be removed in a future Clang release.
  -fno-new-infallible     Disable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          do not infer Objective-C related result type based on method family
  -fno-offload-lto        Disable LTO mode (default) for offload compilation
  -fno-openmp-extensions  Disable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
  -fno-operator-names     Do not treat C++ operator name keywords as synonyms for operators
                          Disable tail call optimization, keeping the call stack accurate
  -fno-pch-codegen        Do not generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fno-pch-debuginfo      Do not generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
  -fno-plt                Use GOT indirection instead of PLT to make external function calls (x86 only)
                          Do not preserve comments in inline assembly
  -fno-profile-generate   Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
                          Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
  -fno-profile-instr-use  Disable using instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
                          Do not emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          Don't use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
  -fno-rtlib-add-rpath    Do not add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, do not add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -fno-rtti-data          Disable generation of RTTI data
  -fno-rtti               Disable generation of rtti information
                          Disable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Use default code inlining logic for the address sanitizer
                          Disable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable ODR indicator globals
                          Do not make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Disable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Disable features of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Disable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Don't use ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Disable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Disable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable recovery for specified sanitizers
                          Conventional ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fno-sanitize-stats     Disable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Disable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fno-sanitize-trap      Disable trapping for all sanitizers
  -fno-short-wchar        Force wchar_t to be an unsigned int
  -fno-show-column        Do not include column number on diagnostics
                          Do not include source location information with diagnostics
  -fno-signed-char        char is unsigned
  -fno-signed-zeros       Allow optimizations that ignore the sign of floating point zeros
  -fno-spell-checking     Disable spell-checking
                          Disable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fno-split-stack        Wouldn't use segmented stack
                          Disable stack clash protection
  -fno-stack-protector    Disable the use of stack protectors
  -fno-standalone-debug   Limit debug information produced to reduce size of debug binary
                          Relax language rules and try to match the behavior of the target's native float-to-int conversion instructions
  -fno-strict-return      Don't treat control flow paths that fall off the end of a non-void function as unreachable
  -fno-sycl               Disables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fno-temp-file          Directly create compilation output files. This may lead to incorrect incremental builds if the compiler crashes
  -fno-threadsafe-statics Do not emit code to make initialization of local statics thread safe
  -fno-trigraphs          Do not process trigraph sequences
  -fno-unified-lto        Use distinct LTO pipelines
                          Don't use unique names for text and data sections
  -fno-unroll-loops       Turn off loop unroller
  -fno-use-cxa-atexit     Don't use __cxa_atexit for calling destructors
  -fno-use-init-array     Use .ctors/.dtors instead of .init_array/.fini_array
                          Disables -fvisibility-inlines-hidden-static-local-var (this is the default on non-darwin targets)
                          Omit function index section at the expense of single-function patching performance
                          Don't place zero initialized data in BSS
  -fobjc-arc-exceptions   Use EH-safe code when synthesizing retains and releases in -fobjc-arc
  -fobjc-arc              Synthesize retain and release calls for Objective-C pointers
                          Ignore attribute objc_direct so that direct methods can be tested
                          Fully encode c++ class template specialization
  -fobjc-exceptions       Enable Objective-C exceptions
  -fobjc-runtime=<value>  Specify the target Objective-C runtime kind and version
  -fobjc-weak             Enable ARC-style weak references in Objective-C
  -foffload-lto=<value>   Set LTO mode for offload compilation
  -foffload-lto           Enable LTO in 'full' mode for offload compilation
  -fomit-frame-pointer    Omit the frame pointer from functions that don't need it. Some stack unwinding cases, such as profilers and sanitizers, may prefer specifying -fno-omit-frame-pointer. On many targets, -O1 and higher omit the frame pointer by default. -m[no-]omit-leaf-frame-pointer takes precedence for leaf functions
  -fopenmp-extensions     Enable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
                          Do not create a host fallback if offloading to the device fails.
  -fopenmp-simd           Emit OpenMP code only for SIMD-based constructs.
  -fopenmp-target-debug   Enable debugging in the OpenMP offloading device RTL
  -fopenmp-target-jit     Emit code that can be JIT compiled for OpenMP offloading. Implies -foffload-lto=full
                          Specify comma-separated list of triples OpenMP offloading targets to be supported
                          Set OpenMP version (e.g. 45 for OpenMP 4.5, 50 for OpenMP 5.0). Default value is 50 for Clang and 11 for Flang
  -fopenmp                Parse OpenMP pragmas and generate parallel code.
                          Maximum number of 'operator->'s to call for a member access
                          Specify the output name of the file containing the optimization remarks. Implies -fsave-optimization-record. On Darwin platforms, this cannot be used with multiple -arch <arch> options.
                          Only include passes which match a specified regular expression in the generated optimization record (by default, include all passes)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect order file into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fpack-struct=<value>   Specify the default maximum struct packing alignment
  -fpascal-strings        Recognize and construct Pascal-style string literals
  -fpass-plugin=<dsopath> Load pass plugin from a dynamic shared object file (only with new pass manager).
                          Generate M NOPs before function entry and N-M NOPs after function entry
  -fpcc-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return all structs on the stack
  -fpch-codegen           Generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fpch-debuginfo         Generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
                          Instantiate templates already while building a PCH
                          Validate PCH input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Pass <arg> to plugin <name>
  -fplugin=<dsopath>      Load the named plugin (dynamic shared object)
                          Look up implicit modules in the prebuilt module path
                          Specify the prebuilt module path
                          Save subprocess statistics to the given file
                          Print subprocess statistics
  -fprofile-arcs          Instrument code to produce gcov data files (*.gcda)
                          Instrument only functions from files where names don't match all the regexes separated by a semi-colon
                          Instrument only functions from files where names match any regex separated by a semi-colon
                          Partition functions into N groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented using -fprofile-selected-function-group
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fprofile-generate      Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <file> (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
  -fprofile-list=<value>  Filename defining the list of functions/files to instrument. The file uses the sanitizer special case list format.
                          Use the remappings described in <file> to match the profile data against names in the program
                          Specifies that the sample profile is accurate
                          Enable sample-based profile guided optimizations
                          Partition functions into N groups using -fprofile-function-groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented. The valid range is 0 to N-1 inclusive
                          Set update method of profile counters
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization. If pathname is a directory, it reads from <pathname>/default.profdata. Otherwise, it reads from file <pathname>.
  -fprotect-parens        Determines whether the optimizer honors parentheses when floating-point expressions are evaluated
                          Emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          File holding the seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
                          The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
  -freciprocal-math       Allow division operations to be reassociated
  -freg-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return small structs in registers
                          Use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
                          Enable C++17 relaxed template template argument matching
  -freroll-loops          Turn on loop reroller
  -fropi                  Generate read-only position independent code (ARM only)
  -frtlib-add-rpath       Add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, also add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -frwpi                  Generate read-write position independent code (ARM only)
                          Display suggestions to update code associated with -Wunsafe-buffer-usage warnings
                          Use profi to infer block and edge counts
                          Set the kind of module destructors emitted by AddressSanitizer instrumentation. These destructors are emitted to unregister instrumented global variables when code is unloaded (e.g. via `dlclose()`).
                          Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer
                          Enable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Always generate function calls for address sanitizer instrumentation
                          Enable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Select the mode of detecting stack use-after-return in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable ODR indicator globals to avoid false ODR violation reports in partially sanitized programs at the cost of an increase in binary size
                          Alias for -fsanitize-ignorelist=
                          Make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Enable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Normalize integers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Generalize pointers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Restrict sanitizer coverage instrumentation exclusively to modules and functions that match the provided special case list, except the blocked ones
                          Disable sanitizer coverage instrumentation for modules and functions that match the provided special case list, even the allowed ones
                          Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Select the HWAddressSanitizer ABI to target (interceptor or platform, default interceptor). This option is currently unused.
                          Enable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Path to ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Set default MTE mode to 'sync' (default) or 'async'
                          Enable recovery for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-stable-abi   Stable  ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fsanitize-stats        Enable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Path to system ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
  -fsanitize-trap=<value> Enable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-trap         Enable trapping for all sanitizers
                          Strip (or keep only, if negative) a given number of path components when emitting check metadata.
  -fsanitize=<check>      Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious behavior. See user manual for available checks
                          Generate an optimization record file in a specific format
                          Generate a YAML optimization record file
  -fseh-exceptions        Use SEH style exceptions
  -fshort-enums           Allocate to an enum type only as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of possible values
  -fshort-wchar           Force wchar_t to be a short unsigned int
                          Which overload candidates to show when overload resolution fails. Defaults to 'all'
  -fshow-skipped-includes Show skipped includes in -H output.
  -fsigned-char           char is signed
  -fsized-deallocation    Enable C++14 sized global deallocation functions
  -fsjlj-exceptions       Use SjLj style exceptions
  -fslp-vectorize         Enable the superword-level parallelism vectorization passes
                          Set the maximum number of times to perform spell checking on unrecognized identifiers (0 = no limit)
  -fsplit-dwarf-inlining  Provide minimal debug info in the object/executable to facilitate online symbolication/stack traces in the absence of .dwo/.dwp files when using Split DWARF
  -fsplit-lto-unit        Enables splitting of the LTO unit
                          Enable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fsplit-stack           Use segmented stack
                          Enable stack clash protection
  -fstack-protector-all   Enable stack protectors for all functions
                          Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. Compared to -fstack-protector, this uses a stronger heuristic that includes functions containing arrays of any size (and any type), as well as any calls to alloca or the taking of an address from a local variable
  -fstack-protector       Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. This uses a loose heuristic which considers functions vulnerable if they contain a char (or 8bit integer) array or constant sized calls to alloca , which are of greater size than ssp-buffer-size (default: 8 bytes). All variable sized calls to alloca are considered vulnerable. A function with a stack protector has a guard value added to the stack frame that is checked on function exit. The guard value must be positioned in the stack frame such that a buffer overflow from a vulnerable variable will overwrite the guard value before overwriting the function's return address. The reference stack guard value is stored in a global variable.
  -fstack-size-section    Emit section containing metadata on function stack sizes
  -fstack-usage           Emit .su file containing information on function stack sizes
  -fstandalone-debug      Emit full debug info for all types used by the program
  -fstrict-enums          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's value range
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of flexible arrays
                          Assume that overflowing float-to-int casts are undefined (default)
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict rules for overwriting polymorphic C++ objects
                          Control emission of Swift async extended frame info
  -fsycl                  Enables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fsyntax-only           Run the preprocessor, parser and semantic analysis stages
  -fsystem-module         Build this module as a system module. Only used with -emit-module
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a template instantiation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive template instantiation
  -ftest-coverage         Produce gcov notes files (*.gcno)
                          Write minimized bitcode to <file> for the ThinLTO thin link only
  -fthinlto-index=<value> Perform ThinLTO importing using provided function summary index
  -ftime-report=<value>   (For new pass manager) 'per-pass': one report for each pass; 'per-pass-run': one report for each pass invocation
                          Minimum time granularity (in microseconds) traced by time profiler
  -ftime-trace=<value>    Similar to -ftime-trace. Specify the JSON file or a directory which will contain the JSON file
  -ftime-trace            Turn on time profiler. Generates JSON file based on output filename.
  -ftrap-function=<value> Issue call to specified function rather than a trap instruction
  -ftrapv-handler=<function name>
                          Specify the function to be called on overflow
  -ftrapv                 Trap on integer overflow
  -ftrigraphs             Process trigraph sequences
                          Stop initializing trivial automatic stack variables after the specified number of instances
                          Initialize trivial automatic stack variables. Defaults to 'uninitialized'
  -funified-lto           Use the unified LTO pipeline
                          Use unique names for basic block sections (ELF Only)
                          Uniqueify Internal Linkage Symbol Names by appending the MD5 hash of the module path
  -funroll-loops          Turn on loop unroller
                          Allow unsafe floating-point math optimizations which may decrease precision
  -fuse-cuid=<value>      Method to generate ID's for compilation units for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP: 'hash' (ID's generated by hashing file path and command line options) | 'random' (ID's generated as random numbers) | 'none' (disabled). Default is 'hash'. This option will be overridden by option '-cuid=[ID]' if it is specified.
  -fuse-line-directives   Use #line in preprocessed output
                          Compute and store the hash of input files used to build an AST. Files with mismatching mtime's are considered valid if both contents is identical
  -fveclib=<value>        Use the given vector functions library
  -fvectorize             Enable the loop vectorization passes
  -fverbose-asm           Generate verbose assembly output
                          Enables dead virtual function elimination optimization. Requires -flto=full
                          The visibility for dllexport definitions [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for dllimport external declarations [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for external declarations without an explicit DLL dllstorageclass [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          Set the visibility of symbols in the generated code from their DLL storage class
                          Give global C++ operator new and delete declarations hidden visibility
                          When -fvisibility-inlines-hidden is enabled, static variables in inline C++ member functions will also be given hidden visibility by default
                          Give inline C++ member functions hidden visibility by default
  -fvisibility-ms-compat  Give global types 'default' visibility and global functions and variables 'hidden' visibility by default
                          The visibility for definitions without an explicit DLL export class [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
  -fvisibility=<value>    Set the default symbol visibility for all global definitions
  -fwasm-exceptions       Use WebAssembly style exceptions
  -fwhole-program-vtables Enables whole-program vtable optimization. Requires -flto
  -fwrapv                 Treat signed integer overflow as two's complement
  -fwritable-strings      Store string literals as writable data
  -fxl-pragma-pack        Enable IBM XL #pragma pack handling
                          Always emit __xray_customevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          Always emit __xray_typedevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'always instrument' XRay attribute.
                          Filename defining the list of functions/types for imbuing XRay attributes.
                          Only instrument 1 of N groups
  -fxray-ignore-loops     Don't instrument functions with loops unless they also meet the minimum function size
                          Sets the minimum function size to instrument with XRay
                          Select which XRay instrumentation points to emit. Options: all, none, function-entry, function-exit, function, custom. Default is 'all'.  'function' includes both 'function-entry' and 'function-exit'.
  -fxray-instrument       Generate XRay instrumentation sleds on function entry and exit
  -fxray-link-deps        Link XRay runtime library when -fxray-instrument is specified (default)
  -fxray-modes=<value>    List of modes to link in by default into XRay instrumented binaries.
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'never instrument' XRay attribute.
                          When using -fxray-function-groups, select which group of functions to instrument. Valid range is 0 to fxray-function-groups - 1
                          Clear call-used registers upon function return (AArch64/x86 only)
  -fzvector               Enable System z vector language extension
  -F <value>              Add directory to framework include search path
                          Use GCC installation in the specified directory. The directory ends with path components like 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Note: executables (e.g. ld) used by the compiler are not overridden by the selected GCC installation
  --gcc-toolchain=<value> Specify a directory where Clang can find 'include' and 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Clang will use the GCC installation with the largest version
  -gcodeview-command-line Emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gcodeview-ghash        Emit type record hashes in a .debug$H section
  -gcodeview              Generate CodeView debug information
  -gdwarf-2               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 2
  -gdwarf-3               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 3
  -gdwarf-4               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 4
  -gdwarf-5               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 5
  -gdwarf32               Enables DWARF32 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf64               Enables DWARF64 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf                 Generate source-level debug information with the default dwarf version
  -gembed-source          Embed source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gen-reproducer=<value> Emit reproducer on (option: off, crash (default), error, always)
  -gline-directives-only  Emit debug line info directives only
  -gline-tables-only      Emit debug line number tables only
  -gmodules               Generate debug info with external references to clang modules or precompiled headers
                          Don't emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gno-embed-source       Restore the default behavior of not embedding source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gno-inline-line-tables Don't emit inline line tables.
  --gpu-bundle-output     Bundle output files of HIP device compilation
                          Instrument device library for HIP, which is a LLVM bitcode containing __cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit
                          Default max threads per block for kernel launch bounds for HIP
  -gsplit-dwarf=<value>   Set DWARF fission mode
  -gstrict-dwarf          Restrict DWARF features to those defined in the specified version, avoiding features from later versions.
  -gz=<value>             DWARF debug sections compression type
  -G <size>               Put objects of at most <size> bytes into small data section (MIPS / Hexagon)
  -g                      Generate source-level debug information
  --help-hidden           Display help for hidden options
  -help                   Display available options
                          HIP device library
  --hip-link              Link clang-offload-bundler bundles for HIP
  --hip-path=<value>      HIP runtime installation path, used for finding HIP version and adding HIP include path.
  --hip-version=<value>   HIP version in the format of major.minor.patch
                          path to a pass plugin for HIP to SPIR-V passes.
  -H                      Show header includes and nesting depth
  -I-                     Restrict all prior -I flags to double-quoted inclusion and remove current directory from include path
  -ibuiltininc            Enable builtin #include directories even when -nostdinc is used before or after -ibuiltininc. Using -nobuiltininc after the option disables it
  -idirafter <value>      Add directory to AFTER include search path
  -iframeworkwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -iframework <value>     Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path
  -imacros <file>         Include macros from file before parsing
  -include-pch <file>     Include precompiled header file
  -include <file>         Include file before parsing
  -index-header-map       Make the next included directory (-I or -F) an indexer header map
  -iprefix <dir>          Set the -iwithprefix/-iwithprefixbefore prefix
  -iquote <directory>     Add directory to QUOTE include search path
  -isysroot <dir>         Set the system root directory (usually /)
  -isystem-after <directory>
                          Add directory to end of the SYSTEM include search path
  -isystem <directory>    Add directory to SYSTEM include search path
  -ivfsoverlay <value>    Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system
  -iwithprefixbefore <dir>
                          Set directory to include search path with prefix
  -iwithprefix <dir>      Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix
  -iwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM include search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -I <dir>                Add directory to the end of the list of include search paths
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-nvptx bitcode library
  -L <dir>                Add directory to library search path
  -mabi=quadword-atomics  Enable quadword atomics ABI on AIX (AIX PPC64 only). Uses lqarx/stqcx. instructions.
  -mabicalls              Enable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
  -maix-struct-return     Return all structs in memory (PPC32 only)
                          Specify the boundary's size to align branches
  -malign-branch=<value>  Specify types of branches to align
  -malign-double          Align doubles to two words in structs (x86 only)
  -maltivec               Enable AltiVec vector initializer syntax
  -mamdgpu-ieee           Sets the IEEE bit in the expected default floating point  mode register. Floating point opcodes that support exception flag gathering quiet and propagate signaling NaN inputs per IEEE 754-2008. This option changes the ABI. (AMDGPU only)
  -march=<value>          For a list of available architectures for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mbackchain             Link stack frames through backchain on System Z
                          Enforce targets of indirect branches and function returns
                          Align selected branches (fused, jcc, jmp) within 32-byte boundary
  -mcabac                 Enable CABAC instructions
  -mcmodel=medany         Equivalent to -mcmodel=medium, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmodel=medlow         Equivalent to -mcmodel=small, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmse                  Allow use of CMSE (Armv8-M Security Extensions)
                          Specify code object ABI version. Defaults to 4. (AMDGPU only)
  -mcpu=<value>           For a list of available CPUs for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mcrbits                Control the CR-bit tracking feature on PowerPC. ``-mcrbits`` (the enablement of CR-bit tracking support) is the default for POWER8 and above, as well as for all other CPUs when optimization is applied (-O2 and above).
  -mcrc                   Allow use of CRC instructions (ARM/Mips only)
  -mcumode                Specify CU wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Mapping between default visibility and export
  -mdouble=<n             Force double to be <n> bits
  -MD                     Write a depfile containing user and system headers
  -meabi <value>          Set EABI type. Default depends on triple)
  -membedded-data         Place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata section even if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Enable use of experimental RISC-V extensions.
  -mexec-model=<value>    Execution model (WebAssembly only)
  -mexecute-only          Disallow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mextern-sdata          Assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mfentry                Insert calls to fentry at function entry (x86/SystemZ only)
                          Work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
  -mfix-cortex-a53-835769 Workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mfp32                  Use 32-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mfp64                  Use 64-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mframe-chain=<value>   Select the frame chain model used to emit frame records (Arm only).
                          Replace returns with jumps to ``__x86_return_thunk`` (x86 only, error otherwise)
  -MF <file>              Write depfile output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to <file>
  -mgeneral-regs-only     Generate code which only uses the general purpose registers (AArch64/x86 only)
  -mglobal-merge          Enable merging of globals
  -mgpopt                 Use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mguard=<value>         Enable or disable Control Flow Guard checks and guard tables emission
  -MG                     Add missing headers to depfile
  -mharden-sls=<value>    Select straight-line speculation hardening scope (ARM/AArch64/X86 only). <arg> must be: all, none, retbr(ARM/AArch64), blr(ARM/AArch64), comdat(ARM/AArch64), nocomdat(ARM/AArch64), return(X86), indirect-jmp(X86)
  -mhvx-ieee-fp           Enable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mhvx-length=<value>    Set Hexagon Vector Length
  -mhvx-qfloat            Enable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mhvx=<value>           Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mhvx                   Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -miamcu                 Use Intel MCU ABI
                          Not emit the visibility attribute for asm in AIX OS or give all symbols 'unspecified' visibility in XCOFF object file
  --migrate               Run the migrator
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which can be used with an incremental linker
                          Add cs prefix to call and jmp to indirect thunk
  -mindirect-jump=<value> Change indirect jump instructions to inhibit speculation
                          Set iOS deployment target
  -MJ <value>             Write a compilation database entry per input
  -mllvm=<arg>            Alias for -mllvm
  -mllvm <value>          Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing
  -mlocal-sdata           Extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mlong-calls            Generate branches with extended addressability, usually via indirect jumps.
  -mlong-double-128       Force long double to be 128 bits
  -mlong-double-64        Force long double to be 64 bits
  -mlong-double-80        Force long double to be 80 bits, padded to 128 bits for storage
  -mlvi-cfi               Enable only control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mlvi-hardening         Enable all mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
                          Set macOS deployment target
  -mmadd4                 Enable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mmark-bti-property     Add with BTI to assembly files (AArch64 only)
  -MMD                    Write a depfile containing user headers
  -mmemops                Enable generation of memop instructions
  -mmlir <value>          Additional arguments to forward to MLIR's option processing
  -mms-bitfields          Set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mmsa                   Enable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mmt                    Enable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -MM                     Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
  -mno-abicalls           Disable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
                          Do not add a BTI instruction after a setjmp or other return-twice construct (Arm/AArch64 only)
  -mno-crc                Disallow use of CRC instructions (Mips only)
  -mno-cumode             Specify WGP wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mno-embedded-data      Do not place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mno-execute-only       Allow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mno-extern-sdata       Do not assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Don't work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
                          Don't workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mno-fmv                Disable function multiversioning
  -mno-gather             Disable generation of gather instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-global-merge       Disable merging of globals
  -mno-gpopt              Do not use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mno-hvx-ieee-fp        Disable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mno-hvx-qfloat         Disable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mno-hvx                Disable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mno-implicit-float     Don't generate implicit floating point or vector instructions
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which cannot be used with an incremental linker
  -mno-local-sdata        Do not extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mno-long-calls         Restore the default behaviour of not generating long calls
  -mno-lvi-cfi            Disable control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-lvi-hardening      Disable mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-madd4              Disable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mno-memops             Disable generation of memop instructions
  -mno-movt               Disallow use of movt/movw pairs (ARM only)
  -mno-ms-bitfields       Do not set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mno-msa                Disable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-mt                 Disable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-neg-immediates     Disallow converting instructions with negative immediates to their negation or inversion.
  -mno-nvj                Disable generation of new-value jumps
  -mno-nvs                Disable generation of new-value stores
  -mno-outline-atomics    Don't generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -mno-outline            Disable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mno-packets            Disable generation of instruction packets
                          Don't assume data segments are relative to text segment
  -mno-relax              Disable linker relaxation
  -mno-restrict-it        Allow generation of complex IT blocks.
  -mno-save-restore       Disable using library calls for save and restore
  -mno-scatter            Disable generation of scatter instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-seses              Disable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES)
  -mno-stack-arg-probe    Disable stack probes which are enabled by default
  -mno-tgsplit            Disable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Disable direct TLS access through segment registers
  -mno-unaligned-access   Force all memory accesses to be aligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -mno-wavefrontsize64    Specify wavefront size 32 mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mnocrc                 Disallow use of CRC instructions (ARM only)
  -mnop-mcount            Generate mcount/__fentry__ calls as nops. To activate they need to be patched in.
  -mnvj                   Enable generation of new-value jumps
  -mnvs                   Enable generation of new-value stores
  -module-dependency-dir <value>
                          Directory to dump module dependencies to
  -module-file-info       Provide information about a particular module file
                          Omit frame pointer setup for leaf functions
  -moutline-atomics       Generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -moutline               Enable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mpacked-stack          Use packed stack layout (SystemZ only).
  -mpackets               Enable generation of instruction packets
                          Specify maximum number of prefixes to use for padding
                          Assume data segments are relative to text segment
                          Specifies preferred vector width for auto-vectorization. Defaults to 'none' which allows target specific decisions.
  -mprintf-kind=<value>   Specify the printf lowering scheme (AMDGPU only), allowed values are "hostcall"(printing happens during kernel execution, this scheme relies on hostcalls which require system to support pcie atomics) and "buffered"(printing happens after all kernel threads exit, this uses a printf buffer and does not rely on pcie atomic support)
  -MP                     Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)
  -mqdsp6-compat          Enable hexagon-qdsp6 backward compatibility
  -MQ <value>             Specify name of main file output to quote in depfile
  -mrecip=<value>         Control use of approximate reciprocal and reciprocal square root instructions followed by <n> iterations of Newton-Raphson refinement. <value> = ( ['!'] ['vec-'] ('rcp'|'sqrt') [('h'|'s'|'d')] [':'<n>] ) | 'all' | 'default' | 'none'
  -mrecip                 Equivalent to '-mrecip=all'
  -mrecord-mcount         Generate a __mcount_loc section entry for each __fentry__ call.
  -mrelax-all             (integrated-as) Relax all machine instructions
  -mrelax                 Enable linker relaxation
  -mrestrict-it           Disallow generation of complex IT blocks. It is off by default.
  -mrtd                   Make StdCall calling convention the default
                          Specify the size in bits of an RVV vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". Accepts power of 2 values between 64 and 65536. Also accepts "zvl" to use the value implied by -march/-mcpu. Value will be reflected in __riscv_v_fixed_vlen preprocessor define (RISC-V only)
  -msave-restore          Enable using library calls for save and restore
  -mseses                 Enable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES). Includes LVI control flow integrity mitigations
                          Select return address signing scope
  -mskip-rax-setup        Skip setting up RAX register when passing variable arguments (x86 only)
                          Put global and static data smaller than the limit into a special section
  -msoft-float            Use software floating point
                          Set the stack alignment
  -mstack-arg-probe       Enable stack probes
                          Set the stack probe size
                          Use the given offset for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given reg for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given symbol for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given guard (global, tls) for addressing the stack-protector guard
  -mstackrealign          Force realign the stack at entry to every function
                          Specify the size in bits of an SVE vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". (AArch64 only)
  -msvr4-struct-return    Return small structs in registers (PPC32 only)
  -mtargetos=<value>      Set the deployment target to be the specified OS and OS version
  -mtgsplit               Enable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mthread-model <value>  The thread model to use. Defaults to 'posix')
  -mtls-direct-seg-refs   Enable direct TLS access through segment registers (default)
  -mtls-size=<value>      Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets (AArch64 ELF only): 12 (for 4KB) | 24 (for 16MB, default) | 32 (for 4GB) | 48 (for 256TB, needs -mcmodel=large)
  -mtp=<value>            Thread pointer access method. For AArch32: 'soft' uses a function call, or 'tpidrurw', 'tpidruro' or 'tpidrprw' use the three CP15 registers. 'cp15' is an alias for 'tpidruro'. For AArch64: 'tpidr_el0', 'tpidr_el1', 'tpidr_el2', 'tpidr_el3' or 'tpidrro_el0' use the five system registers. 'elN' is an alias for 'tpidr_elN'.
  -mtune=<value>          Only supported on AArch64, PowerPC, RISC-V, SystemZ, and X86
  -MT <value>             Specify name of main file output in depfile
  -munaligned-access      Allow memory accesses to be unaligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -munsafe-fp-atomics     Enable generation of unsafe floating point atomic instructions. May generate more efficient code, but may not respect rounding and denormal modes, and may give incorrect results for certain memory destinations. (AMDGPU only)
  -mvscale-max=<value>    Specify the vscale maximum. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "0". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -mvscale-min=<value>    Specify the vscale minimum. Defaults to "1". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -MV                     Use NMake/Jom format for the depfile
  -mwavefrontsize64       Specify wavefront size 64 mode (AMDGPU only)
                          On AIX, request creation of a build-id string, "0xHEXSTRING", in the string table of the loader section inside the linked binary
  -mxcoff-roptr           Place constant objects with relocatable address values in the RO data section and add -bforceimprw to the linker flags (AIX only)
                          High level qualifier for z/OS C++RT side deck datasets
                          High level qualifier for z/OS CSSLIB dataset
  -mzos-hlq-le=<LeHLQ>    High level qualifier for z/OS Language Environment datasets
                          Path to system headers on z/OS
  -M                      Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
                          Do not include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
  --no-cuda-version-check Don't error out if the detected version of the CUDA install is too low for the requested CUDA gpu architecture.
  --no-default-config     Disable loading default configuration files
  --no-gpu-bundle-output  Do not bundle output files of HIP device compilation
  -no-hip-rt              Do not link against HIP runtime libraries
                          Remove CUDA/HIP offloading device architecture (e.g. sm_35, gfx906) from the list of devices to compile for. 'all' resets the list to its default value.
  --no-offload-new-driver Don't Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as not including a system header.
  -nobuiltininc           Disable builtin #include directories
  -nogpuinc               Do not add include paths for CUDA/HIP and do not include the default CUDA/HIP wrapper headers
  -nogpulib               Do not link device library for CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -nohipwrapperinc        Do not include the default HIP wrapper headers and include paths
  -nostdinc++             Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library
                          Tool used for detecting NVIDIA GPU arch in the system.
  -ObjC++                 Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs
                          Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path
  -objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties
  -objcmt-migrate-all     Enable migration to modern ObjC
                          Enable migration to property and method annotations
                          Enable migration to infer NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for initializer methods
                          Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC literals
                          Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros
                          Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC property
                          Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting
                          Enable migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' attribute
                          Enable migration to annotate property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER
                          Alias for -objcmt-allowlist-dir-path
  -ObjC                   Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs
                          Set the output <file> for debug infos
  --offload-arch=<value>  Specify an offloading device architecture for CUDA, HIP, or OpenMP. (e.g. sm_35). If 'native' is used the compiler will detect locally installed architectures. For HIP offloading, the device architecture can be followed by target ID features delimited by a colon (e.g. gfx908:xnack+:sramecc-). May be specified more than once.
  --offload-device-only   Only compile for the offloading device.
  --offload-host-device   Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-host-only     Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-link          Use the new offloading linker to perform the link job.
  --offload-new-driver    Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
  --offload=<value>       Specify comma-separated list of offloading target triples (CUDA and HIP only)
  -o <file>               Write output to <file>
  -pedantic               Warn on language extensions
  -pg                     Enable mcount instrumentation
  -pipe                   Use pipes between commands, when possible
  --precompile            Only precompile the input
                          Print all of Clang's warning options
  -print-effective-triple Print the effective target triple
  -print-file-name=<file> Print the full library path of <file>
  -print-ivar-layout      Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace
  -print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for the currently used compiler runtime library ("libgcc.a" or "libclang_rt.builtins.*.a")
                          Print the flags used for selecting multilibs (experimental)
  -print-prog-name=<name> Print the full program path of <name>
  -print-resource-dir     Print the resource directory pathname
  -print-rocm-search-dirs Print the paths used for finding ROCm installation
  -print-runtime-dir      Print the directory pathname containing clangs runtime libraries
  -print-search-dirs      Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs
  -print-supported-cpus   Print supported cpu models for the given target (if target is not specified, it will print the supported cpus for the default target)
  -print-target-triple    Print the normalized target triple
  -print-targets          Print the registered targets
  -pthread                Support POSIX threads in generated code
  --ptxas-path=<value>    Path to ptxas (used for compiling CUDA code)
  -P                      Disable linemarker output in -E mode
  -p                      Enable mcount instrumentation with prof
  -Qn                     Do not emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -Qunused-arguments      Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments
  -Qy                     Emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -relocatable-pch        Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header
  -rewrite-legacy-objc    Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++
  -rewrite-objc           Rewrite Objective-C source to C++
                          ROCm device library path. Alternative to rocm-path.
  --rocm-path=<value>     ROCm installation path, used for finding and automatically linking required bitcode libraries.
  -Rpass-analysis=<value> Report transformation analysis from optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass-missed=<value>   Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass=<value>          Report transformations performed by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -rtlib=<value>          Compiler runtime library to use
  -R<remark>              Enable the specified remark
  -save-stats=<value>     Save llvm statistics.
  -save-stats             Save llvm statistics.
  -save-temps=<value>     Save intermediate compilation results.
  -save-temps             Save intermediate compilation results
  -serialize-diagnostics <value>
                          Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file
  -shared-libsan          Dynamically link the sanitizer runtime
                          Don't emit warnings about unused arguments for the following arguments
  -static-libsan          Statically link the sanitizer runtime (Not supported for ASan, TSan or UBSan on darwin)
  -static-openmp          Use the static host OpenMP runtime while linking.
  -std=<value>            Language standard to compile for
  -stdlib++-isystem <directory>
                          Use directory as the C++ standard library include path
  -stdlib=<value>         C++ standard library to use
  -sycl-std=<value>       SYCL language standard to compile for.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as including a system header.
  -S                      Only run preprocess and compilation steps
  --target=<value>        Generate code for the given target
  -time                   Time individual commands
  -traditional-cpp        Enable some traditional CPP emulation
  -trigraphs              Process trigraph sequences
  -T <script>             Specify <script> as linker script
  -undef                  undef all system defines
  -unwindlib=<value>      Unwind library to use
  -U <macro>              Undefine macro <macro>
  --verify-debug-info     Verify the binary representation of debug output
  -verify-pch             Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is not stale
  --version               Print version information
  -vfsoverlay <value>     Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system. Additionally, pass this overlay file to the linker if it supports it
  -v                      Show commands to run and use verbose output
  -Wa,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the assembler
  -Wdeprecated            Enable warnings for deprecated constructs and define __DEPRECATED
  -Wl,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the linker
  -working-directory <value>
                          Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory
  -Wp,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the preprocessor
  -W<warning>             Enable the specified warning
  -w                      Suppress all warnings
  -Xanalyzer <arg>        Pass <arg> to the static analyzer
  -Xarch_device <arg>     Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -Xarch_host <arg>       Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP host compilation
  -Xassembler <arg>       Pass <arg> to the assembler
  -Xclang=<arg>           Alias for -Xclang
  -Xclang <arg>           Pass <arg> to clang -cc1
  -Xcuda-fatbinary <arg>  Pass <arg> to fatbinary invocation
  -Xcuda-ptxas <arg>      Pass <arg> to the ptxas assembler
  -Xlinker <arg>          Pass <arg> to the linker
  -Xoffload-linker<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the offload linkers or the ones idenfied by -<triple>
  -Xopenmp-target=<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain identified by <triple>.
  -Xopenmp-target <arg>   Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>    Pass <arg> to the preprocessor
  -x <language>           Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>
  -z <arg>                Pass -z <arg> to the linker


Afl-clang-fast++ (8) - afl-cc++4.21c by Michal Zalewski, Laszlo Szekeres, Marc Heuse afl-cc

root@kali:~# afl-clang-fast++ --help
OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler

USAGE: clang [options] file...

