Packages and Binaries:


This package contains a simple high-performance DNS stub resolver targeting those who seek to resolve a massive amount of domain names in the order of millions or even billions. Without special configuration, MassDNS is capable of resolving over 350,000 names per second using publicly available resolvers.

Installed size: 101 KB
How to install: sudo apt install massdns

  • libc6
root@kali:~# massdns -h
Usage: massdns [options] [domainlist]
  -b  --bindto           Bind to IP address and port. (Default:
      --busy-poll        Use busy-wait polling instead of epoll.
  -c  --resolve-count    Number of resolves for a name before giving up. (Default: 50)
      --drop-group       Group to drop privileges to when running as root. (Default: nogroup)
      --drop-user        User to drop privileges to when running as root. (Default: nobody)
      --filter           Only output packets with the specified response code.
      --flush            Flush the output file whenever a response was received.
  -h  --help             Show this help.
      --ignore           Do not output packets with the specified response code.
  -i  --interval         Interval in milliseconds to wait between multiple resolves of the same
                         domain. (Default: 500)
  -l  --error-log        Error log file path. (Default: /dev/stderr)
      --norecurse        Use non-recursive queries. Useful for DNS cache snooping.
  -o  --output           Flags for output formatting.
      --predictable      Use resolvers incrementally. Useful for resolver tests.
      --processes        Number of processes to be used for resolving. (Default: 1)
  -q  --quiet            Quiet mode.
      --rcvbuf           Size of the receive buffer in bytes.
      --retry            Unacceptable DNS response codes. (Default: REFUSED)
  -r  --resolvers        Text file containing DNS resolvers.
      --root             Do not drop privileges when running as root. Not recommended.
  -s  --hashmap-size     Number of concurrent lookups. (Default: 10000)
      --sndbuf           Size of the send buffer in bytes.
      --status-format    Format for real-time status updates, json or ansi (Default: ansi)
      --sticky           Do not switch the resolver when retrying.
      --socket-count     Socket count per process. (Default: 1)
  -t  --type             Record type to be resolved. (Default: A)
      --verify-ip        Verify IP addresses of incoming replies.
  -w  --outfile          Write to the specified output file instead of standard output.

Output flags:
  S - simple text output
  F - full text output
  B - binary output
  J - ndjson output

Advanced flags for the simple output mode:
  d - Include records from the additional section.
  i - Indent any reply record.
  l - Separate replies using a line feed.
  m - Only output reply records that match the question name.
  n - Include records from the answer section.
  q - Print the question.
  r - Print the question with resolver IP address, Unix timestamp and return code prepended.
  s - Separate packet sections using a line feed.
  t - Include TTL and record class within the output.
  u - Include records from the authority section.

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14