Kali Linux Blog


Ampere Hardware & Kali Linux

When Ampere partnered with Debian, this caught our eye. We were aware that our current ARM cloud provider was soon ending support for arm64 servers (which we use for our build daemons). At Kali Linux, one of the things which is important to us, is that we prefer not having to cross-compile our ARM binaries that we ship in our Kali packages.


Kali Linux 2021.1 Release (Command-Not-Found)

Today we’re pushing out the first Kali Linux release of the year with Kali Linux 2021.1. This edition brings enhancements of existing features, and is ready to be downloaded or upgraded if you have an existing Kali Linux installation. The summary of the changelog since the 2020.4 release from November 2020 is:


BC Security's Empire/Starkiller & Kali Linux

We have always worked to support the information security community as a whole, and over the years experimented with different ideas (some with a greater success than others). One of the key components to Kali is the tools included (either pre-installed or installed via apt). Joining together infosec professional/hobbyist and tool authors, today we are announcing another partnership: Kali has partnered with BC Security.


Kali Linux + Mr. Robot ARG Society

Many of you may have known about the show Mr Robot and its unique connection to Kali Linux. But there is a little bit more that we have not talked about due to NDAs. But it appears the mystery is over, the red tape has been removed, and we now wanted to take a moment to share it with everyone.


The last 12 Months (2019/2020) & Looking Forwards (2021)

As the end of the year is coming up (some may say not quickly enough), we want to take a few minutes and recap on our roadmap 2019/2020 post. At a higher level, the last 12 months of Kali Linux (outside of the normal release items - e.g. packages updates), Kali has had various refreshes, switches and additional new features added.


Announcing Kali Linux Newsletter + Keeping in Touch

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Today we are announcing the Kali Linux newsletter. It’s easy to miss certain news. Not everyone is regularly checking our web page to see if something has been posted (and we don’t have a regular schedule of when we update). It is easy to be drowned out in social networks with everything else going on.


Win-KeX Version 2.0

We have been humbled by the amazing response to our recent launch of Win-KeX. After its initial release, we asked ourselves if that is truly the limit of what we can achieve or could we pull off something incredible to mark the 25th anniversary of Hackers? What about “a second concurrent session as root”, “seamless desktop integration with Windows”, or - dare we dream - “sound”?


Kali Linux 2020.3 Release (ZSH, Win-KeX, HiDPI & Bluetooth Arsenal)

Its that time of year again, time for another Kali Linux release! Quarter #3 - Kali Linux 2020.3. This release has various impressive updates, all of which are ready for immediate download or updating. A quick overview of what’s new since the last release in May 2020: New Shell - Starting the process to switch from “Bash” to “ZSH” The release of Win-KeX - Get ready WSL2 Automating HiDPI support - Easy switching mode Tool Icons - Every default tool now has its own unique icon Bluetooth Arsenal - New set of tools for Kali NetHunter Nokia Support - New devices for Kali NetHunter Setup Process - No more missing network repositories and quicker installs New Shell (Is Coming) Most people who use Kali Linux, (we hope), are very experienced Linux users.


Kali Linux 2020.2 Release (KDE & PowerShell)

Despite the turmoil in the world, we are thrilled to be bringing you an awesome update with Kali Linux 2020.2! And it is available for immediate download. A quick overview of what’s new since January: KDE Plasma Makeover & Login PowerShell by Default. Kind of. Kali on ARM Improvements Lessons From The Installer Changes New Key Packages & Icons Behind the Scenes, Infrastructure Improvements KDE Plasma Makeover & Login With Xfce and GNOME having had a Kali Linux look and feel update, it’s time to go back to our roots (days of BackTrack) and give some love and attention to KDE Plasma.