Packages and Binaries:


FreeRADIUS is a high-performance RADIUS server with support for:

  • Authentication by local files, SQL, Kerberos, LDAP, PAM, and more.
  • Powerful policy configuration language.
  • Proxying and replicating requests by any criteria.
  • Support for many EAP types; TLS, PEAP, TTLS, etc.
  • Many vendor-specific attributes.
  • Regexp matching in string attributes. and lots more.

Installed size: 2.47 MB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius

  • freeradius-common
  • freeradius-config
  • libc6
  • libcrypt1
  • libct4
  • libfreeradius3
  • libgdbm6t64
  • libjson-c5
  • libpam0g
  • libperl5.38t64
  • libreadline8t64
  • libsqlite3-0
  • libssl3t64
  • libsystemd0
  • libtalloc2
  • libwbclient0
  • perl

See if a user is (still) logged in on a certain port.

root@kali:~# checkrad -h
Usage: checkrad nas_type nas_ip nas_port login session_id


Authentication, Authorization and Accounting server

root@kali:~# freeradius -h
Usage: freeradius [options]
  -C            Check configuration and exit.
  -f            Run as a foreground process, not a daemon.
  -h            Print this help message.
  -i <ipaddr>   Listen on ipaddr ONLY.
  -l <log_file> Logging output will be written to this file.
  -m            On SIGINT or SIGQUIT clean up all used memory instead of just exiting.
  -n <name>     Read raddb/name.conf instead of raddb/radiusd.conf.
  -p <port>     Listen on port ONLY.
  -P            Always write out PID, even with -f.
  -s            Do not spawn child processes to handle requests (same as -ft).
  -t            Disable threads.
  -v            Print server version information.
  -X            Turn on full debugging (similar to -tfxxl stdout).
  -x            Turn on additional debugging (-xx gives more debugging).


Query and maintain FreeRADIUS rlm_counter DB file.

root@kali:~# rad_counter -h
Usage: rad_counter --file=<counter filename> [OPTION...]
Query and maintain FreeRADIUS rlm_counter DB file.

--file=<filename>               Counter DB filename.

--user=<username>               Information for specific user.
--match=<regexp>                Information for matching users.
--reset=<number>                Reset counter to <number>.
                                If divisor is set use it,
                                else <number> means seconds.
--help                          Show this help screen.
--(hours|minutes|seconds)       Specify information divisor.


Display debugging output from a running server.

root@kali:~# raddebug -h
Illegal option -h
Usage: raddebug: [-c condition] [-d directory] [-n name] [-D dictdir]  [-i client-ip-address] [-I client-ipv6-address] [-f socket_file] [-t timeout] [-u user]


FreeRADIUS Administration tool

root@kali:~# radmin -h
Usage: radmin [ args ]
  -d raddb_dir    Configuration files are in "raddbdir/*".
  -D <dictdir>    Set main dictionary directory (defaults to /usr/share/freeradius).
  -e command      Execute 'command' and then exit.
  -E              Echo commands as they are being executed.
  -f socket_file  Open socket_file directly, without reading radius.conf
  -h              Print usage help information.
  -i input_file   Read commands from 'input_file'.
  -n name         Read raddb/name.conf instead of raddb/radiusd.conf
  -q              Quiet mode.
  -v              Show program version information.


Manage SQL IP pools

root@kali:~# rlm_sqlippool_tool -h
  rlm_sqlippool_tool -p <pool_name> -s <range_start> -e <range_end> -t <table_name> (-d <sql_dialect> | -f <raddb_dir> [ -i <instance> ]) [ -c <capacity> ] [ -x <existing_ips_file> ]
  rlm_sqlippool_tool -y <pool_defs_yaml_file> -t <table_name> (-d <dialect> | -f <raddb_dir> [ -i <instance> ]) [ -x <existing_ips_file> ]


This package contains common files used by several of the other packages from the FreeRADIUS project.

Installed size: 1.25 MB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-common

  • adduser


freeradius-config contains the default configuration for FreeRADIUS.

You can install a custom package which sets “Provides: freeradius-config” in order to use the FreeRADIUS packages without any default configuration getting into your way.

Installed size: 1.24 MB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-config

  • adduser
  • ca-certificates
  • freeradius-common
  • make
  • openssl
  • ssl-cert


The FreeRADIUS server can act as a DHCP server, and this module is necessary for that.

Installed size: 103 KB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-dhcp

  • freeradius
  • libc6


The FreeRADIUS server can use iODBC to access databases to authenticate users and do accounting, and this module is necessary for that.

