Packages and Binaries:


dcfldd was initially developed at Department of Defense Computer Forensics Lab (DCFL). This tool is based on the dd program with the following additional features:

  • Hashing on-the-fly: dcfldd can hash the input data as it is being transferred, helping to ensure data integrity.
  • Status output: dcfldd can update the user of its progress in terms of the amount of data transferred and how much longer operation will take.
  • Flexible disk wipes: dcfldd can be used to wipe disks quickly and with a known pattern if desired.
  • Image/wipe verify: dcfldd can verify that a target drive is a bit-for-bit match of the specified input file or pattern.
  • Multiple outputs: dcfldd can output to multiple files or disks at the same time.
  • Split output: dcfldd can split output to multiple files with more configurability than the split command.
  • Piped output and logs: dcfldd can send all its log data and output to commands as well as files natively.
  • When dd uses a default block size (bs, ibs, obs) of 512 bytes, dcfldd uses 32768 bytes (32 KiB) which is HUGELY more efficient.
  • The following options are present in dcfldd but not in dd: ALGORITHMlog:, errlog, hash, hashconv, hashformat, hashlog, hashlog:, hashwindow, limit, of:, pattern, sizeprobe, split, splitformat, statusinterval, textpattern, totalhashformat, verifylog, verifylog:, vf.

Installed size: 114 KB
How to install: sudo apt install dcfldd

  • libc6

Enhanced version of dd for forensics and security

root@kali:~# dcfldd --help
Usage: dcfldd [OPTION]...
Enhanced version of dd for forensics and security.

  bs=BYTES            force ibs=BYTES and obs=BYTES (default=32768)
  cbs=BYTES           convert BYTES bytes at a time
  conv=KEYWORDS       convert the file as per the comma separated keyword list
  count=BLOCKS        copy only BLOCKS input blocks
  limit=BYTES         similar to count but using BYTES instead of BLOCKS
  ibs=BYTES           read BYTES bytes at a time
  if=FILE             read from FILE instead of stdin
  obs=BYTES           write BYTES bytes at a time
  of=FILE             write to FILE instead of stdout
  of:=COMMAND         exec and write output to process COMMAND
  seek=BLOCKS         skip BLOCKS obs-sized blocks at start of output
  skip=BLOCKS         skip BLOCKS ibs-sized blocks at start of input
  pattern=HEX         use the specified binary pattern as input
  textpattern=TEXT    use repeating TEXT as input
  errlog=FILE         send error messages to FILE as well as stderr
  hash=NAME           do hash calculation (md5, sha1, sha256, sha384 or sha512)
  hashlog=FILE        send hash output to FILE instead of stderr
  hashwindow=BYTES    perform a hash on every BYTES amount of data
  hashlog:=COMMAND    exec and write hashlog to process COMMAND
  ALGORITHMlog:=COMMAND    also works in the same fashion of hashlog:=COMMAND
  hashconv=[before|after]  perform the hashing before or after the conversions
  hashformat=FORMAT        display each hashwindow according to FORMAT
  totalhashformat=FORMAT   display the total hash value according to FORMAT
  status=[on|off]          display a continual status message on stderr
  statusinterval=N         update the status message every N blocks
  sizeprobe=[if|of|BYTES]  what to use as value to percentage indicator
  split=BYTES              write every BYTES amount of data to a new file
  splitformat=[TEXT|MAC|WIN]  the file extension format for split operation
  vf=FILE                  verify that FILE matches the specified input
  verifylog=FILE           send verify results to FILE instead of stderr
  verifylog:=COMMAND       exec and write verify results to process COMMAND
  diffwr=[on|off]          only write to output if destination block content differs

  --help              display this help and exit
  --version           output version information and exit

Read the manpage dcfldd(1) for more details about each option and to see
some examples.

Report bugs at

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14