Packages and Binaries:


Contains the complete GNU C Library ChangeLog. The GNU C Library Reference manual has been moved into glibc-doc-reference for licensing reasons.

Installed size: 3.46 MB
How to install: sudo apt install glibc-doc


This package contains the sources and patches which are needed to build glibc.

Installed size: 21.15 MB
How to install: sudo apt install glibc-source


This package contains utility programs related to the GNU C Library.

  • getconf: query system configuration variables
  • getent: get entries from administrative databases
  • iconv, iconvconfig: convert between character encodings
  • ldd, ldconfig: print/configure shared library dependencies
  • locale, localedef: show/generate locale definitions
  • tzselect, zdump, zic: select/dump/compile time zones

Installed size: 1.99 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libc-bin

  • libc6

Query system configuration variables

root@kali:~# getconf --help
Usage: getconf [-v SPEC] VAR
  or:  getconf [-v SPEC] PATH_VAR PATH

Get the configuration value for variable VAR, or for variable PATH_VAR
for path PATH.  If SPEC is given, give values for compilation
environment SPEC.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Get entries from Name Service Switch libraries

root@kali:~# getent --help
Usage: getent [OPTION...] database [key ...]
Get entries from administrative database.

  -A, --no-addrconfig        do not filter out unsupported IPv4/IPv6 addresses
                             (with ahosts*)
  -i, --no-idn               disable IDN encoding
  -s, --service=CONFIG       Service configuration to be used
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

Supported databases:
ahosts ahostsv4 ahostsv6 aliases ethers group gshadow hosts initgroups
netgroup networks passwd protocols rpc services shadow

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Convert text from one character encoding to another Perform character set conversion

root@kali:~# iconv --help
Usage: iconv [OPTION...] [FILE...]
Convert encoding of given files from one encoding to another.

 Input/Output format specification:
  -f, --from-code=NAME       encoding of original text
  -t, --to-code=NAME         encoding for output

  -l, --list                 list all known coded character sets

 Output control:
  -c                         omit invalid characters from output
  -o, --output=FILE          output file
  -s, --silent               suppress warnings
      --verbose              print progress information

  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Create iconv module configuration cache

root@kali:~# iconvconfig --help
Usage: iconvconfig [OPTION...] [DIR...]
Create fastloading iconv module configuration file.

      --nostdlib             Do not search standard directories, only those on
                             the command line
  -o, --output=FILE          Put output in FILE instead of installed location
                             (--prefix does not apply to FILE)
      --prefix=PATH          Prefix used for all file accesses
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:

Dynamic linker/loader

root@kali:~# --help
You have invoked '', the program interpreter for dynamically-linked
ELF programs.  Usually, the program interpreter is invoked automatically
when a dynamically-linked executable is started.

You may invoke the program interpreter program directly from the command
line to load and run an ELF executable file; this is like executing that
file itself, but always uses the program interpreter you invoked,
instead of the program interpreter specified in the executable file you
run.  Invoking the program interpreter directly provides access to
additional diagnostics, and changing the dynamic linker behavior without
setting environment variables (which would be inherited by subprocesses).

  --list                list all dependencies and how they are resolved
  --verify              verify that given object really is a dynamically linked
                        object we can handle
  --inhibit-cache       Do not use /etc/
  --library-path PATH   use given PATH instead of content of the environment
                        variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  --glibc-hwcaps-prepend LIST
                        search glibc-hwcaps subdirectories in LIST
  --glibc-hwcaps-mask LIST
                        only search built-in subdirectories if in LIST
  --inhibit-rpath LIST  ignore RUNPATH and RPATH information in object names
                        in LIST
  --audit LIST          use objects named in LIST as auditors
  --preload LIST        preload objects named in LIST
  --argv0 STRING        set argv[0] to STRING before running
  --list-tunables       list all tunables with minimum and maximum values
  --list-diagnostics    list diagnostics information
  --help                display this help and exit
  --version             output version information and exit

This program interpreter self-identifies as: /lib64/

Shared library search path:
  (libraries located via /etc/
  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu (system search path)
  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu (system search path)
  /lib (system search path)
  /usr/lib (system search path)

Subdirectories of glibc-hwcaps directories, in priority order:
  x86-64-v2 (supported, searched)


Configure dynamic linker run-time bindings

root@kali:~# ldconfig --help
Usage: ldconfig [OPTION...]
Configure Dynamic Linker Run Time Bindings.