Installed size: 46 KB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-iodbc

  • freeradius
  • libc6
  • libiodbc2


The FreeRADIUS server can use Kerberos to authenticate users, and this module is necessary for that.

Installed size: 52 KB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-krb5

  • freeradius
  • libc6
  • libcom-err2
  • libkrb5-3


The FreeRADIUS server can use LDAP to authenticate users, and this module is necessary for that.

Installed size: 130 KB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-ldap

  • freeradius
  • libc6
  • libldap-2.5-0


The FreeRADIUS server can cache data in memcached and this package contains the required module.

Installed size: 56 KB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-memcached

  • freeradius
  • libc6
  • libmemcached11t64


The FreeRADIUS server can use MySQL to authenticate users and do accounting, and this module is necessary for that.

Installed size: 56 KB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-mysql

  • freeradius
  • libc6
  • libmariadb3


The FreeRADIUS server can use PostgreSQL to authenticate users and do accounting, and this module is necessary for that.

Installed size: 75 KB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-postgresql

  • freeradius
  • libc6
  • libpq5


This package is required to add Python 3 functionality to the FreeRADIUS server.

It was introduced in FreeRADIUS 3.0.20 as EXPERIMENTAL module. Use at your own risk.

Installed size: 73 KB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-python3

  • freeradius
  • libc6
  • libpython3.12t64


This module is required to enable the FreeRADIUS server to access Redis databases.

Installed size: 86 KB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-redis

  • freeradius
  • libc6
  • libhiredis1.1.0


The FreeRADIUS server can make calls to remote web APIs, and this module is necessary for that.

Installed size: 84 KB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-rest

  • freeradius
  • libc6
  • libcurl4t64
  • libjson-c5


This package contains various client programs and utilities from the FreeRADIUS Server project, including:

  • radclient
  • radcrypt
  • radeapclient
  • radlast
  • radsecret
  • radsniff
  • radsqlrelay
  • radtest
  • radwho
  • radzap
  • rlm_ippool_tool
  • smbencrypt

Installed size: 380 KB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-utils

  • freeradius-common
  • freeradius-config
  • libc6
  • libfreeradius3
  • libgdbm6t64
  • libpcap0.8t64
  • libssl3t64
  • libtalloc2
  • perl

Send packets to a RADIUS server, show reply

root@kali:~# radclient --help
radclient: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: radclient [options] server[:port] <command> [<secret>]
  <command>              One of auth, acct, status, coa, disconnect or auto.
  -4                     Use IPv4 address of server
  -6                     Use IPv6 address of server.
  -b                     Mandate checks for Blast RADIUS issue (this is not set by default).
  -c <count>             Send each packet 'count' times.
  -d <raddb>             Set user dictionary directory (defaults to /etc/freeradius/3.0).
  -D <dictdir>           Set main dictionary directory (defaults to /usr/share/freeradius).
  -f <file>[:<file>]     Read packets from file, not stdin.
                         If a second file is provided, it will be used to verify responses
  -F                     Print the file name, packet number and reply code.
  -h                     Print usage help information.
  -n <num>               Send N requests/s
  -p <num>               Send 'num' packets from a file in parallel.
  -q                     Do not print anything out.
  -r <retries>           If timeout, retry sending the packet 'retries' times.
  -s                     Print out summary information of auth results.
  -S <file>              read secret from file, not command line.
  -t <timeout>           Wait 'timeout' seconds before retrying (may be a floating point number).
  -v                     Show program version information.
  -x                     Debugging mode.
  -P <proto>             Use proto (tcp or udp) for transport.


Generate password hash for use with radius, or validates a password hash

root@kali:~# radcrypt -h
Unknown option: h
Usage: radcrypt [--des|--md5|--check] plaintext_password [crypted_password]


Send EAP packets to a RADIUS server, calculate responses

root@kali:~# radeapclient -h
Usage: radeapclient [options] server[:port] <command> [<secret>]
  <command>              One of auth, acct, status, coa, disconnect or auto.
  -4                     Use IPv4 address of server
  -6                     Use IPv6 address of server.
  -d <raddb>             Set user dictionary directory (defaults to /etc/freeradius/3.0).
  -D <dictdir>           Set main dictionary directory (defaults to /usr/share/freeradius).
  -f <file>              Read packets from file, not stdin.
  -h                     Print usage help information.
  -p <num>               Send 'num' packets in parallel.
  -q                     Do not print anything out.
  -r <retries>           If timeout, retry sending the packet 'retries' times.
  -s                     Print out summary information of auth results.
  -S <file>              read secret from file, not command line.
  -t <timeout>           Wait 'timeout' seconds before retrying (may be a floating point number).
  -v                     Show program version information.
  -x                     Debugging mode.


