Packages and Binaries:


libnfc is a library for Near Field Communication. It abstracts the low-level details of communicating with the devices away behind an easy-to-use high-level API. It supports most hardware based on the NXP PN531, PN532 or PN533 controller chips.

This package contains some utils that come along with libnfc, for development or debugging purposes (including nfc-list, nfc-mfclassic, nfc-mfultralight, etc).

Installed size: 205 KB
How to install: sudo apt install libnfc-bin

  • libc6
  • libnfc6

NFC Barcode (Tag-Talks-First) reader

root@kali:~# nfc-barcode -h
Usage: nfc-barcode [OPTIONS]
	-h	Help. Print this message.
	-q	Verbose mode.


NFC Forum tag type 4 emulation command line demonstration tool

root@kali:~# nfc-emulate-forum-tag4 -h
usage: nfc-emulate-forum-tag4 [-1] [infile [outfile]]
      -1: force Tag Type 4 v1.0 (default is v2.0)


Jewel command line tool

root@kali:~# man nfc-jewel
nfc-jewel(1)                     NFC Utilities                     nfc-jewel(1)

       nfc-jewel - Jewel command line tool

       nfc-jewel r|w DUMP

       nfc-jewel  is  a  Jewel tool that allows one to read or write a tag data
       to/from a DUMP file.

       Jewel tag by Broadcom, previously Innovision, uses a binary Dump file to
       store data for all sectors.

       Be cautious that some parts of a Jewel memory can be written  only  once
       and  some parts are used as lock bits, so please read the tag documenta-
       tion before experimenting too much!

       r | w Perform read from ( r ) or write to ( w ) card.

       DUMP   JeWel Dump (JWD) used to write (card to JWD) or (JWD to card)

       Please report any bugs on the libnfc issue tracker at:

       libnfc is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public  License  (LGPL),
       version 3.
       libnfc-utils and libnfc-examples are covered by the the BSD 2-Clause li-

       Roel Verdult <[email protected]>,
       Romuald Conty <[email protected]>.

       This  manual page was written by Romuald Conty <[email protected]>.  It
       is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL (version 2 or later).

libnfc                            Feb 02, 2014                     nfc-jewel(1)


List NFC targets

root@kali:~# nfc-list -h
nfc-list uses libnfc 1.8.0
usage: nfc-list [-v] [-t X]
  -v	 verbose display
  -t X	 poll only for types according to bitfield X:
	   1: ISO14443A
	   2: Felica (212 kbps)
	   4: Felica (424 kbps)
	   8: ISO14443B
	  16: ISO14443B'
	  32: ISO14443B-2 ST SRx
	  64: ISO14443B-2 ASK CTx
	 128: ISO14443B iClass
	 256: ISO14443A-3 Jewel
	 512: ISO14443A-2 NFC Barcode
	So 1023 (default) polls for all types.
	Note that if 16, 32, 64 or 128 then 8 is selected too.


MIFARE Classic command line tool

root@kali:~# nfc-mfclassic -h
Usage: nfc-mfclassic f|r|R|w|W a|b u|U<01ab23cd> <dump.mfd> [<keys.mfd> [f]]
  f|r|R|w|W     - Perform format (f) or read from (r) or unlocked read from (R) or write to (w) or unlocked write to (W) card
                  *** format will reset all keys to FFFFFFFFFFFF and all data to 00 and all ACLs to default
                  *** unlocked read does not require authentication and will reveal A and B keys
                  *** note that unlocked write will attempt to overwrite block 0 including UID
                  *** unlocking only works with special Mifare 1K cards (Chinese clones)
  a|A|b|B       - Use A or B keys for action; Halt on errors (a|b) or tolerate errors (A|B)
  u|U           - Use any (u) uid or supply a uid specifically as U01ab23cd.
  <dump.mfd>    - MiFare Dump (MFD) used to write (card to MFD) or (MFD to card)
  <keys.mfd>    - MiFare Dump (MFD) that contain the keys (optional)
  f             - Force using the keyfile even if UID does not match (optional)

  Read card to file, using key A:

    nfc-mfclassic r a u mycard.mfd

  Write file to blank card, using key A:

    nfc-mfclassic w a u mycard.mfd

  Write new data and/or keys to previously written card, using key A:

    nfc-mfclassic w a u newdata.mfd mycard.mfd

  Format/wipe card (note two passes required to ensure writes for all ACL cases):

    nfc-mfclassic f A u dummy.mfd keyfile.mfd f
    nfc-mfclassic f B u dummy.mfd keyfile.mfd f