  -c, --format=FORMAT        Format to use: new (default), old, or compat
  -C CACHE                   Use CACHE as cache file
  -f CONF                    Use CONF as configuration file
  -i, --ignore-aux-cache     Ignore auxiliary cache file
  -l                         Manually link individual libraries.
  -n                         Only process directories specified on the command
                             line.  Don't build cache.
  -N                         Don't build cache
  -p, --print-cache          Print cache
  -r ROOT                    Change to and use ROOT as root directory
  -v, --verbose              Generate verbose messages
  -X                         Don't update symbolic links
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Print shared object dependencies

root@kali:~# ldd --help
Usage: ldd [OPTION]... FILE...
      --help              print this help and exit
      --version           print version information and exit
  -d, --data-relocs       process data relocations
  -r, --function-relocs   process data and function relocations
  -u, --unused            print unused direct dependencies
  -v, --verbose           print all information

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Get locale-specific information Describes a locale definition file Description of multilanguage support

root@kali:~# locale --help
Usage: locale [OPTION...] NAME
  or:  locale [OPTION...] [-a|-m]
Get locale-specific information.

 System information:
  -a, --all-locales          Write names of available locales
  -m, --charmaps             Write names of available charmaps

 Modify output format:
  -c, --category-name        Write names of selected categories
  -k, --keyword-name         Write names of selected keywords
  -v, --verbose              Print more information

  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Compile locale definition files

root@kali:~# localedef --help
Usage: localedef [OPTION...] NAME
  or:  localedef [OPTION...] [--add-to-archive|--delete-from-archive] FILE...
  or:  localedef [OPTION...] --list-archive [FILE]
Compile locale specification

 Input Files:
  -f, --charmap=FILE         Symbolic character names defined in FILE
  -i, --inputfile=FILE       Source definitions are found in FILE
  -u, --repertoire-map=FILE  FILE contains mapping from symbolic names to UCS4

 Output control:
  -c, --force                Create output even if warning messages were issued
      --no-hard-links        Do not create hard links between installed
      --no-warnings=<warnings>   Comma-separated list of warnings to disable;
                             supported warnings are: ascii, intcurrsym
      --posix                Strictly conform to POSIX
      --prefix=PATH          Optional output file prefix
      --quiet                Suppress warnings and information messages
  -v, --verbose              Print more messages
      --warnings=<warnings>  Comma-separated list of warnings to enable;
                             supported warnings are: ascii, intcurrsym

 Archive control:
      --add-to-archive       Add locales named by parameters to archive
  -A, --alias-file=FILE      locale.alias file to consult when making archive
      --big-endian           Generate big-endian output
      --delete-from-archive  Remove locales named by parameters from archive
      --list-archive         List content of archive
      --little-endian        Generate little-endian output
      --no-archive           Don't add new data to archive
      --replace              Replace existing archive content

  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

System's directory for character maps : /usr/share/i18n/charmaps
		       repertoire maps: /usr/share/i18n/repertoiremaps
		       locale path    : /usr/lib/locale:/usr/share/i18n
For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Display dynamic shared objects linked into a process

root@kali:~# pldd --help
Usage: pldd [OPTION...] PID
List dynamic shared objects loaded into process.

  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


View timezones Select a timezone

root@kali:~# tzselect --help
Usage: tzselect [--version] [--help] [-c COORD] [-n LIMIT]
Select a timezone interactively.


  -c COORD
    Instead of asking for continent and then country and then city,
    ask for selection from time zones whose largest cities
    are closest to the location with geographical coordinates COORD.
    COORD should use ISO 6709 notation, for example, '-c +4852+00220'
    for Paris (in degrees and minutes, North and East), or
    '-c -35-058' for Buenos Aires (in degrees, South and West).

  -n LIMIT
    Display at most LIMIT locations when -c is used (default 10).

    Output version information.

    Output this help.

Report bugs to <>.


Timezone dumper

root@kali:~# zdump --help
zdump: usage: zdump OPTIONS TIMEZONE ...
Options include:
  -c [L,]U   Start at year L (default -500), end before year U (default 2500)
  -t [L,]U   Start at time L, end before time U (in seconds since 1970)
  -i         List transitions briefly (format is experimental)
  -v         List transitions verbosely
  -V         List transitions a bit less verbosely
  --help     Output this help
  --version  Output version info

Report bugs to <>.


Timezone compiler

root@kali:~# zic --help
zic: usage is zic [ --version ] [ --help ] [ -v ] \
	[ -b {slim|fat} ] [ -d directory ] [ -l localtime ] [ -L leapseconds ] \
	[ -p posixrules ] [ -r '[@lo][/@hi]' ] [ -t localtime-link ] \
	[ filename ... ]

Report bugs to <>.


This package contains utility programs related to the GNU C Library development package.

  • gencat: generate message catalogs

Installed size: 95 KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc-dev-bin

  • libc6

Generate message catalog

root@kali:~# gencat --help
Usage: gencat [OPTION...] -o OUTPUT-FILE [INPUT-FILE]...
  or:  gencat [OPTION...] [OUTPUT-FILE [INPUT-FILE]...]
Generate message catalog.

