Packages and Binaries:


This package contains the ODAT (Oracle Database Attacking Tool), an open source penetration testing tool that tests the security of Oracle Databases remotely.

Usage examples of ODAT:

  • You have an Oracle database listening remotely and want to find valid SIDs and credentials in order to connect to the database
  • You have a valid Oracle account on a database and want to escalate your privileges to become DBA or SYSDBA
  • You have a Oracle account and you want to execute system commands (e.g. reverse shell) in order to move forward on the operating system hosting the database

Installed size: 511 KB
How to install: sudo apt install odat

  • oracle-instantclient-basic
  • oracle-instantclient-devel
  • python3
  • python3-argcomplete
  • python3-colorlog
  • python3-cx-oracle
  • python3-libnmap
  • python3-passlib
  • python3-pycryptodome
  • python3-scapy
  • python3-termcolor
root@kali:~# odat -h
usage: [-h] [--version]

            _  __   _  ___ 
           / \|  \ / \|_ _|
          ( o ) o ) o || | 
  _        __           _           ___ 
 / \      |  \         / \         |_ _|
( o )       o )         o |         | | 
 \_/racle |__/atabase |_n_|ttacking |_|ool 

By Quentin Hardy ([email protected] or [email protected])

positional arguments:
                      Choose a main command
    all               to run all modules in order to know what it is possible to do
    tnscmd            to communicate with the TNS listener
    tnspoison         to exploit TNS poisoning attack (SID required)
    sidguesser        to know valid SIDs
    snguesser         to know valid Service Name(s)
    passwordguesser   to know valid credentials
    utlhttp           to send HTTP requests or to scan ports
    httpuritype       to send HTTP requests or to scan ports
    utltcp            to scan ports
    ctxsys            to read files
    externaltable     to read files or to execute system commands/scripts
    dbmsxslprocessor  to upload files
    dbmsadvisor       to upload files
    utlfile           to download/upload/delete files
    dbmsscheduler     to execute system commands without a standard output
    java              to execute system commands
    passwordstealer   to get hashed Oracle passwords
    oradbg            to execute a bin or script
    dbmslob           to download files
    stealremotepwds   to steal hashed passwords thanks an authentication sniffing (CVE-2012-3137)
    userlikepwd       to try each Oracle username stored in the DB like the corresponding pwd
    smb               to capture the SMB authentication
    privesc           to gain elevated access
    cve               to exploit a CVE
    search            to search in databases, tables and columns
    unwrapper         to unwrap PL/SQL source code (no for 9i version)
    clean             clean traces and logs

  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --version           show program's version number and exit

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14