  -###                    Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation
                          Tool used for detecting AMD GPU arch in the system.
  --analyzer-output <value>
                          Static analyzer report output format (html|plist|plist-multi-file|plist-html|sarif|sarif-html|text).
  --analyze               Run the static analyzer
                          Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them
  -arcmt-migrate-report-output <value>
                          Output path for the plist report
  -B <prefix>             Search $prefix$file for executables, libraries, and data files. If $prefix is a directory, search $prefix/$file
  -b <arg>                Pass -b <arg> to the linker on AIX
  -CC                     Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output
  -cl-denorms-are-zero    OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero.
  -cl-ext=<value>         OpenCL only. Enable or disable OpenCL extensions/optional features. The argument is a comma-separated sequence of one or more extension names, each prefixed by '+' or '-'.
  -cl-fast-relaxed-math   OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__.
  -cl-finite-math-only    OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf.
                          OpenCL only. Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded.
  -cl-kernel-arg-info     OpenCL only. Generate kernel argument metadata.
  -cl-mad-enable          OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise MAD computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-signed-zeros     OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise no signed zeros computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-stdinc           OpenCL only. Disables all standard includes containing non-native compiler types and functions.
  -cl-opt-disable         OpenCL only. This option disables all optimizations. By default optimizations are enabled.
                          OpenCL only. Treat double precision floating-point constant as single precision constant.
  -cl-std=<value>         OpenCL language standard to compile for.
  -cl-strict-aliasing     OpenCL only. This option is added for compatibility with OpenCL 1.0.
                          OpenCL only. Defines that the global work-size be a multiple of the work-group size specified to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
                          OpenCL only. Allow unsafe floating-point optimizations.  Also implies -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-mad-enable.
  --config=<file>         Specify configuration file
                          Compile CUDA code for both host and device (default). Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
  --cuda-device-only      Compile CUDA code for device only
  --cuda-feature=<value>  Manually specify the CUDA feature to use
  --cuda-host-only        Compile CUDA code for host only. Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
                          Include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
                          Enable device-side debug info generation. Disables ptxas optimizations.
  --cuda-path-ignore-env  Ignore environment variables to detect CUDA installation
  --cuda-path=<value>     CUDA installation path
  -cuid=<value>           An ID for compilation unit, which should be the same for the same compilation unit but different for different compilation units. It is used to externalize device-side static variables for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP so that they can be accessed by the host code of the same compilation unit.
  -cxx-isystem <directory>
                          Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path
  -C                      Include comments in preprocessed output
  -c                      Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps
  -darwin-target-variant-triple <value>
                          Specify the darwin target variant triple
  -darwin-target-variant <value>
                          Generate code for an additional runtime variant of the deployment target
  -dD                     Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dependency-dot <value> Filename to write DOT-formatted header dependencies to
  -dependency-file <value>
                          Filename (or -) to write dependency output to
  -dI                     Print include directives in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dM                     Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output
  -dsym-dir <dir>         Directory to output dSYM's (if any) to
  -dumpdir <dumppfx>      Use <dumpfpx> as a prefix to form auxiliary and dump file names
  -D <macro>=<value>      Define <macro> to <value> (or 1 if <value> omitted)
  -emit-ast               Emit Clang AST files for source inputs
  -emit-interface-stubs   Generate Interface Stub Files.
  -emit-llvm              Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files
  -emit-merged-ifs        Generate Interface Stub Files, emit merged text not binary.
  --emit-static-lib       Enable linker job to emit a static library.
  --emit-symbol-graph= <value>
                          Generate Extract API information as a side effect of compilation.
                          Start emitting warnings for unused driver arguments
                          Comma separated list of files containing a new line separated list of API symbols to ignore when extracting API information.
  -extract-api            Extract API information
  -E                      Only run the preprocessor
  -faapcs-bitfield-load   Follows the AAPCS standard that all volatile bit-field write generates at least one load. (ARM only).
  -faapcs-bitfield-width  Follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -faddrsig               Emit an address-significance table
  -falign-loops=<N>       N must be a power of two. Align loops to the boundary
  -faligned-allocation    Enable C++17 aligned allocation functions
                          Treat editor placeholders as valid source code
                          Source-level compatibility for Altivec vectors (for PowerPC targets). This includes results of vector comparison (scalar for 'xl', vector for 'gcc') as well as behavior when initializing with a scalar (splatting for 'xl', element zero only for 'gcc'). For 'mixed', the compatibility is as 'gcc' for 'vector bool/vector pixel' and as 'xl' for other types. Current default is 'mixed'.
  -fansi-escape-codes     Use ANSI escape codes for diagnostics
  -fapple-kext            Use Apple's kernel extensions ABI
  -fapple-link-rtlib      Force linking the clang builtins runtime library
  -fapple-pragma-pack     Enable Apple gcc-compatible #pragma pack handling
  -fapplication-extension Restrict code to those available for App Extensions
  -fapprox-func           Allow certain math function calls to be replaced with an approximately equivalent calculation
  -fasync-exceptions      Enable EH Asynchronous exceptions
                          Place each function's basic blocks in unique sections (ELF Only)
                          Produced object files can use all ELF features supported by this binutils version and newer. If -fno-integrated-as is specified, the generated assembly will consider GNU as support. 'none' means that all ELF features can be used, regardless of binutils support. Defaults to 2.26.
  -fblocks                Enable the 'blocks' language feature
  -fborland-extensions    Accept non-standard constructs supported by the Borland compiler
                          Use the last modification time of <file> as the build session timestamp
  -fbuild-session-timestamp=<time since Epoch in seconds>
                          Time when the current build session started
  -fbuiltin-module-map    Load the clang builtins module map file.
  -fc++-abi=<value>       C++ ABI to use. This will override the target C++ ABI.
  -fcall-saved-x10        Make the x10 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x11        Make the x11 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x12        Make the x12 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x13        Make the x13 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x14        Make the x14 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x15        Make the x15 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x18        Make the x18 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x8         Make the x8 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x9         Make the x9 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
                          Set the maximum number of source lines to show in a caret diagnostic (0 = no limit).
  -fcf-protection=<value> Instrument control-flow architecture protection
  -fcf-protection         Enable cf-protection in 'full' mode
  -fchar8_t               Enable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fcheck-new             Do not assume C++ operator new may not return NULL
                          Attempt to match the ABI of Clang <version>
  -fcolor-diagnostics     Enable colors in diagnostics
                          Treat each comma separated argument in <arg> as a documentation comment block command
  -fcommon                Place uninitialized global variables in a common block
                          Require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a constexpr evaluation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive constexpr function calls
                          Set the maximum number of steps in constexpr function evaluation
                          Prefer aligned allocation for C++ Coroutines
  -fcoroutines            Enable support for the C++ Coroutines
                          The compilation directory to embed in the coverage mapping.
  -fcoverage-mapping      Generate coverage mapping to enable code coverage analysis
                          remap file source paths <old> to <new> in coverage mapping. If there are multiple options, prefix replacement is applied in reverse order starting from the last one
                          Put crash-report files in <dir>
                          Set level of crash diagnostic reporting, (option: off, compiler, all)
  -fcrash-diagnostics     Enable crash diagnostic reporting (default)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fcs-profile-generate   Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use approximate transcendental functions
  -fcuda-short-ptr        Use 32-bit pointers for accessing const/local/shared address spaces
  -fcxx-exceptions        Enable C++ exceptions
  -fcxx-modules           Enable modules for C++
  -fdata-sections         Place each data in its own section
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info
                          Default DWARF version to use, if a -g option caused DWARF debug info to be produced
                          Emit extra debug info to make sample profile more accurate
  -fdebug-macro           Emit macro debug information
                          For paths in debug info, remap directory <old> to <new>. If multiple options match a path, the last option wins
                          Use DWARF base address selection entries in .debug_ranges
  -fdebug-types-section   Place debug types in their own section (ELF Only)
  -fdeclspec              Allow __declspec as a keyword
                          Parse templated function definitions at the end of the translation unit
                          Treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior (default)
                          Print absolute paths in diagnostics
                          Prevent optimization remarks from being output if they do not have at least this profile count. Use 'auto' to apply the threshold from profile summary
                          Prevent misexpect diagnostics from being output if the profile counts are within N% of the expected. 
                          Print fix-its in machine parseable form
                          Print source range spans in numeric form
                          Enable profile hotness information in diagnostic line
                          Display include stacks for diagnostic notes
                          Print option name with mappable diagnostics
                          Print a template comparison tree for differing templates
  -fdigraphs              Enable alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:' (default)
                          Don't use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
  -fdiscard-value-names   Discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Allow '$' in identifiers
  -fdriver-only           Only run the driver.
  -fdwarf-exceptions      Use DWARF style exceptions
                          Do not emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fembed-bitcode-marker  Embed placeholder LLVM IR data as a marker
                          Embed LLVM bitcode
  -fembed-bitcode         Embed LLVM IR bitcode as data
                          Embed Offloading device-side binary into host object file as a section.
  -femit-all-decls        Emit all declarations, even if unused
                          Try emitting Compact-Unwind for non-canonical entries. Maybe overriden by other constraints
                          When to emit DWARF unwind (EH frame) info
  -femulated-tls          Use emutls functions to access thread_local variables
  -fenable-matrix         Enable matrix data type and related builtin functions
  -fexceptions            Enable support for exception handling
                          Allows control over excess precision on targets where native support for the precision types is not available. By default, excess precision is used to calculate intermediate results following the rules specified in ISO C99.
  -fexperimental-library  Control whether unstable and experimental library features are enabled. This option enables various library features that are either experimental (also known as TSes), or have been but are not stable yet in the selected Standard Library implementation. It is not recommended to use this option in production code, since neither ABI nor API stability are guaranteed. This is intended to provide a preview of features that will ship in the future for experimentation purposes
                          Enable the experimental new constant interpreter
                          Use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable sanitizer metadata for modules and functions that match the provided special case list
                          Specify the type of metadata to emit for binary analysis sanitizers
                          Enables the use of non-default rounding modes and non-default exception handling on targets that are not currently ready.
                          Controls how scalar integer arguments are extended in calls to unprototyped and varargs functions
  -ffast-math             Allow aggressive, lossy floating-point optimizations
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info and coverage mapping.
                          remap file source paths in debug info, predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -ffile-reproducible     Use the target's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use separate accesses for consecutive bitfield runs with legal widths and alignments.
  -ffinite-loops          Assume all loops are finite.
  -ffinite-math-only      Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-inf. This defines the \_\_FINITE\_MATH\_ONLY\_\_ preprocessor macro.
  -ffixed-a0              Reserve the a0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a1              Reserve the a1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a2              Reserve the a2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a3              Reserve the a3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a4              Reserve the a4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a5              Reserve the a5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a6              Reserve the a6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d0              Reserve the d0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d1              Reserve the d1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d2              Reserve the d2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d3              Reserve the d3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d4              Reserve the d4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d5              Reserve the d5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d6              Reserve the d6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d7              Reserve the d7 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-point           Enable fixed point types
  -ffixed-r19             Reserve register r19 (Hexagon only)
  -ffixed-r9              Reserve the r9 register (ARM only)
  -ffixed-x10             Reserve the x10 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x11             Reserve the x11 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x12             Reserve the x12 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x13             Reserve the x13 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x14             Reserve the x14 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x15             Reserve the x15 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x16             Reserve the x16 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x17             Reserve the x17 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x18             Reserve the x18 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x19             Reserve the x19 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x1              Reserve the x1 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x20             Reserve the x20 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x21             Reserve the x21 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x22             Reserve the x22 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x23             Reserve the x23 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x24             Reserve the x24 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x25             Reserve the x25 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x26             Reserve the x26 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x27             Reserve the x27 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x28             Reserve the x28 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x29             Reserve the x29 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x2              Reserve the x2 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x30             Reserve the x30 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x31             Reserve the x31 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x3              Reserve the x3 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x4              Reserve the x4 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x5              Reserve the x5 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x6              Reserve the x6 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x7              Reserve the x7 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x8              Reserve the x8 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x9              Reserve the x9 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -fforce-dwarf-frame     Always emit a debug frame section
  -fforce-emit-vtables    Emits more virtual tables to improve devirtualization
  -fforce-enable-int128   Enable support for int128_t type
  -ffp-contract=<value>   Form fused FP ops (e.g. FMAs)
                          Specifies the evaluation method to use for floating-point arithmetic.
                          Specifies the exception behavior of floating-point operations.
  -ffp-model=<value>      Controls the semantics of floating-point calculations.
  -ffreestanding          Assert that the compilation takes place in a freestanding environment
                          Set Fuchsia API level
  -ffunction-sections     Place each function in its own section
  -fglobal-isel           Enables the global instruction selector
  -fgnu-keywords          Allow GNU-extension keywords regardless of language standard
  -fgnu-runtime           Generate output compatible with the standard GNU Objective-C runtime
  -fgnu89-inline          Use the gnu89 inline semantics
  -fgnuc-version=<value>  Sets various macros to claim compatibility with the given GCC version (default is 4.2.1)
  -fgpu-allow-device-init Allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
                          Specify default stream. The default value is 'legacy'. (HIP only)
  -fgpu-defer-diag        Defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Flush denormal floating point values to zero in CUDA/HIP device mode.
  -fgpu-rdc               Generate relocatable device code, also known as separate compilation mode
  -fgpu-sanitize          Enable sanitizer for AMDGPU target
  -fhip-emit-relocatable  Compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
  -fhip-kernel-arg-name   Specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fhip-new-launch-api    Use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fhonor-infinities      Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not +-inf.
  -fhonor-nans            Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not NANs.
  -fignore-exceptions     Enable support for ignoring exception handling constructs
  -fimplicit-module-maps  Implicitly search the file system for module map files.
                          Enable incremental processing extensions such as processingstatements on the global scope.
  -finline-functions      Inline suitable functions
  -finline-hint-functions Inline functions which are (explicitly or implicitly) marked inline
                          Suppress inlining of functions whose stack size exceeds the given value
  -finput-charset=<value> Specify the default character set for source files
                          Instrument function entry only, after inlining, without arguments to the instrumentation call
                          Like -finstrument-functions, but insert the calls after inlining
  -finstrument-functions  Generate calls to instrument function entry and exit
  -fintegrated-as         Enable the integrated assembler
  -fintegrated-cc1        Run cc1 in-process
  -fintegrated-objemitter Use internal machine object code emitter.
  -fjmc                   Enable just-my-code debugging
  -fjump-tables           Use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Enable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fkeep-static-consts    Keep static const variables even if unused
                          Enable implicit vector bit-casts
  -flto-jobs=<value>      Controls the backend parallelism of -flto=thin (default of 0 means the number of threads will be derived from the number of CPUs detected)
  -flto=auto              Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=jobserver         Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=<value>           Set LTO mode
  -flto                   Enable LTO in 'full' mode
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a macro expansion backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          remap file source paths in predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -fmath-errno            Require math functions to indicate errors by setting errno
  -fmax-tokens=<value>    Max total number of preprocessed tokens for -Wmax-tokens.
                          Specify the maximum alignment to enforce on pointers lacking an explicit alignment
                          Use memory profile for profile-guided memory optimization
                          Enable heap memory profiling and dump results into <directory>
  -fmemory-profile        Enable heap memory profiling
  -fmerge-all-constants   Allow merging of constants
                          Format message diagnostics so that they fit within N columns
  -fminimize-whitespace   Ignore the whitespace from the input file when emitting preprocessor output. It will only contain whitespace when necessary, e.g. to keep two minus signs from merging into to an increment operator. Useful with the -P option to normalize whitespace such that two files with only formatting changes are equal.

Only valid with -E on C-like inputs and incompatible with -traditional-cpp.
                          Specify the mapping of module name to precompiled module file, or load a module file if name is omitted.
  -fmodule-header=<kind>  Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header that should be found in the user (fmodule-header=user) or system (fmodule-header=system) search path.
  -fmodule-header         Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header.
                          Load this module map file
  -fmodule-name=<name>    Specify the name of the module to build
  -fmodule-output=<value> Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
  -fmodule-output         Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
                          Specify the module cache path
  -fmodules-decluse       Require declaration of modules used within a module
                          Disable validation of the diagnostic options when loading the module
                          Ignore the definition of the given macro when building and loading modules
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) after which a module file will be considered unused
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) between attempts to prune the module cache
  -fmodules-search-all    Search even non-imported modules to resolve references
                          Like -fmodules-decluse but requires all headers to be in modules
  -fmodules-user-build-path <directory>
                          Specify the module user build path
                          Validate PCM input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Don't verify input files for the modules if the module has been successfully validated or loaded during this build session
                          Validate the system headers that a module depends on when loading the module
  -fmodules               Enable the 'modules' language feature
                          Dot-separated value representing the Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fms-compatibility      Enable full Microsoft Visual C++ compatibility
  -fms-extensions         Accept some non-standard constructs supported by the Microsoft compiler
  -fms-hotpatch           Ensure that all functions can be hotpatched at runtime
                          Select Windows run-time library
  -fmsc-version=<value>   Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fnew-alignment=<align> Specifies the largest alignment guaranteed by '::operator new(size_t)'
  -fnew-infallible        Enable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          Do not follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -fno-access-control     Disable C++ access control
  -fno-addrsig            Don't emit an address-significance table
                          Don't assume that C++'s global operator new can't alias any pointer
                          Disable optimizations based on vtable pointer identity
  -fno-autolink           Disable generation of linker directives for automatic library linking
  -fno-builtin-<value>    Disable implicit builtin knowledge of a specific function
  -fno-builtin            Disable implicit builtin knowledge of functions
                          Disable C++ static destructor registration
  -fno-char8_t            Disable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fno-color-diagnostics  Disable colors in diagnostics
  -fno-common             Compile common globals like normal definitions
                          Do not require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
  -fno-constant-cfstrings Disable creation of CodeFoundation-type constant strings
                          Assume all functions may be convergent.
  -fno-coverage-mapping   Disable code coverage analysis
  -fno-crash-diagnostics  Disable auto-generation of preprocessed source files and a script for reproduction during a clang crash
                          Don't use approximate transcendental functions
  -fno-cxx-modules        Disable modules for C++
  -fno-debug-macro        Do not emit macro debug information
  -fno-declspec           Disallow __declspec as a keyword
                          Disable delayed template parsing
                          Do not treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior
                          Do not include fixit information in diagnostics
                          Show line numbers in diagnostic code snippets
  -fno-digraphs           Disallow alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:'
                          Use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
                          Do not discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Disallow '$' in identifiers
  -fno-elide-constructors Disable C++ copy constructor elision
  -fno-elide-type         Do not elide types when printing diagnostics
                          Emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fno-exceptions         Disable support for exception handling
                          Do not use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable emitting metadata for binary analysis sanitizers
  -fno-file-reproducible  Use the host's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use large-integer access for consecutive bitfield runs.
  -fno-finite-loops       Do not assume that any loop is finite.
  -fno-fixed-point        Disable fixed point types
                          Disable support for int128_t type
  -fno-global-isel        Disables the global instruction selector
  -fno-gnu-inline-asm     Disable GNU style inline asm
                          Don't allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
  -fno-gpu-defer-diag     Don't defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Do not override toolchain to compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Don't specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
                          Don't specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fno-hip-new-launch-api Don't use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fno-integrated-as      Disable the integrated assembler
  -fno-integrated-cc1     Spawn a separate process for each cc1
                          Use external machine object code emitter.
  -fno-jump-tables        Do not use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Disable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fno-keep-static-consts Don't keep static const variables even if unused
  -fno-knr-functions      Disable support for K&R C function declarations
  -fno-lto                Disable LTO mode (default)
  -fno-memory-profile     Disable heap memory profiling
                          Disallow merging of constants
                          Skip checks for relocated modules when loading PCM files
                          Do not enforce -fmodules-decluse and private header restrictions for textual headers. This flag will be removed in a future Clang release.
  -fno-new-infallible     Disable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          do not infer Objective-C related result type based on method family
  -fno-offload-lto        Disable LTO mode (default) for offload compilation
  -fno-openmp-extensions  Disable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
  -fno-operator-names     Do not treat C++ operator name keywords as synonyms for operators
                          Disable tail call optimization, keeping the call stack accurate
  -fno-pch-codegen        Do not generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fno-pch-debuginfo      Do not generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
  -fno-plt                Use GOT indirection instead of PLT to make external function calls (x86 only)
                          Do not preserve comments in inline assembly
  -fno-profile-generate   Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
                          Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
  -fno-profile-instr-use  Disable using instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
                          Do not emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          Don't use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
  -fno-rtlib-add-rpath    Do not add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, do not add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -fno-rtti-data          Disable generation of RTTI data
  -fno-rtti               Disable generation of rtti information
                          Disable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Use default code inlining logic for the address sanitizer
                          Disable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable ODR indicator globals
                          Do not make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Disable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Disable features of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Disable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Don't use ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Disable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Disable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable recovery for specified sanitizers
                          Conventional ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fno-sanitize-stats     Disable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Disable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fno-sanitize-trap      Disable trapping for all sanitizers
  -fno-short-wchar        Force wchar_t to be an unsigned int
  -fno-show-column        Do not include column number on diagnostics
                          Do not include source location information with diagnostics
  -fno-signed-char        char is unsigned
  -fno-signed-zeros       Allow optimizations that ignore the sign of floating point zeros
  -fno-spell-checking     Disable spell-checking
                          Disable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fno-split-stack        Wouldn't use segmented stack
                          Disable stack clash protection
  -fno-stack-protector    Disable the use of stack protectors
  -fno-standalone-debug   Limit debug information produced to reduce size of debug binary
                          Relax language rules and try to match the behavior of the target's native float-to-int conversion instructions
  -fno-strict-return      Don't treat control flow paths that fall off the end of a non-void function as unreachable
  -fno-sycl               Disables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fno-temp-file          Directly create compilation output files. This may lead to incorrect incremental builds if the compiler crashes
  -fno-threadsafe-statics Do not emit code to make initialization of local statics thread safe
  -fno-trigraphs          Do not process trigraph sequences
  -fno-unified-lto        Use distinct LTO pipelines
                          Don't use unique names for text and data sections
  -fno-unroll-loops       Turn off loop unroller
  -fno-use-cxa-atexit     Don't use __cxa_atexit for calling destructors
  -fno-use-init-array     Use .ctors/.dtors instead of .init_array/.fini_array
                          Disables -fvisibility-inlines-hidden-static-local-var (this is the default on non-darwin targets)
                          Omit function index section at the expense of single-function patching performance
                          Don't place zero initialized data in BSS
  -fobjc-arc-exceptions   Use EH-safe code when synthesizing retains and releases in -fobjc-arc
  -fobjc-arc              Synthesize retain and release calls for Objective-C pointers
                          Ignore attribute objc_direct so that direct methods can be tested
                          Fully encode c++ class template specialization
  -fobjc-exceptions       Enable Objective-C exceptions
  -fobjc-runtime=<value>  Specify the target Objective-C runtime kind and version
  -fobjc-weak             Enable ARC-style weak references in Objective-C
  -foffload-lto=<value>   Set LTO mode for offload compilation
  -foffload-lto           Enable LTO in 'full' mode for offload compilation
  -fomit-frame-pointer    Omit the frame pointer from functions that don't need it. Some stack unwinding cases, such as profilers and sanitizers, may prefer specifying -fno-omit-frame-pointer. On many targets, -O1 and higher omit the frame pointer by default. -m[no-]omit-leaf-frame-pointer takes precedence for leaf functions
  -fopenmp-extensions     Enable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
                          Do not create a host fallback if offloading to the device fails.
  -fopenmp-simd           Emit OpenMP code only for SIMD-based constructs.
  -fopenmp-target-debug   Enable debugging in the OpenMP offloading device RTL
  -fopenmp-target-jit     Emit code that can be JIT compiled for OpenMP offloading. Implies -foffload-lto=full
                          Specify comma-separated list of triples OpenMP offloading targets to be supported
                          Set OpenMP version (e.g. 45 for OpenMP 4.5, 50 for OpenMP 5.0). Default value is 50 for Clang and 11 for Flang
  -fopenmp                Parse OpenMP pragmas and generate parallel code.
                          Maximum number of 'operator->'s to call for a member access
                          Specify the output name of the file containing the optimization remarks. Implies -fsave-optimization-record. On Darwin platforms, this cannot be used with multiple -arch <arch> options.
                          Only include passes which match a specified regular expression in the generated optimization record (by default, include all passes)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect order file into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fpack-struct=<value>   Specify the default maximum struct packing alignment
  -fpascal-strings        Recognize and construct Pascal-style string literals
  -fpass-plugin=<dsopath> Load pass plugin from a dynamic shared object file (only with new pass manager).
                          Generate M NOPs before function entry and N-M NOPs after function entry
  -fpcc-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return all structs on the stack
  -fpch-codegen           Generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fpch-debuginfo         Generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
                          Instantiate templates already while building a PCH
                          Validate PCH input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Pass <arg> to plugin <name>
  -fplugin=<dsopath>      Load the named plugin (dynamic shared object)
                          Look up implicit modules in the prebuilt module path
                          Specify the prebuilt module path
                          Save subprocess statistics to the given file
                          Print subprocess statistics
  -fprofile-arcs          Instrument code to produce gcov data files (*.gcda)
                          Instrument only functions from files where names don't match all the regexes separated by a semi-colon
                          Instrument only functions from files where names match any regex separated by a semi-colon
                          Partition functions into N groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented using -fprofile-selected-function-group
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fprofile-generate      Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <file> (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
  -fprofile-list=<value>  Filename defining the list of functions/files to instrument. The file uses the sanitizer special case list format.
                          Use the remappings described in <file> to match the profile data against names in the program
                          Specifies that the sample profile is accurate
                          Enable sample-based profile guided optimizations
                          Partition functions into N groups using -fprofile-function-groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented. The valid range is 0 to N-1 inclusive
                          Set update method of profile counters
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization. If pathname is a directory, it reads from <pathname>/default.profdata. Otherwise, it reads from file <pathname>.
  -fprotect-parens        Determines whether the optimizer honors parentheses when floating-point expressions are evaluated
                          Emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          File holding the seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
                          The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
  -freciprocal-math       Allow division operations to be reassociated
  -freg-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return small structs in registers
                          Use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
                          Enable C++17 relaxed template template argument matching
  -freroll-loops          Turn on loop reroller
  -fropi                  Generate read-only position independent code (ARM only)
  -frtlib-add-rpath       Add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, also add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -frwpi                  Generate read-write position independent code (ARM only)
                          Display suggestions to update code associated with -Wunsafe-buffer-usage warnings
                          Use profi to infer block and edge counts
                          Set the kind of module destructors emitted by AddressSanitizer instrumentation. These destructors are emitted to unregister instrumented global variables when code is unloaded (e.g. via `dlclose()`).
                          Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer
                          Enable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Always generate function calls for address sanitizer instrumentation
                          Enable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Select the mode of detecting stack use-after-return in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable ODR indicator globals to avoid false ODR violation reports in partially sanitized programs at the cost of an increase in binary size
                          Alias for -fsanitize-ignorelist=
                          Make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Enable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Normalize integers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Generalize pointers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Restrict sanitizer coverage instrumentation exclusively to modules and functions that match the provided special case list, except the blocked ones
                          Disable sanitizer coverage instrumentation for modules and functions that match the provided special case list, even the allowed ones
                          Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Select the HWAddressSanitizer ABI to target (interceptor or platform, default interceptor). This option is currently unused.
                          Enable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Path to ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Set default MTE mode to 'sync' (default) or 'async'
                          Enable recovery for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-stable-abi   Stable  ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fsanitize-stats        Enable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Path to system ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
  -fsanitize-trap=<value> Enable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-trap         Enable trapping for all sanitizers
                          Strip (or keep only, if negative) a given number of path components when emitting check metadata.
  -fsanitize=<check>      Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious behavior. See user manual for available checks
                          Generate an optimization record file in a specific format
                          Generate a YAML optimization record file
  -fseh-exceptions        Use SEH style exceptions
  -fshort-enums           Allocate to an enum type only as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of possible values
  -fshort-wchar           Force wchar_t to be a short unsigned int
                          Which overload candidates to show when overload resolution fails. Defaults to 'all'
  -fshow-skipped-includes Show skipped includes in -H output.
  -fsigned-char           char is signed
  -fsized-deallocation    Enable C++14 sized global deallocation functions
  -fsjlj-exceptions       Use SjLj style exceptions
  -fslp-vectorize         Enable the superword-level parallelism vectorization passes
                          Set the maximum number of times to perform spell checking on unrecognized identifiers (0 = no limit)
  -fsplit-dwarf-inlining  Provide minimal debug info in the object/executable to facilitate online symbolication/stack traces in the absence of .dwo/.dwp files when using Split DWARF
  -fsplit-lto-unit        Enables splitting of the LTO unit
                          Enable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fsplit-stack           Use segmented stack
                          Enable stack clash protection
  -fstack-protector-all   Enable stack protectors for all functions
                          Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. Compared to -fstack-protector, this uses a stronger heuristic that includes functions containing arrays of any size (and any type), as well as any calls to alloca or the taking of an address from a local variable
  -fstack-protector       Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. This uses a loose heuristic which considers functions vulnerable if they contain a char (or 8bit integer) array or constant sized calls to alloca , which are of greater size than ssp-buffer-size (default: 8 bytes). All variable sized calls to alloca are considered vulnerable. A function with a stack protector has a guard value added to the stack frame that is checked on function exit. The guard value must be positioned in the stack frame such that a buffer overflow from a vulnerable variable will overwrite the guard value before overwriting the function's return address. The reference stack guard value is stored in a global variable.
  -fstack-size-section    Emit section containing metadata on function stack sizes
  -fstack-usage           Emit .su file containing information on function stack sizes
  -fstandalone-debug      Emit full debug info for all types used by the program
  -fstrict-enums          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's value range
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of flexible arrays
                          Assume that overflowing float-to-int casts are undefined (default)
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict rules for overwriting polymorphic C++ objects
                          Control emission of Swift async extended frame info
  -fsycl                  Enables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fsyntax-only           Run the preprocessor, parser and semantic analysis stages
  -fsystem-module         Build this module as a system module. Only used with -emit-module
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a template instantiation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive template instantiation
  -ftest-coverage         Produce gcov notes files (*.gcno)
                          Write minimized bitcode to <file> for the ThinLTO thin link only
  -fthinlto-index=<value> Perform ThinLTO importing using provided function summary index
  -ftime-report=<value>   (For new pass manager) 'per-pass': one report for each pass; 'per-pass-run': one report for each pass invocation
                          Minimum time granularity (in microseconds) traced by time profiler
  -ftime-trace=<value>    Similar to -ftime-trace. Specify the JSON file or a directory which will contain the JSON file
  -ftime-trace            Turn on time profiler. Generates JSON file based on output filename.
  -ftrap-function=<value> Issue call to specified function rather than a trap instruction
  -ftrapv-handler=<function name>
                          Specify the function to be called on overflow
  -ftrapv                 Trap on integer overflow
  -ftrigraphs             Process trigraph sequences
                          Stop initializing trivial automatic stack variables after the specified number of instances
                          Initialize trivial automatic stack variables. Defaults to 'uninitialized'
  -funified-lto           Use the unified LTO pipeline
                          Use unique names for basic block sections (ELF Only)
                          Uniqueify Internal Linkage Symbol Names by appending the MD5 hash of the module path
  -funroll-loops          Turn on loop unroller
                          Allow unsafe floating-point math optimizations which may decrease precision
  -fuse-cuid=<value>      Method to generate ID's for compilation units for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP: 'hash' (ID's generated by hashing file path and command line options) | 'random' (ID's generated as random numbers) | 'none' (disabled). Default is 'hash'. This option will be overridden by option '-cuid=[ID]' if it is specified.
  -fuse-line-directives   Use #line in preprocessed output
                          Compute and store the hash of input files used to build an AST. Files with mismatching mtime's are considered valid if both contents is identical
  -fveclib=<value>        Use the given vector functions library
  -fvectorize             Enable the loop vectorization passes
  -fverbose-asm           Generate verbose assembly output
                          Enables dead virtual function elimination optimization. Requires -flto=full
                          The visibility for dllexport definitions [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for dllimport external declarations [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for external declarations without an explicit DLL dllstorageclass [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          Set the visibility of symbols in the generated code from their DLL storage class
                          Give global C++ operator new and delete declarations hidden visibility
                          When -fvisibility-inlines-hidden is enabled, static variables in inline C++ member functions will also be given hidden visibility by default
                          Give inline C++ member functions hidden visibility by default
  -fvisibility-ms-compat  Give global types 'default' visibility and global functions and variables 'hidden' visibility by default
                          The visibility for definitions without an explicit DLL export class [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
  -fvisibility=<value>    Set the default symbol visibility for all global definitions
  -fwasm-exceptions       Use WebAssembly style exceptions
  -fwhole-program-vtables Enables whole-program vtable optimization. Requires -flto
  -fwrapv                 Treat signed integer overflow as two's complement
  -fwritable-strings      Store string literals as writable data
  -fxl-pragma-pack        Enable IBM XL #pragma pack handling
                          Always emit __xray_customevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          Always emit __xray_typedevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'always instrument' XRay attribute.
                          Filename defining the list of functions/types for imbuing XRay attributes.
                          Only instrument 1 of N groups
  -fxray-ignore-loops     Don't instrument functions with loops unless they also meet the minimum function size
                          Sets the minimum function size to instrument with XRay
                          Select which XRay instrumentation points to emit. Options: all, none, function-entry, function-exit, function, custom. Default is 'all'.  'function' includes both 'function-entry' and 'function-exit'.
  -fxray-instrument       Generate XRay instrumentation sleds on function entry and exit
  -fxray-link-deps        Link XRay runtime library when -fxray-instrument is specified (default)
  -fxray-modes=<value>    List of modes to link in by default into XRay instrumented binaries.
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'never instrument' XRay attribute.
                          When using -fxray-function-groups, select which group of functions to instrument. Valid range is 0 to fxray-function-groups - 1
                          Clear call-used registers upon function return (AArch64/x86 only)
  -fzvector               Enable System z vector language extension
  -F <value>              Add directory to framework include search path
                          Use GCC installation in the specified directory. The directory ends with path components like 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Note: executables (e.g. ld) used by the compiler are not overridden by the selected GCC installation
  --gcc-toolchain=<value> Specify a directory where Clang can find 'include' and 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Clang will use the GCC installation with the largest version
  -gcodeview-command-line Emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gcodeview-ghash        Emit type record hashes in a .debug$H section
  -gcodeview              Generate CodeView debug information
  -gdwarf-2               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 2
  -gdwarf-3               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 3
  -gdwarf-4               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 4
  -gdwarf-5               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 5
  -gdwarf32               Enables DWARF32 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf64               Enables DWARF64 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf                 Generate source-level debug information with the default dwarf version
  -gembed-source          Embed source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gen-reproducer=<value> Emit reproducer on (option: off, crash (default), error, always)
  -gline-directives-only  Emit debug line info directives only
  -gline-tables-only      Emit debug line number tables only
  -gmodules               Generate debug info with external references to clang modules or precompiled headers
                          Don't emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gno-embed-source       Restore the default behavior of not embedding source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gno-inline-line-tables Don't emit inline line tables.
  --gpu-bundle-output     Bundle output files of HIP device compilation
                          Instrument device library for HIP, which is a LLVM bitcode containing __cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit
                          Default max threads per block for kernel launch bounds for HIP
  -gsplit-dwarf=<value>   Set DWARF fission mode
  -gstrict-dwarf          Restrict DWARF features to those defined in the specified version, avoiding features from later versions.
  -gz=<value>             DWARF debug sections compression type
  -G <size>               Put objects of at most <size> bytes into small data section (MIPS / Hexagon)
  -g                      Generate source-level debug information
  --help-hidden           Display help for hidden options
  -help                   Display available options
                          HIP device library
  --hip-link              Link clang-offload-bundler bundles for HIP
  --hip-path=<value>      HIP runtime installation path, used for finding HIP version and adding HIP include path.
  --hip-version=<value>   HIP version in the format of major.minor.patch
                          path to a pass plugin for HIP to SPIR-V passes.
  -H                      Show header includes and nesting depth
  -I-                     Restrict all prior -I flags to double-quoted inclusion and remove current directory from include path
  -ibuiltininc            Enable builtin #include directories even when -nostdinc is used before or after -ibuiltininc. Using -nobuiltininc after the option disables it
  -idirafter <value>      Add directory to AFTER include search path
  -iframeworkwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -iframework <value>     Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path
  -imacros <file>         Include macros from file before parsing
  -include-pch <file>     Include precompiled header file
  -include <file>         Include file before parsing
  -index-header-map       Make the next included directory (-I or -F) an indexer header map
  -iprefix <dir>          Set the -iwithprefix/-iwithprefixbefore prefix
  -iquote <directory>     Add directory to QUOTE include search path
  -isysroot <dir>         Set the system root directory (usually /)
  -isystem-after <directory>
                          Add directory to end of the SYSTEM include search path
  -isystem <directory>    Add directory to SYSTEM include search path
  -ivfsoverlay <value>    Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system
  -iwithprefixbefore <dir>
                          Set directory to include search path with prefix
  -iwithprefix <dir>      Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix
  -iwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM include search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -I <dir>                Add directory to the end of the list of include search paths
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-nvptx bitcode library
  -L <dir>                Add directory to library search path
  -mabi=quadword-atomics  Enable quadword atomics ABI on AIX (AIX PPC64 only). Uses lqarx/stqcx. instructions.
  -mabicalls              Enable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
  -maix-struct-return     Return all structs in memory (PPC32 only)
                          Specify the boundary's size to align branches
  -malign-branch=<value>  Specify types of branches to align
  -malign-double          Align doubles to two words in structs (x86 only)
  -maltivec               Enable AltiVec vector initializer syntax
  -mamdgpu-ieee           Sets the IEEE bit in the expected default floating point  mode register. Floating point opcodes that support exception flag gathering quiet and propagate signaling NaN inputs per IEEE 754-2008. This option changes the ABI. (AMDGPU only)
  -march=<value>          For a list of available architectures for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mbackchain             Link stack frames through backchain on System Z
                          Enforce targets of indirect branches and function returns
                          Align selected branches (fused, jcc, jmp) within 32-byte boundary
  -mcabac                 Enable CABAC instructions
  -mcmodel=medany         Equivalent to -mcmodel=medium, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmodel=medlow         Equivalent to -mcmodel=small, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmse                  Allow use of CMSE (Armv8-M Security Extensions)
                          Specify code object ABI version. Defaults to 4. (AMDGPU only)
  -mcpu=<value>           For a list of available CPUs for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mcrbits                Control the CR-bit tracking feature on PowerPC. ``-mcrbits`` (the enablement of CR-bit tracking support) is the default for POWER8 and above, as well as for all other CPUs when optimization is applied (-O2 and above).
  -mcrc                   Allow use of CRC instructions (ARM/Mips only)
  -mcumode                Specify CU wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Mapping between default visibility and export
  -mdouble=<n             Force double to be <n> bits
  -MD                     Write a depfile containing user and system headers
  -meabi <value>          Set EABI type. Default depends on triple)
  -membedded-data         Place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata section even if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Enable use of experimental RISC-V extensions.
  -mexec-model=<value>    Execution model (WebAssembly only)
  -mexecute-only          Disallow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mextern-sdata          Assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mfentry                Insert calls to fentry at function entry (x86/SystemZ only)
                          Work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
  -mfix-cortex-a53-835769 Workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mfp32                  Use 32-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mfp64                  Use 64-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mframe-chain=<value>   Select the frame chain model used to emit frame records (Arm only).
                          Replace returns with jumps to ``__x86_return_thunk`` (x86 only, error otherwise)
  -MF <file>              Write depfile output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to <file>
  -mgeneral-regs-only     Generate code which only uses the general purpose registers (AArch64/x86 only)
  -mglobal-merge          Enable merging of globals
  -mgpopt                 Use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mguard=<value>         Enable or disable Control Flow Guard checks and guard tables emission
  -MG                     Add missing headers to depfile
  -mharden-sls=<value>    Select straight-line speculation hardening scope (ARM/AArch64/X86 only). <arg> must be: all, none, retbr(ARM/AArch64), blr(ARM/AArch64), comdat(ARM/AArch64), nocomdat(ARM/AArch64), return(X86), indirect-jmp(X86)
  -mhvx-ieee-fp           Enable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mhvx-length=<value>    Set Hexagon Vector Length
  -mhvx-qfloat            Enable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mhvx=<value>           Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mhvx                   Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -miamcu                 Use Intel MCU ABI
                          Not emit the visibility attribute for asm in AIX OS or give all symbols 'unspecified' visibility in XCOFF object file
  --migrate               Run the migrator
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which can be used with an incremental linker
                          Add cs prefix to call and jmp to indirect thunk
  -mindirect-jump=<value> Change indirect jump instructions to inhibit speculation
                          Set iOS deployment target
  -MJ <value>             Write a compilation database entry per input
  -mllvm=<arg>            Alias for -mllvm
  -mllvm <value>          Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing
  -mlocal-sdata           Extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mlong-calls            Generate branches with extended addressability, usually via indirect jumps.
  -mlong-double-128       Force long double to be 128 bits
  -mlong-double-64        Force long double to be 64 bits
  -mlong-double-80        Force long double to be 80 bits, padded to 128 bits for storage
  -mlvi-cfi               Enable only control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mlvi-hardening         Enable all mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
                          Set macOS deployment target
  -mmadd4                 Enable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mmark-bti-property     Add with BTI to assembly files (AArch64 only)
  -MMD                    Write a depfile containing user headers
  -mmemops                Enable generation of memop instructions
  -mmlir <value>          Additional arguments to forward to MLIR's option processing
  -mms-bitfields          Set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mmsa                   Enable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mmt                    Enable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -MM                     Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
  -mno-abicalls           Disable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
                          Do not add a BTI instruction after a setjmp or other return-twice construct (Arm/AArch64 only)
  -mno-crc                Disallow use of CRC instructions (Mips only)
  -mno-cumode             Specify WGP wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mno-embedded-data      Do not place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mno-execute-only       Allow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mno-extern-sdata       Do not assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Don't work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
                          Don't workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mno-fmv                Disable function multiversioning
  -mno-gather             Disable generation of gather instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-global-merge       Disable merging of globals
  -mno-gpopt              Do not use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mno-hvx-ieee-fp        Disable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mno-hvx-qfloat         Disable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mno-hvx                Disable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mno-implicit-float     Don't generate implicit floating point or vector instructions
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which cannot be used with an incremental linker
  -mno-local-sdata        Do not extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mno-long-calls         Restore the default behaviour of not generating long calls
  -mno-lvi-cfi            Disable control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-lvi-hardening      Disable mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-madd4              Disable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mno-memops             Disable generation of memop instructions
  -mno-movt               Disallow use of movt/movw pairs (ARM only)
  -mno-ms-bitfields       Do not set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mno-msa                Disable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-mt                 Disable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-neg-immediates     Disallow converting instructions with negative immediates to their negation or inversion.
  -mno-nvj                Disable generation of new-value jumps
  -mno-nvs                Disable generation of new-value stores
  -mno-outline-atomics    Don't generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -mno-outline            Disable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mno-packets            Disable generation of instruction packets
                          Don't assume data segments are relative to text segment
  -mno-relax              Disable linker relaxation
  -mno-restrict-it        Allow generation of complex IT blocks.
  -mno-save-restore       Disable using library calls for save and restore
  -mno-scatter            Disable generation of scatter instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-seses              Disable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES)
  -mno-stack-arg-probe    Disable stack probes which are enabled by default
  -mno-tgsplit            Disable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Disable direct TLS access through segment registers
  -mno-unaligned-access   Force all memory accesses to be aligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -mno-wavefrontsize64    Specify wavefront size 32 mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mnocrc                 Disallow use of CRC instructions (ARM only)
  -mnop-mcount            Generate mcount/__fentry__ calls as nops. To activate they need to be patched in.
  -mnvj                   Enable generation of new-value jumps
  -mnvs                   Enable generation of new-value stores
  -module-dependency-dir <value>
                          Directory to dump module dependencies to
  -module-file-info       Provide information about a particular module file
                          Omit frame pointer setup for leaf functions
  -moutline-atomics       Generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -moutline               Enable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mpacked-stack          Use packed stack layout (SystemZ only).
  -mpackets               Enable generation of instruction packets
                          Specify maximum number of prefixes to use for padding
                          Assume data segments are relative to text segment
                          Specifies preferred vector width for auto-vectorization. Defaults to 'none' which allows target specific decisions.
  -mprintf-kind=<value>   Specify the printf lowering scheme (AMDGPU only), allowed values are "hostcall"(printing happens during kernel execution, this scheme relies on hostcalls which require system to support pcie atomics) and "buffered"(printing happens after all kernel threads exit, this uses a printf buffer and does not rely on pcie atomic support)
  -MP                     Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)
  -mqdsp6-compat          Enable hexagon-qdsp6 backward compatibility
  -MQ <value>             Specify name of main file output to quote in depfile
  -mrecip=<value>         Control use of approximate reciprocal and reciprocal square root instructions followed by <n> iterations of Newton-Raphson refinement. <value> = ( ['!'] ['vec-'] ('rcp'|'sqrt') [('h'|'s'|'d')] [':'<n>] ) | 'all' | 'default' | 'none'
  -mrecip                 Equivalent to '-mrecip=all'
  -mrecord-mcount         Generate a __mcount_loc section entry for each __fentry__ call.
  -mrelax-all             (integrated-as) Relax all machine instructions
  -mrelax                 Enable linker relaxation
  -mrestrict-it           Disallow generation of complex IT blocks. It is off by default.
  -mrtd                   Make StdCall calling convention the default
                          Specify the size in bits of an RVV vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". Accepts power of 2 values between 64 and 65536. Also accepts "zvl" to use the value implied by -march/-mcpu. Value will be reflected in __riscv_v_fixed_vlen preprocessor define (RISC-V only)
  -msave-restore          Enable using library calls for save and restore
  -mseses                 Enable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES). Includes LVI control flow integrity mitigations
                          Select return address signing scope
  -mskip-rax-setup        Skip setting up RAX register when passing variable arguments (x86 only)
                          Put global and static data smaller than the limit into a special section
  -msoft-float            Use software floating point
                          Set the stack alignment
  -mstack-arg-probe       Enable stack probes
                          Set the stack probe size
                          Use the given offset for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given reg for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given symbol for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given guard (global, tls) for addressing the stack-protector guard
  -mstackrealign          Force realign the stack at entry to every function
                          Specify the size in bits of an SVE vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". (AArch64 only)
  -msvr4-struct-return    Return small structs in registers (PPC32 only)
  -mtargetos=<value>      Set the deployment target to be the specified OS and OS version
  -mtgsplit               Enable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mthread-model <value>  The thread model to use. Defaults to 'posix')
  -mtls-direct-seg-refs   Enable direct TLS access through segment registers (default)
  -mtls-size=<value>      Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets (AArch64 ELF only): 12 (for 4KB) | 24 (for 16MB, default) | 32 (for 4GB) | 48 (for 256TB, needs -mcmodel=large)
  -mtp=<value>            Thread pointer access method. For AArch32: 'soft' uses a function call, or 'tpidrurw', 'tpidruro' or 'tpidrprw' use the three CP15 registers. 'cp15' is an alias for 'tpidruro'. For AArch64: 'tpidr_el0', 'tpidr_el1', 'tpidr_el2', 'tpidr_el3' or 'tpidrro_el0' use the five system registers. 'elN' is an alias for 'tpidr_elN'.
  -mtune=<value>          Only supported on AArch64, PowerPC, RISC-V, SystemZ, and X86
  -MT <value>             Specify name of main file output in depfile
  -munaligned-access      Allow memory accesses to be unaligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -munsafe-fp-atomics     Enable generation of unsafe floating point atomic instructions. May generate more efficient code, but may not respect rounding and denormal modes, and may give incorrect results for certain memory destinations. (AMDGPU only)
  -mvscale-max=<value>    Specify the vscale maximum. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "0". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -mvscale-min=<value>    Specify the vscale minimum. Defaults to "1". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -MV                     Use NMake/Jom format for the depfile
  -mwavefrontsize64       Specify wavefront size 64 mode (AMDGPU only)
                          On AIX, request creation of a build-id string, "0xHEXSTRING", in the string table of the loader section inside the linked binary
  -mxcoff-roptr           Place constant objects with relocatable address values in the RO data section and add -bforceimprw to the linker flags (AIX only)
                          High level qualifier for z/OS C++RT side deck datasets
                          High level qualifier for z/OS CSSLIB dataset
  -mzos-hlq-le=<LeHLQ>    High level qualifier for z/OS Language Environment datasets
                          Path to system headers on z/OS
  -M                      Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
                          Do not include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
  --no-cuda-version-check Don't error out if the detected version of the CUDA install is too low for the requested CUDA gpu architecture.
  --no-default-config     Disable loading default configuration files
  --no-gpu-bundle-output  Do not bundle output files of HIP device compilation
  -no-hip-rt              Do not link against HIP runtime libraries
                          Remove CUDA/HIP offloading device architecture (e.g. sm_35, gfx906) from the list of devices to compile for. 'all' resets the list to its default value.
  --no-offload-new-driver Don't Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as not including a system header.
  -nobuiltininc           Disable builtin #include directories
  -nogpuinc               Do not add include paths for CUDA/HIP and do not include the default CUDA/HIP wrapper headers
  -nogpulib               Do not link device library for CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -nohipwrapperinc        Do not include the default HIP wrapper headers and include paths
  -nostdinc++             Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library
                          Tool used for detecting NVIDIA GPU arch in the system.
  -ObjC++                 Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs
                          Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path
  -objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties
  -objcmt-migrate-all     Enable migration to modern ObjC
                          Enable migration to property and method annotations
                          Enable migration to infer NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for initializer methods
                          Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC literals
                          Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros
                          Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC property
                          Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting
                          Enable migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' attribute
                          Enable migration to annotate property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER
                          Alias for -objcmt-allowlist-dir-path
  -ObjC                   Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs
                          Set the output <file> for debug infos
  --offload-arch=<value>  Specify an offloading device architecture for CUDA, HIP, or OpenMP. (e.g. sm_35). If 'native' is used the compiler will detect locally installed architectures. For HIP offloading, the device architecture can be followed by target ID features delimited by a colon (e.g. gfx908:xnack+:sramecc-). May be specified more than once.
  --offload-device-only   Only compile for the offloading device.
  --offload-host-device   Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-host-only     Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-link          Use the new offloading linker to perform the link job.
  --offload-new-driver    Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
  --offload=<value>       Specify comma-separated list of offloading target triples (CUDA and HIP only)
  -o <file>               Write output to <file>
  -pedantic               Warn on language extensions
  -pg                     Enable mcount instrumentation
  -pipe                   Use pipes between commands, when possible
  --precompile            Only precompile the input
                          Print all of Clang's warning options
  -print-effective-triple Print the effective target triple
  -print-file-name=<file> Print the full library path of <file>
  -print-ivar-layout      Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace
  -print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for the currently used compiler runtime library ("libgcc.a" or "libclang_rt.builtins.*.a")
                          Print the flags used for selecting multilibs (experimental)
  -print-prog-name=<name> Print the full program path of <name>
  -print-resource-dir     Print the resource directory pathname
  -print-rocm-search-dirs Print the paths used for finding ROCm installation
  -print-runtime-dir      Print the directory pathname containing clangs runtime libraries
  -print-search-dirs      Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs
  -print-supported-cpus   Print supported cpu models for the given target (if target is not specified, it will print the supported cpus for the default target)
  -print-target-triple    Print the normalized target triple
  -print-targets          Print the registered targets
  -pthread                Support POSIX threads in generated code
  --ptxas-path=<value>    Path to ptxas (used for compiling CUDA code)
  -P                      Disable linemarker output in -E mode
  -p                      Enable mcount instrumentation with prof
  -Qn                     Do not emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -Qunused-arguments      Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments
  -Qy                     Emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -relocatable-pch        Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header
  -rewrite-legacy-objc    Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++
  -rewrite-objc           Rewrite Objective-C source to C++
                          ROCm device library path. Alternative to rocm-path.
  --rocm-path=<value>     ROCm installation path, used for finding and automatically linking required bitcode libraries.
  -Rpass-analysis=<value> Report transformation analysis from optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass-missed=<value>   Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass=<value>          Report transformations performed by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -rtlib=<value>          Compiler runtime library to use
  -R<remark>              Enable the specified remark
  -save-stats=<value>     Save llvm statistics.
  -save-stats             Save llvm statistics.
  -save-temps=<value>     Save intermediate compilation results.
  -save-temps             Save intermediate compilation results
  -serialize-diagnostics <value>
                          Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file
  -shared-libsan          Dynamically link the sanitizer runtime
                          Don't emit warnings about unused arguments for the following arguments
  -static-libsan          Statically link the sanitizer runtime (Not supported for ASan, TSan or UBSan on darwin)
  -static-openmp          Use the static host OpenMP runtime while linking.
  -std=<value>            Language standard to compile for
  -stdlib++-isystem <directory>
                          Use directory as the C++ standard library include path
  -stdlib=<value>         C++ standard library to use
  -sycl-std=<value>       SYCL language standard to compile for.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as including a system header.
  -S                      Only run preprocess and compilation steps
  --target=<value>        Generate code for the given target
  -time                   Time individual commands
  -traditional-cpp        Enable some traditional CPP emulation
  -trigraphs              Process trigraph sequences
  -T <script>             Specify <script> as linker script
  -undef                  undef all system defines
  -unwindlib=<value>      Unwind library to use
  -U <macro>              Undefine macro <macro>
  --verify-debug-info     Verify the binary representation of debug output
  -verify-pch             Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is not stale
  --version               Print version information
  -vfsoverlay <value>     Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system. Additionally, pass this overlay file to the linker if it supports it
  -v                      Show commands to run and use verbose output
  -Wa,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the assembler
  -Wdeprecated            Enable warnings for deprecated constructs and define __DEPRECATED
  -Wl,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the linker
  -working-directory <value>
                          Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory
  -Wp,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the preprocessor
  -W<warning>             Enable the specified warning
  -w                      Suppress all warnings
  -Xanalyzer <arg>        Pass <arg> to the static analyzer
  -Xarch_device <arg>     Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -Xarch_host <arg>       Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP host compilation
  -Xassembler <arg>       Pass <arg> to the assembler
  -Xclang=<arg>           Alias for -Xclang
  -Xclang <arg>           Pass <arg> to clang -cc1
  -Xcuda-fatbinary <arg>  Pass <arg> to fatbinary invocation
  -Xcuda-ptxas <arg>      Pass <arg> to the ptxas assembler
  -Xlinker <arg>          Pass <arg> to the linker
  -Xoffload-linker<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the offload linkers or the ones idenfied by -<triple>
  -Xopenmp-target=<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain identified by <triple>.
  -Xopenmp-target <arg>   Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>    Pass <arg> to the preprocessor
  -x <language>           Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>
  -z <arg>                Pass -z <arg> to the linker


Afl-cc++4.21c by Michal Zalewski, Laszlo Szekeres, Marc Heuse afl-cc

root@kali:~# afl-clang-lto --help
OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler

USAGE: clang [options] file...