  Read card to file, using key A and uid 0x01 0xab 0x23 0xcd:

    nfc-mfclassic r a U01ab23cd mycard.mfd


MIFARE Ultralight command line tool

root@kali:~# nfc-mfultralight -h
Usage: nfc-mfultralight r|w <dump.mfd> [OPTIONS]
	r|w                 - Perform read or write
	<dump.mfd>          - MiFare Dump (MFD) used to write (card to MFD) or (MFD to card)
	--otp               - Don't prompt for OTP Bytes writing (Assume yes)
	--lock              - Don't prompt for Lock Bytes (OTP) writing (Assume yes)
	--dynlock           - Don't prompt for Dynamic Lock Bytes writing (Assume yes)
	--uid               - Don't prompt for UID writing (Assume yes)
	--full              - Assume full card write (UID + OTP + Lockbytes + Dynamic Lockbytes)
	--with-uid <UID>    - Specify UID to read/write from
	--pw <PWD>          - Specify 8 HEX digit PASSWORD for EV1
	--partial           - Allow source data size to be other than tag capacity


Extract NDEF Message from a NFC Forum Tag Type 3

root@kali:~# nfc-read-forum-tag3 -h
usage: nfc-read-forum-tag3 [-q] -o FILE

  -o FILE    Extract NDEF message if available in FILE
  -o -       Extract NDEF message if available to stdout
  -q         Be quiet, don't display Attribute Block parsing info


Relay demonstration tool for ISO14443-4

root@kali:~# nfc-relay-picc -h
Usage: nfc-relay-picc [OPTIONS]
	-h	Help. Print this message.
	-q	Quiet mode. Suppress printing of relayed data (improves timing).
	-t	Target mode only (the one on reader side). Data expected from FD3 to FD4.
	-i	Initiator mode only (the one on tag side). Data expected from FD3 to FD4.
	-s	Swap roles of found devices.
	-n N	Adds a waiting time of N seconds (integer) in the relay to mimic long distance.


Scan NFC devices

root@kali:~# nfc-scan-device -h
Usage: nfc-scan-device [OPTIONS]
	-h	Print this help message.
	-v	Set verbose display.
	-i	Allow intrusive scan.


libnfc is a library for Near Field Communication. It abstracts the low-level details of communicating with the devices away behind an easy-to-use high-level API. It supports most hardware based on the NXP PN531, PN532 or PN533 controller chips.

This package contains the header and development files needed to build programs and packages using libnfc.

Installed size: 352 KB
How to install: sudo apt install libnfc-dev

  • libnfc6
  • libusb-dev


libnfc is a library for Near Field Communication. It abstracts the low-level details of communicating with the devices away behind an easy-to-use high-level API. It supports most hardware based on the NXP PN531, PN532 or PN533 controller chips.

Some examples are provided with libnfc for debugging and/or educational purposes (nfc-anticol, nfc-emulate, etc.).

Installed size: 179 KB
How to install: sudo apt install libnfc-examples

  • libc6
  • libnfc6

Demonstration of NFC anti-collision command line tool based on libnfc

root@kali:~# nfc-anticol -h
Usage: nfc-anticol [OPTIONS]
	-h	Help. Print this message.
	-q	Quiet mode. Suppress output of READER and EMULATOR data (improves timing).
	-f	Force RATS.
	-t	Measure response time (in cycles).


Demonstration tool to send/received data as D.E.P. initiator

root@kali:~# nfc-dep-initiator -h
Usage: nfc-dep-initiator


Demonstration tool to send/received data as D.E.P. target

root@kali:~# nfc-dep-target -h
Usage: nfc-dep-target


NFC Forum tag type 2 emulation command line demonstration tool

root@kali:~# man nfc-emulate-forum-tag2

       nfc-emulate-forum-tag2  --  NFC  Forum tag type 2 emulation command line
       demonstration tool


       nfc-emulate-forum-tag2 is a demonstration tool that emulates a NFC-Forum
       Tag Type 2 with NDEF content.

       Some devices compliant with NFC-Forum Tag Type 2 can be used  with  this
       example, in read mode only.

       This  example  has been developed using PN533 USB hardware as target and
       Google Nexus S phone as initiator.

