Packages and Binaries:


This package contains a toolkit for performing targeted evil twin attacks against WPA2-Enterprise networks. It is designed to be used in full scope wireless assessments and red team engagements. As such, focus is placed on providing an easy-to-use interface that can be leveraged to execute powerful wireless attacks with minimal manual configuration. To illustrate just how fast this tool is, the Quick Start section provides an example of how to execute a credential stealing evil twin attack against a WPA/2-EAP network in just commands.

Installed size: 11.37 MB
How to install: sudo apt install eaphammer

  • apache2
  • asleap
  • dnsmasq
  • hcxdumptool
  • hcxtools
  • iptables
  • libc6
  • libnl-3-200
  • libnl-genl-3-200
  • python3
  • python3-bs4
  • python3-distutils
  • python3-flask-cors
  • python3-flask-socketio
  • python3-gevent
  • python3-jinja2
  • python3-lxml
  • python3-openssl
  • python3-pem
  • python3-pyquery
  • python3-pywebcopy
  • python3-scapy
  • python3-tqdm
  • responder
  • seclists
root@kali:~# eaphammer -h

  ____ _____  ______ |  |__ _____    _____   _____   ___________ 
_/ __ \\__  \ \____ \|  |  \\__  \  /     \ /     \_/ __ \_  __ \
\  ___/ / __ \|  |_> >   Y  \/ __ \|  Y Y  \  Y Y  \  ___/|  | \/
 \___  >____  /   __/|___|  (____  /__|_|  /__|_|  /\___  >__|   
     \/     \/|__|        \/     \/      \/      \/     \/       

                        Now with more fast travel than a next-gen Bethesda game. >:D

                             Version:  1.14.0
                            Codename:  Final Frontier
                              Author:  @s0lst1c3
                             Contact:  gabriel<<at>>

usage: eaphammer [-h] [--cert-wizard [{create,import,interactive,list,dh}] |
                 --list-templates | --create-template | --delete-template |
                 --bootstrap | --creds | --pmkid | --eap-spray |
                 --hostile-portal | --captive-portal-server-only |
                 --captive-portal] [--debug] [--lhost LHOST] [-i INTERFACE]
                 [-e ESSID] [-b BSSID] [-c CHANNEL] [--hw-mode HW_MODE]
                 [--cloaking {none,full,zeroes}]
                 [--auth {open,wpa-psk,wpa-eap,owe,owe-transition,owe-psk}]
                 [--pmf {disable,enable,require}] [--karma]
                 [--essid-stripping {\r,\n,\t,\x20}]
                 [--mac-whitelist MAC_WHITELIST]
                 [--mac-blacklist MAC_BLACKLIST]
                 [--ssid-whitelist SSID_WHITELIST]
                 [--ssid-blacklist SSID_BLACKLIST] [--loud] [--known-beacons]
                 [--known-ssids-file KNOWN_SSIDS_FILE]
                 [--known-ssids KNOWN_SSIDS [KNOWN_SSIDS ...]]
                 [--channel-width MGhz] [--wpa-passphrase WPA_PASSPHRASE]
                 [--capture-wpa-handshakes {yes,no}]
                 [--psk-capture-file PSK_CAPTURE_FILE]
                 [--auth-alg {shared,open,both}] [--wpa-version {1,2}]
                 [--transition-bssid OWE_TRANSITION_BSSID]
                 [--transition-ssid OWE_TRANSITION_SSID] [--autocrack]
                 [--negotiate {balanced,speed,weakest,gtc-downgrade,manual}]
                 [--remote-cracking-rig server:port] [--wordlist WORDLIST]
                 [--name NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--author AUTHOR]
                 [--add-download-form] [--dl-form-message DL_FORM_MESSAGE]
                 [--lport LPORT] [--payload PAYLOAD]
                 [--portal-template PORTAL_USER_TEMPLATE] [--pivot]
                 [-I iface_n [iface_n ...]] [--user-list USER_LIST]
                 [--password PASSWORD]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Enable debug output.

  --cert-wizard [{create,import,interactive,list,dh}]
                        Use this flag to run in Cert Wizard mode. Use "--cert-
                        wizard create" to create a new certificate. Use "--
                        cert-wizard interactive" or simply "--cert-wizard" to
                        run Cert Wizard in interactive mode. Use "--cert-
                        wizard import" to import a set of certificates into
                        eaphammer's static configuration. Use "--cert-wizard
                        list" to list all previously imported certs, as well
                        as the active cert configuration. Use "--cert-wizard
                        dh" to manually regenerate eaphammer's dh parameters.
  --list-templates      List available templates for the captive portal
  --create-template     Create a template by cloaning a login page
  --delete-template     Delete a captive portal template.
  --bootstrap           Shorthand for "--cert-wizard create --self-signed"
  --creds, --brad       Harvest EAP creds using evil twin attack
  --pmkid               Perform clientless attack against PSK network using
                        ZerBea's hcxtools.
  --eap-spray           Check for password reuse by spraying a single password
                        across a series of usernames against target ESSID.
  --hostile-portal      Force clients to connect to hostile portal
                        Run the captive portal server as astandalone service.
  --captive-portal      Force clients to connect to a captive portal