Show “last” info from the radwtmp file

root@kali:~# radlast -h
last: invalid option -- 'h'
Usage: wtmpdb [command] [options]
Commands: last, boot, boottime, rotate, shutdown

Options for last:
  -a, --hostlast      Display hostnames as last entry
  -d, --dns           Translate IP addresses into a hostname
  -f, --file FILE     Use FILE as wtmpdb database
  -F, --fulltimes     Display full times and dates
  -i, --ip            Translate hostnames to IP addresses
  -n, --limit N       Display only first N entries
  -p, --present TIME  Display who was present at TIME
  -R, --nohostname    Don't display hostname
  -S, --service       Display PAM service used to login
  -s, --since TIME    Display who was logged in after TIME
  -t, --until TIME    Display who was logged in until TIME
  -w, --fullnames     Display full IP addresses and user and domain names
  -x, --system        Display system shutdown entries
      --time-format FORMAT  Display timestamps in the specified FORMAT:
  [username...]       Display only entries matching these arguments
  [tty...]            Display only entries matching these arguments
TIME must be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

Options for boot (writes boot entry to wtmpdb):
  -f, --file FILE     Use FILE as wtmpdb database

Options for boottime (print time of last system boot):
  -f, --file FILE     Use FILE as wtmpdb database

Options for rotate (exports old entries to wtmpdb_<datetime>)):
  -f, --file FILE     Use FILE as wtmpdb database
  -d, --days INTEGER  Export all entries which are older than the given days

Options for shutdown (writes shutdown time to wtmpdb):
  -f, --file FILE     Use FILE as wtmpdb database

Generic options:
  -h, --help          Display this help message and exit
  -v, --version       Print version number and exit

root@kali:~# radsecret -h


Dump radius protocol

root@kali:~# radsniff -h
Usage: radsniff [options][stats options] -- [pcap files]
  -a                    List all interfaces available for capture.
  -c <count>            Number of packets to capture.
  -C                    Enable UDP checksum validation.
  -d <directory>        Set dictionary directory.
  -d <raddb>            Set configuration directory (defaults to /etc/freeradius/3.0).
  -D <dictdir>          Set main dictionary directory (defaults to /usr/share/freeradius).
  -e <event>[,<event>]  Only log requests with these event flags.
                        Event may be one of the following:
                        - received - a request or response.
                        - norsp    - seen for a request.
                        - rtx      - of a request that we've seen before.
                        - noreq    - could be matched with the response.
                        - reused   - ID too soon.
                        - error    - decoding the packet.
  -f <filter>           PCAP filter (default is 'udp port <port> or <port + 1> or 3799')
  -h                    This help message.
  -i <interface>        Capture packets from interface (defaults to all if supported).
  -I <file>             Read packets from file (overrides input of -F).
  -l <attr>[,<attr>]    Output packet sig and a list of attributes.
  -L <attr>[,<attr>]    Detect retransmissions using these attributes to link requests.
  -m                    Don't put interface(s) into promiscuous mode.
  -p <port>             Filter packets by port (default is 1812).
  -P <pidfile>          Daemonize and write out <pidfile>.
  -q                    Print less debugging information.
  -r <filter>           RADIUS attribute request filter.
  -R <filter>           RADIUS attribute response filter.
  -s <secret>           RADIUS secret.
  -S                    Write PCAP data to stdout.
  -t <timeout>          Stop after <timeout> seconds.
  -v                    Show program version information.
  -w <file>             Write output packets to file.
  -x                    Print more debugging information.
stats options:
  -W <interval>         Periodically write out statistics every <interval> seconds.
  -T <timeout>          How many milliseconds before the request is counted as lost (defaults to 5200).


Relay SQL queries to a central database server

root@kali:~# radsqlrelay --help
/usr/bin/radsqlrelay version [unknown] calling Getopt::Std::getopts (version 1.13 [paranoid]),
running under Perl version 5.38.2.

Usage: radsqlrelay [-OPTIONS [-MORE_OPTIONS]] [--] [PROGRAM_ARG1 ...]

The following single-character options are accepted:
	With arguments: -b -d -f -h -P -p -u
	Boolean (without arguments): -x -1 -?