  -###                    Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation
                          Tool used for detecting AMD GPU arch in the system.
  --analyzer-output <value>
                          Static analyzer report output format (html|plist|plist-multi-file|plist-html|sarif|sarif-html|text).
  --analyze               Run the static analyzer
                          Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them
  -arcmt-migrate-report-output <value>
                          Output path for the plist report
  -B <prefix>             Search $prefix$file for executables, libraries, and data files. If $prefix is a directory, search $prefix/$file
  -b <arg>                Pass -b <arg> to the linker on AIX
  -CC                     Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output
  -cl-denorms-are-zero    OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero.
  -cl-ext=<value>         OpenCL only. Enable or disable OpenCL extensions/optional features. The argument is a comma-separated sequence of one or more extension names, each prefixed by '+' or '-'.
  -cl-fast-relaxed-math   OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__.
  -cl-finite-math-only    OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf.
                          OpenCL only. Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded.
  -cl-kernel-arg-info     OpenCL only. Generate kernel argument metadata.
  -cl-mad-enable          OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise MAD computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-signed-zeros     OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise no signed zeros computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-stdinc           OpenCL only. Disables all standard includes containing non-native compiler types and functions.
  -cl-opt-disable         OpenCL only. This option disables all optimizations. By default optimizations are enabled.
                          OpenCL only. Treat double precision floating-point constant as single precision constant.
  -cl-std=<value>         OpenCL language standard to compile for.
  -cl-strict-aliasing     OpenCL only. This option is added for compatibility with OpenCL 1.0.
                          OpenCL only. Defines that the global work-size be a multiple of the work-group size specified to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
                          OpenCL only. Allow unsafe floating-point optimizations.  Also implies -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-mad-enable.
  --config=<file>         Specify configuration file
                          Compile CUDA code for both host and device (default). Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
  --cuda-device-only      Compile CUDA code for device only
  --cuda-feature=<value>  Manually specify the CUDA feature to use
  --cuda-host-only        Compile CUDA code for host only. Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
                          Include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
                          Enable device-side debug info generation. Disables ptxas optimizations.
  --cuda-path-ignore-env  Ignore environment variables to detect CUDA installation
  --cuda-path=<value>     CUDA installation path
  -cuid=<value>           An ID for compilation unit, which should be the same for the same compilation unit but different for different compilation units. It is used to externalize device-side static variables for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP so that they can be accessed by the host code of the same compilation unit.
  -cxx-isystem <directory>
                          Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path
  -C                      Include comments in preprocessed output
  -c                      Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps
  -darwin-target-variant-triple <value>
                          Specify the darwin target variant triple
  -darwin-target-variant <value>
                          Generate code for an additional runtime variant of the deployment target
  -dD                     Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dependency-dot <value> Filename to write DOT-formatted header dependencies to
  -dependency-file <value>
                          Filename (or -) to write dependency output to
  -dI                     Print include directives in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dM                     Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output
  -dsym-dir <dir>         Directory to output dSYM's (if any) to
  -dumpdir <dumppfx>      Use <dumpfpx> as a prefix to form auxiliary and dump file names
  -D <macro>=<value>      Define <macro> to <value> (or 1 if <value> omitted)
  -emit-ast               Emit Clang AST files for source inputs
  -emit-interface-stubs   Generate Interface Stub Files.
  -emit-llvm              Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files
  -emit-merged-ifs        Generate Interface Stub Files, emit merged text not binary.
  --emit-static-lib       Enable linker job to emit a static library.
  --emit-symbol-graph= <value>
                          Generate Extract API information as a side effect of compilation.
                          Start emitting warnings for unused driver arguments
                          Comma separated list of files containing a new line separated list of API symbols to ignore when extracting API information.
  -extract-api            Extract API information
  -E                      Only run the preprocessor
  -faapcs-bitfield-load   Follows the AAPCS standard that all volatile bit-field write generates at least one load. (ARM only).
  -faapcs-bitfield-width  Follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -faddrsig               Emit an address-significance table
  -falign-loops=<N>       N must be a power of two. Align loops to the boundary
  -faligned-allocation    Enable C++17 aligned allocation functions
                          Treat editor placeholders as valid source code
                          Source-level compatibility for Altivec vectors (for PowerPC targets). This includes results of vector comparison (scalar for 'xl', vector for 'gcc') as well as behavior when initializing with a scalar (splatting for 'xl', element zero only for 'gcc'). For 'mixed', the compatibility is as 'gcc' for 'vector bool/vector pixel' and as 'xl' for other types. Current default is 'mixed'.
  -fansi-escape-codes     Use ANSI escape codes for diagnostics
  -fapple-kext            Use Apple's kernel extensions ABI
  -fapple-link-rtlib      Force linking the clang builtins runtime library
  -fapple-pragma-pack     Enable Apple gcc-compatible #pragma pack handling
  -fapplication-extension Restrict code to those available for App Extensions
  -fapprox-func           Allow certain math function calls to be replaced with an approximately equivalent calculation
  -fasync-exceptions      Enable EH Asynchronous exceptions
                          Place each function's basic blocks in unique sections (ELF Only)
                          Produced object files can use all ELF features supported by this binutils version and newer. If -fno-integrated-as is specified, the generated assembly will consider GNU as support. 'none' means that all ELF features can be used, regardless of binutils support. Defaults to 2.26.
  -fblocks                Enable the 'blocks' language feature
  -fborland-extensions    Accept non-standard constructs supported by the Borland compiler
                          Use the last modification time of <file> as the build session timestamp
  -fbuild-session-timestamp=<time since Epoch in seconds>
                          Time when the current build session started
  -fbuiltin-module-map    Load the clang builtins module map file.
  -fc++-abi=<value>       C++ ABI to use. This will override the target C++ ABI.
  -fcall-saved-x10        Make the x10 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x11        Make the x11 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x12        Make the x12 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x13        Make the x13 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x14        Make the x14 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x15        Make the x15 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x18        Make the x18 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x8         Make the x8 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x9         Make the x9 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
                          Set the maximum number of source lines to show in a caret diagnostic (0 = no limit).
  -fcf-protection=<value> Instrument control-flow architecture protection
  -fcf-protection         Enable cf-protection in 'full' mode
  -fchar8_t               Enable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fcheck-new             Do not assume C++ operator new may not return NULL
                          Attempt to match the ABI of Clang <version>
  -fcolor-diagnostics     Enable colors in diagnostics
                          Treat each comma separated argument in <arg> as a documentation comment block command
  -fcommon                Place uninitialized global variables in a common block
                          Require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a constexpr evaluation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive constexpr function calls
                          Set the maximum number of steps in constexpr function evaluation
                          Prefer aligned allocation for C++ Coroutines
  -fcoroutines            Enable support for the C++ Coroutines
                          The compilation directory to embed in the coverage mapping.
  -fcoverage-mapping      Generate coverage mapping to enable code coverage analysis
                          remap file source paths <old> to <new> in coverage mapping. If there are multiple options, prefix replacement is applied in reverse order starting from the last one
                          Put crash-report files in <dir>
                          Set level of crash diagnostic reporting, (option: off, compiler, all)
  -fcrash-diagnostics     Enable crash diagnostic reporting (default)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fcs-profile-generate   Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use approximate transcendental functions
  -fcuda-short-ptr        Use 32-bit pointers for accessing const/local/shared address spaces
  -fcxx-exceptions        Enable C++ exceptions
  -fcxx-modules           Enable modules for C++
  -fdata-sections         Place each data in its own section
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info
                          Default DWARF version to use, if a -g option caused DWARF debug info to be produced
                          Emit extra debug info to make sample profile more accurate
  -fdebug-macro           Emit macro debug information
                          For paths in debug info, remap directory <old> to <new>. If multiple options match a path, the last option wins
                          Use DWARF base address selection entries in .debug_ranges
  -fdebug-types-section   Place debug types in their own section (ELF Only)
  -fdeclspec              Allow __declspec as a keyword
                          Parse templated function definitions at the end of the translation unit
                          Treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior (default)
                          Print absolute paths in diagnostics
                          Prevent optimization remarks from being output if they do not have at least this profile count. Use 'auto' to apply the threshold from profile summary
                          Prevent misexpect diagnostics from being output if the profile counts are within N% of the expected. 
                          Print fix-its in machine parseable form
                          Print source range spans in numeric form
                          Enable profile hotness information in diagnostic line
                          Display include stacks for diagnostic notes
                          Print option name with mappable diagnostics
                          Print a template comparison tree for differing templates
  -fdigraphs              Enable alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:' (default)
                          Don't use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
  -fdiscard-value-names   Discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Allow '$' in identifiers
  -fdriver-only           Only run the driver.
  -fdwarf-exceptions      Use DWARF style exceptions
                          Do not emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fembed-bitcode-marker  Embed placeholder LLVM IR data as a marker
                          Embed LLVM bitcode
  -fembed-bitcode         Embed LLVM IR bitcode as data
                          Embed Offloading device-side binary into host object file as a section.
  -femit-all-decls        Emit all declarations, even if unused
                          Try emitting Compact-Unwind for non-canonical entries. Maybe overriden by other constraints
                          When to emit DWARF unwind (EH frame) info
  -femulated-tls          Use emutls functions to access thread_local variables
  -fenable-matrix         Enable matrix data type and related builtin functions
  -fexceptions            Enable support for exception handling
                          Allows control over excess precision on targets where native support for the precision types is not available. By default, excess precision is used to calculate intermediate results following the rules specified in ISO C99.
  -fexperimental-library  Control whether unstable and experimental library features are enabled. This option enables various library features that are either experimental (also known as TSes), or have been but are not stable yet in the selected Standard Library implementation. It is not recommended to use this option in production code, since neither ABI nor API stability are guaranteed. This is intended to provide a preview of features that will ship in the future for experimentation purposes
                          Enable the experimental new constant interpreter
                          Use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable sanitizer metadata for modules and functions that match the provided special case list
                          Specify the type of metadata to emit for binary analysis sanitizers
                          Enables the use of non-default rounding modes and non-default exception handling on targets that are not currently ready.
                          Controls how scalar integer arguments are extended in calls to unprototyped and varargs functions
  -ffast-math             Allow aggressive, lossy floating-point optimizations
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info and coverage mapping.
                          remap file source paths in debug info, predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -ffile-reproducible     Use the target's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use separate accesses for consecutive bitfield runs with legal widths and alignments.
  -ffinite-loops          Assume all loops are finite.
  -ffinite-math-only      Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-inf. This defines the \_\_FINITE\_MATH\_ONLY\_\_ preprocessor macro.
  -ffixed-a0              Reserve the a0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a1              Reserve the a1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a2              Reserve the a2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a3              Reserve the a3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a4              Reserve the a4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a5              Reserve the a5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a6              Reserve the a6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d0              Reserve the d0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d1              Reserve the d1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d2              Reserve the d2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d3              Reserve the d3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d4              Reserve the d4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d5              Reserve the d5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d6              Reserve the d6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d7              Reserve the d7 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-point           Enable fixed point types
  -ffixed-r19             Reserve register r19 (Hexagon only)
  -ffixed-r9              Reserve the r9 register (ARM only)
  -ffixed-x10             Reserve the x10 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x11             Reserve the x11 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x12             Reserve the x12 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x13             Reserve the x13 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x14             Reserve the x14 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x15             Reserve the x15 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x16             Reserve the x16 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x17             Reserve the x17 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x18             Reserve the x18 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x19             Reserve the x19 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x1              Reserve the x1 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x20             Reserve the x20 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x21             Reserve the x21 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x22             Reserve the x22 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x23             Reserve the x23 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x24             Reserve the x24 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x25             Reserve the x25 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x26             Reserve the x26 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x27             Reserve the x27 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x28             Reserve the x28 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x29             Reserve the x29 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x2              Reserve the x2 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x30             Reserve the x30 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x31             Reserve the x31 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x3              Reserve the x3 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x4              Reserve the x4 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x5              Reserve the x5 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x6              Reserve the x6 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x7              Reserve the x7 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x8              Reserve the x8 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x9              Reserve the x9 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -fforce-dwarf-frame     Always emit a debug frame section
  -fforce-emit-vtables    Emits more virtual tables to improve devirtualization
  -fforce-enable-int128   Enable support for int128_t type
  -ffp-contract=<value>   Form fused FP ops (e.g. FMAs)
                          Specifies the evaluation method to use for floating-point arithmetic.
                          Specifies the exception behavior of floating-point operations.
  -ffp-model=<value>      Controls the semantics of floating-point calculations.
  -ffreestanding          Assert that the compilation takes place in a freestanding environment
                          Set Fuchsia API level
  -ffunction-sections     Place each function in its own section
  -fglobal-isel           Enables the global instruction selector
  -fgnu-keywords          Allow GNU-extension keywords regardless of language standard
  -fgnu-runtime           Generate output compatible with the standard GNU Objective-C runtime
  -fgnu89-inline          Use the gnu89 inline semantics
  -fgnuc-version=<value>  Sets various macros to claim compatibility with the given GCC version (default is 4.2.1)
  -fgpu-allow-device-init Allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
                          Specify default stream. The default value is 'legacy'. (HIP only)
  -fgpu-defer-diag        Defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Flush denormal floating point values to zero in CUDA/HIP device mode.
  -fgpu-rdc               Generate relocatable device code, also known as separate compilation mode
  -fgpu-sanitize          Enable sanitizer for AMDGPU target
  -fhip-emit-relocatable  Compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
  -fhip-kernel-arg-name   Specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fhip-new-launch-api    Use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fhonor-infinities      Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not +-inf.
  -fhonor-nans            Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not NANs.
  -fignore-exceptions     Enable support for ignoring exception handling constructs
  -fimplicit-module-maps  Implicitly search the file system for module map files.
                          Enable incremental processing extensions such as processingstatements on the global scope.
  -finline-functions      Inline suitable functions
  -finline-hint-functions Inline functions which are (explicitly or implicitly) marked inline
                          Suppress inlining of functions whose stack size exceeds the given value
  -finput-charset=<value> Specify the default character set for source files
                          Instrument function entry only, after inlining, without arguments to the instrumentation call
                          Like -finstrument-functions, but insert the calls after inlining
  -finstrument-functions  Generate calls to instrument function entry and exit
  -fintegrated-as         Enable the integrated assembler
  -fintegrated-cc1        Run cc1 in-process
  -fintegrated-objemitter Use internal machine object code emitter.
  -fjmc                   Enable just-my-code debugging
  -fjump-tables           Use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Enable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fkeep-static-consts    Keep static const variables even if unused
                          Enable implicit vector bit-casts
  -flto-jobs=<value>      Controls the backend parallelism of -flto=thin (default of 0 means the number of threads will be derived from the number of CPUs detected)
  -flto=auto              Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=jobserver         Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=<value>           Set LTO mode
  -flto                   Enable LTO in 'full' mode
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a macro expansion backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          remap file source paths in predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -fmath-errno            Require math functions to indicate errors by setting errno
  -fmax-tokens=<value>    Max total number of preprocessed tokens for -Wmax-tokens.
                          Specify the maximum alignment to enforce on pointers lacking an explicit alignment
                          Use memory profile for profile-guided memory optimization
                          Enable heap memory profiling and dump results into <directory>
  -fmemory-profile        Enable heap memory profiling
  -fmerge-all-constants   Allow merging of constants
                          Format message diagnostics so that they fit within N columns
  -fminimize-whitespace   Ignore the whitespace from the input file when emitting preprocessor output. It will only contain whitespace when necessary, e.g. to keep two minus signs from merging into to an increment operator. Useful with the -P option to normalize whitespace such that two files with only formatting changes are equal.

Only valid with -E on C-like inputs and incompatible with -traditional-cpp.
                          Specify the mapping of module name to precompiled module file, or load a module file if name is omitted.
  -fmodule-header=<kind>  Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header that should be found in the user (fmodule-header=user) or system (fmodule-header=system) search path.
  -fmodule-header         Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header.
                          Load this module map file
  -fmodule-name=<name>    Specify the name of the module to build
  -fmodule-output=<value> Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
  -fmodule-output         Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
                          Specify the module cache path
  -fmodules-decluse       Require declaration of modules used within a module
                          Disable validation of the diagnostic options when loading the module
                          Ignore the definition of the given macro when building and loading modules
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) after which a module file will be considered unused
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) between attempts to prune the module cache
  -fmodules-search-all    Search even non-imported modules to resolve references
                          Like -fmodules-decluse but requires all headers to be in modules
  -fmodules-user-build-path <directory>
                          Specify the module user build path
                          Validate PCM input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Don't verify input files for the modules if the module has been successfully validated or loaded during this build session
                          Validate the system headers that a module depends on when loading the module
  -fmodules               Enable the 'modules' language feature
                          Dot-separated value representing the Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fms-compatibility      Enable full Microsoft Visual C++ compatibility
  -fms-extensions         Accept some non-standard constructs supported by the Microsoft compiler
  -fms-hotpatch           Ensure that all functions can be hotpatched at runtime
                          Select Windows run-time library
  -fmsc-version=<value>   Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fnew-alignment=<align> Specifies the largest alignment guaranteed by '::operator new(size_t)'
  -fnew-infallible        Enable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          Do not follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -fno-access-control     Disable C++ access control
  -fno-addrsig            Don't emit an address-significance table
                          Don't assume that C++'s global operator new can't alias any pointer
                          Disable optimizations based on vtable pointer identity
  -fno-autolink           Disable generation of linker directives for automatic library linking
  -fno-builtin-<value>    Disable implicit builtin knowledge of a specific function
  -fno-builtin            Disable implicit builtin knowledge of functions
                          Disable C++ static destructor registration
  -fno-char8_t            Disable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fno-color-diagnostics  Disable colors in diagnostics
  -fno-common             Compile common globals like normal definitions
                          Do not require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
  -fno-constant-cfstrings Disable creation of CodeFoundation-type constant strings
                          Assume all functions may be convergent.
  -fno-coverage-mapping   Disable code coverage analysis
  -fno-crash-diagnostics  Disable auto-generation of preprocessed source files and a script for reproduction during a clang crash
                          Don't use approximate transcendental functions
  -fno-cxx-modules        Disable modules for C++
  -fno-debug-macro        Do not emit macro debug information
  -fno-declspec           Disallow __declspec as a keyword
                          Disable delayed template parsing
                          Do not treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior
                          Do not include fixit information in diagnostics
                          Show line numbers in diagnostic code snippets
  -fno-digraphs           Disallow alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:'
                          Use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
                          Do not discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Disallow '$' in identifiers
  -fno-elide-constructors Disable C++ copy constructor elision
  -fno-elide-type         Do not elide types when printing diagnostics
                          Emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fno-exceptions         Disable support for exception handling
                          Do not use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable emitting metadata for binary analysis sanitizers
  -fno-file-reproducible  Use the host's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use large-integer access for consecutive bitfield runs.
  -fno-finite-loops       Do not assume that any loop is finite.
  -fno-fixed-point        Disable fixed point types
                          Disable support for int128_t type
  -fno-global-isel        Disables the global instruction selector
  -fno-gnu-inline-asm     Disable GNU style inline asm
                          Don't allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
  -fno-gpu-defer-diag     Don't defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Do not override toolchain to compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Don't specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
                          Don't specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fno-hip-new-launch-api Don't use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fno-integrated-as      Disable the integrated assembler
  -fno-integrated-cc1     Spawn a separate process for each cc1
                          Use external machine object code emitter.
  -fno-jump-tables        Do not use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Disable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fno-keep-static-consts Don't keep static const variables even if unused
  -fno-knr-functions      Disable support for K&R C function declarations
  -fno-lto                Disable LTO mode (default)
  -fno-memory-profile     Disable heap memory profiling
                          Disallow merging of constants
                          Skip checks for relocated modules when loading PCM files
                          Do not enforce -fmodules-decluse and private header restrictions for textual headers. This flag will be removed in a future Clang release.
  -fno-new-infallible     Disable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          do not infer Objective-C related result type based on method family
  -fno-offload-lto        Disable LTO mode (default) for offload compilation
  -fno-openmp-extensions  Disable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
  -fno-operator-names     Do not treat C++ operator name keywords as synonyms for operators
                          Disable tail call optimization, keeping the call stack accurate
  -fno-pch-codegen        Do not generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fno-pch-debuginfo      Do not generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
  -fno-plt                Use GOT indirection instead of PLT to make external function calls (x86 only)
                          Do not preserve comments in inline assembly
  -fno-profile-generate   Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
                          Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
  -fno-profile-instr-use  Disable using instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
                          Do not emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          Don't use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
  -fno-rtlib-add-rpath    Do not add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, do not add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -fno-rtti-data          Disable generation of RTTI data
  -fno-rtti               Disable generation of rtti information
                          Disable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Use default code inlining logic for the address sanitizer
                          Disable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable ODR indicator globals
                          Do not make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Disable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Disable features of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Disable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Don't use ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Disable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Disable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable recovery for specified sanitizers
                          Conventional ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fno-sanitize-stats     Disable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Disable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fno-sanitize-trap      Disable trapping for all sanitizers
  -fno-short-wchar        Force wchar_t to be an unsigned int
  -fno-show-column        Do not include column number on diagnostics
                          Do not include source location information with diagnostics
  -fno-signed-char        char is unsigned
  -fno-signed-zeros       Allow optimizations that ignore the sign of floating point zeros
  -fno-spell-checking     Disable spell-checking
                          Disable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fno-split-stack        Wouldn't use segmented stack
                          Disable stack clash protection
  -fno-stack-protector    Disable the use of stack protectors
  -fno-standalone-debug   Limit debug information produced to reduce size of debug binary
                          Relax language rules and try to match the behavior of the target's native float-to-int conversion instructions
  -fno-strict-return      Don't treat control flow paths that fall off the end of a non-void function as unreachable
  -fno-sycl               Disables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fno-temp-file          Directly create compilation output files. This may lead to incorrect incremental builds if the compiler crashes
  -fno-threadsafe-statics Do not emit code to make initialization of local statics thread safe
  -fno-trigraphs          Do not process trigraph sequences
  -fno-unified-lto        Use distinct LTO pipelines
                          Don't use unique names for text and data sections
  -fno-unroll-loops       Turn off loop unroller
  -fno-use-cxa-atexit     Don't use __cxa_atexit for calling destructors
  -fno-use-init-array     Use .ctors/.dtors instead of .init_array/.fini_array
                          Disables -fvisibility-inlines-hidden-static-local-var (this is the default on non-darwin targets)
                          Omit function index section at the expense of single-function patching performance
                          Don't place zero initialized data in BSS
  -fobjc-arc-exceptions   Use EH-safe code when synthesizing retains and releases in -fobjc-arc
  -fobjc-arc              Synthesize retain and release calls for Objective-C pointers
                          Ignore attribute objc_direct so that direct methods can be tested
                          Fully encode c++ class template specialization
  -fobjc-exceptions       Enable Objective-C exceptions
  -fobjc-runtime=<value>  Specify the target Objective-C runtime kind and version
  -fobjc-weak             Enable ARC-style weak references in Objective-C
  -foffload-lto=<value>   Set LTO mode for offload compilation
  -foffload-lto           Enable LTO in 'full' mode for offload compilation
  -fomit-frame-pointer    Omit the frame pointer from functions that don't need it. Some stack unwinding cases, such as profilers and sanitizers, may prefer specifying -fno-omit-frame-pointer. On many targets, -O1 and higher omit the frame pointer by default. -m[no-]omit-leaf-frame-pointer takes precedence for leaf functions
  -fopenmp-extensions     Enable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
                          Do not create a host fallback if offloading to the device fails.
  -fopenmp-simd           Emit OpenMP code only for SIMD-based constructs.
  -fopenmp-target-debug   Enable debugging in the OpenMP offloading device RTL
  -fopenmp-target-jit     Emit code that can be JIT compiled for OpenMP offloading. Implies -foffload-lto=full
                          Specify comma-separated list of triples OpenMP offloading targets to be supported
                          Set OpenMP version (e.g. 45 for OpenMP 4.5, 50 for OpenMP 5.0). Default value is 50 for Clang and 11 for Flang
  -fopenmp                Parse OpenMP pragmas and generate parallel code.
                          Maximum number of 'operator->'s to call for a member access
                          Specify the output name of the file containing the optimization remarks. Implies -fsave-optimization-record. On Darwin platforms, this cannot be used with multiple -arch <arch> options.
                          Only include passes which match a specified regular expression in the generated optimization record (by default, include all passes)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect order file into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fpack-struct=<value>   Specify the default maximum struct packing alignment
  -fpascal-strings        Recognize and construct Pascal-style string literals
  -fpass-plugin=<dsopath> Load pass plugin from a dynamic shared object file (only with new pass manager).
                          Generate M NOPs before function entry and N-M NOPs after function entry
  -fpcc-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return all structs on the stack
  -fpch-codegen           Generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fpch-debuginfo         Generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
                          Instantiate templates already while building a PCH
                          Validate PCH input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Pass <arg> to plugin <name>
  -fplugin=<dsopath>      Load the named plugin (dynamic shared object)
                          Look up implicit modules in the prebuilt module path
                          Specify the prebuilt module path
                          Save subprocess statistics to the given file
                          Print subprocess statistics
  -fprofile-arcs          Instrument code to produce gcov data files (*.gcda)
                          Instrument only functions from files where names don't match all the regexes separated by a semi-colon
                          Instrument only functions from files where names match any regex separated by a semi-colon
                          Partition functions into N groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented using -fprofile-selected-function-group
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fprofile-generate      Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <file> (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
  -fprofile-list=<value>  Filename defining the list of functions/files to instrument. The file uses the sanitizer special case list format.
                          Use the remappings described in <file> to match the profile data against names in the program
                          Specifies that the sample profile is accurate
                          Enable sample-based profile guided optimizations
                          Partition functions into N groups using -fprofile-function-groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented. The valid range is 0 to N-1 inclusive
                          Set update method of profile counters
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization. If pathname is a directory, it reads from <pathname>/default.profdata. Otherwise, it reads from file <pathname>.
  -fprotect-parens        Determines whether the optimizer honors parentheses when floating-point expressions are evaluated
                          Emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          File holding the seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
                          The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
  -freciprocal-math       Allow division operations to be reassociated
  -freg-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return small structs in registers
                          Use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
                          Enable C++17 relaxed template template argument matching
  -freroll-loops          Turn on loop reroller
  -fropi                  Generate read-only position independent code (ARM only)
  -frtlib-add-rpath       Add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, also add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -frwpi                  Generate read-write position independent code (ARM only)
                          Display suggestions to update code associated with -Wunsafe-buffer-usage warnings
                          Use profi to infer block and edge counts
                          Set the kind of module destructors emitted by AddressSanitizer instrumentation. These destructors are emitted to unregister instrumented global variables when code is unloaded (e.g. via `dlclose()`).
                          Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer
                          Enable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Always generate function calls for address sanitizer instrumentation
                          Enable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Select the mode of detecting stack use-after-return in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable ODR indicator globals to avoid false ODR violation reports in partially sanitized programs at the cost of an increase in binary size
                          Alias for -fsanitize-ignorelist=
                          Make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Enable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Normalize integers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Generalize pointers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Restrict sanitizer coverage instrumentation exclusively to modules and functions that match the provided special case list, except the blocked ones
                          Disable sanitizer coverage instrumentation for modules and functions that match the provided special case list, even the allowed ones
                          Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Select the HWAddressSanitizer ABI to target (interceptor or platform, default interceptor). This option is currently unused.
                          Enable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Path to ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Set default MTE mode to 'sync' (default) or 'async'
                          Enable recovery for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-stable-abi   Stable  ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fsanitize-stats        Enable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Path to system ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
  -fsanitize-trap=<value> Enable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-trap         Enable trapping for all sanitizers
                          Strip (or keep only, if negative) a given number of path components when emitting check metadata.
  -fsanitize=<check>      Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious behavior. See user manual for available checks
                          Generate an optimization record file in a specific format
                          Generate a YAML optimization record file
  -fseh-exceptions        Use SEH style exceptions
  -fshort-enums           Allocate to an enum type only as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of possible values
  -fshort-wchar           Force wchar_t to be a short unsigned int
                          Which overload candidates to show when overload resolution fails. Defaults to 'all'
  -fshow-skipped-includes Show skipped includes in -H output.
  -fsigned-char           char is signed
  -fsized-deallocation    Enable C++14 sized global deallocation functions
  -fsjlj-exceptions       Use SjLj style exceptions
  -fslp-vectorize         Enable the superword-level parallelism vectorization passes
                          Set the maximum number of times to perform spell checking on unrecognized identifiers (0 = no limit)
  -fsplit-dwarf-inlining  Provide minimal debug info in the object/executable to facilitate online symbolication/stack traces in the absence of .dwo/.dwp files when using Split DWARF
  -fsplit-lto-unit        Enables splitting of the LTO unit
                          Enable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fsplit-stack           Use segmented stack
                          Enable stack clash protection
  -fstack-protector-all   Enable stack protectors for all functions
                          Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. Compared to -fstack-protector, this uses a stronger heuristic that includes functions containing arrays of any size (and any type), as well as any calls to alloca or the taking of an address from a local variable
  -fstack-protector       Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. This uses a loose heuristic which considers functions vulnerable if they contain a char (or 8bit integer) array or constant sized calls to alloca , which are of greater size than ssp-buffer-size (default: 8 bytes). All variable sized calls to alloca are considered vulnerable. A function with a stack protector has a guard value added to the stack frame that is checked on function exit. The guard value must be positioned in the stack frame such that a buffer overflow from a vulnerable variable will overwrite the guard value before overwriting the function's return address. The reference stack guard value is stored in a global variable.
  -fstack-size-section    Emit section containing metadata on function stack sizes
  -fstack-usage           Emit .su file containing information on function stack sizes
  -fstandalone-debug      Emit full debug info for all types used by the program
  -fstrict-enums          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's value range
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of flexible arrays
                          Assume that overflowing float-to-int casts are undefined (default)
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict rules for overwriting polymorphic C++ objects
                          Control emission of Swift async extended frame info
  -fsycl                  Enables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fsyntax-only           Run the preprocessor, parser and semantic analysis stages
  -fsystem-module         Build this module as a system module. Only used with -emit-module
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a template instantiation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive template instantiation
  -ftest-coverage         Produce gcov notes files (*.gcno)
                          Write minimized bitcode to <file> for the ThinLTO thin link only
  -fthinlto-index=<value> Perform ThinLTO importing using provided function summary index
  -ftime-report=<value>   (For new pass manager) 'per-pass': one report for each pass; 'per-pass-run': one report for each pass invocation
                          Minimum time granularity (in microseconds) traced by time profiler
  -ftime-trace=<value>    Similar to -ftime-trace. Specify the JSON file or a directory which will contain the JSON file
  -ftime-trace            Turn on time profiler. Generates JSON file based on output filename.
  -ftrap-function=<value> Issue call to specified function rather than a trap instruction
  -ftrapv-handler=<function name>
                          Specify the function to be called on overflow
  -ftrapv                 Trap on integer overflow
  -ftrigraphs             Process trigraph sequences
                          Stop initializing trivial automatic stack variables after the specified number of instances
                          Initialize trivial automatic stack variables. Defaults to 'uninitialized'
  -funified-lto           Use the unified LTO pipeline
                          Use unique names for basic block sections (ELF Only)
                          Uniqueify Internal Linkage Symbol Names by appending the MD5 hash of the module path
  -funroll-loops          Turn on loop unroller
                          Allow unsafe floating-point math optimizations which may decrease precision
  -fuse-cuid=<value>      Method to generate ID's for compilation units for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP: 'hash' (ID's generated by hashing file path and command line options) | 'random' (ID's generated as random numbers) | 'none' (disabled). Default is 'hash'. This option will be overridden by option '-cuid=[ID]' if it is specified.
  -fuse-line-directives   Use #line in preprocessed output
                          Compute and store the hash of input files used to build an AST. Files with mismatching mtime's are considered valid if both contents is identical
  -fveclib=<value>        Use the given vector functions library
  -fvectorize             Enable the loop vectorization passes
  -fverbose-asm           Generate verbose assembly output
                          Enables dead virtual function elimination optimization. Requires -flto=full
                          The visibility for dllexport definitions [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for dllimport external declarations [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for external declarations without an explicit DLL dllstorageclass [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          Set the visibility of symbols in the generated code from their DLL storage class
                          Give global C++ operator new and delete declarations hidden visibility
                          When -fvisibility-inlines-hidden is enabled, static variables in inline C++ member functions will also be given hidden visibility by default
                          Give inline C++ member functions hidden visibility by default
  -fvisibility-ms-compat  Give global types 'default' visibility and global functions and variables 'hidden' visibility by default
                          The visibility for definitions without an explicit DLL export class [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
  -fvisibility=<value>    Set the default symbol visibility for all global definitions
  -fwasm-exceptions       Use WebAssembly style exceptions
  -fwhole-program-vtables Enables whole-program vtable optimization. Requires -flto
  -fwrapv                 Treat signed integer overflow as two's complement
  -fwritable-strings      Store string literals as writable data
  -fxl-pragma-pack        Enable IBM XL #pragma pack handling
                          Always emit __xray_customevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          Always emit __xray_typedevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'always instrument' XRay attribute.
                          Filename defining the list of functions/types for imbuing XRay attributes.
                          Only instrument 1 of N groups
  -fxray-ignore-loops     Don't instrument functions with loops unless they also meet the minimum function size
                          Sets the minimum function size to instrument with XRay
                          Select which XRay instrumentation points to emit. Options: all, none, function-entry, function-exit, function, custom. Default is 'all'.  'function' includes both 'function-entry' and 'function-exit'.
  -fxray-instrument       Generate XRay instrumentation sleds on function entry and exit
  -fxray-link-deps        Link XRay runtime library when -fxray-instrument is specified (default)
  -fxray-modes=<value>    List of modes to link in by default into XRay instrumented binaries.
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'never instrument' XRay attribute.
                          When using -fxray-function-groups, select which group of functions to instrument. Valid range is 0 to fxray-function-groups - 1
                          Clear call-used registers upon function return (AArch64/x86 only)
  -fzvector               Enable System z vector language extension
  -F <value>              Add directory to framework include search path
                          Use GCC installation in the specified directory. The directory ends with path components like 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Note: executables (e.g. ld) used by the compiler are not overridden by the selected GCC installation
  --gcc-toolchain=<value> Specify a directory where Clang can find 'include' and 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Clang will use the GCC installation with the largest version
  -gcodeview-command-line Emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gcodeview-ghash        Emit type record hashes in a .debug$H section
  -gcodeview              Generate CodeView debug information
  -gdwarf-2               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 2
  -gdwarf-3               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 3
  -gdwarf-4               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 4
  -gdwarf-5               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 5
  -gdwarf32               Enables DWARF32 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf64               Enables DWARF64 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf                 Generate source-level debug information with the default dwarf version
  -gembed-source          Embed source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gen-reproducer=<value> Emit reproducer on (option: off, crash (default), error, always)
  -gline-directives-only  Emit debug line info directives only
  -gline-tables-only      Emit debug line number tables only
  -gmodules               Generate debug info with external references to clang modules or precompiled headers
                          Don't emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gno-embed-source       Restore the default behavior of not embedding source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gno-inline-line-tables Don't emit inline line tables.
  --gpu-bundle-output     Bundle output files of HIP device compilation
                          Instrument device library for HIP, which is a LLVM bitcode containing __cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit
                          Default max threads per block for kernel launch bounds for HIP
  -gsplit-dwarf=<value>   Set DWARF fission mode
  -gstrict-dwarf          Restrict DWARF features to those defined in the specified version, avoiding features from later versions.
  -gz=<value>             DWARF debug sections compression type
  -G <size>               Put objects of at most <size> bytes into small data section (MIPS / Hexagon)
  -g                      Generate source-level debug information
  --help-hidden           Display help for hidden options
  -help                   Display available options
                          HIP device library
  --hip-link              Link clang-offload-bundler bundles for HIP
  --hip-path=<value>      HIP runtime installation path, used for finding HIP version and adding HIP include path.
  --hip-version=<value>   HIP version in the format of major.minor.patch
                          path to a pass plugin for HIP to SPIR-V passes.
  -H                      Show header includes and nesting depth
  -I-                     Restrict all prior -I flags to double-quoted inclusion and remove current directory from include path
  -ibuiltininc            Enable builtin #include directories even when -nostdinc is used before or after -ibuiltininc. Using -nobuiltininc after the option disables it
  -idirafter <value>      Add directory to AFTER include search path
  -iframeworkwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -iframework <value>     Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path
  -imacros <file>         Include macros from file before parsing
  -include-pch <file>     Include precompiled header file
  -include <file>         Include file before parsing
  -index-header-map       Make the next included directory (-I or -F) an indexer header map
  -iprefix <dir>          Set the -iwithprefix/-iwithprefixbefore prefix
  -iquote <directory>     Add directory to QUOTE include search path
  -isysroot <dir>         Set the system root directory (usually /)
  -isystem-after <directory>
                          Add directory to end of the SYSTEM include search path
  -isystem <directory>    Add directory to SYSTEM include search path
  -ivfsoverlay <value>    Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system
  -iwithprefixbefore <dir>
                          Set directory to include search path with prefix
  -iwithprefix <dir>      Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix
  -iwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM include search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -I <dir>                Add directory to the end of the list of include search paths
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-nvptx bitcode library
  -L <dir>                Add directory to library search path
  -mabi=quadword-atomics  Enable quadword atomics ABI on AIX (AIX PPC64 only). Uses lqarx/stqcx. instructions.
  -mabicalls              Enable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
  -maix-struct-return     Return all structs in memory (PPC32 only)
                          Specify the boundary's size to align branches
  -malign-branch=<value>  Specify types of branches to align
  -malign-double          Align doubles to two words in structs (x86 only)
  -maltivec               Enable AltiVec vector initializer syntax
  -mamdgpu-ieee           Sets the IEEE bit in the expected default floating point  mode register. Floating point opcodes that support exception flag gathering quiet and propagate signaling NaN inputs per IEEE 754-2008. This option changes the ABI. (AMDGPU only)
  -march=<value>          For a list of available architectures for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mbackchain             Link stack frames through backchain on System Z
                          Enforce targets of indirect branches and function returns
                          Align selected branches (fused, jcc, jmp) within 32-byte boundary
  -mcabac                 Enable CABAC instructions
  -mcmodel=medany         Equivalent to -mcmodel=medium, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmodel=medlow         Equivalent to -mcmodel=small, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmse                  Allow use of CMSE (Armv8-M Security Extensions)
                          Specify code object ABI version. Defaults to 4. (AMDGPU only)
  -mcpu=<value>           For a list of available CPUs for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mcrbits                Control the CR-bit tracking feature on PowerPC. ``-mcrbits`` (the enablement of CR-bit tracking support) is the default for POWER8 and above, as well as for all other CPUs when optimization is applied (-O2 and above).
  -mcrc                   Allow use of CRC instructions (ARM/Mips only)
  -mcumode                Specify CU wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Mapping between default visibility and export
  -mdouble=<n             Force double to be <n> bits
  -MD                     Write a depfile containing user and system headers
  -meabi <value>          Set EABI type. Default depends on triple)
  -membedded-data         Place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata section even if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Enable use of experimental RISC-V extensions.
  -mexec-model=<value>    Execution model (WebAssembly only)
  -mexecute-only          Disallow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mextern-sdata          Assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mfentry                Insert calls to fentry at function entry (x86/SystemZ only)
                          Work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
  -mfix-cortex-a53-835769 Workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mfp32                  Use 32-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mfp64                  Use 64-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mframe-chain=<value>   Select the frame chain model used to emit frame records (Arm only).
                          Replace returns with jumps to ``__x86_return_thunk`` (x86 only, error otherwise)
  -MF <file>              Write depfile output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to <file>
  -mgeneral-regs-only     Generate code which only uses the general purpose registers (AArch64/x86 only)
  -mglobal-merge          Enable merging of globals
  -mgpopt                 Use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mguard=<value>         Enable or disable Control Flow Guard checks and guard tables emission
  -MG                     Add missing headers to depfile
  -mharden-sls=<value>    Select straight-line speculation hardening scope (ARM/AArch64/X86 only). <arg> must be: all, none, retbr(ARM/AArch64), blr(ARM/AArch64), comdat(ARM/AArch64), nocomdat(ARM/AArch64), return(X86), indirect-jmp(X86)
  -mhvx-ieee-fp           Enable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mhvx-length=<value>    Set Hexagon Vector Length
  -mhvx-qfloat            Enable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mhvx=<value>           Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mhvx                   Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -miamcu                 Use Intel MCU ABI
                          Not emit the visibility attribute for asm in AIX OS or give all symbols 'unspecified' visibility in XCOFF object file
  --migrate               Run the migrator
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which can be used with an incremental linker
                          Add cs prefix to call and jmp to indirect thunk
  -mindirect-jump=<value> Change indirect jump instructions to inhibit speculation
                          Set iOS deployment target
  -MJ <value>             Write a compilation database entry per input
  -mllvm=<arg>            Alias for -mllvm
  -mllvm <value>          Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing
  -mlocal-sdata           Extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mlong-calls            Generate branches with extended addressability, usually via indirect jumps.
  -mlong-double-128       Force long double to be 128 bits
  -mlong-double-64        Force long double to be 64 bits
  -mlong-double-80        Force long double to be 80 bits, padded to 128 bits for storage
  -mlvi-cfi               Enable only control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mlvi-hardening         Enable all mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
                          Set macOS deployment target
  -mmadd4                 Enable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mmark-bti-property     Add with BTI to assembly files (AArch64 only)
  -MMD                    Write a depfile containing user headers
  -mmemops                Enable generation of memop instructions
  -mmlir <value>          Additional arguments to forward to MLIR's option processing
  -mms-bitfields          Set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mmsa                   Enable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mmt                    Enable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -MM                     Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
  -mno-abicalls           Disable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
                          Do not add a BTI instruction after a setjmp or other return-twice construct (Arm/AArch64 only)
  -mno-crc                Disallow use of CRC instructions (Mips only)
  -mno-cumode             Specify WGP wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mno-embedded-data      Do not place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mno-execute-only       Allow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mno-extern-sdata       Do not assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Don't work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
                          Don't workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mno-fmv                Disable function multiversioning
  -mno-gather             Disable generation of gather instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-global-merge       Disable merging of globals
  -mno-gpopt              Do not use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mno-hvx-ieee-fp        Disable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mno-hvx-qfloat         Disable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mno-hvx                Disable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mno-implicit-float     Don't generate implicit floating point or vector instructions
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which cannot be used with an incremental linker
  -mno-local-sdata        Do not extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mno-long-calls         Restore the default behaviour of not generating long calls
  -mno-lvi-cfi            Disable control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-lvi-hardening      Disable mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-madd4              Disable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mno-memops             Disable generation of memop instructions
  -mno-movt               Disallow use of movt/movw pairs (ARM only)
  -mno-ms-bitfields       Do not set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mno-msa                Disable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-mt                 Disable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-neg-immediates     Disallow converting instructions with negative immediates to their negation or inversion.
  -mno-nvj                Disable generation of new-value jumps
  -mno-nvs                Disable generation of new-value stores
  -mno-outline-atomics    Don't generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -mno-outline            Disable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mno-packets            Disable generation of instruction packets
                          Don't assume data segments are relative to text segment
  -mno-relax              Disable linker relaxation
  -mno-restrict-it        Allow generation of complex IT blocks.
  -mno-save-restore       Disable using library calls for save and restore
  -mno-scatter            Disable generation of scatter instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-seses              Disable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES)
  -mno-stack-arg-probe    Disable stack probes which are enabled by default
  -mno-tgsplit            Disable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Disable direct TLS access through segment registers
  -mno-unaligned-access   Force all memory accesses to be aligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -mno-wavefrontsize64    Specify wavefront size 32 mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mnocrc                 Disallow use of CRC instructions (ARM only)
  -mnop-mcount            Generate mcount/__fentry__ calls as nops. To activate they need to be patched in.
  -mnvj                   Enable generation of new-value jumps
  -mnvs                   Enable generation of new-value stores
  -module-dependency-dir <value>
                          Directory to dump module dependencies to
  -module-file-info       Provide information about a particular module file
                          Omit frame pointer setup for leaf functions
  -moutline-atomics       Generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -moutline               Enable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mpacked-stack          Use packed stack layout (SystemZ only).
  -mpackets               Enable generation of instruction packets
                          Specify maximum number of prefixes to use for padding
                          Assume data segments are relative to text segment
                          Specifies preferred vector width for auto-vectorization. Defaults to 'none' which allows target specific decisions.
  -mprintf-kind=<value>   Specify the printf lowering scheme (AMDGPU only), allowed values are "hostcall"(printing happens during kernel execution, this scheme relies on hostcalls which require system to support pcie atomics) and "buffered"(printing happens after all kernel threads exit, this uses a printf buffer and does not rely on pcie atomic support)
  -MP                     Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)
  -mqdsp6-compat          Enable hexagon-qdsp6 backward compatibility
  -MQ <value>             Specify name of main file output to quote in depfile
  -mrecip=<value>         Control use of approximate reciprocal and reciprocal square root instructions followed by <n> iterations of Newton-Raphson refinement. <value> = ( ['!'] ['vec-'] ('rcp'|'sqrt') [('h'|'s'|'d')] [':'<n>] ) | 'all' | 'default' | 'none'
  -mrecip                 Equivalent to '-mrecip=all'
  -mrecord-mcount         Generate a __mcount_loc section entry for each __fentry__ call.
  -mrelax-all             (integrated-as) Relax all machine instructions
  -mrelax                 Enable linker relaxation
  -mrestrict-it           Disallow generation of complex IT blocks. It is off by default.
  -mrtd                   Make StdCall calling convention the default
                          Specify the size in bits of an RVV vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". Accepts power of 2 values between 64 and 65536. Also accepts "zvl" to use the value implied by -march/-mcpu. Value will be reflected in __riscv_v_fixed_vlen preprocessor define (RISC-V only)
  -msave-restore          Enable using library calls for save and restore
  -mseses                 Enable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES). Includes LVI control flow integrity mitigations
                          Select return address signing scope
  -mskip-rax-setup        Skip setting up RAX register when passing variable arguments (x86 only)
                          Put global and static data smaller than the limit into a special section
  -msoft-float            Use software floating point
                          Set the stack alignment
  -mstack-arg-probe       Enable stack probes
                          Set the stack probe size
                          Use the given offset for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given reg for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given symbol for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given guard (global, tls) for addressing the stack-protector guard
  -mstackrealign          Force realign the stack at entry to every function
                          Specify the size in bits of an SVE vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". (AArch64 only)
  -msvr4-struct-return    Return small structs in registers (PPC32 only)
  -mtargetos=<value>      Set the deployment target to be the specified OS and OS version
  -mtgsplit               Enable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mthread-model <value>  The thread model to use. Defaults to 'posix')
  -mtls-direct-seg-refs   Enable direct TLS access through segment registers (default)
  -mtls-size=<value>      Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets (AArch64 ELF only): 12 (for 4KB) | 24 (for 16MB, default) | 32 (for 4GB) | 48 (for 256TB, needs -mcmodel=large)
  -mtp=<value>            Thread pointer access method. For AArch32: 'soft' uses a function call, or 'tpidrurw', 'tpidruro' or 'tpidrprw' use the three CP15 registers. 'cp15' is an alias for 'tpidruro'. For AArch64: 'tpidr_el0', 'tpidr_el1', 'tpidr_el2', 'tpidr_el3' or 'tpidrro_el0' use the five system registers. 'elN' is an alias for 'tpidr_elN'.
  -mtune=<value>          Only supported on AArch64, PowerPC, RISC-V, SystemZ, and X86
  -MT <value>             Specify name of main file output in depfile
  -munaligned-access      Allow memory accesses to be unaligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -munsafe-fp-atomics     Enable generation of unsafe floating point atomic instructions. May generate more efficient code, but may not respect rounding and denormal modes, and may give incorrect results for certain memory destinations. (AMDGPU only)
  -mvscale-max=<value>    Specify the vscale maximum. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "0". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -mvscale-min=<value>    Specify the vscale minimum. Defaults to "1". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -MV                     Use NMake/Jom format for the depfile
  -mwavefrontsize64       Specify wavefront size 64 mode (AMDGPU only)
                          On AIX, request creation of a build-id string, "0xHEXSTRING", in the string table of the loader section inside the linked binary
  -mxcoff-roptr           Place constant objects with relocatable address values in the RO data section and add -bforceimprw to the linker flags (AIX only)
                          High level qualifier for z/OS C++RT side deck datasets
                          High level qualifier for z/OS CSSLIB dataset
  -mzos-hlq-le=<LeHLQ>    High level qualifier for z/OS Language Environment datasets
                          Path to system headers on z/OS
  -M                      Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
                          Do not include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
  --no-cuda-version-check Don't error out if the detected version of the CUDA install is too low for the requested CUDA gpu architecture.
  --no-default-config     Disable loading default configuration files
  --no-gpu-bundle-output  Do not bundle output files of HIP device compilation
  -no-hip-rt              Do not link against HIP runtime libraries
                          Remove CUDA/HIP offloading device architecture (e.g. sm_35, gfx906) from the list of devices to compile for. 'all' resets the list to its default value.
  --no-offload-new-driver Don't Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as not including a system header.
  -nobuiltininc           Disable builtin #include directories
  -nogpuinc               Do not add include paths for CUDA/HIP and do not include the default CUDA/HIP wrapper headers
  -nogpulib               Do not link device library for CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -nohipwrapperinc        Do not include the default HIP wrapper headers and include paths
  -nostdinc++             Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library
                          Tool used for detecting NVIDIA GPU arch in the system.
  -ObjC++                 Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs
                          Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path
  -objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties
  -objcmt-migrate-all     Enable migration to modern ObjC
                          Enable migration to property and method annotations
                          Enable migration to infer NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for initializer methods
                          Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC literals
                          Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros
                          Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC property
                          Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting
                          Enable migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' attribute
                          Enable migration to annotate property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER
                          Alias for -objcmt-allowlist-dir-path
  -ObjC                   Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs
                          Set the output <file> for debug infos
  --offload-arch=<value>  Specify an offloading device architecture for CUDA, HIP, or OpenMP. (e.g. sm_35). If 'native' is used the compiler will detect locally installed architectures. For HIP offloading, the device architecture can be followed by target ID features delimited by a colon (e.g. gfx908:xnack+:sramecc-). May be specified more than once.
  --offload-device-only   Only compile for the offloading device.
  --offload-host-device   Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-host-only     Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-link          Use the new offloading linker to perform the link job.
  --offload-new-driver    Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
  --offload=<value>       Specify comma-separated list of offloading target triples (CUDA and HIP only)
  -o <file>               Write output to <file>
  -pedantic               Warn on language extensions
  -pg                     Enable mcount instrumentation
  -pipe                   Use pipes between commands, when possible
  --precompile            Only precompile the input
                          Print all of Clang's warning options
  -print-effective-triple Print the effective target triple
  -print-file-name=<file> Print the full library path of <file>
  -print-ivar-layout      Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace
  -print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for the currently used compiler runtime library ("libgcc.a" or "libclang_rt.builtins.*.a")
                          Print the flags used for selecting multilibs (experimental)
  -print-prog-name=<name> Print the full program path of <name>
  -print-resource-dir     Print the resource directory pathname
  -print-rocm-search-dirs Print the paths used for finding ROCm installation
  -print-runtime-dir      Print the directory pathname containing clangs runtime libraries
  -print-search-dirs      Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs
  -print-supported-cpus   Print supported cpu models for the given target (if target is not specified, it will print the supported cpus for the default target)
  -print-target-triple    Print the normalized target triple
  -print-targets          Print the registered targets
  -pthread                Support POSIX threads in generated code
  --ptxas-path=<value>    Path to ptxas (used for compiling CUDA code)
  -P                      Disable linemarker output in -E mode
  -p                      Enable mcount instrumentation with prof
  -Qn                     Do not emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -Qunused-arguments      Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments
  -Qy                     Emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -relocatable-pch        Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header
  -rewrite-legacy-objc    Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++
  -rewrite-objc           Rewrite Objective-C source to C++
                          ROCm device library path. Alternative to rocm-path.
  --rocm-path=<value>     ROCm installation path, used for finding and automatically linking required bitcode libraries.
  -Rpass-analysis=<value> Report transformation analysis from optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass-missed=<value>   Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass=<value>          Report transformations performed by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -rtlib=<value>          Compiler runtime library to use
  -R<remark>              Enable the specified remark
  -save-stats=<value>     Save llvm statistics.
  -save-stats             Save llvm statistics.
  -save-temps=<value>     Save intermediate compilation results.
  -save-temps             Save intermediate compilation results
  -serialize-diagnostics <value>
                          Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file
  -shared-libsan          Dynamically link the sanitizer runtime
                          Don't emit warnings about unused arguments for the following arguments
  -static-libsan          Statically link the sanitizer runtime (Not supported for ASan, TSan or UBSan on darwin)
  -static-openmp          Use the static host OpenMP runtime while linking.
  -std=<value>            Language standard to compile for
  -stdlib++-isystem <directory>
                          Use directory as the C++ standard library include path
  -stdlib=<value>         C++ standard library to use
  -sycl-std=<value>       SYCL language standard to compile for.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as including a system header.
  -S                      Only run preprocess and compilation steps
  --target=<value>        Generate code for the given target
  -time                   Time individual commands
  -traditional-cpp        Enable some traditional CPP emulation
  -trigraphs              Process trigraph sequences
  -T <script>             Specify <script> as linker script
  -undef                  undef all system defines
  -unwindlib=<value>      Unwind library to use
  -U <macro>              Undefine macro <macro>
  --verify-debug-info     Verify the binary representation of debug output
  -verify-pch             Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is not stale
  --version               Print version information
  -vfsoverlay <value>     Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system. Additionally, pass this overlay file to the linker if it supports it
  -v                      Show commands to run and use verbose output
  -Wa,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the assembler
  -Wdeprecated            Enable warnings for deprecated constructs and define __DEPRECATED
  -Wl,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the linker
  -working-directory <value>
                          Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory
  -Wp,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the preprocessor
  -W<warning>             Enable the specified warning
  -w                      Suppress all warnings
  -Xanalyzer <arg>        Pass <arg> to the static analyzer
  -Xarch_device <arg>     Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -Xarch_host <arg>       Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP host compilation
  -Xassembler <arg>       Pass <arg> to the assembler
  -Xclang=<arg>           Alias for -Xclang
  -Xclang <arg>           Pass <arg> to clang -cc1
  -Xcuda-fatbinary <arg>  Pass <arg> to fatbinary invocation
  -Xcuda-ptxas <arg>      Pass <arg> to the ptxas assembler
  -Xlinker <arg>          Pass <arg> to the linker
  -Xoffload-linker<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the offload linkers or the ones idenfied by -<triple>
  -Xopenmp-target=<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain identified by <triple>.
  -Xopenmp-target <arg>   Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>    Pass <arg> to the preprocessor
  -x <language>           Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>
  -z <arg>                Pass -z <arg> to the linker


