Packages and Binaries:


This package contains the httpX toolkit developed by ProjectDiscovery. It’s a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit allow to run multiple probers using retryablehttp library, it is designed to maintain the result reliability with increased threads.


  • Simple and modular code base making it easy to contribute.
  • Fast And fully configurable flags to probe multiple elements.
  • Supports multiple HTTP based probings.
  • Smart auto fallback from https to http as default.
  • Supports hosts, URLs and CIDR as input.
  • Handles edge cases doing retries, backoffs etc for handling WAFs.

This tool is packaged as ‘httpx-toolkit’ to avoid confusion and conflicts with the package python3-httpx that provides a script /usr/bin/httpx.

Installed size: 11.47 MB
How to install: sudo apt install httpx-toolkit

  • libc6
root@kali:~# httpx-toolkit -h
httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit allow to run multiple probers using retryablehttp library.

  httpx-toolkit [flags]

   -l, -list string  Input file containing list of hosts to process
   -request string   File containing raw request
   -sc, -status-code     Display Status Code
   -td, -tech-detect     Display wappalyzer based technology detection
   -cl, -content-length  Display Content-Length
   -server, -web-server  Display Server header
   -ct, -content-type    Display Content-Type header
   -lc, -line-count      Display Response body line count
   -wc, -word-count      Display Response body word count
   -rt, -response-time   Display the response time
   -title                Display page title
   -location             Display Location header
   -method               Display Request method
   -websocket            Display server using websocket
   -ip                   Display Host IP
   -cname                Display Host cname
   -cdn                  Display if CDN in use
   -probe                Display probe status
   -mc, -match-code string         Match response with given status code (-mc 200,302)
   -ml, -match-length string       Match response with given content length (-ml 100,102)
   -ms, -match-string string       Match response with given string
   -mr, -match-regex string        Match response with specific regex
   -er, -extract-regex string      Display response content with matched regex
   -mlc, -match-line-count string  Match Response body line count
   -mwc, -match-word-count string  Match Response body word count
   -mfc, -match-favicon string[]   Match response with specific favicon
   -fc, -filter-code string         Filter response with given status code (-fc 403,401)
   -fl, -filter-length string       Filter response with given content length (-fl 23,33)
   -fs, -filter-string string       Filter response with specific string
   -fe, -filter-regex string        Filter response with specific regex
   -flc, -filter-line-count string  Filter Response body line count
   -fwc, -filter-word-count string  Filter Response body word count
   -ffc, -filter-favicon string[]   Filter response with specific favicon
   -t, -threads int      Number of threads (default 50)
   -rl, -rate-limit int  Maximum requests to send per second (default 150)
   -favicon             Probes for favicon ("favicon.ico" as path) and display phythonic hash
   -tls-grab            Perform TLS(SSL) data grabbing
   -tls-probe           Send HTTP probes on the extracted TLS domains
   -csp-probe           Send HTTP probes on the extracted CSP domains
   -pipeline            HTTP1.1 Pipeline probe
   -http2               HTTP2 probe
   -vhost               VHOST Probe
   -p, -ports string[]  Port to scan (nmap syntax: eg 1,2-10,11)
   -path string         File or comma separated paths to request
   -paths string        File or comma separated paths to request (deprecated)
   -o, -output string                file to write output results
   -sr, -store-response              store http response to output directory
   -srd, -store-response-dir string  store http response to custom directory
   -csv                              store output in CSV format
   -json                             store output in JSONL(ines) format
   -irr, -include-response           include http request/response in JSON output (-json only)
   -include-chain                    include redirect http chain in JSON output (-json only)
   -store-chain                      include http redirect chain in responses (-sr only)
   -r, -resolvers string[]       List of custom resolvers (file or comma separated)
   -allow string[]               Allowed list of IP/CIDR's to process (file or comma separated)
   -deny string[]                Denied list of IP/CIDR's to process (file or comma separated)
   -random-agent                 Enable Random User-Agent to use (default true)
   -H, -header string[]          Custom Header to send with request
   -http-proxy, -proxy string    HTTP Proxy, eg
   -unsafe                       Send raw requests skipping golang normalization
   -resume                       Resume scan using resume.cfg
   -fr, -follow-redirects        Follow HTTP redirects
   -maxr, -max-redirects int     Max number of redirects to follow per host (default 10)
   -fhr, -follow-host-redirects  Follow redirects on the same host
   -vhost-input                  Get a list of vhosts as input
   -x string                     Request methods to use, use 'all' to probe all HTTP methods
   -body string                  Post body to include in HTTP request
   -s, -stream                   Stream mode - start elaborating input targets without sorting
   -sd, -skip-dedupe             Disable dedupe input items (only used with stream mode)
   -pa, -probe-all-ips           Probe all the ips associated with same host
   -ldp, -leave-default-ports    Leave default HTTP/HTTPS ports (eg. http://host:80 - https//host:443
   -silent         Silent mode
   -v, -verbose    Verbose mode
   -version        Display version
   -nc, -no-color  Disable color in output
   -debug          Debug mode
   -debug-req      Show all sent requests
   -debug-resp     Show all received responses
   -stats          Display scan statistic
   -nf, -no-fallback                  Display both probbed protocol (HTTPS and HTTP)
   -nfs, -no-fallback-scheme          Probe with input protocol scheme
   -maxhr, -max-host-error int        Max error count per host before skipping remaining path/s (default 30)
   -ec, -exclude-cdn                  Skip full port scans for CDNs (only checks for 80,443)
   -retries int                       Number of retries
   -timeout int                       Timeout in seconds (default 5)
   -rsts, -response-size-to-save int  Max response size to save in bytes (default 2147483647)
   -rstr, -response-size-to-read int  Max response size to read in bytes (default 2147483647)

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14