Tool Documentation:

sfuzz Usage Example

Fuzz the target server (-S on port 10443 (-p 10443) with TCP output mode (-T), using the basic HTTP config (-f /usr/share/sfuzz/sfuzz-sample/basic.http):

root@kali:~# sfuzz -S -p 10443 -T -f /usr/share/sfuzz/sfuzz-sample/basic.http
[12:53:47] dumping options:
    filename: </usr/share/sfuzz/sfuzz-sample/basic.http>
    state:    <8>
    lineno:   <56>
    literals:  [74]
    sequences: [34]
    symbols: [0]
    req_del:  <200>
    mseq_len: <10024>
    plugin: <none>
    s_syms: <0>
    literal[1] = [AREALLYBADSTRING]

Packages and Binaries:


In the same vein as the Generic Protocol Framework, sfuzz is a really simple to use black box testing suite called Simple Fuzzer (what else would you expect?). The goal is to provide a simple to use, but fairly powerful and flexible black box testing utility.

Installed size: 191 KB
How to install: sudo apt install sfuzz

  • libc6
root@kali:~# sfo -h
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1465571].
[1465571] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1465689].
[1465689] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1465849].
[1465849] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1465989].
[1465989] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1466158].
[1466158] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1466300].
[1466300] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1466478].
[1466478] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1466565].
[1466565] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1466686].
[1466686] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1466861].
[1466861] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1467041].
[1467041] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1467169].
[1467169] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1467342].
[1467342] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1467482].
[1467482] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1467604].
[1467604] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1467690].
[1467690] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1467852].
[1467852] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1468025].
[1468025] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1468188].
[1468188] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1468358].
[1468358] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1468515].
[1468515] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1468676].
[1468676] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1468831].
[1468831] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1469000].
[1469000] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1469142].
[1469142] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1469300].
[1469300] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1469474].
[1469474] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting to spawn a monitored task.
[SFUZZ-ORACLE] attached [1469661].
[1469661] Exited (possibly normal), status[255]
 [sfo] === spawning!
[] Attempting t

root@kali:~# sfuzz -h
		Simple Fuzzer
By:	 Aaron Conole
version: 0.7.0
EMAIL:	 [email protected]
Build-prefix: /usr
	-h	 This message.
	-V	 Version information.

networking / output:
	-v	 Verbose output
	-q	 Silent output mode (generally for CLI fuzzing)
	-X	 prints the output in hex

	-b	 Begin fuzzing at the test specified.
	-e	 End testing on failure.
	-t	 Wait time for reading the socket
	-S	 Remote host
	-p	 Port
	-T|-U|-O TCP|UDP|Output mode
	-R	 Refrain from closing connections (ie: "leak" them)

	-f	 Config File
	-L	 Log file
	-n	 Create a new logfile after each fuzz
	-r	 Trim the tailing newline
	-D	 Define a symbol and value (X=y).
	-l	 Only perform literal fuzzing
	-s	 Only perform sequence fuzzing

Updated on: 2024-Aug-14