Packages and Binaries:


This package contains a default credential scanner. Commercial vulnerability scanners miss common default credentials. Getting default credentials added to commercial scanners is often difficult and slow. changeme is designed to be simple to add new credentials without having to write any code or modules.

changeme keeps credential data separate from code. All credentials are stored in yaml files so they can be both easily read by humans and processed by changeme. Credential files can be created by using the ./ –mkcred tool and answering a few questions.

changeme supports the http/https, MSSQL, MySQL, Postgres, ssh and ssh w/key protocols. Use ./ –dump to output all of the currently available credentials.

Installed size: 313 KB
How to install: sudo apt install changeme

  • python3
  • python3-cerberus
  • python3-jinja2
  • python3-libnmap
  • python3-logutils
  • python3-lxml
  • python3-memcache
  • python3-netaddr
  • python3-paramiko
  • python3-psycopg2
  • python3-pymongo
  • python3-pyodbc
  • python3-pysnmp4
  • python3-redis
  • python3-requests
  • python3-selenium
  • python3-shodan
  • python3-sqlalchemy
  • python3-tabulate
  • python3-yaml

Default Credential Scanner

root@kali:~# changeme -h

#       _                                             #
#   ___| |__   __ _ _ __   __ _  ___ _ __ ___   ___   #
#  / __| '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \  #
# | (__| | | | (_| | | | | (_| |  __/ | | | | |  __/  #
#  \___|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___|_| |_| |_|\___|  #
#                         |___/                       #
#  v1.2.3                                             #
#  Default Credential Scanner by @ztgrace             #
usage: [-h] [--all] [--category CATEGORY] [--contributors]
                   [--debug] [--delay DELAY] [--dump] [--dryrun]
                   [--fingerprint] [--fresh] [--log LOG] [--mkcred]
                   [--name NAME] [--noversion] [--proxy PROXY]
                   [--output OUTPUT] [--oa] [--protocols PROTOCOLS]
                   [--portoverride] [--redishost REDISHOST]
                   [--redisport REDISPORT] [--resume]
                   [--shodan_query SHODAN_QUERY] [--shodan_key SHODAN_KEY]
                   [--ssl] [--threads THREADS] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
                   [--useragent USERAGENT] [--validate] [--verbose]

Default credential scanner v1.2.3

positional arguments:
  target                Target to scan. Can be IP, subnet, hostname, nmap xml
                        file, text file or proto://host:port

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --all, -a             Scan for all protocols
  --category CATEGORY, -c CATEGORY
                        Category of default creds to scan for
  --contributors        Display cred file contributors
  --debug, -d           Debug output
  --delay DELAY, -dl DELAY
                        Specify a delay in milliseconds to avoid 429 status
                        codes default=500
  --dump                Print all of the loaded credentials
  --dryrun              Print urls to be scan, but don't scan them
  --fingerprint, -f     Fingerprint targets, but don't check creds
  --fresh               Flush any previous scans and start fresh
  --log LOG, -l LOG     Write logs to logfile
  --mkcred              Make cred file
  --name NAME, -n NAME  Narrow testing to the supplied credential name
  --noversion           Don't perform a version check
  --proxy PROXY, -p PROXY
                        HTTP(S) Proxy
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Name of result file. File extension determines type
                        (csv, html, json).
  --oa                  Output results files in csv, html and json formats
  --protocols PROTOCOLS
                        Comma separated list of protocols to test:
                        http,ssh,ssh_key. Defaults to http.
  --portoverride        Scan all protocols on all specified ports
  --redishost REDISHOST
                        Redis server
  --redisport REDISPORT
                        Redis server
  --resume, -r          Resume previous scan
  --shodan_query SHODAN_QUERY, -q SHODAN_QUERY
                        Shodan query
  --shodan_key SHODAN_KEY, -k SHODAN_KEY
                        Shodan API key
  --ssl                 Force cred to SSL and fall back to non-SSL if an
                        SSLError occurs
  --threads THREADS, -t THREADS
                        Number of threads, default=10
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Timeout in seconds for a request, default=10
  --useragent USERAGENT, -ua USERAGENT
                        User agent string to use
  --validate            Validate creds files
  --verbose, -v         Verbose output

Updated on: 2024-May-23