Options may be merged together.  -- stops processing of options.
Space is not required between options and their arguments.
  [Now continuing due to backward compatibility and excessive paranoia.
   See 'perldoc Getopt::Std' about $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION.]
usage: radsqlrelay [options] file_path
	-?		Print this help message.
	-1		One-shot mode: push the file to database and exit.
	-b database	Name of the database to use.
	-d sql_driver	Driver to use: mysql, pg, oracle.
	-f file		Read password from file, instead of command line.
	-h host		Connect to host.
	-P port		Port number to use for connection.
	-p password	Password to use when connecting to server.
	-u user		User for login.
	-x		Turn on debugging.


Send packets to a RADIUS server, show reply

root@kali:~# radtest -h
Usage: radtest [OPTIONS] user passwd radius-server[:port] nas-port-number secret [ppphint] [nasname]
        -d RADIUS_DIR       Set radius directory
        -t <type>           Set authentication method
                            type can be pap, chap, mschap, or eap-md5
        -P protocol         Select udp (default) or tcp
        -x                  Enable debug output
        -4                  Use IPv4 for the NAS address (default)
        -6                  Use IPv6 for the NAS address


Show online users

root@kali:~# radwho -h
radwho: invalid option -- 'h'
Usage: radwho [-d raddb] [-cfihnprRsSZ] [-N nas] [-P nas_port] [-u user] [-U user]
  -c                   Show caller ID, if available.
  -d                   Set the raddb directory (default is /etc/freeradius/3.0).
  -F <file>            Use radutmp <file>.
  -i                   Show session ID.
  -n                   No full name.
  -N <nas-ip-address>  Show entries matching the given NAS IP address.
  -p                   Show port type.
  -P <port>            Show entries matching the given nas port.
  -r                   Print output as raw comma-delimited data.
  -R                   Print output as RADIUS attributes and values.
                       includes ALL information from the radutmp record.
  -s                   Show full name.
  -S                   Hide shell users from radius.
  -u <user>            Show entries matching the given user.
  -U <user>            Like -u, but case-sensitive.
  -v                   Show program version information.
  -Z                   Include accounting stop information in radius output.  Requires -R.


Remove rogue entries from the active sessions database

root@kali:~# radzap -h
       -h Print usage help information.
       -d raddb_directory: directory where radiusd.conf is located.
       -D dict_directory: directory where the dictionaries are located.
       -N nas_ip_address: IP address of the NAS to zap.
       -P nas_port: NAS port that the user is logged into.
       -u username: Name of user to zap (case insensitive).
       -U username: like -u, but case-sensitive.
       -x Enable debugging output.


Dump the contents of the FreeRadius ippool database files

root@kali:~# rlm_ippool_tool -h
Usage: rlm_ippool_tool [-a] [-c] [-o] [-v] <filename> <index-db> [ipaddress]
  -a: print all active entries
  -c: report number of active entries
  -r: remove active entries
  -v: verbose report of all entries
  -o: Assume old database format (nas/port pair, not md5 output)
  If an ipaddress is specified then that address is used to
  limit the actions or output.
  Usage: rlm_ippool_tool -n  <filename> <index-db> <ipaddress> <nasIP> <nasPort>
  -n: Mark the entry nasIP/nasPort as having ipaddress
  Usage: rlm_ippool_tool -u <filename> <new-filename>
  -u: Update old format database to new.


Produce LM & NT password hashes from cleartext passwords

root@kali:~# smbencrypt -h
DF760E4A0C771C76AAD3B435B51404EE	D5C2FA46EAAEADD4D21C7FB7E8F7322A


This package is required to add Yubikey functionality to the FreeRADIUS server.

Installed size: 60 KB
How to install: sudo apt install freeradius-yubikey

  • freeradius
  • libc6
  • libykclient3
  • libyubikey0


The FreeRADIUS projects’ libfreeradius-radius and libfreeradius-eap, used by the FreeRADIUS server and some of the utilities.

This package contains the development headers and static library version.

Installed size: 1.18 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libfreeradius-dev

  • freeradius-dhcp
  • libfreeradius3


The FreeRADIUS projects’ libfreeradius-radius and libfreeradius-eap, used by the FreeRADIUS server and some of the utilities.

Installed size: 560 KB
How to install: sudo apt install libfreeradius3

  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libpcap0.8t64
  • libssl3t64
  • libtalloc2

Updated on: 2024-Aug-14