Access Point:
  --lhost LHOST         Your AP's IP address
  -i INTERFACE, --interface INTERFACE
                        The phy interface on which to create the AP
  -e ESSID, --essid ESSID
                        Specify access point ESSID
  -b BSSID, --bssid BSSID
                        Specify access point BSSID
  -c CHANNEL, --channel CHANNEL
                        Specify access point channel (default: 1).
  --hw-mode HW_MODE     Specify access point hardware mode (defaults: g for
                        2.4GHz channels, a for 5GHz channels).
  --cloaking {none,full,zeroes}
                        Send empty SSID in beacons and ignore probe request
                        frames that do not specify full SSID (i.e. require
                        stations to know SSID). Choices: [1. none - do not use
                        SSID cloaking. ] [2. full - Send empty string in
                        beacon and ignore probe requests for broadcast SSID ]
                        [3. zeroes - Replace all characters in SSID with ASCII
                        0 and ignore probe requests for broadcast SSID.]
  --auth {open,wpa-psk,wpa-eap,owe,owe-transition,owe-psk}
                        Specify authentication mechanism (hostile and captive
                        portal default: open )(creds default: wpa-eap).
  --pmf {disable,enable,require}
                        Enable, disaable, or require the use of Protected
                        Management Frames (PMF) (802.11w) (default: disable)
                        (OWE default: require).
  --karma, --mana       Enable karma.
  --essid-stripping {\r,\n,\t,\x20}
                        Enable ESSID Stripping adding \r.
  --mac-whitelist MAC_WHITELIST
                        Enable MAC address whitelisting and specify path to
                        whitelist file.
  --mac-blacklist MAC_BLACKLIST
                        Enable MAC address blacklisting and specify path to
                        blacklist file.
  --ssid-whitelist SSID_WHITELIST
                        Enable MAC address whitelisting and specify path to
                        whitelist file.
  --ssid-blacklist SSID_BLACKLIST
                        Enable MAC address blacklisting and specify path to
                        blacklist file.

Karma Options:
  --loud, --singe       Enable loud karma mode.
  --known-beacons       Enable persistent known beacons attack.
  --known-ssids-file KNOWN_SSIDS_FILE
                        Specify the wordlist to use with the --known-beacons
  --known-ssids KNOWN_SSIDS [KNOWN_SSIDS ...]
                        Specify known ssids via the CLI

802.11n Options:
  Used when --hw-mode is set to "n"

  --channel-width MGhz  Set the channel width in MGHz (single 20 MGHz spatial
                        stream or two 20 MGHz spatial streams totalling 40
                        MGHz). (default: 20)

WPA-PSK Options:
  Only applicable if --auth wpa-psk is used

  --wpa-passphrase WPA_PASSPHRASE
                        Set WPA Passphrase for AP.

WPA Options:
  Only applicable if --auth wpa-psk or wpa-eap are used

  --capture-wpa-handshakes {yes,no}
                        Capture 4-way WPA handshakes (wpa-psk default: yes)
                        (wpa-eap and sae defaults: no)
  --psk-capture-file PSK_CAPTURE_FILE
                        Path to which to write WPA handshakefiles (default:
                        automatically generated from nonce and current
  --auth-alg {shared,open,both}
                        Authentication type (open or shared key). (default:
  --wpa-version {1,2}   Set WPA version. (default: 2)

OWE Transition Mode Options:
  Only applicable if --auth owe-transition is used

  --transition-bssid OWE_TRANSITION_BSSID
                        Set BSSID for OPEN AP
  --transition-ssid OWE_TRANSITION_SSID
                        Set SSID for OPEN AP

EAP Options:
  Only applicable if --auth wpa-eap is used

  --autocrack           Enable autocrack 'n add.
  --negotiate {balanced,speed,weakest,gtc-downgrade,manual}
                        Specify EAP negotiation approach.
  --wordlist WORDLIST   Specify the wordlist to use with the autocrack

Autocrack Options:
  Only applicable if --auth wpa-eap --autocrack is used

  --remote-cracking-rig server:port
                        Use remote cracking rig for autocrack feature.

Create / Delete Template Options:
  Only applicable if --create-template or --delete-template is used.

  --name NAME           Specify name of resulting portal template module
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Specify description of resulting portal template
  --author AUTHOR       Specify author of resulting portal template module
  --add-download-form   Add a download form to your captive portal.
  --dl-form-message DL_FORM_MESSAGE
                        Specify download form text.

Captive Portal Options:
  Only applicable if --captive-portal is used

  --lport LPORT         Port on which to run captive portal.
  --payload PAYLOAD     Specify payload name (defaults to payload.msi test
  --portal-template PORTAL_USER_TEMPLATE
                        Specify template directory

Hostile Portal Options:
  Only applicable if --hostile-portal is used

  --pivot               Runs responder without SMB server enabled.

EAP Spray:
  -I iface_n [iface_n ...], --interface-pool iface_n [iface_n ...]
                        List of interfaces available for password spray
  --user-list USER_LIST
                        Like a wordlist, except contains usernames instead of
                        passwords. Each username should be placed on a
                        separate line.
  --password PASSWORD   Specify password to be sprayed across list of users.

[!] Use -h or --help to display a list of basic options.
[!] Use -hh or --advanced-help to display full list of extended options.

Updated on: 2024-Aug-06