Packages and Binaries:


The purpose of this test-suite is to evaluate implementation level security and robustness of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) implementations.

Installed size: 2.15 MB
How to install: sudo apt install protos-sip

  • default-jre
  • java-wrappers
root@kali:~# protos-sip -h
Usage java -jar <jarfile>.jar [ [OPTIONS] | -touri <SIP-URI> ]

  -touri  <addr>        Recipient of the request
                        Example: <addr> : [email protected]
  -fromuri <addr>       Initiator of the request
                        Default: user@kali
  -sendto <domain>      Send packets to <domain> instead of
                        domainname of -touri
  -callid <callid>      Call id to start test-case call ids from
                        Default: 0
  -dport <port>         Portnumber to send packets on host.
                        Default: 5060
  -lport <port>         Local portnumber to send packets from
                        Default: 5060
  -delay <ms>           Time to wait before sending new test-case
                        Defaults to 100 ms (milliseconds)
  -replywait <ms>       Maximum time to wait for host to reply
                        Defaults to 100 ms (milliseconds)
  -file <file>          Send file <file> instead of test-case(s)
  -help                 Display this help
  -jarfile <file>       Get data from an alternate bugcat
                        JAR-file <file>
  -showreply            Show received packets
  -showsent             Show sent packets
  -teardown             Send CANCEL/ACK
  -single <index>       Inject a single test-case <index>
  -start <index>        Inject test-cases starting from <index>
  -stop <index>         Stop test-case injection to <index>
  -maxpdusize <int>     Maximum PDU size
                        Default to 65507 bytes
  -validcase            Send valid case (case #0) after each
                        test-case and wait for a response. May
                        be used to check if the target is still
                        responding. Default: off

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14