Kali Linux Blog


Kali Linux Repository HTTPS Support

A couple of weeks back we added more HTTPS support to our Kali infrastructure, and wanted to give our users some guidance and point out what’s new. While our Kali Linux download page (and shasums) has always been served via HTTPS, our mirror redirector has not. Now that we generate weekly images, secure access to the mirror redirector has become crucial.


Cracking in the Cloud with CUDA GPUs

Due to increasing popularity of cloud-based instances for password cracking, we decided to focus our efforts into streamlining Kali’s approach. We’ve noticed that Amazon’s AWS P2-Series and Microsoft’s Azure NC-Series are focused on Windows and Ubuntu. The corresponding blog posts and guides followed suit. Although these instances are limited by the NVIDIA Tesla K80’s hardware capabilities, the ability to quickly deploy a Kali instance with CUDA support is appealing.


The Kali Linux Certified Professional

Introducing the KLCP Certification After almost two years in the making, it is with great pride that we announce today our new Kali Linux Professional certification - the first and only official certification program that validates one’s proficiency with the Kali Linux distribution. If you’re new to the information security field, or are looking to take your first steps towards a new career in InfoSec, the KLCP is a “must have” foundational certification.


Kali Linux in the AWS cloud, again

We’re happy to announce that we’ve once again listed our Kali Linux images on the Amazon AWS marketplace. You can now spin up an updated Kali machine easily through your EC2 panel. Our current image is a “full” image, which contains all the standard tools available in a full Kali release.


Azure Marketplace, Weekly ISO Builds

Kali Linux in the Azure Marketplace Over the past couple of weeks we’ve been working on building and implementing Kali 2016.2 in the Azure Marketplace. We’re happy to announce that from today on, you can spin up a Kali machine from the Azure Marketplace. In just a few seconds, you can have a full penetration testing toolset at your fingertips for no additional cost (other than the standard Azure pricing).


Kali Linux 2016.2 Release

We’re well recovered from the Black Hat and DEF CON Vegas conferences and as promised, we’re launching our second Kali Rolling ISO release aka Kali 2016.2. This release brings a whole bunch of interesting news and updates into the world of Kali and we’re excited to tell you all about it.


Hacking with Kali at Black Hat USA 2016

Kali Linux Dojo, BlackHat 2016 - Las Vegas We have really enjoyed doing the Dojo at Black Hat the last few years. It’s been a great opportunity to show off some of the lesser known (but oh so useful) features of Kali Linux as well as interact with the user base.


Kali Linux Dojo at Black Hat Vegas 2016

The folks at Black Hat have been kind enough to invite us once again to deliver a Kali Dojo in Las Vegas this year. The event will be held on the 4th of August at the Mandalay Bay hotel, and will be open to all Black Hat pass types. This year our Dojo will be set up differently, allowing for a larger crowd and much more interaction.


Kali Linux 2016.1 Release - Rolling Edition

Our First Release of Kali-Rolling (2016.1) Today marks an important milestone for us with the first public release of our Kali Linux rolling distribution. Kali switched to a rolling release model back when we hit version 2.0 (codename), however the rolling release was only available via an upgrade from 2.0 to kali-rolling for a select brave group.


Kali Moto End of Life & Kali Dojo Slides

Kali Sana Release Aftermath Kali Linux 2.0 has been out for a couple of months and the response has been great, with well over a million unique downloads of Kali 2.0 as a testament. Release day was somewhat hectic for us, as we did not anticipate the sheer volume of traffic … which we somehow always underestimate.