Afl-clang-lto++ (8) - afl-cc++4.21c by Michal Zalewski, Laszlo Szekeres, Marc Heuse afl-cc

root@kali:~# afl-clang-lto++ --help
OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler

USAGE: clang [options] file...

  -###                    Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation
                          Tool used for detecting AMD GPU arch in the system.
  --analyzer-output <value>
                          Static analyzer report output format (html|plist|plist-multi-file|plist-html|sarif|sarif-html|text).
  --analyze               Run the static analyzer
                          Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them
  -arcmt-migrate-report-output <value>
                          Output path for the plist report
  -B <prefix>             Search $prefix$file for executables, libraries, and data files. If $prefix is a directory, search $prefix/$file
  -b <arg>                Pass -b <arg> to the linker on AIX
  -CC                     Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output
  -cl-denorms-are-zero    OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero.
  -cl-ext=<value>         OpenCL only. Enable or disable OpenCL extensions/optional features. The argument is a comma-separated sequence of one or more extension names, each prefixed by '+' or '-'.
  -cl-fast-relaxed-math   OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__.
  -cl-finite-math-only    OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf.
                          OpenCL only. Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded.
  -cl-kernel-arg-info     OpenCL only. Generate kernel argument metadata.
  -cl-mad-enable          OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise MAD computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-signed-zeros     OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise no signed zeros computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-stdinc           OpenCL only. Disables all standard includes containing non-native compiler types and functions.
  -cl-opt-disable         OpenCL only. This option disables all optimizations. By default optimizations are enabled.
                          OpenCL only. Treat double precision floating-point constant as single precision constant.
  -cl-std=<value>         OpenCL language standard to compile for.
  -cl-strict-aliasing     OpenCL only. This option is added for compatibility with OpenCL 1.0.
                          OpenCL only. Defines that the global work-size be a multiple of the work-group size specified to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
                          OpenCL only. Allow unsafe floating-point optimizations.  Also implies -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-mad-enable.
  --config=<file>         Specify configuration file
                          Compile CUDA code for both host and device (default). Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
  --cuda-device-only      Compile CUDA code for device only
  --cuda-feature=<value>  Manually specify the CUDA feature to use
  --cuda-host-only        Compile CUDA code for host only. Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
                          Include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
                          Enable device-side debug info generation. Disables ptxas optimizations.
  --cuda-path-ignore-env  Ignore environment variables to detect CUDA installation
  --cuda-path=<value>     CUDA installation path
  -cuid=<value>           An ID for compilation unit, which should be the same for the same compilation unit but different for different compilation units. It is used to externalize device-side static variables for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP so that they can be accessed by the host code of the same compilation unit.
  -cxx-isystem <directory>
                          Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path
  -C                      Include comments in preprocessed output
  -c                      Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps
  -darwin-target-variant-triple <value>
                          Specify the darwin target variant triple
  -darwin-target-variant <value>
                          Generate code for an additional runtime variant of the deployment target
  -dD                     Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dependency-dot <value> Filename to write DOT-formatted header dependencies to
  -dependency-file <value>
                          Filename (or -) to write dependency output to
  -dI                     Print include directives in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dM                     Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output
  -dsym-dir <dir>         Directory to output dSYM's (if any) to
  -dumpdir <dumppfx>      Use <dumpfpx> as a prefix to form auxiliary and dump file names
  -D <macro>=<value>      Define <macro> to <value> (or 1 if <value> omitted)
  -emit-ast               Emit Clang AST files for source inputs
  -emit-interface-stubs   Generate Interface Stub Files.
  -emit-llvm              Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files
  -emit-merged-ifs        Generate Interface Stub Files, emit merged text not binary.
  --emit-static-lib       Enable linker job to emit a static library.
  --emit-symbol-graph= <value>
                          Generate Extract API information as a side effect of compilation.
                          Start emitting warnings for unused driver arguments
                          Comma separated list of files containing a new line separated list of API symbols to ignore when extracting API information.
  -extract-api            Extract API information
  -E                      Only run the preprocessor
  -faapcs-bitfield-load   Follows the AAPCS standard that all volatile bit-field write generates at least one load. (ARM only).
  -faapcs-bitfield-width  Follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -faddrsig               Emit an address-significance table
  -falign-loops=<N>       N must be a power of two. Align loops to the boundary
  -faligned-allocation    Enable C++17 aligned allocation functions
                          Treat editor placeholders as valid source code
                          Source-level compatibility for Altivec vectors (for PowerPC targets). This includes results of vector comparison (scalar for 'xl', vector for 'gcc') as well as behavior when initializing with a scalar (splatting for 'xl', element zero only for 'gcc'). For 'mixed', the compatibility is as 'gcc' for 'vector bool/vector pixel' and as 'xl' for other types. Current default is 'mixed'.
  -fansi-escape-codes     Use ANSI escape codes for diagnostics
  -fapple-kext            Use Apple's kernel extensions ABI
  -fapple-link-rtlib      Force linking the clang builtins runtime library
  -fapple-pragma-pack     Enable Apple gcc-compatible #pragma pack handling
  -fapplication-extension Restrict code to those available for App Extensions
  -fapprox-func           Allow certain math function calls to be replaced with an approximately equivalent calculation
  -fasync-exceptions      Enable EH Asynchronous exceptions
                          Place each function's basic blocks in unique sections (ELF Only)
                          Produced object files can use all ELF features supported by this binutils version and newer. If -fno-integrated-as is specified, the generated assembly will consider GNU as support. 'none' means that all ELF features can be used, regardless of binutils support. Defaults to 2.26.
  -fblocks                Enable the 'blocks' language feature
  -fborland-extensions    Accept non-standard constructs supported by the Borland compiler
                          Use the last modification time of <file> as the build session timestamp
  -fbuild-session-timestamp=<time since Epoch in seconds>
                          Time when the current build session started
  -fbuiltin-module-map    Load the clang builtins module map file.
  -fc++-abi=<value>       C++ ABI to use. This will override the target C++ ABI.
  -fcall-saved-x10        Make the x10 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x11        Make the x11 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x12        Make the x12 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x13        Make the x13 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x14        Make the x14 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x15        Make the x15 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x18        Make the x18 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x8         Make the x8 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x9         Make the x9 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
                          Set the maximum number of source lines to show in a caret diagnostic (0 = no limit).
  -fcf-protection=<value> Instrument control-flow architecture protection
  -fcf-protection         Enable cf-protection in 'full' mode
  -fchar8_t               Enable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fcheck-new             Do not assume C++ operator new may not return NULL
                          Attempt to match the ABI of Clang <version>
  -fcolor-diagnostics     Enable colors in diagnostics
                          Treat each comma separated argument in <arg> as a documentation comment block command
  -fcommon                Place uninitialized global variables in a common block
                          Require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a constexpr evaluation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive constexpr function calls
                          Set the maximum number of steps in constexpr function evaluation
                          Prefer aligned allocation for C++ Coroutines
  -fcoroutines            Enable support for the C++ Coroutines
                          The compilation directory to embed in the coverage mapping.
  -fcoverage-mapping      Generate coverage mapping to enable code coverage analysis
                          remap file source paths <old> to <new> in coverage mapping. If there are multiple options, prefix replacement is applied in reverse order starting from the last one
                          Put crash-report files in <dir>
                          Set level of crash diagnostic reporting, (option: off, compiler, all)
  -fcrash-diagnostics     Enable crash diagnostic reporting (default)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fcs-profile-generate   Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use approximate transcendental functions
  -fcuda-short-ptr        Use 32-bit pointers for accessing const/local/shared address spaces
  -fcxx-exceptions        Enable C++ exceptions
  -fcxx-modules           Enable modules for C++
  -fdata-sections         Place each data in its own section
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info
                          Default DWARF version to use, if a -g option caused DWARF debug info to be produced
                          Emit extra debug info to make sample profile more accurate
  -fdebug-macro           Emit macro debug information
                          For paths in debug info, remap directory <old> to <new>. If multiple options match a path, the last option wins
                          Use DWARF base address selection entries in .debug_ranges
  -fdebug-types-section   Place debug types in their own section (ELF Only)
  -fdeclspec              Allow __declspec as a keyword
                          Parse templated function definitions at the end of the translation unit
                          Treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior (default)
                          Print absolute paths in diagnostics
                          Prevent optimization remarks from being output if they do not have at least this profile count. Use 'auto' to apply the threshold from profile summary
                          Prevent misexpect diagnostics from being output if the profile counts are within N% of the expected. 
                          Print fix-its in machine parseable form
                          Print source range spans in numeric form
                          Enable profile hotness information in diagnostic line
                          Display include stacks for diagnostic notes
                          Print option name with mappable diagnostics
                          Print a template comparison tree for differing templates
  -fdigraphs              Enable alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:' (default)
                          Don't use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
  -fdiscard-value-names   Discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Allow '$' in identifiers
  -fdriver-only           Only run the driver.
  -fdwarf-exceptions      Use DWARF style exceptions
                          Do not emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fembed-bitcode-marker  Embed placeholder LLVM IR data as a marker
                          Embed LLVM bitcode
  -fembed-bitcode         Embed LLVM IR bitcode as data
                          Embed Offloading device-side binary into host object file as a section.
  -femit-all-decls        Emit all declarations, even if unused
                          Try emitting Compact-Unwind for non-canonical entries. Maybe overriden by other constraints
                          When to emit DWARF unwind (EH frame) info
  -femulated-tls          Use emutls functions to access thread_local variables
  -fenable-matrix         Enable matrix data type and related builtin functions
  -fexceptions            Enable support for exception handling
                          Allows control over excess precision on targets where native support for the precision types is not available. By default, excess precision is used to calculate intermediate results following the rules specified in ISO C99.
  -fexperimental-library  Control whether unstable and experimental library features are enabled. This option enables various library features that are either experimental (also known as TSes), or have been but are not stable yet in the selected Standard Library implementation. It is not recommended to use this option in production code, since neither ABI nor API stability are guaranteed. This is intended to provide a preview of features that will ship in the future for experimentation purposes
                          Enable the experimental new constant interpreter
                          Use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable sanitizer metadata for modules and functions that match the provided special case list
                          Specify the type of metadata to emit for binary analysis sanitizers
                          Enables the use of non-default rounding modes and non-default exception handling on targets that are not currently ready.
                          Controls how scalar integer arguments are extended in calls to unprototyped and varargs functions
  -ffast-math             Allow aggressive, lossy floating-point optimizations
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info and coverage mapping.
                          remap file source paths in debug info, predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -ffile-reproducible     Use the target's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use separate accesses for consecutive bitfield runs with legal widths and alignments.
  -ffinite-loops          Assume all loops are finite.
  -ffinite-math-only      Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-inf. This defines the \_\_FINITE\_MATH\_ONLY\_\_ preprocessor macro.
  -ffixed-a0              Reserve the a0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a1              Reserve the a1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a2              Reserve the a2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a3              Reserve the a3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a4              Reserve the a4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a5              Reserve the a5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a6              Reserve the a6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d0              Reserve the d0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d1              Reserve the d1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d2              Reserve the d2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d3              Reserve the d3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d4              Reserve the d4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d5              Reserve the d5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d6              Reserve the d6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d7              Reserve the d7 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-point           Enable fixed point types
  -ffixed-r19             Reserve register r19 (Hexagon only)
  -ffixed-r9              Reserve the r9 register (ARM only)
  -ffixed-x10             Reserve the x10 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x11             Reserve the x11 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x12             Reserve the x12 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x13             Reserve the x13 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x14             Reserve the x14 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x15             Reserve the x15 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x16             Reserve the x16 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x17             Reserve the x17 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x18             Reserve the x18 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x19             Reserve the x19 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x1              Reserve the x1 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x20             Reserve the x20 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x21             Reserve the x21 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x22             Reserve the x22 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x23             Reserve the x23 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x24             Reserve the x24 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x25             Reserve the x25 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x26             Reserve the x26 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x27             Reserve the x27 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x28             Reserve the x28 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x29             Reserve the x29 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x2              Reserve the x2 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x30             Reserve the x30 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x31             Reserve the x31 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x3              Reserve the x3 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x4              Reserve the x4 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x5              Reserve the x5 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x6              Reserve the x6 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x7              Reserve the x7 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x8              Reserve the x8 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x9              Reserve the x9 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -fforce-dwarf-frame     Always emit a debug frame section
  -fforce-emit-vtables    Emits more virtual tables to improve devirtualization
  -fforce-enable-int128   Enable support for int128_t type
  -ffp-contract=<value>   Form fused FP ops (e.g. FMAs)
                          Specifies the evaluation method to use for floating-point arithmetic.
                          Specifies the exception behavior of floating-point operations.
  -ffp-model=<value>      Controls the semantics of floating-point calculations.
  -ffreestanding          Assert that the compilation takes place in a freestanding environment
                          Set Fuchsia API level
  -ffunction-sections     Place each function in its own section
  -fglobal-isel           Enables the global instruction selector
  -fgnu-keywords          Allow GNU-extension keywords regardless of language standard
  -fgnu-runtime           Generate output compatible with the standard GNU Objective-C runtime
  -fgnu89-inline          Use the gnu89 inline semantics
  -fgnuc-version=<value>  Sets various macros to claim compatibility with the given GCC version (default is 4.2.1)
  -fgpu-allow-device-init Allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
                          Specify default stream. The default value is 'legacy'. (HIP only)
  -fgpu-defer-diag        Defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Flush denormal floating point values to zero in CUDA/HIP device mode.
  -fgpu-rdc               Generate relocatable device code, also known as separate compilation mode
  -fgpu-sanitize          Enable sanitizer for AMDGPU target
  -fhip-emit-relocatable  Compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
  -fhip-kernel-arg-name   Specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fhip-new-launch-api    Use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fhonor-infinities      Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not +-inf.
  -fhonor-nans            Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not NANs.
  -fignore-exceptions     Enable support for ignoring exception handling constructs
  -fimplicit-module-maps  Implicitly search the file system for module map files.
                          Enable incremental processing extensions such as processingstatements on the global scope.
  -finline-functions      Inline suitable functions
  -finline-hint-functions Inline functions which are (explicitly or implicitly) marked inline
                          Suppress inlining of functions whose stack size exceeds the given value
  -finput-charset=<value> Specify the default character set for source files
                          Instrument function entry only, after inlining, without arguments to the instrumentation call
                          Like -finstrument-functions, but insert the calls after inlining
  -finstrument-functions  Generate calls to instrument function entry and exit
  -fintegrated-as         Enable the integrated assembler
  -fintegrated-cc1        Run cc1 in-process
  -fintegrated-objemitter Use internal machine object code emitter.
  -fjmc                   Enable just-my-code debugging
  -fjump-tables           Use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Enable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fkeep-static-consts    Keep static const variables even if unused
                          Enable implicit vector bit-casts
  -flto-jobs=<value>      Controls the backend parallelism of -flto=thin (default of 0 means the number of threads will be derived from the number of CPUs detected)
  -flto=auto              Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=jobserver         Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=<value>           Set LTO mode
  -flto                   Enable LTO in 'full' mode
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a macro expansion backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          remap file source paths in predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -fmath-errno            Require math functions to indicate errors by setting errno
  -fmax-tokens=<value>    Max total number of preprocessed tokens for -Wmax-tokens.
                          Specify the maximum alignment to enforce on pointers lacking an explicit alignment
                          Use memory profile for profile-guided memory optimization
                          Enable heap memory profiling and dump results into <directory>
  -fmemory-profile        Enable heap memory profiling
  -fmerge-all-constants   Allow merging of constants
                          Format message diagnostics so that they fit within N columns
  -fminimize-whitespace   Ignore the whitespace from the input file when emitting preprocessor output. It will only contain whitespace when necessary, e.g. to keep two minus signs from merging into to an increment operator. Useful with the -P option to normalize whitespace such that two files with only formatting changes are equal.

