Packages and Binaries:


feroxbuster is a tool designed to perform Forced Browsing. Forced browsing is an attack where the aim is to enumerate and access resources that are not referenced by the web application, but are still accessible by an attacker. feroxbuster uses brute force combined with a wordlist to search for unlinked content in target directories. These resources may store sensitive information about web applications and operational systems, such as source code, credentials, internal network addressing, etc… This attack is also known as Predictable Resource Location, File Enumeration, Directory Enumeration, and Resource Enumeration.

Installed size: 11.55 MB
How to install: sudo apt install feroxbuster

  • fonts-noto-color-emoji
  • libc6
  • libgcc-s1
  • seclists

Manual page for feroxbuster 2.10.4

root@kali:~# feroxbuster --help
A fast, simple, recursive content discovery tool.

Usage: feroxbuster [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

Target selection:
  -u, --url <URL>
          The target URL (required, unless [--stdin || --resume-from] used)

          Read url(s) from STDIN

      --resume-from <STATE_FILE>
          State file from which to resume a partially complete scan (ex.
          --resume-from ferox-1606586780.state)

Composite settings:
          Set --proxy to and set --insecure to true

          Set --replay-proxy to and set --insecure to true

          Set --auto-tune, --collect-words, and --collect-backups to true

          Use the same settings as --smart and set --collect-extensions to true

Proxy settings:
  -p, --proxy <PROXY>
          Proxy to use for requests (ex: http(s)://host:port,

  -P, --replay-proxy <REPLAY_PROXY>
          Send only unfiltered requests through a Replay Proxy, instead of all

  -R, --replay-codes <REPLAY_CODE>...
          Status Codes to send through a Replay Proxy when found (default:
          --status-codes value)

Request settings:
  -a, --user-agent <USER_AGENT>
          Sets the User-Agent (default: feroxbuster/2.10.4)

  -A, --random-agent
          Use a random User-Agent

  -x, --extensions <FILE_EXTENSION>...
          File extension(s) to search for (ex: -x php -x pdf js); reads values
          (newline-separated) from file if input starts with an @ (ex: @ext.txt)

  -m, --methods <HTTP_METHODS>...
          Which HTTP request method(s) should be sent (default: GET)

      --data <DATA>
          Request's Body; can read data from a file if input starts with an @
          (ex: @post.bin)

  -H, --headers <HEADER>...
          Specify HTTP headers to be used in each request (ex: -H Header:val -H
          'stuff: things')

  -b, --cookies <COOKIE>...
          Specify HTTP cookies to be used in each request (ex: -b stuff=things)

  -Q, --query <QUERY>...
          Request's URL query parameters (ex: -Q token=stuff -Q secret=key)

  -f, --add-slash
          Append / to each request's URL

Request filters:
      --dont-scan <URL>...
          URL(s) or Regex Pattern(s) to exclude from recursion/scans

Response filters:
  -S, --filter-size <SIZE>...
          Filter out messages of a particular size (ex: -S 5120 -S 4927,1970)

  -X, --filter-regex <REGEX>...
          Filter out messages via regular expression matching on the response's
          body/headers (ex: -X '^ignore me$')

  -W, --filter-words <WORDS>...
          Filter out messages of a particular word count (ex: -W 312 -W 91,82)

  -N, --filter-lines <LINES>...
          Filter out messages of a particular line count (ex: -N 20 -N 31,30)

  -C, --filter-status <STATUS_CODE>...
          Filter out status codes (deny list) (ex: -C 200 -C 401)

      --filter-similar-to <UNWANTED_PAGE>...
          Filter out pages that are similar to the given page (ex.

  -s, --status-codes <STATUS_CODE>...
          Status Codes to include (allow list) (default: All Status Codes)

Client settings:
  -T, --timeout <SECONDS>
          Number of seconds before a client's request times out (default: 7)

  -r, --redirects
          Allow client to follow redirects

  -k, --insecure
          Disables TLS certificate validation in the client

      --server-certs <PEM|DER>...
          Add custom root certificate(s) for servers with unknown certificates

      --client-cert <PEM>
          Add a PEM encoded certificate for mutual authentication (mTLS)

      --client-key <PEM>
          Add a PEM encoded private key for mutual authentication (mTLS)

Scan settings:
  -t, --threads <THREADS>
          Number of concurrent threads (default: 50)

  -n, --no-recursion
          Do not scan recursively

  -d, --depth <RECURSION_DEPTH>
          Maximum recursion depth, a depth of 0 is infinite recursion (default:

          Force recursion attempts on all 'found' endpoints (still respects
          recursion depth)

          Don't extract links from response body (html, javascript, etc...)

