Packages and Binaries:


This little program provides a way to view information and change user passwords in a Windows NT/2000 user database file. Old passwords need not be known since they are overwritten. In addition it also contains a simple registry editor (same size data writes) and an hex-editor which enables you to fiddle around with bits and bytes in the file as you wish.

If you want GNU/Linux bootdisks for offline password recovery you can add this utility to custom image disks or use those provided at the tools homepage.

Installed size: 484 KB
How to install: sudo apt install chntpw

  • libc6

Utility to overwrite passwords of Windows systems

root@kali:~# chntpw -h
chntpw: change password of a user in a Windows SAM file,
or invoke registry editor. Should handle both 32 and 64 bit windows and
all version from NT3.x to Win8.1
chntpw [OPTIONS] <samfile> [systemfile] [securityfile] [otherreghive] [...]
 -h          This message
 -u <user>   Username or RID (0x3e9 for example) to interactively edit
 -l          list all users in SAM file and exit
 -i          Interactive Menu system
 -e          Registry editor. Now with full write support!
 -d          Enter buffer debugger instead (hex editor), 
 -v          Be a little more verbose (for debuging)
 -L          For scripts, write names of changed files to /tmp/changed
 -N          No allocation mode. Only same length overwrites possible (very safe mode)
 -E          No expand mode, do not expand hive file (safe mode)

Usernames can be given as name or RID (in hex with 0x first)

See readme file on how to get to the registry files, and what they are.
Source/binary freely distributable under GPL v2 license. See README for details.
NOTE: This program is somewhat hackish! You are on your own!


Utility to export/import and edit a Windows registry hives

root@kali:~# reged -h
reged version 0.1 140201, (c) Petter N Hagen

-x <registryhivefile> <prefixstring> <key> <output.reg>
   Xport. Where <prefixstring> for example is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
   <key> is key to dump (recursively), \ or \\ means all keys in hive
   Only one .reg and one hive file supported at the same time
-I <registryhivefile> <prefixstring> <input.reg>
   Import from .reg file. Where <prefixstring> for example is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
   Only one .reg and one hive file supported at the same time
-e <registryhive> ...
   Interactive edit one or more of registry files

-L : Log changed filenames to /tmp/changed, also auto-saves
-C : Auto-save (commit) changed hives without asking
-N : No allocate mode, only allow edit of existing values with same size
-E : No expand mode, do not expand hive file (safe mode)
-t : Debug trace of allocated blocks
-v : Some more verbose messages


Reset passwords of users in the SAM user database

root@kali:~# sampasswd -h
sampasswd version 0.2 140201, (c) Petter N Hagen
sampasswd  [-r|-l] [-H] -u <user> <samhive>
Reset password or list users in SAM database
   -r = reset users password
   -l = list users in sam
   <user> can be given as a username or a RID in hex with 0x in front
   -r -u theboss -> resets password of user named 'theboss' if found
   -r -u 0x3ea -> resets password for user with RID 0x3ea (hex)
   -r -a -> Reset password of all users in administrators group (0x220)
   -r -f -> Reset password of admin user with lowest RID
            not counting built-in admin (0x1f4) unless it is the only admin
   Usernames with international characters usually fails to be found,
   please use RID number instead
   If success, there will be no output, and exit code is 0
   -H : For list: Human readable listing (default is parsable table)
   -H : For reset: Will output confirmation message if success
   -N : No allocate mode, only allow edit of existing values with same size
   -E : No expand mode, do not expand hive file (safe mode)
   -t : Debug trace of allocated blocks
   -v : Some more verbose messages/debug


Unlock users in the SAM user database

root@kali:~# samunlock -h
samunlock version 0.1 141018, (c) Adrian Gibanel
samunlock  [-U|-l] [-H] -u <user> <samhive>
Unlock user or list users in SAM database
   -U = Unlock user
   -l = list users in sam
   <user> can be given as a username or a RID in hex with 0x in front
   -U -u theboss -> Unlocks user named 'theboss' if found
   -U -u 0x3ea -> Unlocks user with RID 0x3ea (hex)
   -U -f -> Unlocks admin user with lowest RID
            not counting built-in admin (0x1f4) unless it is the only admin
   Usernames with international characters usually fails to be found,
   please use RID number instead
   If success, there will be no output, and exit code is 0
   -H : For list: Human readable listing (default is parsable table)
   -H : For unlock: Will output confirmation message if success
   -N : No allocate mode, only allow edit of existing values with same size
   -E : No expand mode, do not expand hive file (safe mode)
   -t : Debug trace of allocated blocks
   -v : Some more verbose messages/debug


Add or remove users from groups in SAM database files

root@kali:~# samusrgrp -h
samusrgrp version 0.2 140201, (c) Petter N Hagen
samusrgrp  [-a|-r] -u <user> -g <groupid> <samhive>
Add or remove a (local) user to/from a group
Mode:   -a = add user to group
   -r = remove user from group
   -l = list groups
   -L = list groups and also their members
   -s = Print machine SID
   <user> can be given as a username or a RID in hex with 0x in front
   <group> is the group number, in hex with 0x in front
   -a -u theboss -g 0x220 -> add user named 'theboss' group hex 220 (administrators)
   -a -u 0x3ea -g 0x221 -> add user with RID (hex) 3ea group hex 221 (users)
   -r -u 0x3ff -g 0x220 -> remove user RID 0x3ff from grp 0x220
   Usernames with international characters usually fails to be found,
   please use RID number instead
   If success, there will be no output, and exit code is 0
   Also, success if user already in (or not in if -r) the group
   -H : Human readable output, else parsable
   -N : No allocate mode, only allow edit of existing values with same size
   -E : No expand mode, do not expand hive file (safe mode)
   -t : Debug trace of allocated blocks
   -v : Some more verbose messages/debug
Multi call binary, if program is named:
  samusrtogrp -- Assume -a mode: Add a user into a group
  samusrfromgrp -- Assume -r mode: Remove user from a group

Updated on: 2024-Aug-06