Only valid with -E on C-like inputs and incompatible with -traditional-cpp.
                          Specify the mapping of module name to precompiled module file, or load a module file if name is omitted.
  -fmodule-header=<kind>  Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header that should be found in the user (fmodule-header=user) or system (fmodule-header=system) search path.
  -fmodule-header         Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header.
                          Load this module map file
  -fmodule-name=<name>    Specify the name of the module to build
  -fmodule-output=<value> Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
  -fmodule-output         Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
                          Specify the module cache path
  -fmodules-decluse       Require declaration of modules used within a module
                          Disable validation of the diagnostic options when loading the module
                          Ignore the definition of the given macro when building and loading modules
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) after which a module file will be considered unused
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) between attempts to prune the module cache
  -fmodules-search-all    Search even non-imported modules to resolve references
                          Like -fmodules-decluse but requires all headers to be in modules
  -fmodules-user-build-path <directory>
                          Specify the module user build path
                          Validate PCM input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Don't verify input files for the modules if the module has been successfully validated or loaded during this build session
                          Validate the system headers that a module depends on when loading the module
  -fmodules               Enable the 'modules' language feature
                          Dot-separated value representing the Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fms-compatibility      Enable full Microsoft Visual C++ compatibility
  -fms-extensions         Accept some non-standard constructs supported by the Microsoft compiler
  -fms-hotpatch           Ensure that all functions can be hotpatched at runtime
                          Select Windows run-time library
  -fmsc-version=<value>   Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fnew-alignment=<align> Specifies the largest alignment guaranteed by '::operator new(size_t)'
  -fnew-infallible        Enable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          Do not follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -fno-access-control     Disable C++ access control
  -fno-addrsig            Don't emit an address-significance table
                          Don't assume that C++'s global operator new can't alias any pointer
                          Disable optimizations based on vtable pointer identity
  -fno-autolink           Disable generation of linker directives for automatic library linking
  -fno-builtin-<value>    Disable implicit builtin knowledge of a specific function
  -fno-builtin            Disable implicit builtin knowledge of functions
                          Disable C++ static destructor registration
  -fno-char8_t            Disable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fno-color-diagnostics  Disable colors in diagnostics
  -fno-common             Compile common globals like normal definitions
                          Do not require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
  -fno-constant-cfstrings Disable creation of CodeFoundation-type constant strings
                          Assume all functions may be convergent.
  -fno-coverage-mapping   Disable code coverage analysis
  -fno-crash-diagnostics  Disable auto-generation of preprocessed source files and a script for reproduction during a clang crash
                          Don't use approximate transcendental functions
  -fno-cxx-modules        Disable modules for C++
  -fno-debug-macro        Do not emit macro debug information
  -fno-declspec           Disallow __declspec as a keyword
                          Disable delayed template parsing
                          Do not treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior
                          Do not include fixit information in diagnostics
                          Show line numbers in diagnostic code snippets
  -fno-digraphs           Disallow alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:'
                          Use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
                          Do not discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Disallow '$' in identifiers
  -fno-elide-constructors Disable C++ copy constructor elision
  -fno-elide-type         Do not elide types when printing diagnostics
                          Emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fno-exceptions         Disable support for exception handling
                          Do not use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable emitting metadata for binary analysis sanitizers
  -fno-file-reproducible  Use the host's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use large-integer access for consecutive bitfield runs.
  -fno-finite-loops       Do not assume that any loop is finite.
  -fno-fixed-point        Disable fixed point types
                          Disable support for int128_t type
  -fno-global-isel        Disables the global instruction selector
  -fno-gnu-inline-asm     Disable GNU style inline asm
                          Don't allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
  -fno-gpu-defer-diag     Don't defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Do not override toolchain to compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Don't specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
                          Don't specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fno-hip-new-launch-api Don't use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fno-integrated-as      Disable the integrated assembler
  -fno-integrated-cc1     Spawn a separate process for each cc1
                          Use external machine object code emitter.
  -fno-jump-tables        Do not use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Disable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fno-keep-static-consts Don't keep static const variables even if unused
  -fno-knr-functions      Disable support for K&R C function declarations
  -fno-lto                Disable LTO mode (default)
  -fno-memory-profile     Disable heap memory profiling
                          Disallow merging of constants
                          Skip checks for relocated modules when loading PCM files
                          Do not enforce -fmodules-decluse and private header restrictions for textual headers. This flag will be removed in a future Clang release.
  -fno-new-infallible     Disable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          do not infer Objective-C related result type based on method family
  -fno-offload-lto        Disable LTO mode (default) for offload compilation
  -fno-openmp-extensions  Disable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
  -fno-operator-names     Do not treat C++ operator name keywords as synonyms for operators
                          Disable tail call optimization, keeping the call stack accurate
  -fno-pch-codegen        Do not generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fno-pch-debuginfo      Do not generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
  -fno-plt                Use GOT indirection instead of PLT to make external function calls (x86 only)
                          Do not preserve comments in inline assembly
  -fno-profile-generate   Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
                          Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
  -fno-profile-instr-use  Disable using instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
                          Do not emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          Don't use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
  -fno-rtlib-add-rpath    Do not add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, do not add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -fno-rtti-data          Disable generation of RTTI data
  -fno-rtti               Disable generation of rtti information
                          Disable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Use default code inlining logic for the address sanitizer
                          Disable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable ODR indicator globals
                          Do not make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Disable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Disable features of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Disable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Don't use ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Disable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Disable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable recovery for specified sanitizers
                          Conventional ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fno-sanitize-stats     Disable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Disable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fno-sanitize-trap      Disable trapping for all sanitizers
  -fno-short-wchar        Force wchar_t to be an unsigned int
  -fno-show-column        Do not include column number on diagnostics
                          Do not include source location information with diagnostics
  -fno-signed-char        char is unsigned
  -fno-signed-zeros       Allow optimizations that ignore the sign of floating point zeros
  -fno-spell-checking     Disable spell-checking
                          Disable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fno-split-stack        Wouldn't use segmented stack
                          Disable stack clash protection
  -fno-stack-protector    Disable the use of stack protectors
  -fno-standalone-debug   Limit debug information produced to reduce size of debug binary
                          Relax language rules and try to match the behavior of the target's native float-to-int conversion instructions
  -fno-strict-return      Don't treat control flow paths that fall off the end of a non-void function as unreachable
  -fno-sycl               Disables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fno-temp-file          Directly create compilation output files. This may lead to incorrect incremental builds if the compiler crashes
  -fno-threadsafe-statics Do not emit code to make initialization of local statics thread safe
  -fno-trigraphs          Do not process trigraph sequences
  -fno-unified-lto        Use distinct LTO pipelines
                          Don't use unique names for text and data sections
  -fno-unroll-loops       Turn off loop unroller
  -fno-use-cxa-atexit     Don't use __cxa_atexit for calling destructors
  -fno-use-init-array     Use .ctors/.dtors instead of .init_array/.fini_array
                          Disables -fvisibility-inlines-hidden-static-local-var (this is the default on non-darwin targets)
                          Omit function index section at the expense of single-function patching performance
                          Don't place zero initialized data in BSS
  -fobjc-arc-exceptions   Use EH-safe code when synthesizing retains and releases in -fobjc-arc
  -fobjc-arc              Synthesize retain and release calls for Objective-C pointers
                          Ignore attribute objc_direct so that direct methods can be tested
                          Fully encode c++ class template specialization
  -fobjc-exceptions       Enable Objective-C exceptions
  -fobjc-runtime=<value>  Specify the target Objective-C runtime kind and version
  -fobjc-weak             Enable ARC-style weak references in Objective-C
  -foffload-lto=<value>   Set LTO mode for offload compilation
  -foffload-lto           Enable LTO in 'full' mode for offload compilation
  -fomit-frame-pointer    Omit the frame pointer from functions that don't need it. Some stack unwinding cases, such as profilers and sanitizers, may prefer specifying -fno-omit-frame-pointer. On many targets, -O1 and higher omit the frame pointer by default. -m[no-]omit-leaf-frame-pointer takes precedence for leaf functions
  -fopenmp-extensions     Enable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
                          Do not create a host fallback if offloading to the device fails.
  -fopenmp-simd           Emit OpenMP code only for SIMD-based constructs.
  -fopenmp-target-debug   Enable debugging in the OpenMP offloading device RTL
  -fopenmp-target-jit     Emit code that can be JIT compiled for OpenMP offloading. Implies -foffload-lto=full
                          Specify comma-separated list of triples OpenMP offloading targets to be supported
                          Set OpenMP version (e.g. 45 for OpenMP 4.5, 50 for OpenMP 5.0). Default value is 50 for Clang and 11 for Flang
  -fopenmp                Parse OpenMP pragmas and generate parallel code.
                          Maximum number of 'operator->'s to call for a member access
                          Specify the output name of the file containing the optimization remarks. Implies -fsave-optimization-record. On Darwin platforms, this cannot be used with multiple -arch <arch> options.
                          Only include passes which match a specified regular expression in the generated optimization record (by default, include all passes)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect order file into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fpack-struct=<value>   Specify the default maximum struct packing alignment
  -fpascal-strings        Recognize and construct Pascal-style string literals
  -fpass-plugin=<dsopath> Load pass plugin from a dynamic shared object file (only with new pass manager).
                          Generate M NOPs before function entry and N-M NOPs after function entry
  -fpcc-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return all structs on the stack
  -fpch-codegen           Generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fpch-debuginfo         Generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
                          Instantiate templates already while building a PCH
                          Validate PCH input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Pass <arg> to plugin <name>
  -fplugin=<dsopath>      Load the named plugin (dynamic shared object)
                          Look up implicit modules in the prebuilt module path
                          Specify the prebuilt module path
                          Save subprocess statistics to the given file
                          Print subprocess statistics
  -fprofile-arcs          Instrument code to produce gcov data files (*.gcda)
                          Instrument only functions from files where names don't match all the regexes separated by a semi-colon
                          Instrument only functions from files where names match any regex separated by a semi-colon
                          Partition functions into N groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented using -fprofile-selected-function-group
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fprofile-generate      Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <file> (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
  -fprofile-list=<value>  Filename defining the list of functions/files to instrument. The file uses the sanitizer special case list format.
                          Use the remappings described in <file> to match the profile data against names in the program
                          Specifies that the sample profile is accurate
                          Enable sample-based profile guided optimizations
                          Partition functions into N groups using -fprofile-function-groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented. The valid range is 0 to N-1 inclusive
                          Set update method of profile counters
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization. If pathname is a directory, it reads from <pathname>/default.profdata. Otherwise, it reads from file <pathname>.
  -fprotect-parens        Determines whether the optimizer honors parentheses when floating-point expressions are evaluated
                          Emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          File holding the seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
                          The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
  -freciprocal-math       Allow division operations to be reassociated
  -freg-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return small structs in registers
                          Use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
                          Enable C++17 relaxed template template argument matching
  -freroll-loops          Turn on loop reroller
  -fropi                  Generate read-only position independent code (ARM only)
  -frtlib-add-rpath       Add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, also add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -frwpi                  Generate read-write position independent code (ARM only)
                          Display suggestions to update code associated with -Wunsafe-buffer-usage warnings
                          Use profi to infer block and edge counts
                          Set the kind of module destructors emitted by AddressSanitizer instrumentation. These destructors are emitted to unregister instrumented global variables when code is unloaded (e.g. via `dlclose()`).
                          Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer
                          Enable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Always generate function calls for address sanitizer instrumentation
                          Enable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Select the mode of detecting stack use-after-return in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable ODR indicator globals to avoid false ODR violation reports in partially sanitized programs at the cost of an increase in binary size
                          Alias for -fsanitize-ignorelist=
                          Make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Enable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Normalize integers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Generalize pointers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Restrict sanitizer coverage instrumentation exclusively to modules and functions that match the provided special case list, except the blocked ones
                          Disable sanitizer coverage instrumentation for modules and functions that match the provided special case list, even the allowed ones
                          Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Select the HWAddressSanitizer ABI to target (interceptor or platform, default interceptor). This option is currently unused.
                          Enable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Path to ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Set default MTE mode to 'sync' (default) or 'async'
                          Enable recovery for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-stable-abi   Stable  ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fsanitize-stats        Enable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Path to system ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
  -fsanitize-trap=<value> Enable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-trap         Enable trapping for all sanitizers
                          Strip (or keep only, if negative) a given number of path components when emitting check metadata.
  -fsanitize=<check>      Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious behavior. See user manual for available checks
                          Generate an optimization record file in a specific format
                          Generate a YAML optimization record file
  -fseh-exceptions        Use SEH style exceptions
  -fshort-enums           Allocate to an enum type only as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of possible values
  -fshort-wchar           Force wchar_t to be a short unsigned int
                          Which overload candidates to show when overload resolution fails. Defaults to 'all'
  -fshow-skipped-includes Show skipped includes in -H output.
  -fsigned-char           char is signed
  -fsized-deallocation    Enable C++14 sized global deallocation functions
  -fsjlj-exceptions       Use SjLj style exceptions
  -fslp-vectorize         Enable the superword-level parallelism vectorization passes
                          Set the maximum number of times to perform spell checking on unrecognized identifiers (0 = no limit)
  -fsplit-dwarf-inlining  Provide minimal debug info in the object/executable to facilitate online symbolication/stack traces in the absence of .dwo/.dwp files when using Split DWARF
  -fsplit-lto-unit        Enables splitting of the LTO unit
                          Enable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fsplit-stack           Use segmented stack
                          Enable stack clash protection
  -fstack-protector-all   Enable stack protectors for all functions
                          Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. Compared to -fstack-protector, this uses a stronger heuristic that includes functions containing arrays of any size (and any type), as well as any calls to alloca or the taking of an address from a local variable
  -fstack-protector       Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. This uses a loose heuristic which considers functions vulnerable if they contain a char (or 8bit integer) array or constant sized calls to alloca , which are of greater size than ssp-buffer-size (default: 8 bytes). All variable sized calls to alloca are considered vulnerable. A function with a stack protector has a guard value added to the stack frame that is checked on function exit. The guard value must be positioned in the stack frame such that a buffer overflow from a vulnerable variable will overwrite the guard value before overwriting the function's return address. The reference stack guard value is stored in a global variable.
  -fstack-size-section    Emit section containing metadata on function stack sizes
  -fstack-usage           Emit .su file containing information on function stack sizes
  -fstandalone-debug      Emit full debug info for all types used by the program
  -fstrict-enums          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's value range
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of flexible arrays
                          Assume that overflowing float-to-int casts are undefined (default)
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict rules for overwriting polymorphic C++ objects
                          Control emission of Swift async extended frame info
  -fsycl                  Enables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fsyntax-only           Run the preprocessor, parser and semantic analysis stages
  -fsystem-module         Build this module as a system module. Only used with -emit-module
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a template instantiation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive template instantiation
  -ftest-coverage         Produce gcov notes files (*.gcno)
                          Write minimized bitcode to <file> for the ThinLTO thin link only
  -fthinlto-index=<value> Perform ThinLTO importing using provided function summary index
  -ftime-report=<value>   (For new pass manager) 'per-pass': one report for each pass; 'per-pass-run': one report for each pass invocation
                          Minimum time granularity (in microseconds) traced by time profiler
  -ftime-trace=<value>    Similar to -ftime-trace. Specify the JSON file or a directory which will contain the JSON file
  -ftime-trace            Turn on time profiler. Generates JSON file based on output filename.
  -ftrap-function=<value> Issue call to specified function rather than a trap instruction
  -ftrapv-handler=<function name>
                          Specify the function to be called on overflow
  -ftrapv                 Trap on integer overflow
  -ftrigraphs             Process trigraph sequences
                          Stop initializing trivial automatic stack variables after the specified number of instances
                          Initialize trivial automatic stack variables. Defaults to 'uninitialized'
  -funified-lto           Use the unified LTO pipeline
                          Use unique names for basic block sections (ELF Only)
                          Uniqueify Internal Linkage Symbol Names by appending the MD5 hash of the module path
  -funroll-loops          Turn on loop unroller
                          Allow unsafe floating-point math optimizations which may decrease precision
  -fuse-cuid=<value>      Method to generate ID's for compilation units for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP: 'hash' (ID's generated by hashing file path and command line options) | 'random' (ID's generated as random numbers) | 'none' (disabled). Default is 'hash'. This option will be overridden by option '-cuid=[ID]' if it is specified.
  -fuse-line-directives   Use #line in preprocessed output
                          Compute and store the hash of input files used to build an AST. Files with mismatching mtime's are considered valid if both contents is identical
  -fveclib=<value>        Use the given vector functions library
  -fvectorize             Enable the loop vectorization passes
  -fverbose-asm           Generate verbose assembly output
                          Enables dead virtual function elimination optimization. Requires -flto=full
                          The visibility for dllexport definitions [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for dllimport external declarations [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for external declarations without an explicit DLL dllstorageclass [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          Set the visibility of symbols in the generated code from their DLL storage class
                          Give global C++ operator new and delete declarations hidden visibility
                          When -fvisibility-inlines-hidden is enabled, static variables in inline C++ member functions will also be given hidden visibility by default
                          Give inline C++ member functions hidden visibility by default
  -fvisibility-ms-compat  Give global types 'default' visibility and global functions and variables 'hidden' visibility by default
                          The visibility for definitions without an explicit DLL export class [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
  -fvisibility=<value>    Set the default symbol visibility for all global definitions
  -fwasm-exceptions       Use WebAssembly style exceptions
  -fwhole-program-vtables Enables whole-program vtable optimization. Requires -flto
  -fwrapv                 Treat signed integer overflow as two's complement
  -fwritable-strings      Store string literals as writable data
  -fxl-pragma-pack        Enable IBM XL #pragma pack handling
                          Always emit __xray_customevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          Always emit __xray_typedevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'always instrument' XRay attribute.
                          Filename defining the list of functions/types for imbuing XRay attributes.
                          Only instrument 1 of N groups
  -fxray-ignore-loops     Don't instrument functions with loops unless they also meet the minimum function size
                          Sets the minimum function size to instrument with XRay
                          Select which XRay instrumentation points to emit. Options: all, none, function-entry, function-exit, function, custom. Default is 'all'.  'function' includes both 'function-entry' and 'function-exit'.
  -fxray-instrument       Generate XRay instrumentation sleds on function entry and exit
  -fxray-link-deps        Link XRay runtime library when -fxray-instrument is specified (default)
  -fxray-modes=<value>    List of modes to link in by default into XRay instrumented binaries.
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'never instrument' XRay attribute.
                          When using -fxray-function-groups, select which group of functions to instrument. Valid range is 0 to fxray-function-groups - 1
                          Clear call-used registers upon function return (AArch64/x86 only)
  -fzvector               Enable System z vector language extension
  -F <value>              Add directory to framework include search path
                          Use GCC installation in the specified directory. The directory ends with path components like 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Note: executables (e.g. ld) used by the compiler are not overridden by the selected GCC installation
  --gcc-toolchain=<value> Specify a directory where Clang can find 'include' and 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Clang will use the GCC installation with the largest version
  -gcodeview-command-line Emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gcodeview-ghash        Emit type record hashes in a .debug$H section
  -gcodeview              Generate CodeView debug information
  -gdwarf-2               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 2
  -gdwarf-3               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 3
  -gdwarf-4               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 4
  -gdwarf-5               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 5
  -gdwarf32               Enables DWARF32 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf64               Enables DWARF64 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf                 Generate source-level debug information with the default dwarf version
  -gembed-source          Embed source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gen-reproducer=<value> Emit reproducer on (option: off, crash (default), error, always)
  -gline-directives-only  Emit debug line info directives only
  -gline-tables-only      Emit debug line number tables only
  -gmodules               Generate debug info with external references to clang modules or precompiled headers
                          Don't emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gno-embed-source       Restore the default behavior of not embedding source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gno-inline-line-tables Don't emit inline line tables.
  --gpu-bundle-output     Bundle output files of HIP device compilation
                          Instrument device library for HIP, which is a LLVM bitcode containing __cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit
                          Default max threads per block for kernel launch bounds for HIP
  -gsplit-dwarf=<value>   Set DWARF fission mode
  -gstrict-dwarf          Restrict DWARF features to those defined in the specified version, avoiding features from later versions.
  -gz=<value>             DWARF debug sections compression type
  -G <size>               Put objects of at most <size> bytes into small data section (MIPS / Hexagon)
  -g                      Generate source-level debug information
  --help-hidden           Display help for hidden options
  -help                   Display available options
                          HIP device library
  --hip-link              Link clang-offload-bundler bundles for HIP
  --hip-path=<value>      HIP runtime installation path, used for finding HIP version and adding HIP include path.
  --hip-version=<value>   HIP version in the format of major.minor.patch
                          path to a pass plugin for HIP to SPIR-V passes.
  -H                      Show header includes and nesting depth
  -I-                     Restrict all prior -I flags to double-quoted inclusion and remove current directory from include path
  -ibuiltininc            Enable builtin #include directories even when -nostdinc is used before or after -ibuiltininc. Using -nobuiltininc after the option disables it
  -idirafter <value>      Add directory to AFTER include search path
  -iframeworkwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -iframework <value>     Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path
  -imacros <file>         Include macros from file before parsing
  -include-pch <file>     Include precompiled header file
  -include <file>         Include file before parsing
  -index-header-map       Make the next included directory (-I or -F) an indexer header map
  -iprefix <dir>          Set the -iwithprefix/-iwithprefixbefore prefix
  -iquote <directory>     Add directory to QUOTE include search path
  -isysroot <dir>         Set the system root directory (usually /)
  -isystem-after <directory>
                          Add directory to end of the SYSTEM include search path
  -isystem <directory>    Add directory to SYSTEM include search path
  -ivfsoverlay <value>    Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system
  -iwithprefixbefore <dir>
                          Set directory to include search path with prefix
  -iwithprefix <dir>      Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix
  -iwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM include search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -I <dir>                Add directory to the end of the list of include search paths
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-nvptx bitcode library
  -L <dir>                Add directory to library search path
  -mabi=quadword-atomics  Enable quadword atomics ABI on AIX (AIX PPC64 only). Uses lqarx/stqcx. instructions.
  -mabicalls              Enable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
  -maix-struct-return     Return all structs in memory (PPC32 only)
                          Specify the boundary's size to align branches
  -malign-branch=<value>  Specify types of branches to align
  -malign-double          Align doubles to two words in structs (x86 only)
  -maltivec               Enable AltiVec vector initializer syntax
  -mamdgpu-ieee           Sets the IEEE bit in the expected default floating point  mode register. Floating point opcodes that support exception flag gathering quiet and propagate signaling NaN inputs per IEEE 754-2008. This option changes the ABI. (AMDGPU only)
  -march=<value>          For a list of available architectures for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mbackchain             Link stack frames through backchain on System Z
                          Enforce targets of indirect branches and function returns
                          Align selected branches (fused, jcc, jmp) within 32-byte boundary
  -mcabac                 Enable CABAC instructions
  -mcmodel=medany         Equivalent to -mcmodel=medium, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmodel=medlow         Equivalent to -mcmodel=small, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmse                  Allow use of CMSE (Armv8-M Security Extensions)
                          Specify code object ABI version. Defaults to 4. (AMDGPU only)
  -mcpu=<value>           For a list of available CPUs for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mcrbits                Control the CR-bit tracking feature on PowerPC. ``-mcrbits`` (the enablement of CR-bit tracking support) is the default for POWER8 and above, as well as for all other CPUs when optimization is applied (-O2 and above).
  -mcrc                   Allow use of CRC instructions (ARM/Mips only)
  -mcumode                Specify CU wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Mapping between default visibility and export
  -mdouble=<n             Force double to be <n> bits
  -MD                     Write a depfile containing user and system headers
  -meabi <value>          Set EABI type. Default depends on triple)
  -membedded-data         Place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata section even if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Enable use of experimental RISC-V extensions.
  -mexec-model=<value>    Execution model (WebAssembly only)
  -mexecute-only          Disallow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mextern-sdata          Assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mfentry                Insert calls to fentry at function entry (x86/SystemZ only)
                          Work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
  -mfix-cortex-a53-835769 Workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mfp32                  Use 32-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mfp64                  Use 64-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mframe-chain=<value>   Select the frame chain model used to emit frame records (Arm only).
                          Replace returns with jumps to ``__x86_return_thunk`` (x86 only, error otherwise)
  -MF <file>              Write depfile output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to <file>
  -mgeneral-regs-only     Generate code which only uses the general purpose registers (AArch64/x86 only)
  -mglobal-merge          Enable merging of globals
  -mgpopt                 Use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mguard=<value>         Enable or disable Control Flow Guard checks and guard tables emission
  -MG                     Add missing headers to depfile
  -mharden-sls=<value>    Select straight-line speculation hardening scope (ARM/AArch64/X86 only). <arg> must be: all, none, retbr(ARM/AArch64), blr(ARM/AArch64), comdat(ARM/AArch64), nocomdat(ARM/AArch64), return(X86), indirect-jmp(X86)
  -mhvx-ieee-fp           Enable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mhvx-length=<value>    Set Hexagon Vector Length
  -mhvx-qfloat            Enable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mhvx=<value>           Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mhvx                   Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -miamcu                 Use Intel MCU ABI
                          Not emit the visibility attribute for asm in AIX OS or give all symbols 'unspecified' visibility in XCOFF object file
  --migrate               Run the migrator
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which can be used with an incremental linker
                          Add cs prefix to call and jmp to indirect thunk
  -mindirect-jump=<value> Change indirect jump instructions to inhibit speculation
                          Set iOS deployment target
  -MJ <value>             Write a compilation database entry per input
  -mllvm=<arg>            Alias for -mllvm
  -mllvm <value>          Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing
  -mlocal-sdata           Extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mlong-calls            Generate branches with extended addressability, usually via indirect jumps.
  -mlong-double-128       Force long double to be 128 bits
  -mlong-double-64        Force long double to be 64 bits
  -mlong-double-80        Force long double to be 80 bits, padded to 128 bits for storage
  -mlvi-cfi               Enable only control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mlvi-hardening         Enable all mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
                          Set macOS deployment target
  -mmadd4                 Enable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mmark-bti-property     Add with BTI to assembly files (AArch64 only)
  -MMD                    Write a depfile containing user headers
  -mmemops                Enable generation of memop instructions
  -mmlir <value>          Additional arguments to forward to MLIR's option processing
  -mms-bitfields          Set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mmsa                   Enable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mmt                    Enable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -MM                     Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
  -mno-abicalls           Disable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
                          Do not add a BTI instruction after a setjmp or other return-twice construct (Arm/AArch64 only)
  -mno-crc                Disallow use of CRC instructions (Mips only)
  -mno-cumode             Specify WGP wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mno-embedded-data      Do not place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mno-execute-only       Allow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mno-extern-sdata       Do not assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Don't work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
                          Don't workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mno-fmv                Disable function multiversioning
  -mno-gather             Disable generation of gather instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-global-merge       Disable merging of globals
  -mno-gpopt              Do not use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mno-hvx-ieee-fp        Disable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mno-hvx-qfloat         Disable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mno-hvx                Disable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mno-implicit-float     Don't generate implicit floating point or vector instructions
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which cannot be used with an incremental linker
  -mno-local-sdata        Do not extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mno-long-calls         Restore the default behaviour of not generating long calls
  -mno-lvi-cfi            Disable control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-lvi-hardening      Disable mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-madd4              Disable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mno-memops             Disable generation of memop instructions
  -mno-movt               Disallow use of movt/movw pairs (ARM only)
  -mno-ms-bitfields       Do not set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mno-msa                Disable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-mt                 Disable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-neg-immediates     Disallow converting instructions with negative immediates to their negation or inversion.
  -mno-nvj                Disable generation of new-value jumps
  -mno-nvs                Disable generation of new-value stores
  -mno-outline-atomics    Don't generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -mno-outline            Disable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mno-packets            Disable generation of instruction packets
                          Don't assume data segments are relative to text segment
  -mno-relax              Disable linker relaxation
  -mno-restrict-it        Allow generation of complex IT blocks.
  -mno-save-restore       Disable using library calls for save and restore
  -mno-scatter            Disable generation of scatter instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-seses              Disable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES)
  -mno-stack-arg-probe    Disable stack probes which are enabled by default
  -mno-tgsplit            Disable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Disable direct TLS access through segment registers
  -mno-unaligned-access   Force all memory accesses to be aligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -mno-wavefrontsize64    Specify wavefront size 32 mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mnocrc                 Disallow use of CRC instructions (ARM only)
  -mnop-mcount            Generate mcount/__fentry__ calls as nops. To activate they need to be patched in.
  -mnvj                   Enable generation of new-value jumps
  -mnvs                   Enable generation of new-value stores
  -module-dependency-dir <value>
                          Directory to dump module dependencies to
  -module-file-info       Provide information about a particular module file
                          Omit frame pointer setup for leaf functions
  -moutline-atomics       Generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -moutline               Enable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mpacked-stack          Use packed stack layout (SystemZ only).
  -mpackets               Enable generation of instruction packets
                          Specify maximum number of prefixes to use for padding
                          Assume data segments are relative to text segment
                          Specifies preferred vector width for auto-vectorization. Defaults to 'none' which allows target specific decisions.
  -mprintf-kind=<value>   Specify the printf lowering scheme (AMDGPU only), allowed values are "hostcall"(printing happens during kernel execution, this scheme relies on hostcalls which require system to support pcie atomics) and "buffered"(printing happens after all kernel threads exit, this uses a printf buffer and does not rely on pcie atomic support)
  -MP                     Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)
  -mqdsp6-compat          Enable hexagon-qdsp6 backward compatibility
  -MQ <value>             Specify name of main file output to quote in depfile
  -mrecip=<value>         Control use of approximate reciprocal and reciprocal square root instructions followed by <n> iterations of Newton-Raphson refinement. <value> = ( ['!'] ['vec-'] ('rcp'|'sqrt') [('h'|'s'|'d')] [':'<n>] ) | 'all' | 'default' | 'none'
  -mrecip                 Equivalent to '-mrecip=all'
  -mrecord-mcount         Generate a __mcount_loc section entry for each __fentry__ call.
  -mrelax-all             (integrated-as) Relax all machine instructions
  -mrelax                 Enable linker relaxation
  -mrestrict-it           Disallow generation of complex IT blocks. It is off by default.
  -mrtd                   Make StdCall calling convention the default
                          Specify the size in bits of an RVV vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". Accepts power of 2 values between 64 and 65536. Also accepts "zvl" to use the value implied by -march/-mcpu. Value will be reflected in __riscv_v_fixed_vlen preprocessor define (RISC-V only)
  -msave-restore          Enable using library calls for save and restore
  -mseses                 Enable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES). Includes LVI control flow integrity mitigations
                          Select return address signing scope
  -mskip-rax-setup        Skip setting up RAX register when passing variable arguments (x86 only)
                          Put global and static data smaller than the limit into a special section
  -msoft-float            Use software floating point
                          Set the stack alignment
  -mstack-arg-probe       Enable stack probes
                          Set the stack probe size
                          Use the given offset for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given reg for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given symbol for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given guard (global, tls) for addressing the stack-protector guard
  -mstackrealign          Force realign the stack at entry to every function
                          Specify the size in bits of an SVE vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". (AArch64 only)
  -msvr4-struct-return    Return small structs in registers (PPC32 only)
  -mtargetos=<value>      Set the deployment target to be the specified OS and OS version
  -mtgsplit               Enable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mthread-model <value>  The thread model to use. Defaults to 'posix')
  -mtls-direct-seg-refs   Enable direct TLS access through segment registers (default)
  -mtls-size=<value>      Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets (AArch64 ELF only): 12 (for 4KB) | 24 (for 16MB, default) | 32 (for 4GB) | 48 (for 256TB, needs -mcmodel=large)
  -mtp=<value>            Thread pointer access method. For AArch32: 'soft' uses a function call, or 'tpidrurw', 'tpidruro' or 'tpidrprw' use the three CP15 registers. 'cp15' is an alias for 'tpidruro'. For AArch64: 'tpidr_el0', 'tpidr_el1', 'tpidr_el2', 'tpidr_el3' or 'tpidrro_el0' use the five system registers. 'elN' is an alias for 'tpidr_elN'.
  -mtune=<value>          Only supported on AArch64, PowerPC, RISC-V, SystemZ, and X86
  -MT <value>             Specify name of main file output in depfile
  -munaligned-access      Allow memory accesses to be unaligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -munsafe-fp-atomics     Enable generation of unsafe floating point atomic instructions. May generate more efficient code, but may not respect rounding and denormal modes, and may give incorrect results for certain memory destinations. (AMDGPU only)
  -mvscale-max=<value>    Specify the vscale maximum. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "0". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -mvscale-min=<value>    Specify the vscale minimum. Defaults to "1". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -MV                     Use NMake/Jom format for the depfile
  -mwavefrontsize64       Specify wavefront size 64 mode (AMDGPU only)
                          On AIX, request creation of a build-id string, "0xHEXSTRING", in the string table of the loader section inside the linked binary
  -mxcoff-roptr           Place constant objects with relocatable address values in the RO data section and add -bforceimprw to the linker flags (AIX only)
                          High level qualifier for z/OS C++RT side deck datasets
                          High level qualifier for z/OS CSSLIB dataset
  -mzos-hlq-le=<LeHLQ>    High level qualifier for z/OS Language Environment datasets
                          Path to system headers on z/OS
  -M                      Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
                          Do not include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
  --no-cuda-version-check Don't error out if the detected version of the CUDA install is too low for the requested CUDA gpu architecture.
  --no-default-config     Disable loading default configuration files
  --no-gpu-bundle-output  Do not bundle output files of HIP device compilation
  -no-hip-rt              Do not link against HIP runtime libraries
                          Remove CUDA/HIP offloading device architecture (e.g. sm_35, gfx906) from the list of devices to compile for. 'all' resets the list to its default value.
  --no-offload-new-driver Don't Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as not including a system header.
  -nobuiltininc           Disable builtin #include directories
  -nogpuinc               Do not add include paths for CUDA/HIP and do not include the default CUDA/HIP wrapper headers
  -nogpulib               Do not link device library for CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -nohipwrapperinc        Do not include the default HIP wrapper headers and include paths
  -nostdinc++             Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library
                          Tool used for detecting NVIDIA GPU arch in the system.
  -ObjC++                 Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs
                          Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path
  -objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties
  -objcmt-migrate-all     Enable migration to modern ObjC
                          Enable migration to property and method annotations
                          Enable migration to infer NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for initializer methods
                          Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC literals
                          Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros
                          Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC property
                          Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting
                          Enable migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' attribute
                          Enable migration to annotate property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER
                          Alias for -objcmt-allowlist-dir-path
  -ObjC                   Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs
                          Set the output <file> for debug infos
  --offload-arch=<value>  Specify an offloading device architecture for CUDA, HIP, or OpenMP. (e.g. sm_35). If 'native' is used the compiler will detect locally installed architectures. For HIP offloading, the device architecture can be followed by target ID features delimited by a colon (e.g. gfx908:xnack+:sramecc-). May be specified more than once.
  --offload-device-only   Only compile for the offloading device.
  --offload-host-device   Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-host-only     Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-link          Use the new offloading linker to perform the link job.
  --offload-new-driver    Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
  --offload=<value>       Specify comma-separated list of offloading target triples (CUDA and HIP only)
  -o <file>               Write output to <file>
  -pedantic               Warn on language extensions
  -pg                     Enable mcount instrumentation
  -pipe                   Use pipes between commands, when possible
  --precompile            Only precompile the input
                          Print all of Clang's warning options
  -print-effective-triple Print the effective target triple
  -print-file-name=<file> Print the full library path of <file>
  -print-ivar-layout      Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace
  -print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for the currently used compiler runtime library ("libgcc.a" or "libclang_rt.builtins.*.a")
                          Print the flags used for selecting multilibs (experimental)
  -print-prog-name=<name> Print the full program path of <name>
  -print-resource-dir     Print the resource directory pathname
  -print-rocm-search-dirs Print the paths used for finding ROCm installation
  -print-runtime-dir      Print the directory pathname containing clangs runtime libraries
  -print-search-dirs      Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs
  -print-supported-cpus   Print supported cpu models for the given target (if target is not specified, it will print the supported cpus for the default target)
  -print-target-triple    Print the normalized target triple
  -print-targets          Print the registered targets
  -pthread                Support POSIX threads in generated code
  --ptxas-path=<value>    Path to ptxas (used for compiling CUDA code)
  -P                      Disable linemarker output in -E mode
  -p                      Enable mcount instrumentation with prof
  -Qn                     Do not emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -Qunused-arguments      Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments
  -Qy                     Emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -relocatable-pch        Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header
  -rewrite-legacy-objc    Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++
  -rewrite-objc           Rewrite Objective-C source to C++
                          ROCm device library path. Alternative to rocm-path.
  --rocm-path=<value>     ROCm installation path, used for finding and automatically linking required bitcode libraries.
  -Rpass-analysis=<value> Report transformation analysis from optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass-missed=<value>   Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass=<value>          Report transformations performed by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -rtlib=<value>          Compiler runtime library to use
  -R<remark>              Enable the specified remark
  -save-stats=<value>     Save llvm statistics.
  -save-stats             Save llvm statistics.
  -save-temps=<value>     Save intermediate compilation results.
  -save-temps             Save intermediate compilation results
  -serialize-diagnostics <value>
                          Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file
  -shared-libsan          Dynamically link the sanitizer runtime
                          Don't emit warnings about unused arguments for the following arguments
  -static-libsan          Statically link the sanitizer runtime (Not supported for ASan, TSan or UBSan on darwin)
  -static-openmp          Use the static host OpenMP runtime while linking.
  -std=<value>            Language standard to compile for
  -stdlib++-isystem <directory>
                          Use directory as the C++ standard library include path
  -stdlib=<value>         C++ standard library to use
  -sycl-std=<value>       SYCL language standard to compile for.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as including a system header.
  -S                      Only run preprocess and compilation steps
  --target=<value>        Generate code for the given target
  -time                   Time individual commands
  -traditional-cpp        Enable some traditional CPP emulation
  -trigraphs              Process trigraph sequences
  -T <script>             Specify <script> as linker script
  -undef                  undef all system defines
  -unwindlib=<value>      Unwind library to use
  -U <macro>              Undefine macro <macro>
  --verify-debug-info     Verify the binary representation of debug output
  -verify-pch             Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is not stale
  --version               Print version information
  -vfsoverlay <value>     Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system. Additionally, pass this overlay file to the linker if it supports it
  -v                      Show commands to run and use verbose output
  -Wa,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the assembler
  -Wdeprecated            Enable warnings for deprecated constructs and define __DEPRECATED
  -Wl,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the linker
  -working-directory <value>
                          Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory
  -Wp,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the preprocessor
  -W<warning>             Enable the specified warning
  -w                      Suppress all warnings
  -Xanalyzer <arg>        Pass <arg> to the static analyzer
  -Xarch_device <arg>     Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -Xarch_host <arg>       Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP host compilation
  -Xassembler <arg>       Pass <arg> to the assembler
  -Xclang=<arg>           Alias for -Xclang
  -Xclang <arg>           Pass <arg> to clang -cc1
  -Xcuda-fatbinary <arg>  Pass <arg> to fatbinary invocation
  -Xcuda-ptxas <arg>      Pass <arg> to the ptxas assembler
  -Xlinker <arg>          Pass <arg> to the linker
  -Xoffload-linker<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the offload linkers or the ones idenfied by -<triple>
  -Xopenmp-target=<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain identified by <triple>.
  -Xopenmp-target <arg>   Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>    Pass <arg> to the preprocessor
  -x <language>           Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>
  -z <arg>                Pass -z <arg> to the linker


(unknown subject)

root@kali:~# afl-cmin -h
corpus minimization tool for AFL++ (awk version)

afl-cmin [ options ] -- /path/to/target_app [ ... ]

Required parameters:
  -i dir        - input directory with starting corpus
  -o dir        - output directory for minimized files

Execution control settings:
  -T tasks      - how many parallel tasks to run (default: 1, all=nproc)
  -f file       - location read by the fuzzed program (default: stdin)
  -m megs       - memory limit for child process ( MB)
  -t msec       - run time limit for child process (default: 5000)
  -O            - use binary-only instrumentation (FRIDA mode)
  -Q            - use binary-only instrumentation (QEMU mode)
  -U            - use unicorn-based instrumentation (unicorn mode)
  -X            - use Nyx mode

Minimization settings:
  -A            - allow crashes and timeouts (not recommended)
  -C            - keep crashing inputs, reject everything else
  -e            - solve for edge coverage only, ignore hit counts

For additional tips, please consult

Environment variables used:
AFL_CRASH_EXITCODE: optional child exit code to be interpreted as crash
AFL_FORKSRV_INIT_TMOUT: time the fuzzer waits for the forkserver to come up
AFL_KEEP_TRACES: leave the temporary <out_dir>/.traces directory
AFL_KILL_SIGNAL: Signal delivered to child processes on timeout (default: SIGKILL)
AFL_FORK_SERVER_KILL_SIGNAL: Signal delivered to fork server processes on
   termination (default: SIGTERM). If this is not set and AFL_KILL_SIGNAL is
   set, this will be set to the same value as AFL_KILL_SIGNAL.
AFL_NO_FORKSRV: run target via execve instead of using the forkserver
AFL_CMIN_ALLOW_ANY: write tuples for crashing inputs also
AFL_PATH: path for the afl-showmap binary if not found anywhere in PATH
AFL_PRINT_FILENAMES: If set, the filename currently processed will be printed to stdout
AFL_SKIP_BIN_CHECK: skip afl instrumentation checks for target binary


(unknown subject)

root@kali:~# afl-cmin.bash -h
Usage: /usr/bin/afl-cmin.bash [ options ] -- /path/to/target_app [ ... ]

Required parameters:

  -i dir        - input directory with the starting corpus
  -o dir        - output directory for minimized files

Execution control settings:

  -T tasks      - how many parallel processes to create (default=1, "all"=nproc)
  -f file       - location read by the fuzzed program (default: stdin)
  -m megs       - memory limit for child process (default=none MB)
  -t msec       - run time limit for child process (default: 5000ms)
  -O            - use binary-only instrumentation (FRIDA mode)
  -Q            - use binary-only instrumentation (QEMU mode)
  -U            - use unicorn-based instrumentation (Unicorn mode)
  -X            - use Nyx mode
Minimization settings:

  -A            - allow crashing and timeout inputs
  -C            - keep crashing inputs, reject everything else
  -e            - solve for edge coverage only, ignore hit counts

For additional tips, please consult
This script cannot read filenames that end with a space ' '.

Environment variables used:
AFL_KEEP_TRACES: leave the temporary <out_dir>\.traces directory
AFL_NO_FORKSRV: run target via execve instead of using the forkserver
AFL_PATH: last resort location to find the afl-showmap binary
AFL_SKIP_BIN_CHECK: skip check for target binary
AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_LIBRARY: custom mutator library (post_process and send)
AFL_PYTHON_MODULE: custom mutator library (post_process and send)


(unknown subject)

root@kali:~# afl-fuzz -h
afl-fuzz++4.21c based on afl by Michal Zalewski and a large online community

afl-fuzz [ options ] -- /path/to/fuzzed_app [ ... ]

Required parameters:
  -i dir        - input directory with test cases (or '-' to resume, also see 
  -o dir        - output directory for fuzzer findings

Execution control settings:
  -P strategy   - set fix mutation strategy: explore (focus on new coverage),
                  exploit (focus on triggering crashes). You can also set a
                  number of seconds after without any finds it switches to
                  exploit mode, and back on new coverage (default: 1000)
  -p schedule   - power schedules compute a seed's performance score:
                  explore(default), fast, exploit, seek, rare, mmopt, coe, lin
                  quad -- see docs/ for more information
  -f file       - location read by the fuzzed program (default: stdin or @@)
  -t msec       - timeout for each run (auto-scaled, default 1000 ms). Add a '+'
                  to auto-calculate the timeout, the value being the maximum.
  -m megs       - memory limit for child process (0 MB, 0 = no limit [default])
  -O            - use binary-only instrumentation (FRIDA mode)
  -Q            - use binary-only instrumentation (QEMU mode)
  -U            - use unicorn-based instrumentation (Unicorn mode)
  -W            - use qemu-based instrumentation with Wine (Wine mode)
  -X            - use VM fuzzing (NYX mode - standalone mode)
  -Y            - use VM fuzzing (NYX mode - multiple instances mode)

Mutator settings:
  -a type       - target input format, "text" or "binary" (default: generic)
  -g minlength  - set min length of generated fuzz input (default: 1)
  -G maxlength  - set max length of generated fuzz input (default: 1048576)
  -L minutes    - use MOpt(imize) mode and set the time limit for entering the
                  pacemaker mode (minutes of no new finds). 0 = immediately,
                  -1 = immediately and together with normal mutation.
                  Note: this option is usually not very effective
  -c program    - enable CmpLog by specifying a binary compiled for it.
                  if using QEMU/FRIDA or the fuzzing target is compiled
                  for CmpLog then use '-c 0'. To disable Cmplog use '-c -'.
  -l cmplog_opts - CmpLog configuration values (e.g. "2ATR"):
                  1=small files, 2=larger files (default), 3=all files,
                  A=arithmetic solving, T=transformational solving,
                  X=extreme transform solving, R=random colorization bytes.

Fuzzing behavior settings:
  -Z            - sequential queue selection instead of weighted random
  -N            - do not unlink the fuzzing input file (for devices etc.)
  -n            - fuzz without instrumentation (non-instrumented mode)
  -x dict_file  - fuzzer dictionary (see, specify up to 4 times)

Test settings:
  -s seed       - use a fixed seed for the RNG
  -V seconds    - fuzz for a specified time then terminate (fuzz time only!)
  -E execs      - fuzz for an approx. no. of total executions then terminate
                  Note: not precise and can have several more executions.

Other stuff:
  -M/-S id      - distributed mode (-M sets -Z and disables trimming)
                  see docs/
                  for effective recommendations for parallel fuzzing.
  -F path       - sync to a foreign fuzzer queue directory (requires -M, can
                  be specified up to 32 times)
  -z            - skip the enhanced deterministic fuzzing
                  (note that the old -d and -D flags are ignored.)
  -T text       - text banner to show on the screen
  -I command    - execute this command/script when a new crash is found
  -C            - crash exploration mode (the peruvian rabbit thing)
  -b cpu_id     - bind the fuzzing process to the specified CPU core (0-...)
  -e ext        - file extension for the fuzz test input file (if needed)

To view also the supported environment variables of afl-fuzz please use "-hh".

Compiled with Python 3.12.4 module support, see docs/
Compiled without AFL_PERSISTENT_RECORD support.
Compiled with shmat support.
For additional help please consult docs/ :)

root@kali:~# afl-g++ --help
Usage: g++ [options] file...
  -pass-exit-codes         Exit with highest error code from a phase.
  --help                   Display this information.
  --target-help            Display target specific command line options (including assembler and linker options).
                           Display specific types of command line options.
  (Use '-v --help' to display command line options of sub-processes).
  --version                Display compiler version information.
  -dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings.
  -dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler.
  -dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor.
  -foffload=<targets>      Specify offloading targets.
  -print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path.
  -print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library.
  -print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>.
  -print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>.
  -print-multiarch         Display the target's normalized GNU triplet, used as
                           a component in the library path.
  -print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc.
  -print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options and
                           multiple library search directories.
  -print-multi-os-directory Display the relative path to OS libraries.
  -print-sysroot           Display the target libraries directory.
  -print-sysroot-headers-suffix Display the sysroot suffix used to find headers.
  -Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler.
  -Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor.
  -Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker.
  -Xassembler <arg>        Pass <arg> on to the assembler.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>     Pass <arg> on to the preprocessor.
  -Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker.
  -save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files.
  -save-temps=<arg>        Do not delete intermediate files.
  -no-canonical-prefixes   Do not canonicalize paths when building relative
                           prefixes to other gcc components.
  -pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files.
  -time                    Time the execution of each subprocess.
  -specs=<file>            Override built-in specs with the contents of <file>.
  -std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>.
  --sysroot=<directory>    Use <directory> as the root directory for headers
                           and libraries.
  -B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths.
  -v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler.
  -###                     Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed.
  -E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link.
  -S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link.
  -c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link.
  -o <file>                Place the output into <file>.
  -pie                     Create a dynamically linked position independent
  -shared                  Create a shared library.
  -x <language>            Specify the language of the following input files.
                           Permissible languages include: c c++ assembler none
                           'none' means revert to the default behavior of
                           guessing the language based on the file's extension.

Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O, -W, or --param are automatically
 passed on to the various sub-processes invoked by g++.  In order to pass
 other options on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Afl-g++-fast (8) - afl-cc++4.21c by Michal Zalewski, Laszlo Szekeres, Marc Heuse afl-cc

root@kali:~# afl-g++-fast --help
Usage: g++ [options] file...
  -pass-exit-codes         Exit with highest error code from a phase.
  --help                   Display this information.
  --target-help            Display target specific command line options (including assembler and linker options).
                           Display specific types of command line options.
  (Use '-v --help' to display command line options of sub-processes).
  --version                Display compiler version information.
  -dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings.
  -dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler.
  -dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor.
  -foffload=<targets>      Specify offloading targets.
  -print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path.
  -print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library.
  -print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>.
  -print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>.
  -print-multiarch         Display the target's normalized GNU triplet, used as
                           a component in the library path.
  -print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc.
  -print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options and
                           multiple library search directories.
  -print-multi-os-directory Display the relative path to OS libraries.
  -print-sysroot           Display the target libraries directory.
  -print-sysroot-headers-suffix Display the sysroot suffix used to find headers.
  -Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler.
  -Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor.
  -Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker.
  -Xassembler <arg>        Pass <arg> on to the assembler.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>     Pass <arg> on to the preprocessor.
  -Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker.
  -save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files.
  -save-temps=<arg>        Do not delete intermediate files.
  -no-canonical-prefixes   Do not canonicalize paths when building relative
                           prefixes to other gcc components.
  -pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files.
  -time                    Time the execution of each subprocess.
  -specs=<file>            Override built-in specs with the contents of <file>.
  -std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>.
  --sysroot=<directory>    Use <directory> as the root directory for headers
                           and libraries.
  -B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths.
  -v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler.
  -###                     Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed.
  -E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link.
  -S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link.
  -c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link.
  -o <file>                Place the output into <file>.
  -pie                     Create a dynamically linked position independent
  -shared                  Create a shared library.
  -x <language>            Specify the language of the following input files.
                           Permissible languages include: c c++ assembler none
                           'none' means revert to the default behavior of
                           guessing the language based on the file's extension.

Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O, -W, or --param are automatically
 passed on to the various sub-processes invoked by g++.  In order to pass
 other options on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:

root@kali:~# afl-gcc --help
Usage: gcc [options] file...
  -pass-exit-codes         Exit with highest error code from a phase.
  --help                   Display this information.
  --target-help            Display target specific command line options (including assembler and linker options).
                           Display specific types of command line options.
  (Use '-v --help' to display command line options of sub-processes).
  --version                Display compiler version information.
  -dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings.
  -dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler.
  -dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor.
  -foffload=<targets>      Specify offloading targets.
  -print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path.
  -print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library.
  -print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>.
  -print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>.
  -print-multiarch         Display the target's normalized GNU triplet, used as
                           a component in the library path.
  -print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc.
  -print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options and
                           multiple library search directories.
  -print-multi-os-directory Display the relative path to OS libraries.
  -print-sysroot           Display the target libraries directory.
  -print-sysroot-headers-suffix Display the sysroot suffix used to find headers.
  -Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler.
  -Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor.
  -Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker.
  -Xassembler <arg>        Pass <arg> on to the assembler.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>     Pass <arg> on to the preprocessor.
  -Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker.
  -save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files.
  -save-temps=<arg>        Do not delete intermediate files.
  -no-canonical-prefixes   Do not canonicalize paths when building relative
                           prefixes to other gcc components.
  -pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files.
  -time                    Time the execution of each subprocess.
  -specs=<file>            Override built-in specs with the contents of <file>.
  -std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>.
  --sysroot=<directory>    Use <directory> as the root directory for headers
                           and libraries.
  -B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths.
  -v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler.
  -###                     Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed.
  -E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link.
  -S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link.
  -c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link.
  -o <file>                Place the output into <file>.
  -pie                     Create a dynamically linked position independent
  -shared                  Create a shared library.
  -x <language>            Specify the language of the following input files.
                           Permissible languages include: c c++ assembler none
                           'none' means revert to the default behavior of
                           guessing the language based on the file's extension.

Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O, -W, or --param are automatically
 passed on to the various sub-processes invoked by gcc.  In order to pass
 other options on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Afl-cc++4.21c by Michal Zalewski, Laszlo Szekeres, Marc Heuse afl-cc

root@kali:~# afl-gcc-fast --help
Usage: gcc [options] file...
  -pass-exit-codes         Exit with highest error code from a phase.
  --help                   Display this information.
  --target-help            Display target specific command line options (including assembler and linker options).
                           Display specific types of command line options.
  (Use '-v --help' to display command line options of sub-processes).
  --version                Display compiler version information.
  -dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings.
  -dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler.
  -dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor.
  -foffload=<targets>      Specify offloading targets.
  -print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path.
  -print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library.
  -print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>.
  -print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>.
  -print-multiarch         Display the target's normalized GNU triplet, used as
                           a component in the library path.
  -print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc.
  -print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options and
                           multiple library search directories.
  -print-multi-os-directory Display the relative path to OS libraries.
  -print-sysroot           Display the target libraries directory.
  -print-sysroot-headers-suffix Display the sysroot suffix used to find headers.
  -Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler.
  -Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor.
  -Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker.
  -Xassembler <arg>        Pass <arg> on to the assembler.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>     Pass <arg> on to the preprocessor.
  -Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker.
  -save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files.
  -save-temps=<arg>        Do not delete intermediate files.
  -no-canonical-prefixes   Do not canonicalize paths when building relative
                           prefixes to other gcc components.
  -pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files.
  -time                    Time the execution of each subprocess.
  -specs=<file>            Override built-in specs with the contents of <file>.
  -std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>.
  --sysroot=<directory>    Use <directory> as the root directory for headers
                           and libraries.
  -B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths.
  -v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler.
  -###                     Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed.
  -E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link.
  -S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link.
  -c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link.
  -o <file>                Place the output into <file>.
  -pie                     Create a dynamically linked position independent
  -shared                  Create a shared library.
  -x <language>            Specify the language of the following input files.
                           Permissible languages include: c c++ assembler none
                           'none' means revert to the default behavior of
                           guessing the language based on the file's extension.

Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O, -W, or --param are automatically
 passed on to the various sub-processes invoked by gcc.  In order to pass
 other options on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


(unknown subject)

root@kali:~# afl-gotcpu -h
afl-gotcpu++4.21c by Michal Zalewski


afl-gotcpu does not have command line options
afl-gotcpu prints out which CPUs are available

root@kali:~# afl-ld-lto -h
[-] Linker failed, please investigate and send a bug report. Most likely an 'ld' option is incompatible with -flto=full.


Afl-cc++4.21c by Michal Zalewski, Laszlo Szekeres, Marc Heuse afl-cc

root@kali:~# afl-lto --help
OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler

USAGE: clang [options] file...

  -###                    Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation
                          Tool used for detecting AMD GPU arch in the system.
  --analyzer-output <value>
                          Static analyzer report output format (html|plist|plist-multi-file|plist-html|sarif|sarif-html|text).
  --analyze               Run the static analyzer
                          Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them
  -arcmt-migrate-report-output <value>
                          Output path for the plist report
  -B <prefix>             Search $prefix$file for executables, libraries, and data files. If $prefix is a directory, search $prefix/$file
  -b <arg>                Pass -b <arg> to the linker on AIX
  -CC                     Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output
  -cl-denorms-are-zero    OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero.
  -cl-ext=<value>         OpenCL only. Enable or disable OpenCL extensions/optional features. The argument is a comma-separated sequence of one or more extension names, each prefixed by '+' or '-'.
  -cl-fast-relaxed-math   OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__.
  -cl-finite-math-only    OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf.
                          OpenCL only. Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded.
  -cl-kernel-arg-info     OpenCL only. Generate kernel argument metadata.
  -cl-mad-enable          OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise MAD computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-signed-zeros     OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise no signed zeros computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-stdinc           OpenCL only. Disables all standard includes containing non-native compiler types and functions.
  -cl-opt-disable         OpenCL only. This option disables all optimizations. By default optimizations are enabled.
                          OpenCL only. Treat double precision floating-point constant as single precision constant.
  -cl-std=<value>         OpenCL language standard to compile for.
  -cl-strict-aliasing     OpenCL only. This option is added for compatibility with OpenCL 1.0.
                          OpenCL only. Defines that the global work-size be a multiple of the work-group size specified to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
                          OpenCL only. Allow unsafe floating-point optimizations.  Also implies -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-mad-enable.
  --config=<file>         Specify configuration file
                          Compile CUDA code for both host and device (default). Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
  --cuda-device-only      Compile CUDA code for device only
  --cuda-feature=<value>  Manually specify the CUDA feature to use
  --cuda-host-only        Compile CUDA code for host only. Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
                          Include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
                          Enable device-side debug info generation. Disables ptxas optimizations.
  --cuda-path-ignore-env  Ignore environment variables to detect CUDA installation
  --cuda-path=<value>     CUDA installation path
  -cuid=<value>           An ID for compilation unit, which should be the same for the same compilation unit but different for different compilation units. It is used to externalize device-side static variables for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP so that they can be accessed by the host code of the same compilation unit.
  -cxx-isystem <directory>
                          Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path
  -C                      Include comments in preprocessed output
  -c                      Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps
  -darwin-target-variant-triple <value>
                          Specify the darwin target variant triple
  -darwin-target-variant <value>
                          Generate code for an additional runtime variant of the deployment target
  -dD                     Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dependency-dot <value> Filename to write DOT-formatted header dependencies to
  -dependency-file <value>
                          Filename (or -) to write dependency output to
  -dI                     Print include directives in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dM                     Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output
  -dsym-dir <dir>         Directory to output dSYM's (if any) to
  -dumpdir <dumppfx>      Use <dumpfpx> as a prefix to form auxiliary and dump file names
  -D <macro>=<value>      Define <macro> to <value> (or 1 if <value> omitted)
  -emit-ast               Emit Clang AST files for source inputs
  -emit-interface-stubs   Generate Interface Stub Files.
  -emit-llvm              Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files
  -emit-merged-ifs        Generate Interface Stub Files, emit merged text not binary.
  --emit-static-lib       Enable linker job to emit a static library.
  --emit-symbol-graph= <value>
                          Generate Extract API information as a side effect of compilation.
                          Start emitting warnings for unused driver arguments
                          Comma separated list of files containing a new line separated list of API symbols to ignore when extracting API information.
  -extract-api            Extract API information
  -E                      Only run the preprocessor
  -faapcs-bitfield-load   Follows the AAPCS standard that all volatile bit-field write generates at least one load. (ARM only).
  -faapcs-bitfield-width  Follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -faddrsig               Emit an address-significance table
  -falign-loops=<N>       N must be a power of two. Align loops to the boundary
  -faligned-allocation    Enable C++17 aligned allocation functions
                          Treat editor placeholders as valid source code
                          Source-level compatibility for Altivec vectors (for PowerPC targets). This includes results of vector comparison (scalar for 'xl', vector for 'gcc') as well as behavior when initializing with a scalar (splatting for 'xl', element zero only for 'gcc'). For 'mixed', the compatibility is as 'gcc' for 'vector bool/vector pixel' and as 'xl' for other types. Current default is 'mixed'.
  -fansi-escape-codes     Use ANSI escape codes for diagnostics
  -fapple-kext            Use Apple's kernel extensions ABI
  -fapple-link-rtlib      Force linking the clang builtins runtime library
  -fapple-pragma-pack     Enable Apple gcc-compatible #pragma pack handling
  -fapplication-extension Restrict code to those available for App Extensions
  -fapprox-func           Allow certain math function calls to be replaced with an approximately equivalent calculation
  -fasync-exceptions      Enable EH Asynchronous exceptions
                          Place each function's basic blocks in unique sections (ELF Only)
                          Produced object files can use all ELF features supported by this binutils version and newer. If -fno-integrated-as is specified, the generated assembly will consider GNU as support. 'none' means that all ELF features can be used, regardless of binutils support. Defaults to 2.26.
  -fblocks                Enable the 'blocks' language feature
  -fborland-extensions    Accept non-standard constructs supported by the Borland compiler
                          Use the last modification time of <file> as the build session timestamp
  -fbuild-session-timestamp=<time since Epoch in seconds>
                          Time when the current build session started
  -fbuiltin-module-map    Load the clang builtins module map file.
  -fc++-abi=<value>       C++ ABI to use. This will override the target C++ ABI.
  -fcall-saved-x10        Make the x10 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x11        Make the x11 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x12        Make the x12 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x13        Make the x13 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x14        Make the x14 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x15        Make the x15 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x18        Make the x18 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x8         Make the x8 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x9         Make the x9 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
                          Set the maximum number of source lines to show in a caret diagnostic (0 = no limit).
  -fcf-protection=<value> Instrument control-flow architecture protection
  -fcf-protection         Enable cf-protection in 'full' mode
  -fchar8_t               Enable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fcheck-new             Do not assume C++ operator new may not return NULL
                          Attempt to match the ABI of Clang <version>
  -fcolor-diagnostics     Enable colors in diagnostics
                          Treat each comma separated argument in <arg> as a documentation comment block command
  -fcommon                Place uninitialized global variables in a common block
                          Require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a constexpr evaluation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive constexpr function calls
                          Set the maximum number of steps in constexpr function evaluation
                          Prefer aligned allocation for C++ Coroutines
  -fcoroutines            Enable support for the C++ Coroutines
                          The compilation directory to embed in the coverage mapping.
  -fcoverage-mapping      Generate coverage mapping to enable code coverage analysis
                          remap file source paths <old> to <new> in coverage mapping. If there are multiple options, prefix replacement is applied in reverse order starting from the last one
                          Put crash-report files in <dir>
                          Set level of crash diagnostic reporting, (option: off, compiler, all)
  -fcrash-diagnostics     Enable crash diagnostic reporting (default)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fcs-profile-generate   Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use approximate transcendental functions
  -fcuda-short-ptr        Use 32-bit pointers for accessing const/local/shared address spaces
  -fcxx-exceptions        Enable C++ exceptions
  -fcxx-modules           Enable modules for C++
  -fdata-sections         Place each data in its own section
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info
                          Default DWARF version to use, if a -g option caused DWARF debug info to be produced
                          Emit extra debug info to make sample profile more accurate
  -fdebug-macro           Emit macro debug information
                          For paths in debug info, remap directory <old> to <new>. If multiple options match a path, the last option wins
                          Use DWARF base address selection entries in .debug_ranges
  -fdebug-types-section   Place debug types in their own section (ELF Only)
  -fdeclspec              Allow __declspec as a keyword
                          Parse templated function definitions at the end of the translation unit
                          Treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior (default)
                          Print absolute paths in diagnostics
                          Prevent optimization remarks from being output if they do not have at least this profile count. Use 'auto' to apply the threshold from profile summary
                          Prevent misexpect diagnostics from being output if the profile counts are within N% of the expected. 
                          Print fix-its in machine parseable form
                          Print source range spans in numeric form
                          Enable profile hotness information in diagnostic line
                          Display include stacks for diagnostic notes
                          Print option name with mappable diagnostics
                          Print a template comparison tree for differing templates
  -fdigraphs              Enable alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:' (default)
                          Don't use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
  -fdiscard-value-names   Discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Allow '$' in identifiers
  -fdriver-only           Only run the driver.
  -fdwarf-exceptions      Use DWARF style exceptions
                          Do not emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fembed-bitcode-marker  Embed placeholder LLVM IR data as a marker
                          Embed LLVM bitcode
  -fembed-bitcode         Embed LLVM IR bitcode as data
                          Embed Offloading device-side binary into host object file as a section.
  -femit-all-decls        Emit all declarations, even if unused
                          Try emitting Compact-Unwind for non-canonical entries. Maybe overriden by other constraints
                          When to emit DWARF unwind (EH frame) info
  -femulated-tls          Use emutls functions to access thread_local variables
  -fenable-matrix         Enable matrix data type and related builtin functions
  -fexceptions            Enable support for exception handling
                          Allows control over excess precision on targets where native support for the precision types is not available. By default, excess precision is used to calculate intermediate results following the rules specified in ISO C99.
  -fexperimental-library  Control whether unstable and experimental library features are enabled. This option enables various library features that are either experimental (also known as TSes), or have been but are not stable yet in the selected Standard Library implementation. It is not recommended to use this option in production code, since neither ABI nor API stability are guaranteed. This is intended to provide a preview of features that will ship in the future for experimentation purposes
                          Enable the experimental new constant interpreter
                          Use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable sanitizer metadata for modules and functions that match the provided special case list
                          Specify the type of metadata to emit for binary analysis sanitizers
                          Enables the use of non-default rounding modes and non-default exception handling on targets that are not currently ready.
                          Controls how scalar integer arguments are extended in calls to unprototyped and varargs functions
  -ffast-math             Allow aggressive, lossy floating-point optimizations
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info and coverage mapping.
                          remap file source paths in debug info, predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -ffile-reproducible     Use the target's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use separate accesses for consecutive bitfield runs with legal widths and alignments.
  -ffinite-loops          Assume all loops are finite.
  -ffinite-math-only      Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-inf. This defines the \_\_FINITE\_MATH\_ONLY\_\_ preprocessor macro.
  -ffixed-a0              Reserve the a0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a1              Reserve the a1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a2              Reserve the a2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a3              Reserve the a3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a4              Reserve the a4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a5              Reserve the a5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a6              Reserve the a6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d0              Reserve the d0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d1              Reserve the d1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d2              Reserve the d2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d3              Reserve the d3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d4              Reserve the d4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d5              Reserve the d5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d6              Reserve the d6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d7              Reserve the d7 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-point           Enable fixed point types
  -ffixed-r19             Reserve register r19 (Hexagon only)
  -ffixed-r9              Reserve the r9 register (ARM only)
  -ffixed-x10             Reserve the x10 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x11             Reserve the x11 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x12             Reserve the x12 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x13             Reserve the x13 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x14             Reserve the x14 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x15             Reserve the x15 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x16             Reserve the x16 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x17             Reserve the x17 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x18             Reserve the x18 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x19             Reserve the x19 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x1              Reserve the x1 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x20             Reserve the x20 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x21             Reserve the x21 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x22             Reserve the x22 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x23             Reserve the x23 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x24             Reserve the x24 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x25             Reserve the x25 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x26             Reserve the x26 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x27             Reserve the x27 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x28             Reserve the x28 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x29             Reserve the x29 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x2              Reserve the x2 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x30             Reserve the x30 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x31             Reserve the x31 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x3              Reserve the x3 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x4              Reserve the x4 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x5              Reserve the x5 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x6              Reserve the x6 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x7              Reserve the x7 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x8              Reserve the x8 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x9              Reserve the x9 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -fforce-dwarf-frame     Always emit a debug frame section
  -fforce-emit-vtables    Emits more virtual tables to improve devirtualization
  -fforce-enable-int128   Enable support for int128_t type
  -ffp-contract=<value>   Form fused FP ops (e.g. FMAs)
                          Specifies the evaluation method to use for floating-point arithmetic.
                          Specifies the exception behavior of floating-point operations.
  -ffp-model=<value>      Controls the semantics of floating-point calculations.
  -ffreestanding          Assert that the compilation takes place in a freestanding environment
                          Set Fuchsia API level
  -ffunction-sections     Place each function in its own section
  -fglobal-isel           Enables the global instruction selector
  -fgnu-keywords          Allow GNU-extension keywords regardless of language standard
  -fgnu-runtime           Generate output compatible with the standard GNU Objective-C runtime
  -fgnu89-inline          Use the gnu89 inline semantics
  -fgnuc-version=<value>  Sets various macros to claim compatibility with the given GCC version (default is 4.2.1)
  -fgpu-allow-device-init Allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
                          Specify default stream. The default value is 'legacy'. (HIP only)
  -fgpu-defer-diag        Defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Flush denormal floating point values to zero in CUDA/HIP device mode.
  -fgpu-rdc               Generate relocatable device code, also known as separate compilation mode
  -fgpu-sanitize          Enable sanitizer for AMDGPU target
  -fhip-emit-relocatable  Compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
  -fhip-kernel-arg-name   Specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fhip-new-launch-api    Use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fhonor-infinities      Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not +-inf.
  -fhonor-nans            Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not NANs.
  -fignore-exceptions     Enable support for ignoring exception handling constructs
  -fimplicit-module-maps  Implicitly search the file system for module map files.
                          Enable incremental processing extensions such as processingstatements on the global scope.
  -finline-functions      Inline suitable functions
  -finline-hint-functions Inline functions which are (explicitly or implicitly) marked inline
                          Suppress inlining of functions whose stack size exceeds the given value
  -finput-charset=<value> Specify the default character set for source files
                          Instrument function entry only, after inlining, without arguments to the instrumentation call
                          Like -finstrument-functions, but insert the calls after inlining
  -finstrument-functions  Generate calls to instrument function entry and exit
  -fintegrated-as         Enable the integrated assembler
  -fintegrated-cc1        Run cc1 in-process
  -fintegrated-objemitter Use internal machine object code emitter.
  -fjmc                   Enable just-my-code debugging
  -fjump-tables           Use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Enable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fkeep-static-consts    Keep static const variables even if unused
                          Enable implicit vector bit-casts
  -flto-jobs=<value>      Controls the backend parallelism of -flto=thin (default of 0 means the number of threads will be derived from the number of CPUs detected)
  -flto=auto              Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=jobserver         Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=<value>           Set LTO mode
  -flto                   Enable LTO in 'full' mode
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a macro expansion backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          remap file source paths in predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -fmath-errno            Require math functions to indicate errors by setting errno
  -fmax-tokens=<value>    Max total number of preprocessed tokens for -Wmax-tokens.
                          Specify the maximum alignment to enforce on pointers lacking an explicit alignment
                          Use memory profile for profile-guided memory optimization
                          Enable heap memory profiling and dump results into <directory>
  -fmemory-profile        Enable heap memory profiling
  -fmerge-all-constants   Allow merging of constants
                          Format message diagnostics so that they fit within N columns
  -fminimize-whitespace   Ignore the whitespace from the input file when emitting preprocessor output. It will only contain whitespace when necessary, e.g. to keep two minus signs from merging into to an increment operator. Useful with the -P option to normalize whitespace such that two files with only formatting changes are equal.

Only valid with -E on C-like inputs and incompatible with -traditional-cpp.
                          Specify the mapping of module name to precompiled module file, or load a module file if name is omitted.
  -fmodule-header=<kind>  Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header that should be found in the user (fmodule-header=user) or system (fmodule-header=system) search path.
  -fmodule-header         Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header.
                          Load this module map file
  -fmodule-name=<name>    Specify the name of the module to build
  -fmodule-output=<value> Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
  -fmodule-output         Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
                          Specify the module cache path
  -fmodules-decluse       Require declaration of modules used within a module
                          Disable validation of the diagnostic options when loading the module
                          Ignore the definition of the given macro when building and loading modules
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) after which a module file will be considered unused
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) between attempts to prune the module cache
  -fmodules-search-all    Search even non-imported modules to resolve references
                          Like -fmodules-decluse but requires all headers to be in modules
  -fmodules-user-build-path <directory>
                          Specify the module user build path
                          Validate PCM input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Don't verify input files for the modules if the module has been successfully validated or loaded during this build session
                          Validate the system headers that a module depends on when loading the module
  -fmodules               Enable the 'modules' language feature
                          Dot-separated value representing the Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fms-compatibility      Enable full Microsoft Visual C++ compatibility
  -fms-extensions         Accept some non-standard constructs supported by the Microsoft compiler
  -fms-hotpatch           Ensure that all functions can be hotpatched at runtime
                          Select Windows run-time library
  -fmsc-version=<value>   Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fnew-alignment=<align> Specifies the largest alignment guaranteed by '::operator new(size_t)'
  -fnew-infallible        Enable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          Do not follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -fno-access-control     Disable C++ access control
  -fno-addrsig            Don't emit an address-significance table
                          Don't assume that C++'s global operator new can't alias any pointer
                          Disable optimizations based on vtable pointer identity
  -fno-autolink           Disable generation of linker directives for automatic library linking
  -fno-builtin-<value>    Disable implicit builtin knowledge of a specific function
  -fno-builtin            Disable implicit builtin knowledge of functions
                          Disable C++ static destructor registration
  -fno-char8_t            Disable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fno-color-diagnostics  Disable colors in diagnostics
  -fno-common             Compile common globals like normal definitions
                          Do not require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
  -fno-constant-cfstrings Disable creation of CodeFoundation-type constant strings
                          Assume all functions may be convergent.
  -fno-coverage-mapping   Disable code coverage analysis
  -fno-crash-diagnostics  Disable auto-generation of preprocessed source files and a script for reproduction during a clang crash
                          Don't use approximate transcendental functions
  -fno-cxx-modules        Disable modules for C++
  -fno-debug-macro        Do not emit macro debug information
  -fno-declspec           Disallow __declspec as a keyword
                          Disable delayed template parsing
                          Do not treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior
                          Do not include fixit information in diagnostics
                          Show line numbers in diagnostic code snippets
  -fno-digraphs           Disallow alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:'
                          Use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
                          Do not discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Disallow '$' in identifiers
  -fno-elide-constructors Disable C++ copy constructor elision
  -fno-elide-type         Do not elide types when printing diagnostics
                          Emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fno-exceptions         Disable support for exception handling
                          Do not use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable emitting metadata for binary analysis sanitizers
  -fno-file-reproducible  Use the host's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use large-integer access for consecutive bitfield runs.
  -fno-finite-loops       Do not assume that any loop is finite.
  -fno-fixed-point        Disable fixed point types
                          Disable support for int128_t type
  -fno-global-isel        Disables the global instruction selector
  -fno-gnu-inline-asm     Disable GNU style inline asm
                          Don't allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
  -fno-gpu-defer-diag     Don't defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Do not override toolchain to compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Don't specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
                          Don't specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fno-hip-new-launch-api Don't use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fno-integrated-as      Disable the integrated assembler
  -fno-integrated-cc1     Spawn a separate process for each cc1
                          Use external machine object code emitter.
  -fno-jump-tables        Do not use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Disable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fno-keep-static-consts Don't keep static const variables even if unused
  -fno-knr-functions      Disable support for K&R C function declarations
  -fno-lto                Disable LTO mode (default)
  -fno-memory-profile     Disable heap memory profiling
                          Disallow merging of constants
                          Skip checks for relocated modules when loading PCM files
                          Do not enforce -fmodules-decluse and private header restrictions for textual headers. This flag will be removed in a future Clang release.
  -fno-new-infallible     Disable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          do not infer Objective-C related result type based on method family
  -fno-offload-lto        Disable LTO mode (default) for offload compilation
  -fno-openmp-extensions  Disable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
  -fno-operator-names     Do not treat C++ operator name keywords as synonyms for operators
                          Disable tail call optimization, keeping the call stack accurate
  -fno-pch-codegen        Do not generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fno-pch-debuginfo      Do not generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
  -fno-plt                Use GOT indirection instead of PLT to make external function calls (x86 only)
                          Do not preserve comments in inline assembly
  -fno-profile-generate   Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
                          Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
  -fno-profile-instr-use  Disable using instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
                          Do not emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          Don't use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
  -fno-rtlib-add-rpath    Do not add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, do not add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -fno-rtti-data          Disable generation of RTTI data
  -fno-rtti               Disable generation of rtti information
                          Disable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Use default code inlining logic for the address sanitizer
                          Disable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable ODR indicator globals
                          Do not make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Disable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Disable features of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Disable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Don't use ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Disable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Disable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable recovery for specified sanitizers
                          Conventional ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fno-sanitize-stats     Disable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Disable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fno-sanitize-trap      Disable trapping for all sanitizers
  -fno-short-wchar        Force wchar_t to be an unsigned int
  -fno-show-column        Do not include column number on diagnostics
                          Do not include source location information with diagnostics
  -fno-signed-char        char is unsigned
  -fno-signed-zeros       Allow optimizations that ignore the sign of floating point zeros
  -fno-spell-checking     Disable spell-checking
                          Disable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fno-split-stack        Wouldn't use segmented stack
                          Disable stack clash protection
  -fno-stack-protector    Disable the use of stack protectors
  -fno-standalone-debug   Limit debug information produced to reduce size of debug binary
                          Relax language rules and try to match the behavior of the target's native float-to-int conversion instructions
  -fno-strict-return      Don't treat control flow paths that fall off the end of a non-void function as unreachable
  -fno-sycl               Disables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fno-temp-file          Directly create compilation output files. This may lead to incorrect incremental builds if the compiler crashes
  -fno-threadsafe-statics Do not emit code to make initialization of local statics thread safe
  -fno-trigraphs          Do not process trigraph sequences
  -fno-unified-lto        Use distinct LTO pipelines
                          Don't use unique names for text and data sections
  -fno-unroll-loops       Turn off loop unroller
  -fno-use-cxa-atexit     Don't use __cxa_atexit for calling destructors
  -fno-use-init-array     Use .ctors/.dtors instead of .init_array/.fini_array
                          Disables -fvisibility-inlines-hidden-static-local-var (this is the default on non-darwin targets)
                          Omit function index section at the expense of single-function patching performance
                          Don't place zero initialized data in BSS
  -fobjc-arc-exceptions   Use EH-safe code when synthesizing retains and releases in -fobjc-arc
  -fobjc-arc              Synthesize retain and release calls for Objective-C pointers
                          Ignore attribute objc_direct so that direct methods can be tested
                          Fully encode c++ class template specialization
  -fobjc-exceptions       Enable Objective-C exceptions
  -fobjc-runtime=<value>  Specify the target Objective-C runtime kind and version
  -fobjc-weak             Enable ARC-style weak references in Objective-C
  -foffload-lto=<value>   Set LTO mode for offload compilation
  -foffload-lto           Enable LTO in 'full' mode for offload compilation
  -fomit-frame-pointer    Omit the frame pointer from functions that don't need it. Some stack unwinding cases, such as profilers and sanitizers, may prefer specifying -fno-omit-frame-pointer. On many targets, -O1 and higher omit the frame pointer by default. -m[no-]omit-leaf-frame-pointer takes precedence for leaf functions
  -fopenmp-extensions     Enable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
                          Do not create a host fallback if offloading to the device fails.
  -fopenmp-simd           Emit OpenMP code only for SIMD-based constructs.
  -fopenmp-target-debug   Enable debugging in the OpenMP offloading device RTL
  -fopenmp-target-jit     Emit code that can be JIT compiled for OpenMP offloading. Implies -foffload-lto=full
                          Specify comma-separated list of triples OpenMP offloading targets to be supported
                          Set OpenMP version (e.g. 45 for OpenMP 4.5, 50 for OpenMP 5.0). Default value is 50 for Clang and 11 for Flang
  -fopenmp                Parse OpenMP pragmas and generate parallel code.
                          Maximum number of 'operator->'s to call for a member access
                          Specify the output name of the file containing the optimization remarks. Implies -fsave-optimization-record. On Darwin platforms, this cannot be used with multiple -arch <arch> options.
                          Only include passes which match a specified regular expression in the generated optimization record (by default, include all passes)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect order file into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fpack-struct=<value>   Specify the default maximum struct packing alignment
  -fpascal-strings        Recognize and construct Pascal-style string literals
  -fpass-plugin=<dsopath> Load pass plugin from a dynamic shared object file (only with new pass manager).
                          Generate M NOPs before function entry and N-M NOPs after function entry
  -fpcc-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return all structs on the stack
  -fpch-codegen           Generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fpch-debuginfo         Generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
                          Instantiate templates already while building a PCH
                          Validate PCH input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Pass <arg> to plugin <name>
  -fplugin=<dsopath>      Load the named plugin (dynamic shared object)
                          Look up implicit modules in the prebuilt module path
                          Specify the prebuilt module path
                          Save subprocess statistics to the given file
                          Print subprocess statistics
  -fprofile-arcs          Instrument code to produce gcov data files (*.gcda)
                          Instrument only functions from files where names don't match all the regexes separated by a semi-colon
                          Instrument only functions from files where names match any regex separated by a semi-colon
                          Partition functions into N groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented using -fprofile-selected-function-group
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fprofile-generate      Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <file> (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
  -fprofile-list=<value>  Filename defining the list of functions/files to instrument. The file uses the sanitizer special case list format.
                          Use the remappings described in <file> to match the profile data against names in the program
                          Specifies that the sample profile is accurate
                          Enable sample-based profile guided optimizations
                          Partition functions into N groups using -fprofile-function-groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented. The valid range is 0 to N-1 inclusive
                          Set update method of profile counters
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization. If pathname is a directory, it reads from <pathname>/default.profdata. Otherwise, it reads from file <pathname>.
  -fprotect-parens        Determines whether the optimizer honors parentheses when floating-point expressions are evaluated
                          Emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          File holding the seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
                          The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
  -freciprocal-math       Allow division operations to be reassociated
  -freg-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return small structs in registers
                          Use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
                          Enable C++17 relaxed template template argument matching
  -freroll-loops          Turn on loop reroller
  -fropi                  Generate read-only position independent code (ARM only)
  -frtlib-add-rpath       Add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, also add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -frwpi                  Generate read-write position independent code (ARM only)
                          Display suggestions to update code associated with -Wunsafe-buffer-usage warnings
                          Use profi to infer block and edge counts
                          Set the kind of module destructors emitted by AddressSanitizer instrumentation. These destructors are emitted to unregister instrumented global variables when code is unloaded (e.g. via `dlclose()`).
                          Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer
                          Enable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Always generate function calls for address sanitizer instrumentation
                          Enable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Select the mode of detecting stack use-after-return in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable ODR indicator globals to avoid false ODR violation reports in partially sanitized programs at the cost of an increase in binary size
                          Alias for -fsanitize-ignorelist=
                          Make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Enable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Normalize integers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Generalize pointers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Restrict sanitizer coverage instrumentation exclusively to modules and functions that match the provided special case list, except the blocked ones
                          Disable sanitizer coverage instrumentation for modules and functions that match the provided special case list, even the allowed ones
                          Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Select the HWAddressSanitizer ABI to target (interceptor or platform, default interceptor). This option is currently unused.
                          Enable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Path to ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Set default MTE mode to 'sync' (default) or 'async'
                          Enable recovery for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-stable-abi   Stable  ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fsanitize-stats        Enable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Path to system ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
  -fsanitize-trap=<value> Enable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-trap         Enable trapping for all sanitizers
                          Strip (or keep only, if negative) a given number of path components when emitting check metadata.
  -fsanitize=<check>      Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious behavior. See user manual for available checks
                          Generate an optimization record file in a specific format
                          Generate a YAML optimization record file
  -fseh-exceptions        Use SEH style exceptions
  -fshort-enums           Allocate to an enum type only as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of possible values
  -fshort-wchar           Force wchar_t to be a short unsigned int
                          Which overload candidates to show when overload resolution fails. Defaults to 'all'
  -fshow-skipped-includes Show skipped includes in -H output.
  -fsigned-char           char is signed
  -fsized-deallocation    Enable C++14 sized global deallocation functions
  -fsjlj-exceptions       Use SjLj style exceptions
  -fslp-vectorize         Enable the superword-level parallelism vectorization passes
                          Set the maximum number of times to perform spell checking on unrecognized identifiers (0 = no limit)
  -fsplit-dwarf-inlining  Provide minimal debug info in the object/executable to facilitate online symbolication/stack traces in the absence of .dwo/.dwp files when using Split DWARF
  -fsplit-lto-unit        Enables splitting of the LTO unit
                          Enable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fsplit-stack           Use segmented stack
                          Enable stack clash protection
  -fstack-protector-all   Enable stack protectors for all functions
                          Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. Compared to -fstack-protector, this uses a stronger heuristic that includes functions containing arrays of any size (and any type), as well as any calls to alloca or the taking of an address from a local variable
  -fstack-protector       Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. This uses a loose heuristic which considers functions vulnerable if they contain a char (or 8bit integer) array or constant sized calls to alloca , which are of greater size than ssp-buffer-size (default: 8 bytes). All variable sized calls to alloca are considered vulnerable. A function with a stack protector has a guard value added to the stack frame that is checked on function exit. The guard value must be positioned in the stack frame such that a buffer overflow from a vulnerable variable will overwrite the guard value before overwriting the function's return address. The reference stack guard value is stored in a global variable.
  -fstack-size-section    Emit section containing metadata on function stack sizes
  -fstack-usage           Emit .su file containing information on function stack sizes
  -fstandalone-debug      Emit full debug info for all types used by the program
  -fstrict-enums          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's value range
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of flexible arrays
                          Assume that overflowing float-to-int casts are undefined (default)
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict rules for overwriting polymorphic C++ objects
                          Control emission of Swift async extended frame info
  -fsycl                  Enables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fsyntax-only           Run the preprocessor, parser and semantic analysis stages
  -fsystem-module         Build this module as a system module. Only used with -emit-module
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a template instantiation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive template instantiation
  -ftest-coverage         Produce gcov notes files (*.gcno)
                          Write minimized bitcode to <file> for the ThinLTO thin link only
  -fthinlto-index=<value> Perform ThinLTO importing using provided function summary index
  -ftime-report=<value>   (For new pass manager) 'per-pass': one report for each pass; 'per-pass-run': one report for each pass invocation
                          Minimum time granularity (in microseconds) traced by time profiler
  -ftime-trace=<value>    Similar to -ftime-trace. Specify the JSON file or a directory which will contain the JSON file
  -ftime-trace            Turn on time profiler. Generates JSON file based on output filename.
  -ftrap-function=<value> Issue call to specified function rather than a trap instruction
  -ftrapv-handler=<function name>
                          Specify the function to be called on overflow
  -ftrapv                 Trap on integer overflow
  -ftrigraphs             Process trigraph sequences
                          Stop initializing trivial automatic stack variables after the specified number of instances
                          Initialize trivial automatic stack variables. Defaults to 'uninitialized'
  -funified-lto           Use the unified LTO pipeline
                          Use unique names for basic block sections (ELF Only)
                          Uniqueify Internal Linkage Symbol Names by appending the MD5 hash of the module path
  -funroll-loops          Turn on loop unroller
                          Allow unsafe floating-point math optimizations which may decrease precision
  -fuse-cuid=<value>      Method to generate ID's for compilation units for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP: 'hash' (ID's generated by hashing file path and command line options) | 'random' (ID's generated as random numbers) | 'none' (disabled). Default is 'hash'. This option will be overridden by option '-cuid=[ID]' if it is specified.
  -fuse-line-directives   Use #line in preprocessed output
                          Compute and store the hash of input files used to build an AST. Files with mismatching mtime's are considered valid if both contents is identical
  -fveclib=<value>        Use the given vector functions library
  -fvectorize             Enable the loop vectorization passes
  -fverbose-asm           Generate verbose assembly output
                          Enables dead virtual function elimination optimization. Requires -flto=full
                          The visibility for dllexport definitions [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for dllimport external declarations [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for external declarations without an explicit DLL dllstorageclass [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          Set the visibility of symbols in the generated code from their DLL storage class
                          Give global C++ operator new and delete declarations hidden visibility
                          When -fvisibility-inlines-hidden is enabled, static variables in inline C++ member functions will also be given hidden visibility by default
                          Give inline C++ member functions hidden visibility by default
  -fvisibility-ms-compat  Give global types 'default' visibility and global functions and variables 'hidden' visibility by default
                          The visibility for definitions without an explicit DLL export class [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
  -fvisibility=<value>    Set the default symbol visibility for all global definitions
  -fwasm-exceptions       Use WebAssembly style exceptions
  -fwhole-program-vtables Enables whole-program vtable optimization. Requires -flto
  -fwrapv                 Treat signed integer overflow as two's complement
  -fwritable-strings      Store string literals as writable data
  -fxl-pragma-pack        Enable IBM XL #pragma pack handling
                          Always emit __xray_customevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          Always emit __xray_typedevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'always instrument' XRay attribute.
                          Filename defining the list of functions/types for imbuing XRay attributes.
                          Only instrument 1 of N groups
  -fxray-ignore-loops     Don't instrument functions with loops unless they also meet the minimum function size
                          Sets the minimum function size to instrument with XRay
                          Select which XRay instrumentation points to emit. Options: all, none, function-entry, function-exit, function, custom. Default is 'all'.  'function' includes both 'function-entry' and 'function-exit'.
  -fxray-instrument       Generate XRay instrumentation sleds on function entry and exit
  -fxray-link-deps        Link XRay runtime library when -fxray-instrument is specified (default)
  -fxray-modes=<value>    List of modes to link in by default into XRay instrumented binaries.
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'never instrument' XRay attribute.
                          When using -fxray-function-groups, select which group of functions to instrument. Valid range is 0 to fxray-function-groups - 1
                          Clear call-used registers upon function return (AArch64/x86 only)
  -fzvector               Enable System z vector language extension
  -F <value>              Add directory to framework include search path
                          Use GCC installation in the specified directory. The directory ends with path components like 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Note: executables (e.g. ld) used by the compiler are not overridden by the selected GCC installation
  --gcc-toolchain=<value> Specify a directory where Clang can find 'include' and 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Clang will use the GCC installation with the largest version
  -gcodeview-command-line Emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gcodeview-ghash        Emit type record hashes in a .debug$H section
  -gcodeview              Generate CodeView debug information
  -gdwarf-2               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 2
  -gdwarf-3               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 3
  -gdwarf-4               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 4
  -gdwarf-5               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 5
  -gdwarf32               Enables DWARF32 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf64               Enables DWARF64 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf                 Generate source-level debug information with the default dwarf version
  -gembed-source          Embed source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gen-reproducer=<value> Emit reproducer on (option: off, crash (default), error, always)
  -gline-directives-only  Emit debug line info directives only
  -gline-tables-only      Emit debug line number tables only
  -gmodules               Generate debug info with external references to clang modules or precompiled headers
                          Don't emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gno-embed-source       Restore the default behavior of not embedding source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gno-inline-line-tables Don't emit inline line tables.
  --gpu-bundle-output     Bundle output files of HIP device compilation
                          Instrument device library for HIP, which is a LLVM bitcode containing __cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit
                          Default max threads per block for kernel launch bounds for HIP
  -gsplit-dwarf=<value>   Set DWARF fission mode
  -gstrict-dwarf          Restrict DWARF features to those defined in the specified version, avoiding features from later versions.
  -gz=<value>             DWARF debug sections compression type
  -G <size>               Put objects of at most <size> bytes into small data section (MIPS / Hexagon)
  -g                      Generate source-level debug information
  --help-hidden           Display help for hidden options
  -help                   Display available options
                          HIP device library
  --hip-link              Link clang-offload-bundler bundles for HIP
  --hip-path=<value>      HIP runtime installation path, used for finding HIP version and adding HIP include path.
  --hip-version=<value>   HIP version in the format of major.minor.patch
                          path to a pass plugin for HIP to SPIR-V passes.
  -H                      Show header includes and nesting depth
  -I-                     Restrict all prior -I flags to double-quoted inclusion and remove current directory from include path
  -ibuiltininc            Enable builtin #include directories even when -nostdinc is used before or after -ibuiltininc. Using -nobuiltininc after the option disables it
  -idirafter <value>      Add directory to AFTER include search path
  -iframeworkwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -iframework <value>     Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path
  -imacros <file>         Include macros from file before parsing
  -include-pch <file>     Include precompiled header file
  -include <file>         Include file before parsing
  -index-header-map       Make the next included directory (-I or -F) an indexer header map
  -iprefix <dir>          Set the -iwithprefix/-iwithprefixbefore prefix
  -iquote <directory>     Add directory to QUOTE include search path
  -isysroot <dir>         Set the system root directory (usually /)
  -isystem-after <directory>
                          Add directory to end of the SYSTEM include search path
  -isystem <directory>    Add directory to SYSTEM include search path
  -ivfsoverlay <value>    Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system
  -iwithprefixbefore <dir>
                          Set directory to include search path with prefix
  -iwithprefix <dir>      Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix
  -iwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM include search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -I <dir>                Add directory to the end of the list of include search paths
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-nvptx bitcode library
  -L <dir>                Add directory to library search path
  -mabi=quadword-atomics  Enable quadword atomics ABI on AIX (AIX PPC64 only). Uses lqarx/stqcx. instructions.
  -mabicalls              Enable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
  -maix-struct-return     Return all structs in memory (PPC32 only)
                          Specify the boundary's size to align branches
  -malign-branch=<value>  Specify types of branches to align
  -malign-double          Align doubles to two words in structs (x86 only)
  -maltivec               Enable AltiVec vector initializer syntax
  -mamdgpu-ieee           Sets the IEEE bit in the expected default floating point  mode register. Floating point opcodes that support exception flag gathering quiet and propagate signaling NaN inputs per IEEE 754-2008. This option changes the ABI. (AMDGPU only)
  -march=<value>          For a list of available architectures for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mbackchain             Link stack frames through backchain on System Z
                          Enforce targets of indirect branches and function returns
                          Align selected branches (fused, jcc, jmp) within 32-byte boundary
  -mcabac                 Enable CABAC instructions
  -mcmodel=medany         Equivalent to -mcmodel=medium, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmodel=medlow         Equivalent to -mcmodel=small, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmse                  Allow use of CMSE (Armv8-M Security Extensions)
                          Specify code object ABI version. Defaults to 4. (AMDGPU only)
  -mcpu=<value>           For a list of available CPUs for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mcrbits                Control the CR-bit tracking feature on PowerPC. ``-mcrbits`` (the enablement of CR-bit tracking support) is the default for POWER8 and above, as well as for all other CPUs when optimization is applied (-O2 and above).
  -mcrc                   Allow use of CRC instructions (ARM/Mips only)
  -mcumode                Specify CU wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Mapping between default visibility and export
  -mdouble=<n             Force double to be <n> bits
  -MD                     Write a depfile containing user and system headers
  -meabi <value>          Set EABI type. Default depends on triple)
  -membedded-data         Place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata section even if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Enable use of experimental RISC-V extensions.
  -mexec-model=<value>    Execution model (WebAssembly only)
  -mexecute-only          Disallow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mextern-sdata          Assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mfentry                Insert calls to fentry at function entry (x86/SystemZ only)
                          Work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
  -mfix-cortex-a53-835769 Workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mfp32                  Use 32-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mfp64                  Use 64-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mframe-chain=<value>   Select the frame chain model used to emit frame records (Arm only).
                          Replace returns with jumps to ``__x86_return_thunk`` (x86 only, error otherwise)
  -MF <file>              Write depfile output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to <file>
  -mgeneral-regs-only     Generate code which only uses the general purpose registers (AArch64/x86 only)
  -mglobal-merge          Enable merging of globals
  -mgpopt                 Use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mguard=<value>         Enable or disable Control Flow Guard checks and guard tables emission
  -MG                     Add missing headers to depfile
  -mharden-sls=<value>    Select straight-line speculation hardening scope (ARM/AArch64/X86 only). <arg> must be: all, none, retbr(ARM/AArch64), blr(ARM/AArch64), comdat(ARM/AArch64), nocomdat(ARM/AArch64), return(X86), indirect-jmp(X86)
  -mhvx-ieee-fp           Enable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mhvx-length=<value>    Set Hexagon Vector Length
  -mhvx-qfloat            Enable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mhvx=<value>           Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mhvx                   Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -miamcu                 Use Intel MCU ABI
                          Not emit the visibility attribute for asm in AIX OS or give all symbols 'unspecified' visibility in XCOFF object file
  --migrate               Run the migrator
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which can be used with an incremental linker
                          Add cs prefix to call and jmp to indirect thunk
  -mindirect-jump=<value> Change indirect jump instructions to inhibit speculation
                          Set iOS deployment target
  -MJ <value>             Write a compilation database entry per input
  -mllvm=<arg>            Alias for -mllvm
  -mllvm <value>          Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing
  -mlocal-sdata           Extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mlong-calls            Generate branches with extended addressability, usually via indirect jumps.
  -mlong-double-128       Force long double to be 128 bits
  -mlong-double-64        Force long double to be 64 bits
  -mlong-double-80        Force long double to be 80 bits, padded to 128 bits for storage
  -mlvi-cfi               Enable only control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mlvi-hardening         Enable all mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
                          Set macOS deployment target
  -mmadd4                 Enable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mmark-bti-property     Add with BTI to assembly files (AArch64 only)
  -MMD                    Write a depfile containing user headers
  -mmemops                Enable generation of memop instructions
  -mmlir <value>          Additional arguments to forward to MLIR's option processing
  -mms-bitfields          Set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mmsa                   Enable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mmt                    Enable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -MM                     Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
  -mno-abicalls           Disable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
                          Do not add a BTI instruction after a setjmp or other return-twice construct (Arm/AArch64 only)
  -mno-crc                Disallow use of CRC instructions (Mips only)
  -mno-cumode             Specify WGP wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mno-embedded-data      Do not place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mno-execute-only       Allow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mno-extern-sdata       Do not assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Don't work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
                          Don't workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mno-fmv                Disable function multiversioning
  -mno-gather             Disable generation of gather instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-global-merge       Disable merging of globals
  -mno-gpopt              Do not use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mno-hvx-ieee-fp        Disable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mno-hvx-qfloat         Disable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mno-hvx                Disable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mno-implicit-float     Don't generate implicit floating point or vector instructions
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which cannot be used with an incremental linker
  -mno-local-sdata        Do not extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mno-long-calls         Restore the default behaviour of not generating long calls
  -mno-lvi-cfi            Disable control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-lvi-hardening      Disable mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-madd4              Disable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mno-memops             Disable generation of memop instructions
  -mno-movt               Disallow use of movt/movw pairs (ARM only)
  -mno-ms-bitfields       Do not set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mno-msa                Disable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-mt                 Disable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-neg-immediates     Disallow converting instructions with negative immediates to their negation or inversion.
  -mno-nvj                Disable generation of new-value jumps
  -mno-nvs                Disable generation of new-value stores
  -mno-outline-atomics    Don't generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -mno-outline            Disable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mno-packets            Disable generation of instruction packets
                          Don't assume data segments are relative to text segment
  -mno-relax              Disable linker relaxation
  -mno-restrict-it        Allow generation of complex IT blocks.
  -mno-save-restore       Disable using library calls for save and restore
  -mno-scatter            Disable generation of scatter instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-seses              Disable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES)
  -mno-stack-arg-probe    Disable stack probes which are enabled by default
  -mno-tgsplit            Disable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Disable direct TLS access through segment registers
  -mno-unaligned-access   Force all memory accesses to be aligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -mno-wavefrontsize64    Specify wavefront size 32 mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mnocrc                 Disallow use of CRC instructions (ARM only)
  -mnop-mcount            Generate mcount/__fentry__ calls as nops. To activate they need to be patched in.
  -mnvj                   Enable generation of new-value jumps
  -mnvs                   Enable generation of new-value stores
  -module-dependency-dir <value>
                          Directory to dump module dependencies to
  -module-file-info       Provide information about a particular module file
                          Omit frame pointer setup for leaf functions
  -moutline-atomics       Generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -moutline               Enable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mpacked-stack          Use packed stack layout (SystemZ only).
  -mpackets               Enable generation of instruction packets
                          Specify maximum number of prefixes to use for padding
                          Assume data segments are relative to text segment
                          Specifies preferred vector width for auto-vectorization. Defaults to 'none' which allows target specific decisions.
  -mprintf-kind=<value>   Specify the printf lowering scheme (AMDGPU only), allowed values are "hostcall"(printing happens during kernel execution, this scheme relies on hostcalls which require system to support pcie atomics) and "buffered"(printing happens after all kernel threads exit, this uses a printf buffer and does not rely on pcie atomic support)
  -MP                     Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)
  -mqdsp6-compat          Enable hexagon-qdsp6 backward compatibility
  -MQ <value>             Specify name of main file output to quote in depfile
  -mrecip=<value>         Control use of approximate reciprocal and reciprocal square root instructions followed by <n> iterations of Newton-Raphson refinement. <value> = ( ['!'] ['vec-'] ('rcp'|'sqrt') [('h'|'s'|'d')] [':'<n>] ) | 'all' | 'default' | 'none'
  -mrecip                 Equivalent to '-mrecip=all'
  -mrecord-mcount         Generate a __mcount_loc section entry for each __fentry__ call.
  -mrelax-all             (integrated-as) Relax all machine instructions
  -mrelax                 Enable linker relaxation
  -mrestrict-it           Disallow generation of complex IT blocks. It is off by default.
  -mrtd                   Make StdCall calling convention the default
                          Specify the size in bits of an RVV vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". Accepts power of 2 values between 64 and 65536. Also accepts "zvl" to use the value implied by -march/-mcpu. Value will be reflected in __riscv_v_fixed_vlen preprocessor define (RISC-V only)
  -msave-restore          Enable using library calls for save and restore
  -mseses                 Enable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES). Includes LVI control flow integrity mitigations
                          Select return address signing scope
  -mskip-rax-setup        Skip setting up RAX register when passing variable arguments (x86 only)
                          Put global and static data smaller than the limit into a special section
  -msoft-float            Use software floating point
                          Set the stack alignment
  -mstack-arg-probe       Enable stack probes
                          Set the stack probe size
                          Use the given offset for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given reg for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given symbol for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given guard (global, tls) for addressing the stack-protector guard
  -mstackrealign          Force realign the stack at entry to every function
                          Specify the size in bits of an SVE vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". (AArch64 only)
  -msvr4-struct-return    Return small structs in registers (PPC32 only)
  -mtargetos=<value>      Set the deployment target to be the specified OS and OS version
  -mtgsplit               Enable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mthread-model <value>  The thread model to use. Defaults to 'posix')
  -mtls-direct-seg-refs   Enable direct TLS access through segment registers (default)
  -mtls-size=<value>      Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets (AArch64 ELF only): 12 (for 4KB) | 24 (for 16MB, default) | 32 (for 4GB) | 48 (for 256TB, needs -mcmodel=large)
  -mtp=<value>            Thread pointer access method. For AArch32: 'soft' uses a function call, or 'tpidrurw', 'tpidruro' or 'tpidrprw' use the three CP15 registers. 'cp15' is an alias for 'tpidruro'. For AArch64: 'tpidr_el0', 'tpidr_el1', 'tpidr_el2', 'tpidr_el3' or 'tpidrro_el0' use the five system registers. 'elN' is an alias for 'tpidr_elN'.
  -mtune=<value>          Only supported on AArch64, PowerPC, RISC-V, SystemZ, and X86
  -MT <value>             Specify name of main file output in depfile
  -munaligned-access      Allow memory accesses to be unaligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -munsafe-fp-atomics     Enable generation of unsafe floating point atomic instructions. May generate more efficient code, but may not respect rounding and denormal modes, and may give incorrect results for certain memory destinations. (AMDGPU only)
  -mvscale-max=<value>    Specify the vscale maximum. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "0". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -mvscale-min=<value>    Specify the vscale minimum. Defaults to "1". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -MV                     Use NMake/Jom format for the depfile
  -mwavefrontsize64       Specify wavefront size 64 mode (AMDGPU only)
                          On AIX, request creation of a build-id string, "0xHEXSTRING", in the string table of the loader section inside the linked binary
  -mxcoff-roptr           Place constant objects with relocatable address values in the RO data section and add -bforceimprw to the linker flags (AIX only)
                          High level qualifier for z/OS C++RT side deck datasets
                          High level qualifier for z/OS CSSLIB dataset
  -mzos-hlq-le=<LeHLQ>    High level qualifier for z/OS Language Environment datasets
                          Path to system headers on z/OS
  -M                      Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
                          Do not include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
  --no-cuda-version-check Don't error out if the detected version of the CUDA install is too low for the requested CUDA gpu architecture.
  --no-default-config     Disable loading default configuration files
  --no-gpu-bundle-output  Do not bundle output files of HIP device compilation
  -no-hip-rt              Do not link against HIP runtime libraries
                          Remove CUDA/HIP offloading device architecture (e.g. sm_35, gfx906) from the list of devices to compile for. 'all' resets the list to its default value.
  --no-offload-new-driver Don't Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as not including a system header.
  -nobuiltininc           Disable builtin #include directories
  -nogpuinc               Do not add include paths for CUDA/HIP and do not include the default CUDA/HIP wrapper headers
  -nogpulib               Do not link device library for CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -nohipwrapperinc        Do not include the default HIP wrapper headers and include paths
  -nostdinc++             Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library
                          Tool used for detecting NVIDIA GPU arch in the system.
  -ObjC++                 Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs
                          Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path
  -objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties
  -objcmt-migrate-all     Enable migration to modern ObjC
                          Enable migration to property and method annotations
                          Enable migration to infer NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for initializer methods
                          Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC literals
                          Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros
                          Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC property
                          Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting
                          Enable migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' attribute
                          Enable migration to annotate property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER
                          Alias for -objcmt-allowlist-dir-path
  -ObjC                   Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs
                          Set the output <file> for debug infos
  --offload-arch=<value>  Specify an offloading device architecture for CUDA, HIP, or OpenMP. (e.g. sm_35). If 'native' is used the compiler will detect locally installed architectures. For HIP offloading, the device architecture can be followed by target ID features delimited by a colon (e.g. gfx908:xnack+:sramecc-). May be specified more than once.
  --offload-device-only   Only compile for the offloading device.
  --offload-host-device   Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-host-only     Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-link          Use the new offloading linker to perform the link job.
  --offload-new-driver    Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
  --offload=<value>       Specify comma-separated list of offloading target triples (CUDA and HIP only)
  -o <file>               Write output to <file>
  -pedantic               Warn on language extensions
  -pg                     Enable mcount instrumentation
  -pipe                   Use pipes between commands, when possible
  --precompile            Only precompile the input
                          Print all of Clang's warning options
  -print-effective-triple Print the effective target triple
  -print-file-name=<file> Print the full library path of <file>
  -print-ivar-layout      Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace
  -print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for the currently used compiler runtime library ("libgcc.a" or "libclang_rt.builtins.*.a")
                          Print the flags used for selecting multilibs (experimental)
  -print-prog-name=<name> Print the full program path of <name>
  -print-resource-dir     Print the resource directory pathname
  -print-rocm-search-dirs Print the paths used for finding ROCm installation
  -print-runtime-dir      Print the directory pathname containing clangs runtime libraries
  -print-search-dirs      Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs
  -print-supported-cpus   Print supported cpu models for the given target (if target is not specified, it will print the supported cpus for the default target)
  -print-target-triple    Print the normalized target triple
  -print-targets          Print the registered targets
  -pthread                Support POSIX threads in generated code
  --ptxas-path=<value>    Path to ptxas (used for compiling CUDA code)
  -P                      Disable linemarker output in -E mode
  -p                      Enable mcount instrumentation with prof
  -Qn                     Do not emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -Qunused-arguments      Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments
  -Qy                     Emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -relocatable-pch        Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header
  -rewrite-legacy-objc    Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++
  -rewrite-objc           Rewrite Objective-C source to C++
                          ROCm device library path. Alternative to rocm-path.
  --rocm-path=<value>     ROCm installation path, used for finding and automatically linking required bitcode libraries.
  -Rpass-analysis=<value> Report transformation analysis from optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass-missed=<value>   Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass=<value>          Report transformations performed by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -rtlib=<value>          Compiler runtime library to use
  -R<remark>              Enable the specified remark
  -save-stats=<value>     Save llvm statistics.
  -save-stats             Save llvm statistics.
  -save-temps=<value>     Save intermediate compilation results.
  -save-temps             Save intermediate compilation results
  -serialize-diagnostics <value>
                          Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file
  -shared-libsan          Dynamically link the sanitizer runtime
                          Don't emit warnings about unused arguments for the following arguments
  -static-libsan          Statically link the sanitizer runtime (Not supported for ASan, TSan or UBSan on darwin)
  -static-openmp          Use the static host OpenMP runtime while linking.
  -std=<value>            Language standard to compile for
  -stdlib++-isystem <directory>
                          Use directory as the C++ standard library include path
  -stdlib=<value>         C++ standard library to use
  -sycl-std=<value>       SYCL language standard to compile for.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as including a system header.
  -S                      Only run preprocess and compilation steps
  --target=<value>        Generate code for the given target
  -time                   Time individual commands
  -traditional-cpp        Enable some traditional CPP emulation
  -trigraphs              Process trigraph sequences
  -T <script>             Specify <script> as linker script
  -undef                  undef all system defines
  -unwindlib=<value>      Unwind library to use
  -U <macro>              Undefine macro <macro>
  --verify-debug-info     Verify the binary representation of debug output
  -verify-pch             Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is not stale
  --version               Print version information
  -vfsoverlay <value>     Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system. Additionally, pass this overlay file to the linker if it supports it
  -v                      Show commands to run and use verbose output
  -Wa,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the assembler
  -Wdeprecated            Enable warnings for deprecated constructs and define __DEPRECATED
  -Wl,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the linker
  -working-directory <value>
                          Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory
  -Wp,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the preprocessor
  -W<warning>             Enable the specified warning
  -w                      Suppress all warnings
  -Xanalyzer <arg>        Pass <arg> to the static analyzer
  -Xarch_device <arg>     Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -Xarch_host <arg>       Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP host compilation
  -Xassembler <arg>       Pass <arg> to the assembler
  -Xclang=<arg>           Alias for -Xclang
  -Xclang <arg>           Pass <arg> to clang -cc1
  -Xcuda-fatbinary <arg>  Pass <arg> to fatbinary invocation
  -Xcuda-ptxas <arg>      Pass <arg> to the ptxas assembler
  -Xlinker <arg>          Pass <arg> to the linker
  -Xoffload-linker<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the offload linkers or the ones idenfied by -<triple>
  -Xopenmp-target=<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain identified by <triple>.
  -Xopenmp-target <arg>   Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>    Pass <arg> to the preprocessor
  -x <language>           Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>
  -z <arg>                Pass -z <arg> to the linker