  -L, --scan-limit <SCAN_LIMIT>
          Limit total number of concurrent scans (default: 0, i.e. no limit)

      --parallel <PARALLEL_SCANS>
          Run parallel feroxbuster instances (one child process per url passed
          via stdin)

      --rate-limit <RATE_LIMIT>
          Limit number of requests per second (per directory) (default: 0, i.e.
          no limit)

      --time-limit <TIME_SPEC>
          Limit total run time of all scans (ex: --time-limit 10m)

  -w, --wordlist <FILE>
          Path or URL of the wordlist

          Automatically lower scan rate when an excessive amount of errors are

          Automatically stop scanning when an excessive amount of errors are

  -D, --dont-filter
          Don't auto-filter wildcard responses

Dynamic collection settings:
  -E, --collect-extensions
          Automatically discover extensions and add them to --extensions (unless
          they're in --dont-collect)

  -B, --collect-backups [<collect_backups>...]
          Automatically request likely backup extensions for "found" urls
          (default: ~, .bak, .bak2, .old, .1)

  -g, --collect-words
          Automatically discover important words from within responses and add
          them to the wordlist

  -I, --dont-collect <FILE_EXTENSION>...
          File extension(s) to Ignore while collecting extensions (only used
          with --collect-extensions)

Output settings:
  -v, --verbosity...
          Increase verbosity level (use -vv or more for greater effect.
          [CAUTION] 4 -v's is probably too much)

          Only print URLs (or JSON w/ --json) + turn off logging (good for
          piping a list of urls to other commands)

  -q, --quiet
          Hide progress bars and banner (good for tmux windows w/ notifications)

          Emit JSON logs to --output and --debug-log instead of normal text

  -o, --output <FILE>
          Output file to write results to (use w/ --json for JSON entries)

      --debug-log <FILE>
          Output file to write log entries (use w/ --json for JSON entries)

          Disable state output file (*.state)

Update settings:
  -U, --update
          Update feroxbuster to the latest version

    Options that take multiple values are very flexible.  Consider the following
    ways of specifying
        feroxbuster -u http://127.1 -x pdf -x js,html -x php txt json,docx

    The command above adds .pdf, .js, .html, .php, .txt, .json, and .docx to
    each url

    All of the methods above (multiple flags, space separated, comma separated,
    etc...) are valid
    and interchangeable.  The same goes for urls, headers, status codes,
    queries, and size filters.

    Multiple headers:
        feroxbuster -u http://127.1 -H Accept:application/json "Authorization:
        Bearer {token}"

    IPv6, non-recursive scan with INFO-level logging enabled:
        feroxbuster -u http://[::1] --no-recursion -vv

    Read urls from STDIN; pipe only resulting urls out to another tool
        cat targets | feroxbuster --stdin --silent -s 200 301 302 --redirects -x
        js | fff -s 200 -o js-files

    Proxy traffic through Burp
        feroxbuster -u http://127.1 --burp

    Proxy traffic through a SOCKS proxy
        feroxbuster -u http://127.1 --proxy socks5://

    Pass auth token via query parameter
        feroxbuster -u http://127.1 --query token=0123456789ABCDEF

    Ludicrous speed... go!
        feroxbuster -u http://127.1 --threads 200
    Limit to a total of 60 active requests at any given time (threads * scan
        feroxbuster -u http://127.1 --threads 30 --scan-limit 2
    Send all 200/302 responses to a proxy (only proxy requests/responses you
    care about)
        feroxbuster -u http://127.1 --replay-proxy http://localhost:8080
        --replay-codes 200 302 --insecure
    Abort or reduce scan speed to individual directory scans when too many
    errors have occurred
        feroxbuster -u http://127.1 --auto-bail
        feroxbuster -u http://127.1 --auto-tune
    Examples and demonstrations of all features

Updated on: 2024-Aug-06