  -H, --header=NAME          Create C header file NAME containing symbol
      --new                  Do not use existing catalog, force new output file
  -o, --output=NAME          Write output to file NAME
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

If INPUT-FILE is -, input is read from standard input.  If OUTPUT-FILE
is -, output is written to standard output.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


This package contains development tools shipped by the GNU C Library.

  • memusage, memusagestat: profile a program’s memory usage
  • mtrace: interpret the malloc trace log
  • sotruss: trace shared library calls
  • sprof: display shared object profiling data

Installed size: 143 KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc-devtools

  • libc6
  • libgd3

Profile memory usage of a program

root@kali:~# memusage --help
Usage: memusage [OPTION]... PROGRAM [PROGRAMOPTION]...
Profile memory usage of PROGRAM.

   -n,--progname=NAME     Name of the program file to profile
   -p,--png=FILE          Generate PNG graphic and store it in FILE
   -d,--data=FILE         Generate binary data file and store it in FILE
   -u,--unbuffered        Don't buffer output
   -b,--buffer=SIZE       Collect SIZE entries before writing them out
      --no-timer          Don't collect additional information through timer
   -m,--mmap              Also trace mmap & friends

   -?,--help              Print this help and exit
      --usage             Give a short usage message
   -V,--version           Print version information and exit

 The following options only apply when generating graphical output:
   -t,--time-based        Make graph linear in time
   -T,--total             Also draw graph of total memory use
      --title=STRING      Use STRING as title of the graph
   -x,--x-size=SIZE       Make graphic SIZE pixels wide
   -y,--y-size=SIZE       Make graphic SIZE pixels high

Mandatory arguments to long options are also mandatory for any corresponding
short options.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Generate graphic from memory profiling data

root@kali:~# memusagestat --help
Usage: memusagestat [OPTION...] DATAFILE [OUTFILE]
Generate graphic from memory profiling data

  -o, --output=FILE          Name output file
  -s, --string=STRING        Title string used in output graphic
  -t, --time                 Generate output linear to time (default is linear
                             to number of function calls)
  -T, --total                Also draw graph for total memory consumption
  -x, --x-size=VALUE         Make output graphic VALUE pixels wide
  -y, --y-size=VALUE         Make output graphic VALUE pixels high
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Interpret the malloc trace log Malloc tracing

root@kali:~# mtrace --help
Usage: mtrace [OPTION]... [Binary] MtraceData
  --help       print this help, then exit
  --version    print version number, then exit

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Trace shared library calls through PLT

root@kali:~# sotruss --help
  -F, --from FROMLIST     Trace calls from objects on FROMLIST
  -T, --to TOLIST         Trace calls to objects on TOLIST

  -e, --exit              Also show exits from the function calls
  -f, --follow            Trace child processes
  -o, --output FILENAME   Write output to FILENAME (or FILENAME. in case
			  -f is also used) instead of standard error

  -?, --help              Give this help list
      --usage             Give a short usage message
      --version           Print program version

Mandatory arguments to long options are also mandatory for any corresponding
short options.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Read and display shared object profiling data

root@kali:~# sprof --help
Usage: sprof [OPTION...] SHOBJ [PROFDATA]
Read and display shared object profiling data.

 Output selection:
  -c, --call-pairs           print list of count paths and their number of use
  -p, --flat-profile         generate flat profile with counts and ticks
  -q, --graph                generate call graph

  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


This package contains the translation files for the GNU C library and utility programs.

Installed size: 4.50 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libc-l10n


Installed size: KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc0.3


Installed size: KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc0.3-dev


Contains the standard libraries that are used by nearly all programs on the system. This package includes shared versions of the standard C library and the standard math library, as well as many others.

Installed size: 12.40 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6

  • libgcc-s1


This package includes shared versions of the standard C library and the standard math library, as well as many others. This is the 64bit version of the library, meant for AMD64 systems.

Installed size: 12.15 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-amd64

  • libc6


This package contains the detached debugging symbols for the GNU C library.

Installed size: 10.07 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-dbg

  • libc6


Contains the symlinks, headers, and object files needed to compile and link programs which use the standard C library.

Installed size: 11.84 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-dev

  • libc-dev-bin
  • libc6
  • libcrypt-dev
  • linux-libc-dev
  • rpcsvc-proto


Contains the symlinks and object files needed to compile and link programs which use the standard C library. This is the 64bit version of the library, meant for AMD64 systems.

Installed size: 9.48 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-dev-amd64

  • libc6-amd64
  • libc6-dev


Contains the symlinks and object files needed to compile and link programs which use the standard C library. This is the 32bit version of the library, meant for AMD64 systems.

Installed size: 6.70 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-dev-i386

  • libc6-dev
  • libc6-i386


Contains the symlinks and object files needed to compile and link programs which use the standard C library. This is the X32 ABI version of the library, meant for amd64 systems.