Afl-lto++ (8) - afl-cc++4.21c by Michal Zalewski, Laszlo Szekeres, Marc Heuse afl-cc

root@kali:~# afl-lto++ --help
OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler

USAGE: clang [options] file...

  -###                    Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation
                          Tool used for detecting AMD GPU arch in the system.
  --analyzer-output <value>
                          Static analyzer report output format (html|plist|plist-multi-file|plist-html|sarif|sarif-html|text).
  --analyze               Run the static analyzer
                          Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them
  -arcmt-migrate-report-output <value>
                          Output path for the plist report
  -B <prefix>             Search $prefix$file for executables, libraries, and data files. If $prefix is a directory, search $prefix/$file
  -b <arg>                Pass -b <arg> to the linker on AIX
  -CC                     Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output
  -cl-denorms-are-zero    OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero.
  -cl-ext=<value>         OpenCL only. Enable or disable OpenCL extensions/optional features. The argument is a comma-separated sequence of one or more extension names, each prefixed by '+' or '-'.
  -cl-fast-relaxed-math   OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__.
  -cl-finite-math-only    OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf.
                          OpenCL only. Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded.
  -cl-kernel-arg-info     OpenCL only. Generate kernel argument metadata.
  -cl-mad-enable          OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise MAD computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-signed-zeros     OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise no signed zeros computations in the generated binary.
  -cl-no-stdinc           OpenCL only. Disables all standard includes containing non-native compiler types and functions.
  -cl-opt-disable         OpenCL only. This option disables all optimizations. By default optimizations are enabled.
                          OpenCL only. Treat double precision floating-point constant as single precision constant.
  -cl-std=<value>         OpenCL language standard to compile for.
  -cl-strict-aliasing     OpenCL only. This option is added for compatibility with OpenCL 1.0.
                          OpenCL only. Defines that the global work-size be a multiple of the work-group size specified to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
                          OpenCL only. Allow unsafe floating-point optimizations.  Also implies -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-mad-enable.
  --config=<file>         Specify configuration file
                          Compile CUDA code for both host and device (default). Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
  --cuda-device-only      Compile CUDA code for device only
  --cuda-feature=<value>  Manually specify the CUDA feature to use
  --cuda-host-only        Compile CUDA code for host only. Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
                          Include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
                          Enable device-side debug info generation. Disables ptxas optimizations.
  --cuda-path-ignore-env  Ignore environment variables to detect CUDA installation
  --cuda-path=<value>     CUDA installation path
  -cuid=<value>           An ID for compilation unit, which should be the same for the same compilation unit but different for different compilation units. It is used to externalize device-side static variables for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP so that they can be accessed by the host code of the same compilation unit.
  -cxx-isystem <directory>
                          Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path
  -C                      Include comments in preprocessed output
  -c                      Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps
  -darwin-target-variant-triple <value>
                          Specify the darwin target variant triple
  -darwin-target-variant <value>
                          Generate code for an additional runtime variant of the deployment target
  -dD                     Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dependency-dot <value> Filename to write DOT-formatted header dependencies to
  -dependency-file <value>
                          Filename (or -) to write dependency output to
  -dI                     Print include directives in -E mode in addition to normal output
  -dM                     Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output
  -dsym-dir <dir>         Directory to output dSYM's (if any) to
  -dumpdir <dumppfx>      Use <dumpfpx> as a prefix to form auxiliary and dump file names
  -D <macro>=<value>      Define <macro> to <value> (or 1 if <value> omitted)
  -emit-ast               Emit Clang AST files for source inputs
  -emit-interface-stubs   Generate Interface Stub Files.
  -emit-llvm              Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files
  -emit-merged-ifs        Generate Interface Stub Files, emit merged text not binary.
  --emit-static-lib       Enable linker job to emit a static library.
  --emit-symbol-graph= <value>
                          Generate Extract API information as a side effect of compilation.
                          Start emitting warnings for unused driver arguments
                          Comma separated list of files containing a new line separated list of API symbols to ignore when extracting API information.
  -extract-api            Extract API information
  -E                      Only run the preprocessor
  -faapcs-bitfield-load   Follows the AAPCS standard that all volatile bit-field write generates at least one load. (ARM only).
  -faapcs-bitfield-width  Follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -faddrsig               Emit an address-significance table
  -falign-loops=<N>       N must be a power of two. Align loops to the boundary
  -faligned-allocation    Enable C++17 aligned allocation functions
                          Treat editor placeholders as valid source code
                          Source-level compatibility for Altivec vectors (for PowerPC targets). This includes results of vector comparison (scalar for 'xl', vector for 'gcc') as well as behavior when initializing with a scalar (splatting for 'xl', element zero only for 'gcc'). For 'mixed', the compatibility is as 'gcc' for 'vector bool/vector pixel' and as 'xl' for other types. Current default is 'mixed'.
  -fansi-escape-codes     Use ANSI escape codes for diagnostics
  -fapple-kext            Use Apple's kernel extensions ABI
  -fapple-link-rtlib      Force linking the clang builtins runtime library
  -fapple-pragma-pack     Enable Apple gcc-compatible #pragma pack handling
  -fapplication-extension Restrict code to those available for App Extensions
  -fapprox-func           Allow certain math function calls to be replaced with an approximately equivalent calculation
  -fasync-exceptions      Enable EH Asynchronous exceptions
                          Place each function's basic blocks in unique sections (ELF Only)
                          Produced object files can use all ELF features supported by this binutils version and newer. If -fno-integrated-as is specified, the generated assembly will consider GNU as support. 'none' means that all ELF features can be used, regardless of binutils support. Defaults to 2.26.
  -fblocks                Enable the 'blocks' language feature
  -fborland-extensions    Accept non-standard constructs supported by the Borland compiler
                          Use the last modification time of <file> as the build session timestamp
  -fbuild-session-timestamp=<time since Epoch in seconds>
                          Time when the current build session started
  -fbuiltin-module-map    Load the clang builtins module map file.
  -fc++-abi=<value>       C++ ABI to use. This will override the target C++ ABI.
  -fcall-saved-x10        Make the x10 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x11        Make the x11 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x12        Make the x12 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x13        Make the x13 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x14        Make the x14 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x15        Make the x15 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x18        Make the x18 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x8         Make the x8 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
  -fcall-saved-x9         Make the x9 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
                          Set the maximum number of source lines to show in a caret diagnostic (0 = no limit).
  -fcf-protection=<value> Instrument control-flow architecture protection
  -fcf-protection         Enable cf-protection in 'full' mode
  -fchar8_t               Enable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fcheck-new             Do not assume C++ operator new may not return NULL
                          Attempt to match the ABI of Clang <version>
  -fcolor-diagnostics     Enable colors in diagnostics
                          Treat each comma separated argument in <arg> as a documentation comment block command
  -fcommon                Place uninitialized global variables in a common block
                          Require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a constexpr evaluation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive constexpr function calls
                          Set the maximum number of steps in constexpr function evaluation
                          Prefer aligned allocation for C++ Coroutines
  -fcoroutines            Enable support for the C++ Coroutines
                          The compilation directory to embed in the coverage mapping.
  -fcoverage-mapping      Generate coverage mapping to enable code coverage analysis
                          remap file source paths <old> to <new> in coverage mapping. If there are multiple options, prefix replacement is applied in reverse order starting from the last one
                          Put crash-report files in <dir>
                          Set level of crash diagnostic reporting, (option: off, compiler, all)
  -fcrash-diagnostics     Enable crash diagnostic reporting (default)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fcs-profile-generate   Generate instrumented code to collect context sensitive execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use approximate transcendental functions
  -fcuda-short-ptr        Use 32-bit pointers for accessing const/local/shared address spaces
  -fcxx-exceptions        Enable C++ exceptions
  -fcxx-modules           Enable modules for C++
  -fdata-sections         Place each data in its own section
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info
                          Default DWARF version to use, if a -g option caused DWARF debug info to be produced
                          Emit extra debug info to make sample profile more accurate
  -fdebug-macro           Emit macro debug information
                          For paths in debug info, remap directory <old> to <new>. If multiple options match a path, the last option wins
                          Use DWARF base address selection entries in .debug_ranges
  -fdebug-types-section   Place debug types in their own section (ELF Only)
  -fdeclspec              Allow __declspec as a keyword
                          Parse templated function definitions at the end of the translation unit
                          Treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior (default)
                          Print absolute paths in diagnostics
                          Prevent optimization remarks from being output if they do not have at least this profile count. Use 'auto' to apply the threshold from profile summary
                          Prevent misexpect diagnostics from being output if the profile counts are within N% of the expected. 
                          Print fix-its in machine parseable form
                          Print source range spans in numeric form
                          Enable profile hotness information in diagnostic line
                          Display include stacks for diagnostic notes
                          Print option name with mappable diagnostics
                          Print a template comparison tree for differing templates
  -fdigraphs              Enable alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:' (default)
                          Don't use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
  -fdiscard-value-names   Discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Allow '$' in identifiers
  -fdriver-only           Only run the driver.
  -fdwarf-exceptions      Use DWARF style exceptions
                          Do not emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fembed-bitcode-marker  Embed placeholder LLVM IR data as a marker
                          Embed LLVM bitcode
  -fembed-bitcode         Embed LLVM IR bitcode as data
                          Embed Offloading device-side binary into host object file as a section.
  -femit-all-decls        Emit all declarations, even if unused
                          Try emitting Compact-Unwind for non-canonical entries. Maybe overriden by other constraints
                          When to emit DWARF unwind (EH frame) info
  -femulated-tls          Use emutls functions to access thread_local variables
  -fenable-matrix         Enable matrix data type and related builtin functions
  -fexceptions            Enable support for exception handling
                          Allows control over excess precision on targets where native support for the precision types is not available. By default, excess precision is used to calculate intermediate results following the rules specified in ISO C99.
  -fexperimental-library  Control whether unstable and experimental library features are enabled. This option enables various library features that are either experimental (also known as TSes), or have been but are not stable yet in the selected Standard Library implementation. It is not recommended to use this option in production code, since neither ABI nor API stability are guaranteed. This is intended to provide a preview of features that will ship in the future for experimentation purposes
                          Enable the experimental new constant interpreter
                          Use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable sanitizer metadata for modules and functions that match the provided special case list
                          Specify the type of metadata to emit for binary analysis sanitizers
                          Enables the use of non-default rounding modes and non-default exception handling on targets that are not currently ready.
                          Controls how scalar integer arguments are extended in calls to unprototyped and varargs functions
  -ffast-math             Allow aggressive, lossy floating-point optimizations
                          The compilation directory to embed in the debug info and coverage mapping.
                          remap file source paths in debug info, predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -ffile-reproducible     Use the target's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use separate accesses for consecutive bitfield runs with legal widths and alignments.
  -ffinite-loops          Assume all loops are finite.
  -ffinite-math-only      Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-inf. This defines the \_\_FINITE\_MATH\_ONLY\_\_ preprocessor macro.
  -ffixed-a0              Reserve the a0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a1              Reserve the a1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a2              Reserve the a2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a3              Reserve the a3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a4              Reserve the a4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a5              Reserve the a5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-a6              Reserve the a6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d0              Reserve the d0 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d1              Reserve the d1 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d2              Reserve the d2 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d3              Reserve the d3 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d4              Reserve the d4 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d5              Reserve the d5 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d6              Reserve the d6 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-d7              Reserve the d7 register (M68k only)
  -ffixed-point           Enable fixed point types
  -ffixed-r19             Reserve register r19 (Hexagon only)
  -ffixed-r9              Reserve the r9 register (ARM only)
  -ffixed-x10             Reserve the x10 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x11             Reserve the x11 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x12             Reserve the x12 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x13             Reserve the x13 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x14             Reserve the x14 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x15             Reserve the x15 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x16             Reserve the x16 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x17             Reserve the x17 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x18             Reserve the x18 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x19             Reserve the x19 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x1              Reserve the x1 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x20             Reserve the x20 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x21             Reserve the x21 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x22             Reserve the x22 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x23             Reserve the x23 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x24             Reserve the x24 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x25             Reserve the x25 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x26             Reserve the x26 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x27             Reserve the x27 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x28             Reserve the x28 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x29             Reserve the x29 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x2              Reserve the x2 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x30             Reserve the x30 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x31             Reserve the x31 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x3              Reserve the x3 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x4              Reserve the x4 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x5              Reserve the x5 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x6              Reserve the x6 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x7              Reserve the x7 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x8              Reserve the x8 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -ffixed-x9              Reserve the x9 register (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -fforce-dwarf-frame     Always emit a debug frame section
  -fforce-emit-vtables    Emits more virtual tables to improve devirtualization
  -fforce-enable-int128   Enable support for int128_t type
  -ffp-contract=<value>   Form fused FP ops (e.g. FMAs)
                          Specifies the evaluation method to use for floating-point arithmetic.
                          Specifies the exception behavior of floating-point operations.
  -ffp-model=<value>      Controls the semantics of floating-point calculations.
  -ffreestanding          Assert that the compilation takes place in a freestanding environment
                          Set Fuchsia API level
  -ffunction-sections     Place each function in its own section
  -fglobal-isel           Enables the global instruction selector
  -fgnu-keywords          Allow GNU-extension keywords regardless of language standard
  -fgnu-runtime           Generate output compatible with the standard GNU Objective-C runtime
  -fgnu89-inline          Use the gnu89 inline semantics
  -fgnuc-version=<value>  Sets various macros to claim compatibility with the given GCC version (default is 4.2.1)
  -fgpu-allow-device-init Allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
                          Specify default stream. The default value is 'legacy'. (HIP only)
  -fgpu-defer-diag        Defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Flush denormal floating point values to zero in CUDA/HIP device mode.
  -fgpu-rdc               Generate relocatable device code, also known as separate compilation mode
  -fgpu-sanitize          Enable sanitizer for AMDGPU target
  -fhip-emit-relocatable  Compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
  -fhip-kernel-arg-name   Specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fhip-new-launch-api    Use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fhonor-infinities      Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not +-inf.
  -fhonor-nans            Specify that floating-point optimizations are not allowed that assume arguments and results are not NANs.
  -fignore-exceptions     Enable support for ignoring exception handling constructs
  -fimplicit-module-maps  Implicitly search the file system for module map files.
                          Enable incremental processing extensions such as processingstatements on the global scope.
  -finline-functions      Inline suitable functions
  -finline-hint-functions Inline functions which are (explicitly or implicitly) marked inline
                          Suppress inlining of functions whose stack size exceeds the given value
  -finput-charset=<value> Specify the default character set for source files
                          Instrument function entry only, after inlining, without arguments to the instrumentation call
                          Like -finstrument-functions, but insert the calls after inlining
  -finstrument-functions  Generate calls to instrument function entry and exit
  -fintegrated-as         Enable the integrated assembler
  -fintegrated-cc1        Run cc1 in-process
  -fintegrated-objemitter Use internal machine object code emitter.
  -fjmc                   Enable just-my-code debugging
  -fjump-tables           Use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Enable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fkeep-static-consts    Keep static const variables even if unused
                          Enable implicit vector bit-casts
  -flto-jobs=<value>      Controls the backend parallelism of -flto=thin (default of 0 means the number of threads will be derived from the number of CPUs detected)
  -flto=auto              Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=jobserver         Enable LTO in 'full' mode
  -flto=<value>           Set LTO mode
  -flto                   Enable LTO in 'full' mode
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a macro expansion backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          remap file source paths in predefined preprocessor macros and __builtin_FILE(). Implies -ffile-reproducible.
  -fmath-errno            Require math functions to indicate errors by setting errno
  -fmax-tokens=<value>    Max total number of preprocessed tokens for -Wmax-tokens.
                          Specify the maximum alignment to enforce on pointers lacking an explicit alignment
                          Use memory profile for profile-guided memory optimization
                          Enable heap memory profiling and dump results into <directory>
  -fmemory-profile        Enable heap memory profiling
  -fmerge-all-constants   Allow merging of constants
                          Format message diagnostics so that they fit within N columns
  -fminimize-whitespace   Ignore the whitespace from the input file when emitting preprocessor output. It will only contain whitespace when necessary, e.g. to keep two minus signs from merging into to an increment operator. Useful with the -P option to normalize whitespace such that two files with only formatting changes are equal.

