Packages and Binaries:


This package contains a port scanning tool written in Go that allows you to enumerate valid ports for hosts in a fast and reliable manner. It is a really simple tool that does fast SYN/CONNECT scans on the host/list of hosts and lists all ports that return a reply. Main features are:

  • Fast And Simple SYN/CONNECT probe based scanning.
  • Optimized for ease of use and lightweight on resources
  • Automatic handling of duplicate hosts between multiple subdomains
  • NMAP Integration for service discovery
  • Piped input / output support for integrating in workflows
  • Multiple Output formats supported (JSON, File, Stdout)
  • Multiple input support including HOST/IP/CIDR notation

Installed size: 11.44 MB
How to install: sudo apt install naabu

  • libc6
  • libpcap0.8
root@kali:~# naabu -h
Naabu is a port scanning tool written in Go that allows you to enumerate open ports for hosts in a fast and reliable manner.

  naabu [flags]

   -host string                Host to scan ports for
   -list, -l string            File containing list of hosts to scan ports
   -exclude-hosts, -eh string  Specifies a comma-separated list of targets to be excluded from the scan (ip, cidr)
   -exclude-file, -ef string   Specifies a newline-delimited file with targets to be excluded from the scan (ip, cidr)
   -port, -p string            Ports to scan (80, 80,443, 100-200
   -top-ports, -tp string      Top Ports to scan (default top 100)
   -exclude-ports, -ep string  Ports to exclude from scan
   -ports-file, -pf string     File containing ports to scan for
   -exclude-cdn, -ec           Skip full port scans for CDNs (only checks for 80,443)
   -c int     General internal worker threads (default 25)
   -rate int  Rate of port scan probe request (default 1000)
   -o, -output string  File to write output to (optional)
   -json               Write output in JSON lines Format
   -scan-all-ips          Scan all the ips
   -scan-type, -s string  Port scan type (SYN/CONNECT) (default "s")
   -source-ip string      Source Ip
   -interface-list, -il   List available interfaces and public ip
   -interface, -i string  Network Interface to use for port scan
   -nmap                  Invoke nmap scan on targets (nmap must be installed) - Deprecated
   -nmap-cli string       nmap command to run on found results (example: -nmap-cli 'nmap -sV')
   -r string              Custom resolvers to use to resolve DNS names (comma separated or from file)
   -retries int       Number of retries for the port scan probe (default 3)
   -timeout int       Millisecond to wait before timing out (default 1000)
   -warm-up-time int  Time in seconds between scan phases (default 2)
   -ping              Use ping probes for verification of host
   -verify            Validate the ports again with TCP verification
   -debug          Enable debugging information
   -v              Show Verbose output
   -no-color, -nc  Don't Use colors in output
   -silent         Show found ports only in output
   -version        Show version of naabu
   -stats          Display stats of the running scan

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14