Installed size: 7.53 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-dev-x32

  • libc6-dev
  • libc6-dev-i386
  • libc6-x32


This package includes shared versions of the standard C library and the standard math library, as well as many others. This is the 32bit version of the library, meant for AMD64 systems.

Installed size: 11.67 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-i386

  • libc6


Installed size: KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-mips32


Installed size: KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-mips64


Installed size: KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-mipsn32


Installed size: KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-powerpc


Installed size: KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-ppc64


Installed size: KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-s390


Installed size: KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-sparc


Installed size: KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-sparc64


This package includes shared versions of the standard C library and the standard math library, as well as many others. This is the X32 ABI version of the library, meant for AMD64 systems.

Installed size: 11.31 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6-x32

  • libc6


Installed size: KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6.1


Installed size: KB
How to install: sudo apt install libc6.1-dev


Machine-readable data files, shared objects and programs used by the C library for localization (l10n) and internationalization (i18n) support.

This package contains tools to generate locale definitions from source files (included in this package). It allows you to customize which definitions actually get generated. This is a space-saver over how this package used to be, with all locales generated by default. This created a package that unpacked to an excess of 30 megs.

Installed size: 15.48 MB
How to install: sudo apt install locales

  • debconf | debconf-2.0
  • libc-bin
  • libc-l10n

Generate localisation files from templates

root@kali:~# locale-gen -h
Generating locales (this might take a while)...
  en_US.UTF-8... done
Generation complete.


Modify global locale settings

root@kali:~# update-locale -h
Usage: update-locale [OPTIONS] [LANG=locale] [LC_NUMERIC=locale] ...
   --help              display this message and exit
   --reset             ignore variables defined in the locale file
   --locale-file=FILE  file containing locale variables
                       (Default: /etc/locale.conf)
   --no-checks         do not perform sanity checks on locale variables


Test if a given locale is available

root@kali:~# man validlocale
validlocale(8)                                                   validlocale(8)

       validlocale - Test if a given locale is available

       validlocale <locale>

       Test  if  the  locale given as argument is a valid locale.  If it isn't,
       print on stdout the string to add to /etc/locale.gen to make  locale-gen
       generate the locale (if it exists at all).


              Which  charset  to assume if the given locale is missing from the
              list of supported locales.

       If you give a valid locale as parameter, it outputs a string  specifying
       this on stderr:

              % validlocale C
              locale 'C' valid and available

       When  given  a invalid (not generated or just nonexistent), it outputs a
       string on stderr telling that this is an invalid locale, and a string to
       stdout with the string to add to /etc/locale.gen  to  have  this  locale

              % validlocale de_AU@euro
              locale 'de_AU@euro' not available
              de_AU@euro ISO-8859-15

       Petter Reinholdtsen <[email protected]>

       locale-gen(8), localedef(1), locale(1)

Petter Reinholdtsen                   0.1                        validlocale(8)


This package contains the precompiled locale data for all supported locales. A better alternative is to install the locales package and only select desired locales, but it can be useful on a low-memory machine because some locale files take a lot of memory to be compiled.

Installed size: 222.30 MB
How to install: sudo apt install locales-all

  • libc-l10n


A daemon which handles passwd, group and host lookups for running programs and caches the results for the next query. You should install this package only if you use slow services like LDAP, NIS or NIS+.

Installed size: 224 KB
How to install: sudo apt install nscd

  • init-system-helpers
  • libaudit1
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libselinux1

Name service caching daemon

root@kali:~# nscd --help
Usage: nscd [OPTION...]
Name Service Cache Daemon.

  -d, --debug                Do not fork and display messages on the current
  -f, --config-file=NAME     Read configuration data from NAME
  -F, --foreground           Do not fork, but otherwise behave like a daemon
  -g, --statistics           Print current configuration statistics
  -i, --invalidate=TABLE     Invalidate the specified cache
  -K, --shutdown             Shut the server down
  -p, --print=NAME           Print contents of the offline cache file NAME
  -t, --nthreads=NUMBER      Start NUMBER threads
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

Supported tables:
passwd group hosts services netgroup

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Name service caching daemon

root@kali:~# nscd --help
Usage: nscd [OPTION...]
Name Service Cache Daemon.

  -d, --debug                Do not fork and display messages on the current
  -f, --config-file=NAME     Read configuration data from NAME
  -F, --foreground           Do not fork, but otherwise behave like a daemon
  -g, --statistics           Print current configuration statistics
  -i, --invalidate=TABLE     Invalidate the specified cache
  -K, --shutdown             Shut the server down
  -p, --print=NAME           Print contents of the offline cache file NAME
  -t, --nthreads=NUMBER      Start NUMBER threads
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

Supported tables:
passwd group hosts services netgroup

For bug reporting instructions, please see:

Updated on: 2024-Aug-06