Only valid with -E on C-like inputs and incompatible with -traditional-cpp.
                          Specify the mapping of module name to precompiled module file, or load a module file if name is omitted.
  -fmodule-header=<kind>  Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header that should be found in the user (fmodule-header=user) or system (fmodule-header=system) search path.
  -fmodule-header         Build a C++20 Header Unit from a header.
                          Load this module map file
  -fmodule-name=<name>    Specify the name of the module to build
  -fmodule-output=<value> Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
  -fmodule-output         Save intermediate module file results when compiling a standard C++ module unit.
                          Specify the module cache path
  -fmodules-decluse       Require declaration of modules used within a module
                          Disable validation of the diagnostic options when loading the module
                          Ignore the definition of the given macro when building and loading modules
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) after which a module file will be considered unused
                          Specify the interval (in seconds) between attempts to prune the module cache
  -fmodules-search-all    Search even non-imported modules to resolve references
                          Like -fmodules-decluse but requires all headers to be in modules
  -fmodules-user-build-path <directory>
                          Specify the module user build path
                          Validate PCM input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Don't verify input files for the modules if the module has been successfully validated or loaded during this build session
                          Validate the system headers that a module depends on when loading the module
  -fmodules               Enable the 'modules' language feature
                          Dot-separated value representing the Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fms-compatibility      Enable full Microsoft Visual C++ compatibility
  -fms-extensions         Accept some non-standard constructs supported by the Microsoft compiler
  -fms-hotpatch           Ensure that all functions can be hotpatched at runtime
                          Select Windows run-time library
  -fmsc-version=<value>   Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
  -fnew-alignment=<align> Specifies the largest alignment guaranteed by '::operator new(size_t)'
  -fnew-infallible        Enable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          Do not follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -fno-access-control     Disable C++ access control
  -fno-addrsig            Don't emit an address-significance table
                          Don't assume that C++'s global operator new can't alias any pointer
                          Disable optimizations based on vtable pointer identity
  -fno-autolink           Disable generation of linker directives for automatic library linking
  -fno-builtin-<value>    Disable implicit builtin knowledge of a specific function
  -fno-builtin            Disable implicit builtin knowledge of functions
                          Disable C++ static destructor registration
  -fno-char8_t            Disable C++ builtin type char8_t
  -fno-color-diagnostics  Disable colors in diagnostics
  -fno-common             Compile common globals like normal definitions
                          Do not require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
  -fno-constant-cfstrings Disable creation of CodeFoundation-type constant strings
                          Assume all functions may be convergent.
  -fno-coverage-mapping   Disable code coverage analysis
  -fno-crash-diagnostics  Disable auto-generation of preprocessed source files and a script for reproduction during a clang crash
                          Don't use approximate transcendental functions
  -fno-cxx-modules        Disable modules for C++
  -fno-debug-macro        Do not emit macro debug information
  -fno-declspec           Disallow __declspec as a keyword
                          Disable delayed template parsing
                          Do not treat usage of null pointers as undefined behavior
                          Do not include fixit information in diagnostics
                          Show line numbers in diagnostic code snippets
  -fno-digraphs           Disallow alternative token representations '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:'
                          Use GOT indirection to reference external data symbols
                          Do not discard value names in LLVM IR
                          Disallow '$' in identifiers
  -fno-elide-constructors Disable C++ copy constructor elision
  -fno-elide-type         Do not elide types when printing diagnostics
                          Emit  debug info for defined but unused types
  -fno-exceptions         Disable support for exception handling
                          Do not use the experimental C++ class ABI for classes with virtual tables
                          Disable emitting metadata for binary analysis sanitizers
  -fno-file-reproducible  Use the host's platform-specific path separator character when expanding the __FILE__ macro
                          Use large-integer access for consecutive bitfield runs.
  -fno-finite-loops       Do not assume that any loop is finite.
  -fno-fixed-point        Disable fixed point types
                          Disable support for int128_t type
  -fno-global-isel        Disables the global instruction selector
  -fno-gnu-inline-asm     Disable GNU style inline asm
                          Don't allow device side init function in HIP (experimental)
  -fno-gpu-defer-diag     Don't defer host/device related diagnostic messages for CUDA/HIP
                          Do not override toolchain to compile HIP source to relocatable
                          Don't specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded (HIP device compilation only)
                          Don't specify that kernel argument names are preserved (HIP only)
  -fno-hip-new-launch-api Don't use new kernel launching API for HIP
  -fno-integrated-as      Disable the integrated assembler
  -fno-integrated-cc1     Spawn a separate process for each cc1
                          Use external machine object code emitter.
  -fno-jump-tables        Do not use jump tables for lowering switches
                          Disable keeping all variables that have a persistent storage duration, including global, static and thread-local variables, to guarantee that they can be directly addressed
  -fno-keep-static-consts Don't keep static const variables even if unused
  -fno-knr-functions      Disable support for K&R C function declarations
  -fno-lto                Disable LTO mode (default)
  -fno-memory-profile     Disable heap memory profiling
                          Disallow merging of constants
                          Skip checks for relocated modules when loading PCM files
                          Do not enforce -fmodules-decluse and private header restrictions for textual headers. This flag will be removed in a future Clang release.
  -fno-new-infallible     Disable treating throwing global C++ operator new as always returning valid memory (annotates with __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) and throw()). This is detectable in source.
                          do not infer Objective-C related result type based on method family
  -fno-offload-lto        Disable LTO mode (default) for offload compilation
  -fno-openmp-extensions  Disable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
  -fno-operator-names     Do not treat C++ operator name keywords as synonyms for operators
                          Disable tail call optimization, keeping the call stack accurate
  -fno-pch-codegen        Do not generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fno-pch-debuginfo      Do not generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
  -fno-plt                Use GOT indirection instead of PLT to make external function calls (x86 only)
                          Do not preserve comments in inline assembly
  -fno-profile-generate   Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
                          Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
  -fno-profile-instr-use  Disable using instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
                          Do not emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          Don't use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
  -fno-rtlib-add-rpath    Do not add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, do not add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -fno-rtti-data          Disable generation of RTTI data
  -fno-rtti               Disable generation of rtti information
                          Disable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Use default code inlining logic for the address sanitizer
                          Disable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Disable ODR indicator globals
                          Do not make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Disable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Disable features of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Disable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Don't use ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Disable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Disable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Disable recovery for specified sanitizers
                          Conventional ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fno-sanitize-stats     Disable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Disable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
                          Disable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fno-sanitize-trap      Disable trapping for all sanitizers
  -fno-short-wchar        Force wchar_t to be an unsigned int
  -fno-show-column        Do not include column number on diagnostics
                          Do not include source location information with diagnostics
  -fno-signed-char        char is unsigned
  -fno-signed-zeros       Allow optimizations that ignore the sign of floating point zeros
  -fno-spell-checking     Disable spell-checking
                          Disable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fno-split-stack        Wouldn't use segmented stack
                          Disable stack clash protection
  -fno-stack-protector    Disable the use of stack protectors
  -fno-standalone-debug   Limit debug information produced to reduce size of debug binary
                          Relax language rules and try to match the behavior of the target's native float-to-int conversion instructions
  -fno-strict-return      Don't treat control flow paths that fall off the end of a non-void function as unreachable
  -fno-sycl               Disables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fno-temp-file          Directly create compilation output files. This may lead to incorrect incremental builds if the compiler crashes
  -fno-threadsafe-statics Do not emit code to make initialization of local statics thread safe
  -fno-trigraphs          Do not process trigraph sequences
  -fno-unified-lto        Use distinct LTO pipelines
                          Don't use unique names for text and data sections
  -fno-unroll-loops       Turn off loop unroller
  -fno-use-cxa-atexit     Don't use __cxa_atexit for calling destructors
  -fno-use-init-array     Use .ctors/.dtors instead of .init_array/.fini_array
                          Disables -fvisibility-inlines-hidden-static-local-var (this is the default on non-darwin targets)
                          Omit function index section at the expense of single-function patching performance
                          Don't place zero initialized data in BSS
  -fobjc-arc-exceptions   Use EH-safe code when synthesizing retains and releases in -fobjc-arc
  -fobjc-arc              Synthesize retain and release calls for Objective-C pointers
                          Ignore attribute objc_direct so that direct methods can be tested
                          Fully encode c++ class template specialization
  -fobjc-exceptions       Enable Objective-C exceptions
  -fobjc-runtime=<value>  Specify the target Objective-C runtime kind and version
  -fobjc-weak             Enable ARC-style weak references in Objective-C
  -foffload-lto=<value>   Set LTO mode for offload compilation
  -foffload-lto           Enable LTO in 'full' mode for offload compilation
  -fomit-frame-pointer    Omit the frame pointer from functions that don't need it. Some stack unwinding cases, such as profilers and sanitizers, may prefer specifying -fno-omit-frame-pointer. On many targets, -O1 and higher omit the frame pointer by default. -m[no-]omit-leaf-frame-pointer takes precedence for leaf functions
  -fopenmp-extensions     Enable all Clang extensions for OpenMP directives and clauses
                          Do not create a host fallback if offloading to the device fails.
  -fopenmp-simd           Emit OpenMP code only for SIMD-based constructs.
  -fopenmp-target-debug   Enable debugging in the OpenMP offloading device RTL
  -fopenmp-target-jit     Emit code that can be JIT compiled for OpenMP offloading. Implies -foffload-lto=full
                          Specify comma-separated list of triples OpenMP offloading targets to be supported
                          Set OpenMP version (e.g. 45 for OpenMP 4.5, 50 for OpenMP 5.0). Default value is 50 for Clang and 11 for Flang
  -fopenmp                Parse OpenMP pragmas and generate parallel code.
                          Maximum number of 'operator->'s to call for a member access
                          Specify the output name of the file containing the optimization remarks. Implies -fsave-optimization-record. On Darwin platforms, this cannot be used with multiple -arch <arch> options.
                          Only include passes which match a specified regular expression in the generated optimization record (by default, include all passes)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect order file into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fpack-struct=<value>   Specify the default maximum struct packing alignment
  -fpascal-strings        Recognize and construct Pascal-style string literals
  -fpass-plugin=<dsopath> Load pass plugin from a dynamic shared object file (only with new pass manager).
                          Generate M NOPs before function entry and N-M NOPs after function entry
  -fpcc-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return all structs on the stack
  -fpch-codegen           Generate code for uses of this PCH that assumes an explicit object file will be built for the PCH
  -fpch-debuginfo         Generate debug info for types in an object file built from this PCH and do not generate them elsewhere
                          Instantiate templates already while building a PCH
                          Validate PCH input files based on content if mtime differs
                          Pass <arg> to plugin <name>
  -fplugin=<dsopath>      Load the named plugin (dynamic shared object)
                          Look up implicit modules in the prebuilt module path
                          Specify the prebuilt module path
                          Save subprocess statistics to the given file
                          Print subprocess statistics
  -fprofile-arcs          Instrument code to produce gcov data files (*.gcda)
                          Instrument only functions from files where names don't match all the regexes separated by a semi-colon
                          Instrument only functions from files where names match any regex separated by a semi-colon
                          Partition functions into N groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented using -fprofile-selected-function-group
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
  -fprofile-generate      Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <file> (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
  -fprofile-list=<value>  Filename defining the list of functions/files to instrument. The file uses the sanitizer special case list format.
                          Use the remappings described in <file> to match the profile data against names in the program
                          Specifies that the sample profile is accurate
                          Enable sample-based profile guided optimizations
                          Partition functions into N groups using -fprofile-function-groups and select only functions in group i to be instrumented. The valid range is 0 to N-1 inclusive
                          Set update method of profile counters
                          Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization. If pathname is a directory, it reads from <pathname>/default.profdata. Otherwise, it reads from file <pathname>.
  -fprotect-parens        Determines whether the optimizer honors parentheses when floating-point expressions are evaluated
                          Emit pseudo probes for sample profiling
                          File holding the seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
                          The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature
  -freciprocal-math       Allow division operations to be reassociated
  -freg-struct-return     Override the default ABI to return small structs in registers
                          Use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
                          Enable C++17 relaxed template template argument matching
  -freroll-loops          Turn on loop reroller
  -fropi                  Generate read-only position independent code (ARM only)
  -frtlib-add-rpath       Add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags. When --hip-link is specified, also add -rpath with HIP runtime library directory to the linker flags
  -frwpi                  Generate read-write position independent code (ARM only)
                          Display suggestions to update code associated with -Wunsafe-buffer-usage warnings
                          Use profi to infer block and edge counts
                          Set the kind of module destructors emitted by AddressSanitizer instrumentation. These destructors are emitted to unregister instrumented global variables when code is unloaded (e.g. via `dlclose()`).
                          Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer
                          Enable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
                          Always generate function calls for address sanitizer instrumentation
                          Enable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
                          Select the mode of detecting stack use-after-return in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
                          Enable ODR indicator globals to avoid false ODR violation reports in partially sanitized programs at the cost of an increase in binary size
                          Alias for -fsanitize-ignorelist=
                          Make the jump table addresses canonical in the symbol table
                          Enable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
                          Normalize integers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Generalize pointers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
                          Restrict sanitizer coverage instrumentation exclusively to modules and functions that match the provided special case list, except the blocked ones
                          Disable sanitizer coverage instrumentation for modules and functions that match the provided special case list, even the allowed ones
                          Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
                          Select the HWAddressSanitizer ABI to target (interceptor or platform, default interceptor). This option is currently unused.
                          Enable aliasing mode in HWAddressSanitizer
                          Path to ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable detection of uninitialized parameters and return values
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
                          Enable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
                          Set default MTE mode to 'sync' (default) or 'async'
                          Enable recovery for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-stable-abi   Stable  ABI instrumentation for sanitizer runtime. Default: Conventional
  -fsanitize-stats        Enable sanitizer statistics gathering.
                          Path to system ignorelist file for sanitizers
                          Enable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
                          Enable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
  -fsanitize-trap=<value> Enable trapping for specified sanitizers
  -fsanitize-trap         Enable trapping for all sanitizers
                          Strip (or keep only, if negative) a given number of path components when emitting check metadata.
  -fsanitize=<check>      Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious behavior. See user manual for available checks
                          Generate an optimization record file in a specific format
                          Generate a YAML optimization record file
  -fseh-exceptions        Use SEH style exceptions
  -fshort-enums           Allocate to an enum type only as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of possible values
  -fshort-wchar           Force wchar_t to be a short unsigned int
                          Which overload candidates to show when overload resolution fails. Defaults to 'all'
  -fshow-skipped-includes Show skipped includes in -H output.
  -fsigned-char           char is signed
  -fsized-deallocation    Enable C++14 sized global deallocation functions
  -fsjlj-exceptions       Use SjLj style exceptions
  -fslp-vectorize         Enable the superword-level parallelism vectorization passes
                          Set the maximum number of times to perform spell checking on unrecognized identifiers (0 = no limit)
  -fsplit-dwarf-inlining  Provide minimal debug info in the object/executable to facilitate online symbolication/stack traces in the absence of .dwo/.dwp files when using Split DWARF
  -fsplit-lto-unit        Enables splitting of the LTO unit
                          Enable late function splitting using profile information (x86 ELF)
  -fsplit-stack           Use segmented stack
                          Enable stack clash protection
  -fstack-protector-all   Enable stack protectors for all functions
                          Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. Compared to -fstack-protector, this uses a stronger heuristic that includes functions containing arrays of any size (and any type), as well as any calls to alloca or the taking of an address from a local variable
  -fstack-protector       Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. This uses a loose heuristic which considers functions vulnerable if they contain a char (or 8bit integer) array or constant sized calls to alloca , which are of greater size than ssp-buffer-size (default: 8 bytes). All variable sized calls to alloca are considered vulnerable. A function with a stack protector has a guard value added to the stack frame that is checked on function exit. The guard value must be positioned in the stack frame such that a buffer overflow from a vulnerable variable will overwrite the guard value before overwriting the function's return address. The reference stack guard value is stored in a global variable.
  -fstack-size-section    Emit section containing metadata on function stack sizes
  -fstack-usage           Emit .su file containing information on function stack sizes
  -fstandalone-debug      Emit full debug info for all types used by the program
  -fstrict-enums          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's value range
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of flexible arrays
                          Assume that overflowing float-to-int casts are undefined (default)
                          Enable optimizations based on the strict rules for overwriting polymorphic C++ objects
                          Control emission of Swift async extended frame info
  -fsycl                  Enables SYCL kernels compilation for device
  -fsyntax-only           Run the preprocessor, parser and semantic analysis stages
  -fsystem-module         Build this module as a system module. Only used with -emit-module
                          Set the maximum number of entries to print in a template instantiation backtrace (0 = no limit)
                          Set the maximum depth of recursive template instantiation
  -ftest-coverage         Produce gcov notes files (*.gcno)
                          Write minimized bitcode to <file> for the ThinLTO thin link only
  -fthinlto-index=<value> Perform ThinLTO importing using provided function summary index
  -ftime-report=<value>   (For new pass manager) 'per-pass': one report for each pass; 'per-pass-run': one report for each pass invocation
                          Minimum time granularity (in microseconds) traced by time profiler
  -ftime-trace=<value>    Similar to -ftime-trace. Specify the JSON file or a directory which will contain the JSON file
  -ftime-trace            Turn on time profiler. Generates JSON file based on output filename.
  -ftrap-function=<value> Issue call to specified function rather than a trap instruction
  -ftrapv-handler=<function name>
                          Specify the function to be called on overflow
  -ftrapv                 Trap on integer overflow
  -ftrigraphs             Process trigraph sequences
                          Stop initializing trivial automatic stack variables after the specified number of instances
                          Initialize trivial automatic stack variables. Defaults to 'uninitialized'
  -funified-lto           Use the unified LTO pipeline
                          Use unique names for basic block sections (ELF Only)
                          Uniqueify Internal Linkage Symbol Names by appending the MD5 hash of the module path
  -funroll-loops          Turn on loop unroller
                          Allow unsafe floating-point math optimizations which may decrease precision
  -fuse-cuid=<value>      Method to generate ID's for compilation units for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP: 'hash' (ID's generated by hashing file path and command line options) | 'random' (ID's generated as random numbers) | 'none' (disabled). Default is 'hash'. This option will be overridden by option '-cuid=[ID]' if it is specified.
  -fuse-line-directives   Use #line in preprocessed output
                          Compute and store the hash of input files used to build an AST. Files with mismatching mtime's are considered valid if both contents is identical
  -fveclib=<value>        Use the given vector functions library
  -fvectorize             Enable the loop vectorization passes
  -fverbose-asm           Generate verbose assembly output
                          Enables dead virtual function elimination optimization. Requires -flto=full
                          The visibility for dllexport definitions [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for dllimport external declarations [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          The visibility for external declarations without an explicit DLL dllstorageclass [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
                          Set the visibility of symbols in the generated code from their DLL storage class
                          Give global C++ operator new and delete declarations hidden visibility
                          When -fvisibility-inlines-hidden is enabled, static variables in inline C++ member functions will also be given hidden visibility by default
                          Give inline C++ member functions hidden visibility by default
  -fvisibility-ms-compat  Give global types 'default' visibility and global functions and variables 'hidden' visibility by default
                          The visibility for definitions without an explicit DLL export class [-fvisibility-from-dllstorageclass]
  -fvisibility=<value>    Set the default symbol visibility for all global definitions
  -fwasm-exceptions       Use WebAssembly style exceptions
  -fwhole-program-vtables Enables whole-program vtable optimization. Requires -flto
  -fwrapv                 Treat signed integer overflow as two's complement
  -fwritable-strings      Store string literals as writable data
  -fxl-pragma-pack        Enable IBM XL #pragma pack handling
                          Always emit __xray_customevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          Always emit __xray_typedevent(...) calls even if the containing function is not always instrumented
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'always instrument' XRay attribute.
                          Filename defining the list of functions/types for imbuing XRay attributes.
                          Only instrument 1 of N groups
  -fxray-ignore-loops     Don't instrument functions with loops unless they also meet the minimum function size
                          Sets the minimum function size to instrument with XRay
                          Select which XRay instrumentation points to emit. Options: all, none, function-entry, function-exit, function, custom. Default is 'all'.  'function' includes both 'function-entry' and 'function-exit'.
  -fxray-instrument       Generate XRay instrumentation sleds on function entry and exit
  -fxray-link-deps        Link XRay runtime library when -fxray-instrument is specified (default)
  -fxray-modes=<value>    List of modes to link in by default into XRay instrumented binaries.
                          DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'never instrument' XRay attribute.
                          When using -fxray-function-groups, select which group of functions to instrument. Valid range is 0 to fxray-function-groups - 1
                          Clear call-used registers upon function return (AArch64/x86 only)
  -fzvector               Enable System z vector language extension
  -F <value>              Add directory to framework include search path
                          Use GCC installation in the specified directory. The directory ends with path components like 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Note: executables (e.g. ld) used by the compiler are not overridden by the selected GCC installation
  --gcc-toolchain=<value> Specify a directory where Clang can find 'include' and 'lib{,32,64}/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version'. Clang will use the GCC installation with the largest version
  -gcodeview-command-line Emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gcodeview-ghash        Emit type record hashes in a .debug$H section
  -gcodeview              Generate CodeView debug information
  -gdwarf-2               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 2
  -gdwarf-3               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 3
  -gdwarf-4               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 4
  -gdwarf-5               Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 5
  -gdwarf32               Enables DWARF32 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf64               Enables DWARF64 format for ELF binaries, if debug information emission is enabled.
  -gdwarf                 Generate source-level debug information with the default dwarf version
  -gembed-source          Embed source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gen-reproducer=<value> Emit reproducer on (option: off, crash (default), error, always)
  -gline-directives-only  Emit debug line info directives only
  -gline-tables-only      Emit debug line number tables only
  -gmodules               Generate debug info with external references to clang modules or precompiled headers
                          Don't emit compiler path and command line into CodeView debug information
  -gno-embed-source       Restore the default behavior of not embedding source text in DWARF debug sections
  -gno-inline-line-tables Don't emit inline line tables.
  --gpu-bundle-output     Bundle output files of HIP device compilation
                          Instrument device library for HIP, which is a LLVM bitcode containing __cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit
                          Default max threads per block for kernel launch bounds for HIP
  -gsplit-dwarf=<value>   Set DWARF fission mode
  -gstrict-dwarf          Restrict DWARF features to those defined in the specified version, avoiding features from later versions.
  -gz=<value>             DWARF debug sections compression type
  -G <size>               Put objects of at most <size> bytes into small data section (MIPS / Hexagon)
  -g                      Generate source-level debug information
  --help-hidden           Display help for hidden options
  -help                   Display available options
                          HIP device library
  --hip-link              Link clang-offload-bundler bundles for HIP
  --hip-path=<value>      HIP runtime installation path, used for finding HIP version and adding HIP include path.
  --hip-version=<value>   HIP version in the format of major.minor.patch
                          path to a pass plugin for HIP to SPIR-V passes.
  -H                      Show header includes and nesting depth
  -I-                     Restrict all prior -I flags to double-quoted inclusion and remove current directory from include path
  -ibuiltininc            Enable builtin #include directories even when -nostdinc is used before or after -ibuiltininc. Using -nobuiltininc after the option disables it
  -idirafter <value>      Add directory to AFTER include search path
  -iframeworkwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -iframework <value>     Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path
  -imacros <file>         Include macros from file before parsing
  -include-pch <file>     Include precompiled header file
  -include <file>         Include file before parsing
  -index-header-map       Make the next included directory (-I or -F) an indexer header map
  -iprefix <dir>          Set the -iwithprefix/-iwithprefixbefore prefix
  -iquote <directory>     Add directory to QUOTE include search path
  -isysroot <dir>         Set the system root directory (usually /)
  -isystem-after <directory>
                          Add directory to end of the SYSTEM include search path
  -isystem <directory>    Add directory to SYSTEM include search path
  -ivfsoverlay <value>    Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system
  -iwithprefixbefore <dir>
                          Set directory to include search path with prefix
  -iwithprefix <dir>      Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix
  -iwithsysroot <directory>
                          Add directory to SYSTEM include search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
  -I <dir>                Add directory to the end of the list of include search paths
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-amdgcn bitcode library
                          Path to libomptarget-nvptx bitcode library
  -L <dir>                Add directory to library search path
  -mabi=quadword-atomics  Enable quadword atomics ABI on AIX (AIX PPC64 only). Uses lqarx/stqcx. instructions.
  -mabicalls              Enable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
  -maix-struct-return     Return all structs in memory (PPC32 only)
                          Specify the boundary's size to align branches
  -malign-branch=<value>  Specify types of branches to align
  -malign-double          Align doubles to two words in structs (x86 only)
  -maltivec               Enable AltiVec vector initializer syntax
  -mamdgpu-ieee           Sets the IEEE bit in the expected default floating point  mode register. Floating point opcodes that support exception flag gathering quiet and propagate signaling NaN inputs per IEEE 754-2008. This option changes the ABI. (AMDGPU only)
  -march=<value>          For a list of available architectures for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mbackchain             Link stack frames through backchain on System Z
                          Enforce targets of indirect branches and function returns
                          Align selected branches (fused, jcc, jmp) within 32-byte boundary
  -mcabac                 Enable CABAC instructions
  -mcmodel=medany         Equivalent to -mcmodel=medium, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmodel=medlow         Equivalent to -mcmodel=small, compatible with RISC-V gcc.
  -mcmse                  Allow use of CMSE (Armv8-M Security Extensions)
                          Specify code object ABI version. Defaults to 4. (AMDGPU only)
  -mcpu=<value>           For a list of available CPUs for the target use '-mcpu=help'
  -mcrbits                Control the CR-bit tracking feature on PowerPC. ``-mcrbits`` (the enablement of CR-bit tracking support) is the default for POWER8 and above, as well as for all other CPUs when optimization is applied (-O2 and above).
  -mcrc                   Allow use of CRC instructions (ARM/Mips only)
  -mcumode                Specify CU wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Mapping between default visibility and export
  -mdouble=<n             Force double to be <n> bits
  -MD                     Write a depfile containing user and system headers
  -meabi <value>          Set EABI type. Default depends on triple)
  -membedded-data         Place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata section even if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Enable use of experimental RISC-V extensions.
  -mexec-model=<value>    Execution model (WebAssembly only)
  -mexecute-only          Disallow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mextern-sdata          Assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mfentry                Insert calls to fentry at function entry (x86/SystemZ only)
                          Work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
  -mfix-cortex-a53-835769 Workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mfp32                  Use 32-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mfp64                  Use 64-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
  -mframe-chain=<value>   Select the frame chain model used to emit frame records (Arm only).
                          Replace returns with jumps to ``__x86_return_thunk`` (x86 only, error otherwise)
  -MF <file>              Write depfile output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to <file>
  -mgeneral-regs-only     Generate code which only uses the general purpose registers (AArch64/x86 only)
  -mglobal-merge          Enable merging of globals
  -mgpopt                 Use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mguard=<value>         Enable or disable Control Flow Guard checks and guard tables emission
  -MG                     Add missing headers to depfile
  -mharden-sls=<value>    Select straight-line speculation hardening scope (ARM/AArch64/X86 only). <arg> must be: all, none, retbr(ARM/AArch64), blr(ARM/AArch64), comdat(ARM/AArch64), nocomdat(ARM/AArch64), return(X86), indirect-jmp(X86)
  -mhvx-ieee-fp           Enable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mhvx-length=<value>    Set Hexagon Vector Length
  -mhvx-qfloat            Enable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mhvx=<value>           Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mhvx                   Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -miamcu                 Use Intel MCU ABI
                          Not emit the visibility attribute for asm in AIX OS or give all symbols 'unspecified' visibility in XCOFF object file
  --migrate               Run the migrator
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which can be used with an incremental linker
                          Add cs prefix to call and jmp to indirect thunk
  -mindirect-jump=<value> Change indirect jump instructions to inhibit speculation
                          Set iOS deployment target
  -MJ <value>             Write a compilation database entry per input
  -mllvm=<arg>            Alias for -mllvm
  -mllvm <value>          Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing
  -mlocal-sdata           Extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mlong-calls            Generate branches with extended addressability, usually via indirect jumps.
  -mlong-double-128       Force long double to be 128 bits
  -mlong-double-64        Force long double to be 64 bits
  -mlong-double-80        Force long double to be 80 bits, padded to 128 bits for storage
  -mlvi-cfi               Enable only control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mlvi-hardening         Enable all mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
                          Set macOS deployment target
  -mmadd4                 Enable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mmark-bti-property     Add with BTI to assembly files (AArch64 only)
  -MMD                    Write a depfile containing user headers
  -mmemops                Enable generation of memop instructions
  -mmlir <value>          Additional arguments to forward to MLIR's option processing
  -mms-bitfields          Set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mmsa                   Enable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mmt                    Enable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -MM                     Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
  -mno-abicalls           Disable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
                          Do not add a BTI instruction after a setjmp or other return-twice construct (Arm/AArch64 only)
  -mno-crc                Disallow use of CRC instructions (Mips only)
  -mno-cumode             Specify WGP wavefront execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mno-embedded-data      Do not place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mno-execute-only       Allow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
  -mno-extern-sdata       Do not assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          Don't work around VLLDM erratum CVE-2021-35465 (ARM only)
                          Don't workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A57 Erratum 1742098 (ARM only)
                          Don't work around Cortex-A72 Erratum 1655431 (ARM only)
  -mno-fmv                Disable function multiversioning
  -mno-gather             Disable generation of gather instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-global-merge       Disable merging of globals
  -mno-gpopt              Do not use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
  -mno-hvx-ieee-fp        Disable Hexagon HVX IEEE floating-point
  -mno-hvx-qfloat         Disable Hexagon HVX QFloat instructions
  -mno-hvx                Disable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
  -mno-implicit-float     Don't generate implicit floating point or vector instructions
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which cannot be used with an incremental linker
  -mno-local-sdata        Do not extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
  -mno-long-calls         Restore the default behaviour of not generating long calls
  -mno-lvi-cfi            Disable control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-lvi-hardening      Disable mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)
  -mno-madd4              Disable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
  -mno-memops             Disable generation of memop instructions
  -mno-movt               Disallow use of movt/movw pairs (ARM only)
  -mno-ms-bitfields       Do not set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mno-msa                Disable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-mt                 Disable MT ASE (MIPS only)
  -mno-neg-immediates     Disallow converting instructions with negative immediates to their negation or inversion.
  -mno-nvj                Disable generation of new-value jumps
  -mno-nvs                Disable generation of new-value stores
  -mno-outline-atomics    Don't generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -mno-outline            Disable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mno-packets            Disable generation of instruction packets
                          Don't assume data segments are relative to text segment
  -mno-relax              Disable linker relaxation
  -mno-restrict-it        Allow generation of complex IT blocks.
  -mno-save-restore       Disable using library calls for save and restore
  -mno-scatter            Disable generation of scatter instructions in auto-vectorization(x86 only)
  -mno-seses              Disable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES)
  -mno-stack-arg-probe    Disable stack probes which are enabled by default
  -mno-tgsplit            Disable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
                          Disable direct TLS access through segment registers
  -mno-unaligned-access   Force all memory accesses to be aligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -mno-wavefrontsize64    Specify wavefront size 32 mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mnocrc                 Disallow use of CRC instructions (ARM only)
  -mnop-mcount            Generate mcount/__fentry__ calls as nops. To activate they need to be patched in.
  -mnvj                   Enable generation of new-value jumps
  -mnvs                   Enable generation of new-value stores
  -module-dependency-dir <value>
                          Directory to dump module dependencies to
  -module-file-info       Provide information about a particular module file
                          Omit frame pointer setup for leaf functions
  -moutline-atomics       Generate local calls to out-of-line atomic operations
  -moutline               Enable function outlining (AArch64 only)
  -mpacked-stack          Use packed stack layout (SystemZ only).
  -mpackets               Enable generation of instruction packets
                          Specify maximum number of prefixes to use for padding
                          Assume data segments are relative to text segment
                          Specifies preferred vector width for auto-vectorization. Defaults to 'none' which allows target specific decisions.
  -mprintf-kind=<value>   Specify the printf lowering scheme (AMDGPU only), allowed values are "hostcall"(printing happens during kernel execution, this scheme relies on hostcalls which require system to support pcie atomics) and "buffered"(printing happens after all kernel threads exit, this uses a printf buffer and does not rely on pcie atomic support)
  -MP                     Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)
  -mqdsp6-compat          Enable hexagon-qdsp6 backward compatibility
  -MQ <value>             Specify name of main file output to quote in depfile
  -mrecip=<value>         Control use of approximate reciprocal and reciprocal square root instructions followed by <n> iterations of Newton-Raphson refinement. <value> = ( ['!'] ['vec-'] ('rcp'|'sqrt') [('h'|'s'|'d')] [':'<n>] ) | 'all' | 'default' | 'none'
  -mrecip                 Equivalent to '-mrecip=all'
  -mrecord-mcount         Generate a __mcount_loc section entry for each __fentry__ call.
  -mrelax-all             (integrated-as) Relax all machine instructions
  -mrelax                 Enable linker relaxation
  -mrestrict-it           Disallow generation of complex IT blocks. It is off by default.
  -mrtd                   Make StdCall calling convention the default
                          Specify the size in bits of an RVV vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". Accepts power of 2 values between 64 and 65536. Also accepts "zvl" to use the value implied by -march/-mcpu. Value will be reflected in __riscv_v_fixed_vlen preprocessor define (RISC-V only)
  -msave-restore          Enable using library calls for save and restore
  -mseses                 Enable speculative execution side effect suppression (SESES). Includes LVI control flow integrity mitigations
                          Select return address signing scope
  -mskip-rax-setup        Skip setting up RAX register when passing variable arguments (x86 only)
                          Put global and static data smaller than the limit into a special section
  -msoft-float            Use software floating point
                          Set the stack alignment
  -mstack-arg-probe       Enable stack probes
                          Set the stack probe size
                          Use the given offset for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given reg for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given symbol for addressing the stack-protector guard
                          Use the given guard (global, tls) for addressing the stack-protector guard
  -mstackrealign          Force realign the stack at entry to every function
                          Specify the size in bits of an SVE vector register. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "scalable". (AArch64 only)
  -msvr4-struct-return    Return small structs in registers (PPC32 only)
  -mtargetos=<value>      Set the deployment target to be the specified OS and OS version
  -mtgsplit               Enable threadgroup split execution mode (AMDGPU only)
  -mthread-model <value>  The thread model to use. Defaults to 'posix')
  -mtls-direct-seg-refs   Enable direct TLS access through segment registers (default)
  -mtls-size=<value>      Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets (AArch64 ELF only): 12 (for 4KB) | 24 (for 16MB, default) | 32 (for 4GB) | 48 (for 256TB, needs -mcmodel=large)
  -mtp=<value>            Thread pointer access method. For AArch32: 'soft' uses a function call, or 'tpidrurw', 'tpidruro' or 'tpidrprw' use the three CP15 registers. 'cp15' is an alias for 'tpidruro'. For AArch64: 'tpidr_el0', 'tpidr_el1', 'tpidr_el2', 'tpidr_el3' or 'tpidrro_el0' use the five system registers. 'elN' is an alias for 'tpidr_elN'.
  -mtune=<value>          Only supported on AArch64, PowerPC, RISC-V, SystemZ, and X86
  -MT <value>             Specify name of main file output in depfile
  -munaligned-access      Allow memory accesses to be unaligned (AArch32/AArch64/LoongArch only)
  -munsafe-fp-atomics     Enable generation of unsafe floating point atomic instructions. May generate more efficient code, but may not respect rounding and denormal modes, and may give incorrect results for certain memory destinations. (AMDGPU only)
  -mvscale-max=<value>    Specify the vscale maximum. Defaults to the vector length agnostic value of "0". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -mvscale-min=<value>    Specify the vscale minimum. Defaults to "1". (AArch64/RISC-V only)
  -MV                     Use NMake/Jom format for the depfile
  -mwavefrontsize64       Specify wavefront size 64 mode (AMDGPU only)
                          On AIX, request creation of a build-id string, "0xHEXSTRING", in the string table of the loader section inside the linked binary
  -mxcoff-roptr           Place constant objects with relocatable address values in the RO data section and add -bforceimprw to the linker flags (AIX only)
                          High level qualifier for z/OS C++RT side deck datasets
                          High level qualifier for z/OS CSSLIB dataset
  -mzos-hlq-le=<LeHLQ>    High level qualifier for z/OS Language Environment datasets
                          Path to system headers on z/OS
  -M                      Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
                          Do not include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
  --no-cuda-version-check Don't error out if the detected version of the CUDA install is too low for the requested CUDA gpu architecture.
  --no-default-config     Disable loading default configuration files
  --no-gpu-bundle-output  Do not bundle output files of HIP device compilation
  -no-hip-rt              Do not link against HIP runtime libraries
                          Remove CUDA/HIP offloading device architecture (e.g. sm_35, gfx906) from the list of devices to compile for. 'all' resets the list to its default value.
  --no-offload-new-driver Don't Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as not including a system header.
  -nobuiltininc           Disable builtin #include directories
  -nogpuinc               Do not add include paths for CUDA/HIP and do not include the default CUDA/HIP wrapper headers
  -nogpulib               Do not link device library for CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -nohipwrapperinc        Do not include the default HIP wrapper headers and include paths
  -nostdinc++             Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library
                          Tool used for detecting NVIDIA GPU arch in the system.
  -ObjC++                 Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs
                          Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path
  -objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties
  -objcmt-migrate-all     Enable migration to modern ObjC
                          Enable migration to property and method annotations
                          Enable migration to infer NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for initializer methods
                          Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC literals
                          Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros
                          Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC property
                          Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property
                          Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting
                          Enable migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' attribute
                          Enable migration to annotate property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER
                          Alias for -objcmt-allowlist-dir-path
  -ObjC                   Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs
                          Set the output <file> for debug infos
  --offload-arch=<value>  Specify an offloading device architecture for CUDA, HIP, or OpenMP. (e.g. sm_35). If 'native' is used the compiler will detect locally installed architectures. For HIP offloading, the device architecture can be followed by target ID features delimited by a colon (e.g. gfx908:xnack+:sramecc-). May be specified more than once.
  --offload-device-only   Only compile for the offloading device.
  --offload-host-device   Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-host-only     Only compile for the offloading host.
  --offload-link          Use the new offloading linker to perform the link job.
  --offload-new-driver    Use the new driver for offloading compilation.
  --offload=<value>       Specify comma-separated list of offloading target triples (CUDA and HIP only)
  -o <file>               Write output to <file>
  -pedantic               Warn on language extensions
  -pg                     Enable mcount instrumentation
  -pipe                   Use pipes between commands, when possible
  --precompile            Only precompile the input
                          Print all of Clang's warning options
  -print-effective-triple Print the effective target triple
  -print-file-name=<file> Print the full library path of <file>
  -print-ivar-layout      Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace
  -print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for the currently used compiler runtime library ("libgcc.a" or "libclang_rt.builtins.*.a")
                          Print the flags used for selecting multilibs (experimental)
  -print-prog-name=<name> Print the full program path of <name>
  -print-resource-dir     Print the resource directory pathname
  -print-rocm-search-dirs Print the paths used for finding ROCm installation
  -print-runtime-dir      Print the directory pathname containing clangs runtime libraries
  -print-search-dirs      Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs
  -print-supported-cpus   Print supported cpu models for the given target (if target is not specified, it will print the supported cpus for the default target)
  -print-target-triple    Print the normalized target triple
  -print-targets          Print the registered targets
  -pthread                Support POSIX threads in generated code
  --ptxas-path=<value>    Path to ptxas (used for compiling CUDA code)
  -P                      Disable linemarker output in -E mode
  -p                      Enable mcount instrumentation with prof
  -Qn                     Do not emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -Qunused-arguments      Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments
  -Qy                     Emit metadata containing compiler name and version
  -relocatable-pch        Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header
  -rewrite-legacy-objc    Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++
  -rewrite-objc           Rewrite Objective-C source to C++
                          ROCm device library path. Alternative to rocm-path.
  --rocm-path=<value>     ROCm installation path, used for finding and automatically linking required bitcode libraries.
  -Rpass-analysis=<value> Report transformation analysis from optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass-missed=<value>   Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -Rpass=<value>          Report transformations performed by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
  -rtlib=<value>          Compiler runtime library to use
  -R<remark>              Enable the specified remark
  -save-stats=<value>     Save llvm statistics.
  -save-stats             Save llvm statistics.
  -save-temps=<value>     Save intermediate compilation results.
  -save-temps             Save intermediate compilation results
  -serialize-diagnostics <value>
                          Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file
  -shared-libsan          Dynamically link the sanitizer runtime
                          Don't emit warnings about unused arguments for the following arguments
  -static-libsan          Statically link the sanitizer runtime (Not supported for ASan, TSan or UBSan on darwin)
  -static-openmp          Use the static host OpenMP runtime while linking.
  -std=<value>            Language standard to compile for
  -stdlib++-isystem <directory>
                          Use directory as the C++ standard library include path
  -stdlib=<value>         C++ standard library to use
  -sycl-std=<value>       SYCL language standard to compile for.
                          Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as including a system header.
  -S                      Only run preprocess and compilation steps
  --target=<value>        Generate code for the given target
  -time                   Time individual commands
  -traditional-cpp        Enable some traditional CPP emulation
  -trigraphs              Process trigraph sequences
  -T <script>             Specify <script> as linker script
  -undef                  undef all system defines
  -unwindlib=<value>      Unwind library to use
  -U <macro>              Undefine macro <macro>
  --verify-debug-info     Verify the binary representation of debug output
  -verify-pch             Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is not stale
  --version               Print version information
  -vfsoverlay <value>     Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system. Additionally, pass this overlay file to the linker if it supports it
  -v                      Show commands to run and use verbose output
  -Wa,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the assembler
  -Wdeprecated            Enable warnings for deprecated constructs and define __DEPRECATED
  -Wl,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the linker
  -working-directory <value>
                          Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory
  -Wp,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the preprocessor
  -W<warning>             Enable the specified warning
  -w                      Suppress all warnings
  -Xanalyzer <arg>        Pass <arg> to the static analyzer
  -Xarch_device <arg>     Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -Xarch_host <arg>       Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP host compilation
  -Xassembler <arg>       Pass <arg> to the assembler
  -Xclang=<arg>           Alias for -Xclang
  -Xclang <arg>           Pass <arg> to clang -cc1
  -Xcuda-fatbinary <arg>  Pass <arg> to fatbinary invocation
  -Xcuda-ptxas <arg>      Pass <arg> to the ptxas assembler
  -Xlinker <arg>          Pass <arg> to the linker
  -Xoffload-linker<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the offload linkers or the ones idenfied by -<triple>
  -Xopenmp-target=<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain identified by <triple>.
  -Xopenmp-target <arg>   Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>    Pass <arg> to the preprocessor
  -x <language>           Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>
  -z <arg>                Pass -z <arg> to the linker

root@kali:~# afl-network-client -h
Syntax: afl-network-client host port [max-input-size]

Requires host and port of the remote afl-proxy-server instance.
IPv4 and IPv6 are supported, also binding to an interface with "%"
The max-input-size default is 65536.
The default map size is 65536 and can be changed with setting AFL_MAP_SIZE.

root@kali:~# afl-network-server -h

afl-network-server [ options ] -- /path/to/target_app [ ... ]

Required parameters:
  -i port       - the port to listen for the client to connect to

Execution control settings:
  -f file       - input file read by the tested program (stdin)
  -t msec       - timeout for each run (1000 ms)
  -m megs       - memory limit for child process (0 MB)
  -Q            - use binary-only instrumentation (QEMU mode)
  -U            - use unicorn-based instrumentation (Unicorn mode)
  -W            - use qemu-based instrumentation with Wine (Wine mode)

Environment variables used:
TMPDIR: directory to use for temporary input files
ASAN_OPTIONS: custom settings for ASAN
              (must contain abort_on_error=1 and symbolize=0)
MSAN_OPTIONS: custom settings for MSAN
              (must contain exitcode=86 and symbolize=0)
AFL_MAP_SIZE: the shared memory size for that target. must be >= the size
              the target was compiled for


(unknown subject)

root@kali:~# afl-persistent-config -h


afl-persistent-config has no command line options

afl-persistent-config permanently reconfigures the system to a high performance fuzzing state.
WARNING: this reduces the security of the system!

Note that there is also afl-system-config which sets additional runtime
configuration options.


(unknown subject)

root@kali:~# afl-plot -h
/usr/bin/afl-plot [ -g | --graphical ] afl_state_dir graph_output_dir

This program generates gnuplot images from afl-fuzz output data.


    afl_state_dir       should point to an existing state directory for any
                        active or stopped instance of afl-fuzz
    graph_output_dir    should point to an empty directory where this
                        tool can write the resulting plots to
    -g, --graphical     (optional) display the plots in a graphical window
                        (you should have built afl-plot-ui to use this option)

The program will put index.html and three PNG images in the output directory;
you should be able to view it with any web browser of your choice.


(unknown subject)

root@kali:~# afl-showmap -h
afl-showmap++4.21c by Michal Zalewski

afl-showmap [ options ] -- /path/to/target_app [ ... ]

Required parameters:
  -o file    - file to write the trace data to

Execution control settings:
  -t msec    - timeout for each run (default: 1000ms)
  -m megs    - memory limit for child process (default: none)
  -O         - use binary-only instrumentation (FRIDA mode)
  -Q         - use binary-only instrumentation (QEMU mode)
  -U         - use Unicorn-based instrumentation (Unicorn mode)
  -W         - use qemu-based instrumentation with Wine (Wine mode)
               (Not necessary, here for consistency with other afl-* tools)
  -X         - use Nyx mode

Other settings:
  -i dir     - process all files below this directory, must be combined with -o.
               With -C, -o is a file, without -C it must be a directory
               and each bitmap will be written there individually.
  -I filelist - alternatively to -i, -I is a list of files
  -C         - collect coverage, writes all edges to -o and gives a summary
               Must be combined with -i.
  -q         - sink program's output and don't show messages
  -e         - show edge coverage only, ignore hit counts
  -r         - show real tuple values instead of AFL filter values
  -s         - do not classify the map
  -c         - allow core dumps

This tool displays raw tuple data captured by AFL instrumentation.
For additional help, consult docs/

If you use -i/-I mode, then custom mutator post_process send send functionality
is supported.

Environment variables used:
LD_BIND_LAZY: do not set LD_BIND_NOW env var for target
AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY: (cmin_mode) only write tuples for crashing inputs
AFL_CMIN_ALLOW_ANY: (cmin_mode) write tuples for crashing inputs also
AFL_CRASH_EXITCODE: optional child exit code to be interpreted as crash
AFL_DEBUG: enable extra developer output
AFL_FORKSRV_INIT_TMOUT: time spent waiting for forkserver during startup (in milliseconds)
AFL_KILL_SIGNAL: Signal ID delivered to child processes on timeout, etc.
                 (default: SIGKILL)
AFL_FORK_SERVER_KILL_SIGNAL: Kill signal for the fork server on termination
                             (default: SIGTERM). If unset and AFL_KILL_SIGNAL is
                             set, that value will be used.
AFL_MAP_SIZE: the shared memory size for that target. must be >= the size the
              target was compiled for
AFL_PRINT_FILENAMES: Print the queue entry currently processed will to stdout
AFL_QUIET: do not print extra informational output
AFL_NO_FORKSRV: run target via execve instead of using the forkserver


(unknown subject)

root@kali:~# afl-system-config -h
afl-system-config by Marc Heuse <[email protected]>


afl-system-config has no command line options

afl-system-config reconfigures the system to a high performance fuzzing state.
WARNING: this reduces the security of the system!

Note that there is also afl-persistent-config which sets additional permanent
configuration options.


(unknown subject)

root@kali:~# afl-tmin -h
afl-tmin++4.21c by Michal Zalewski

afl-tmin [ options ] -- /path/to/target_app [ ... ]

Required parameters:
  -i file       - input test case to be shrunk by the tool
  -o file       - final output location for the minimized data

Execution control settings:
  -f file       - input file read by the tested program (stdin)
  -t msec       - timeout for each run (1000 ms)
  -m megs       - memory limit for child process (0 MB)
  -O            - use binary-only instrumentation (FRIDA mode)
  -Q            - use binary-only instrumentation (QEMU mode)
  -U            - use unicorn-based instrumentation (Unicorn mode)
  -W            - use qemu-based instrumentation with Wine (Wine mode)
                  (Not necessary, here for consistency with other afl-* tools)
  -X            - use Nyx mode

Minimization settings:
  -e            - solve for edge coverage only, ignore hit counts
  -l bytes      - set minimum block deletion length to speed up minimization
  -x            - treat non-zero exit codes as crashes
  -H            - minimize a hang (hang mode)

For additional tips, please consult docs/

Environment variables used:
AFL_CRASH_EXITCODE: optional child exit code to be interpreted as crash
AFL_FORKSRV_INIT_TMOUT: time spent waiting for forkserver during startup (in ms)
AFL_KILL_SIGNAL: Signal ID delivered to child processes on timeout, etc.
                 (default: SIGKILL)
AFL_FORK_SERVER_KILL_SIGNAL: Kill signal for the fork server on termination
                             (default: SIGTERM). If unset and AFL_KILL_SIGNAL is
                             set, that value will be used.
AFL_MAP_SIZE: the shared memory size for that target. must be >= the size
              the target was compiled for
AFL_TMIN_EXACT: require execution paths to match for crashing inputs
AFL_NO_FORKSRV: run target via execve instead of using the forkserver
ASAN_OPTIONS: custom settings for ASAN
              (must contain abort_on_error=1 and symbolize=0)
MSAN_OPTIONS: custom settings for MSAN
              (must contain exitcode=86 and symbolize=0)
TMPDIR: directory to use for temporary input files


(unknown subject)

root@kali:~# afl-whatsup --help
/usr/bin/afl-whatsup status check tool for afl-fuzz by Michal Zalewski

Usage: /usr/bin/afl-whatsup [-d] [-m] [-n] [-s] afl_output_directory

  -d  -  include dead fuzzer stats
  -m  -  just show minimal stats
  -n  -  no color output
  -s  -  skip details and output summary results only


American fuzzy lop is a fuzzer that employs compile-time instrumentation and genetic algorithms to automatically discover clean, interesting test cases that trigger new internal states in the targeted binary.

This package provides the documentation, a collection of special crafted test cases, vulnerability samples and experimental stuff.

Installed size: 455 KB
How to install: sudo apt install afl++-doc

Updated on: 2024-Aug-06