       This is know to NOT work with Nokia 6212 Classic  and  could  fail  with
       several NFC Forum compliant devices due to the following reasons:

       -  The emulated target has only a 4-byte UID while most devices assume a
       Tag Type 2 has always a 7-byte UID (as a real Mifare Ultralight tag);

       - The chip is emulating an ISO/IEC 14443-3  tag,  without  any  hardware
       helper.   If  the  initiator have too strict timeouts for software-based
       emulation (which is usually the case), this example will fail.  This  is
       not a bug and we can't do anything using this hardware (PN531/PN533).

       ACR122  devices  (like touchatag, etc.) can be used by this example, but
       if something goes wrong, you will have  to  unplug/replug  your  device.
       This is not a libnfc's bug, this problem is due to ACR122's internal MCU
       in front of NFC chip (PN532).

       Please   report   any   bugs   on   the   libnfc   issue   tracker   at:

       libnfc is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public  License  (LGPL),
       version  3.   libnfc-utils  and  libnfc-examples  are covered by the BSD
       2-Clause license.

       Roel Verdult <[email protected]>
       Romain Tartiere <[email protected]>
       Romuald Conty <[email protected]>

       This manual page was written by Romuald Conty.  It is licensed under the
       terms of the GNU GPL (version 2 or later).

                               September 19, 2012     NFC-EMULATE-FORUM-TAG2(1)


Simple tag emulation command line demonstration tool

root@kali:~# man nfc-emulate-tag
nfc-emulate-tag(1)             libnfc's examples             nfc-emulate-tag(1)

       nfc-emulate-tag - Simple tag emulation command line demonstration tool


       nfc-emulate-tag is a simple tag emulation tool that demonstrates how em-
       ulation can be done using libnfc.

       Currently, this tool partially emulates a Mifare Mini: it is detected as
       Mifare  Mini but internal MIFARE proprietary commands are not yet imple-

       To be able to emulate a target, there are two main parts:
        - communication: handle modulation, anticollision, etc.
        - computation: process commands (input) and produce results (output).

       This demonstration tool proposes a logical structure to handle  communi-
       cation and a simple function to deal with computation.

       To  improve  the  target capabilities, we can now implement more allowed
       commands in a single function: target_io()

       Please note that, due to timing issues, it is very difficult  to  imple-
       ment  an  ISO14443-4  tag this way: RATS request expects a quick ATS an-
       swer. By the way, even if you implement another kind of tag, timing  is-
       sues  are  often  the source of problems like CRC or parity errors.  The
       OmniKey CardMan 5321 is known to be very large on timings and is a  good
       choice  if  you  want  to  experiment with this emulator with a tolerant

       ACR122 devices (like touchatag, etc.) can be used by this example  (with
       probably  timing  issue),  but if something goes wrong, you will have to
       unplug/replug your device. This is not a libnfc's bug, this  problem  is
       due to ACR122's internal MCU in front of NFC chip (PN532).

       Please report any bugs on the libnfc issue tracker at:

       libnfc  is  licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL),
       version 3.
       libnfc-utils and libnfc-examples are covered by the the BSD 2-Clause li-

       Romuald Conty <[email protected]>

       This manual page was written by Romuald Conty <[email protected]>.   It
       is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL (version 2 or later).

libnfc                          October 8, 2010              nfc-emulate-tag(1)


NFC target emulation command line tool based on libnfc

root@kali:~# nfc-emulate-uid -h
Usage: nfc-emulate-uid [OPTIONS] [UID]
	-h	Help. Print this message.
	-q	Quiet mode. Silent output: received and sent frames will not be shown (improves timing).

	[UID]	UID to emulate, specified as 8 HEX digits (default is DEADBEEF).


MIFARE 1K special card UID setting and recovery tool

root@kali:~# nfc-mfsetuid -h
Usage: nfc-mfsetuid [OPTIONS] [UID|BLOCK0]
	-h	Help. Print this message.
	-f	Format. Delete all data (set to 0xFF) and reset ACLs to default.
	-q	Quiet mode. Suppress output of READER and CARD data (improves timing).

	Specify UID (4 HEX bytes) to set UID, or leave blank for default '01234567'.

	Specify BLOCK0 (16 HEX bytes) to set content of Block0. CRC (Byte 4) is recalculated an overwritten'.
	This utility can be used to recover cards that have been damaged by writing bad
	data (e.g. wrong BCC), thus making them non-selectable by most tools/readers.

