Packages and Binaries:


smali/baksmali is an assembler/disassembler for the dex format used by dalvik, Android’s Java VM implementation. The syntax is loosely based on Jasmin’s/dedexer’s syntax and supports the full functionality of the dex format like annotations, debug info and line info.

Installed size: 1.57 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libsmali-java

  • java-wrappers
  • libantlr3-runtime-java
  • libguava-java
  • libjcommander-java
root@kali:~# baksmali -h
usage: baksmali [--version] [--help] [<command [<args>]]

  --help,-h,-? - Show usage information
  --version,-v - Print the version of baksmali and then exit

  deodex(de,x) - Deodexes an odex/oat file
  disassemble(dis,d) - Disassembles a dex file.
  dump(du) - Prints an annotated hex dump for the given dex file
  help(h) - Shows usage information
  list(l) - Lists various objects in a dex file.

See baksmali help <command> for more information about a specific command

root@kali:~# smali -h
usage: smali [-v] [-h] [<command [<args>]]

  -h,-?,--help - Show usage information
  -v,--version - Print the version of baksmali and then exit

  assemble(ass,as,a) - Assembles smali files into a dex file.
  help(h) - Shows usage information

See smali help <command> for more information about a specific command

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14