Packages and Binaries:


This package contains a security orchestration and vulnerability management platform. DefectDojo allows you to manage your application security program, maintain product and application information, triage vulnerabilities and push findings to systems like JIRA and Slack. DefectDojo enriches and refines vulnerability data using a number of heuristic algorithms that improve with the more you use the platform.

Installed size: 104.87 MB
How to install: sudo apt install defectdojo

  • adduser
  • celery
  • nginx
  • postgresql
  • python3-argon2
  • python3-asteval
  • python3-blackduck
  • python3-bleach
  • python3-celery
  • python3-cpe
  • python3-cvss
  • python3-django
  • python3-django-appconf
  • python3-django-auditlog
  • python3-django-celery-results
  • python3-django-crispy-forms
  • python3-django-crum
  • python3-django-dbbackup
  • python3-django-environ
  • python3-django-extensions
  • python3-django-fieldsignals
  • python3-django-filters
  • python3-django-imagekit
  • python3-django-multiselectfield
  • python3-django-polymorphic
  • python3-django-ratelimit
  • python3-django-restframework-guardian
  • python3-django-split-settings
  • python3-django-tagging
  • python3-django-tagulous
  • python3-django-watson
  • python3-djangorestframework-spectacular
  • python3-drf-spectacular-sidecar-nonfree
  • python3-drf-yasg-nonfree
  • python3-fontawesomefree
  • python3-git
  • python3-github
  • python3-gitlab
  • python3-googleapi
  • python3-gunicorn
  • python3-html2text
  • python3-hyperlink
  • python3-jira
  • python3-jose
  • python3-json-log-formatter
  • python3-lxml
  • python3-markdown
  • python3-netaddr
  • python3-numpy
  • python3-openpyxl
  • python3-packageurl
  • python3-psycopg2
  • python3-redis
  • python3-social-django
  • python3-tinycss2
  • python3-titlecase
  • python3-vobject
  • python3-vulners
  • redis-server
  • sudo
  • uuid-runtime
  • uwsgi-plugin-python3
root@kali:~# defectdojo -h
User _defectdojo already exists in PostgreSQL

 Creating database
Waiting for database to be reachable 


Updated on: 2024-Aug-14