	*** Note: this utility only works with special Mifare 1K cards (Chinese clones).


Poll first available NFC target

root@kali:~# nfc-poll -h
nfc-poll uses libnfc 1.8.0
usage: nfc-poll [-v]
  -v	 verbose display


Relay attack command line tool based on libnfc

root@kali:~# nfc-relay -h
Usage: nfc-relay [OPTIONS]
	-h	Help. Print this message.
	-q	Quiet mode. Suppress output of READER and EMULATOR data (improves timing).


libnfc is a library for Near Field Communication. It abstracts the low-level details of communicating with the devices away behind an easy-to-use high-level API. It supports most hardware based on the NXP PN531, PN532 or PN533 controller chips.

Some PN53x-only examples are provided with libnfc for debugging and/or educational purposes (pn53x-sam, pn53x-tamashell, etc.).

Installed size: 83 KB
How to install: sudo apt install libnfc-pn53x-examples

  • libc6
  • libnfc6

PN53x diagnose tool

root@kali:~# pn53x-diagnose -h
Usage: pn53x-diagnose


PN53x SAM communication demonstration tool

root@kali:~# man pn53x-sam
pn53x-sam(1)                   libnfc's examples                   pn53x-sam(1)

       pn53x-sam - PN53x SAM communication demonstration tool


       pn53x-sam  is  a  utility attempt to test a simple connection with a SAM
       (Secure Access Module) in several modes.

       To run this utility you must have a SAM (like the  NXP's  P5CN072  chip)
       successfully connected to your PN53x chip.

       Warning:  the SAM inside a Touchatag/ACR122U  is not hooked to the PN532
       but to the intermediate  controller  so  pn53x-sam  won't  work  with  a

       Please report any bugs on the libnfc issue tracker at:

       libnfc  is  licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL),
       version 3.
       libnfc-utils and libnfc-examples are covered by the the BSD 2-Clause li-

       Emanuele Bertoldi <[email protected]>

       This    manual    page    was    written    by     Emanuele     Bertoldi
       <[email protected]>.   It  is  licensed under the terms of the
       GNU GPL (version 2 or later).

libnfc                           June 15, 2010                     pn53x-sam(1)


PN53x TAMA communication demonstration shell

root@kali:~# man pn53x-tamashell
pn53x-tamashell(1)          General Commands Manual          pn53x-tamashell(1)

       pn53x-tamashell - PN53x TAMA communication demonstration shell

       pn53x-tamashell [script]

       pn53x-tamashell is a simple interactive tool to send so called TAMA com-
       mands and receive the answers.  TAMA refers to the command set supported
       by the PN53x family.  Messages are binary and the shell expects hexadec-
       imal  notation.   TAMA  commands and responses prefixes (0xD4/0xD5), CRC
       and any framing above are handled transparently.

       You can use the shell interactively (with readline support) or  you  can
       write your own script file consisting in commands and comments (anything
       that  starts with ";", "#" or "//").  Spaces are ignored and can be used
       for readability.

       Shebang is supported, simply start your script with:
        #!/usr/bin/env pn53x-tamashell

       p N to introduce a pause of N milliseconds.

       q or Ctrl-d to quit.

       GetFirmware command is D4 02, so one has just to send the command "02":

        $ pn53x-tamashell
        Connected to NFC reader: SCM Micro/SCL3711-NFC&RW - PN533 v2.7 (0x07)
        > 02
        Tx: 02
        Rx: 33  02  07  07
        > 40
        Tx: 40
        Rx: Command Not Acceptable
        > q

       Same thing, with a script:

        $ pn53x-tamashell << EOF
        // This is a comment
        02 // GetFirmware
        40 // Command with missing arguments

        Connected to NFC reader: SCM Micro/SCL3711-NFC&RW - PN533 v2.7 (0x07)
        > // This is a comment
        > 02 // GetFirmware
        Tx: 02
        Rx: 33  02  07  07
        > 40 // Command with missing arguments
        Tx: 40
        Rx: Command Not Acceptable
        > Bye!

       script Script file with tama commands

       Please report any bugs on the libnfc issue tracker at:

       libnfc is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public  License  (LGPL),
       version 3.
       libnfc-utils and libnfc-examples are covered by the the BSD 2-Clause li-

       This  manual  page is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL (version 2
       or later).

                               September 15, 2010            pn53x-tamashell(1)


libnfc is a library for Near Field Communication. It abstracts the low-level details of communicating with the devices away behind an easy-to-use high-level API. It supports most hardware based on the NXP PN531, PN532 or PN533 controller chips.

This package contains the runtime library files needed to run software using libnfc.

Installed size: 201 KB
How to install: sudo apt install libnfc6

  • libc6
  • libusb-0.1-4

Updated on: 2024-May-23